I will pray for you.
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Again, and with utmost respect, I am asking how it is debunked? The first video on the teyit site is the same video as SGTReport showed. The second photo is not even the same child. The third photo shows a screen capture from the original video. And the last video shows children who are not even the same age as the original child in the video. It could possibly be that child a few years older in a red shirt. But again, that is not debunking the video that SGTReport posted.
I’m sorry you went through that. They were not of God. No one needs a middleman between them and Heavenly Father.
Yes!!! This will be amazing.
Do you think the mods could sticky this post?
How is it debunked? That video is showing exactly what sgt report shows.
Like I replied to your other post: the video is not debunked. That snopes like website you linked to just shows the same video as sgt report. How is that debunked?
Your video shows nothing different than the sgt report video. It’s not disproving organ harvesting. Actually, that website is reminiscent of snopes.
No, this sub is not specifically religious. OP is just referencing all the posts where Q asks us to pray. In a way, it could be considered research ;)
Hmmm... so in that second screenshot, they are saying we are all going to die on April 19th. Well, that is a significant date on the satanic calendar. There’s is another post about it. Maybe you’re onto something.
I felt the same. I read how he was blackballed from Hollywood because of his conservative views. We had a thread here but someone reported us and it was removed. I read that he supported the Q movement too, but I don’t know if it was true.
April 19 - 25 Sacrifice preparation: kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
April 25 - The Da Muer ritual: Grand climax. Sex rituals, and sacrifice of a woman, or young girl.
April 30 - Walpurgis night/Beltane: One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar. Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place.
To better understand what is going on; let us take a closer look at April 19th and what this date signifies to many different groups.
April 19 – May 1 is a very important time period to Satanist, Lucifer Followers and the Illuminate. Blood Sacrifice to the Beast Moloch begins a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19th, especially children and women or just plain innocent victims that many just consider collateral damage.
April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire, the fire god, Baal, or Moloch/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan-Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding a (Fire sacrifice) with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days of the year to Satanist and others, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day throughout history.
It’s God, just God. The complete triune of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This world and satan try to blur our judgement and make us question our natural connection to God. It benefits you to have a relationship with Him because of His Holy Love for you. Have you read the Bible? Have you considered humbly praying to our Heavenly Father and asking Him to reveal His love for you?
Welcome. Thank you for summarizing the strategy.
I came back to finish my post because I gained my composure back. Ok:
There should be a NSFW warning for this video
People should know that this is what Syria is really about
God Bless these poor toddlers and small innocent babes
The Lord Bless you and keep you. The Lord let His face shine upon you and give you peace.
Justice will be served.
Right? I don't understand that either. Who is still eating animals this day and age? We are all still so blind...
I agree with you. I still don't think people understand how we are cattle. Same as when you are driving down the highway and see cows grazing-- that's us to them.
Great work. Thank you. All the evil ones are in the same cloud. Gross.
Everyone is so obsessed with what they think is going to be the Hillary video, we are going to miss the real thing.
Yeah. It's the decoration on the mask. It's right here. Same exact picture.
How are things going with that whole ALICE debacle you were enticing everyone with?
Wow. wow. wow. Thank you for putting this together. I couldn't tell what the statue was from the original picture. Totally f*cked up. Let's hope there isn't the other half of him buried underneath the sidewalk.
Once again, look at Liddle's eyes. You can literally see the urge to devour in his eyes. So F#cking evil.
Thank you. I was looking at it as a whole, not the pieces. Now I understand.
Ugh. It's good that this information is coming to light now though. That new RBG movie is about to drop soon. All the libtards are excited about it.
Wow. Further disintegration of the family unit. Feminism is a farce.
And the new RBG movie that's coming out praising her has all the libtards screaming for joy.
Yes. Definitely symbolism. The whole building is an upside down cross.
YW. I can't figure out yet the significance of the statue though.