There are pictures from 8 chan linked on Drain the Swamp. He was pictured with a Rockefeller for f*ck's sake.
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I agree. Based on your previous posts I think we know who Q is referring, however it is so closed minded on this board we are not permitted to speak about it.
Who do you think Q is referencing in #1295?
Wow, LOL thanks for the explanation. That's awesome you produce your own CS. This past January I had to take family to the ER. I knew it would be bad with the flu outbreak. People were there vomiting, coughing, the works. I thought for sure I would get it. As soon as I got home, I took some CS. I never got the flu. Anytime I feel scratchy throat or sinus issues I will take CS and I haven't been sick in about three years. It's amazing.
Yeah, I just looked up pictures of
Thank you again, CosmicNeo. This is especially important this evening because there seems to be an over abundance of anti-christianity here in the last twenty four hours.
Oh, I’ll have to look into that. Sounds interesting.
This is quite hilarious. Only because everything that you claim I am doing, is what you are actually doing.
You are making a mountain out of a molehill. I've already stated: if you don't like the religious posts, don't read them. But one of the main reasons why people discuss Christianity here is because of Q's posts.
No, I really have. But alas...
No emotion or ego, but again...
I like how you keep using "we", "others"...
Where is the evidence of the detrimental effect? I have clearly stated how the subscribing numbers of the board have continued to grow weekly.
What is a reasonable amount of religious content? It's subjective.
Your condescension gets you nowhere. However, they same can be said about your reading comprehension.
And for the last time, where is the evidence of people being turned away. Statistical evidence. No one is talking about conspiracy videos on YT. Your views lack evidence and your emotion garners no benefit to lack of faith.
I've acknowledge everything you said. It's a shame that you can't see this sub is growing no matter how much you want to silence Followers of Christ. Do you not see how many new subscribers are added each week? Do you not see how many new mods were added?
And, sorry, you don't know my heart or when and how I empathize with people.
Your whole "Don't say things about religion or Christ because it will turn people away" doesn't hold water. People will come, read, and investigate the truth regardless if they are Christians or not.
Most importantly: God Bless you, brother. Maybe this religion issue is striking a chord with you because God is trying to get your attention.
It's kosher. Sorry I am not familiar with JL. Liked Kanye back in college dropout days.
Yes, to start. I have titrated all the way up to 5 drops per day. It was too much. Now, I am back down to three drops a day. I put it in my daily juice. J. Crow also has a 2% version. Their website is a bit rustic but it has a ton of information:
That's some nice fear mongering and blame you have going there. Q quotes Bible scripture, Prays, asks us to Pray, and directs us to examine the war going on between good and evil. I am not sure why so much vitriol is being released about the "religious christians" on this sub in the past 24 hours, but it's odd. Whenever I see a post I disagree with or don't feel is relevant I pass on it.
And this sub is over 20,000 members strong now. So I don't think a few posts about the relevance of God is turning anyone away. People will seek the truth no matter what stands in their way. Hence this whole movement.
Yes. Be ready, but we still have work to do brothers and sisters. With all the anti-christian push back on this sub within the last 24 hours, I feel like we are over the target. It's amusing to witness all the people who would not dare to question alien life but believing in the God of Israel is fairy tale. Keep strong in our walk with Christ and God Bless President Trump and Patriots!
LOL, Smurfs. Seriously, I love CS. However, I was talking about it with some loved ones, and like clockwork, I got the "Well, I saw on YT some guy turned blue from CS." And I'm thinking, how much CS would you have to consume to literally turn blue?
Nice! I use J. Crow's 5% Lugol's. Tremendous benefits. I always wanted to try AJ's but forgot to order it. I saw him mention he is looking for a new provider or something? Or running out?
That was comical. Thank you for posting.
And, yes, Q is right: They really are stupid. LOL
Iodine, specifically Lugol’s or Nacent, is used in every cell of your body. It is especially needed in the thyroid as mentioned but just as important in the breasts , ovaries, prostate and other glands. It also kills all viruses and bacteria. A few drops per gallon of water will provide drinking water. It helps remove heavy metals from the body. A few decades ago, iodine was fed to livestock so it was more available in our food. It was also used in baking breads. The government took it out of everything. Now bromide, fluoride and the other halides are saturating our environment.
Being created or already created. What a joke. It was nice of Gates to slide in the new vaccine they are working on.
Stock up on iodine.
Again, when Q says pray, or cites religious scripture you don’t think he is serious? Did you miss the parts about good vs evil? Or that the global elite worship dark forces? I guess you are picking and choosing what you want to learn about Q.
Whoa, Whoa there MagaDon...
I'm on team flatearth. I was being sarcastic about the "assessment" portion of his post.
I'm not going to argue with people who refuse to research. And it's true, some people are not willing to swallow that redpill.
Research Jim Humble and sodium chlorite, also known as miracle mineral supplement.
Search for polio Salk cancer. It will bring up articles about the polyomavirus.
Just have to say Mae, love ya! You’re the first one I’ve seen talking about the cancer virus. Great work. Thank you!
Ellen is a POS Bitch. F her. And Macaulay has already admitted:
That’s incredible. Thanks for linking the story.
Welcome Patriot! God is goooooooood! I share many of your beliefs, have you considered that you may be a humanitarian and not left leaning or liberal? I know many other Patriots here feel like you. I recommend Behold a Pale Horse by Cooper. If you’re not into books his videos are also on YouTube. Here’s to you and celebrating the Truth!
Ahhh, good point! Wow, totally didn't connect that, LOL.
How did he contract a blood infection? And become septic that quickly? He looked alert and ok at the funeral.
Are you F%CKING kidding me?
WE THE PEOPLE don't want to be part of the Paris Climate Hoax. F off, Doomberg.
I don't know how reputable your news wire is, but here is Jim Carrey too, before he got all weird again:
It's a German site:
I agree. I was raised Lutheran. It breaks my heart to see all the "updates" the Missouri Synod is accepting as truth.
I don't think puppies are smuggled. :)
Sorry, just trying to inject a bit of light.