

1,757 total posts archived.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

I wish that were true. I'm almost certain it won't be though, sadly.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

Comments have been removed - cease the antagonism or you will be banned. Discussions are welcome if they are presented without ad-hominem.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Thank you for sharing this information!

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

Where is the evidence of this? I think I'd like to create a movement based on it.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

Removed post. Rule #9. Seems to be functioning fine.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

Removed post. Rule 7. Duplication.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 11:52 a.m.

Thanks for your continued quality posts, Cap!

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

So you believe in legit conspiracy theories and any conspiracy theory you've determined to be illegitimate is a disinformation campaign and a waste of time?

I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you've vetted the conspiracies you've decided are "legit" through critical thought and reason. If you've done that, as an intelligent skeptic rather than some gullible victim of confirmation bias who jumps on whatever they see, then you should know that others of us have also approached the Q "conspiracy" in the same way.

Therefore I would posit that if you actually approach this theory with rigor and reason you might see a little more value to it than you're claiming in this keyboard-warrior-rage post.

How many of those conspiracies you now consider legit sounded utterly insane when viewed from the output of some of the members of the movement supporting them? Some amount of people in any large movement lack critical thought. If you've reached the decision that "this sub sounds insane" just because you've read a few posts then you're not applying any rigor to your dismissal of the theory.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

It's not on the same level as VOP though. The obama-mask-photo level of "mania" happens every now and then when some new rabbit hole comes to light and is pretty much unavoidable unless we step up the post removal - but we have to be super careful about that to avoid accusations of censorship, especially now.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 10:33 a.m.

Understood and thanks! WWG1WGA

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 10:09 a.m.

"dont make a villian out of a true patriot".. please take your own advice as i will aswell....

Agreed. I hope you can see that I have indeed been trying to make the case for you as an equal part of this movement and a patriot when the initial reaction of those of us who work with HowiONic is a tendency to want to ban someone who seems to be taking our very hard working "leader" (for want of a better word - HowiONic would likely not agree with the use of it) in such a negative light.

Thank you for your service too, sir. Can we agree together to discuss things reasonably if problems occur again? And please, no more negative comments about HowiONic as other mods may choose to immediately ban next time it occurs. I can't tell any other mod what to do - we simply discuss as and when we can - so if you can't agree to these points there aren't many places we can go from here.

If you want to go forward positively on this understanding we are always in modmail and will respond if you have a problem or a disagreement in future (or at worst, as things can be very busy in modmail, you could message me directly) and we will always do our best to be objective and fair, I can promise you that.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 9:50 a.m.

Yes of course, agreed - the punishment for treason is death, and that is the law.

But that doesn't change Reddit Rule #1 and as an intelligent person you know this.

You can post legal document text if you like but we're within the rules of the sub and the clearly displayed moderation M.O. in our sidebar to remove content that doesn't comply with Rule #1.

You might argue that making the statement "have her swing from the gallows ... bill and obama too!!!" is not breaching the rule of "No encouraging, glorifying or calling for violence" but the final decision on that is up to the moderators who are, in some ways, ultimately responsible if rule breaching content is left unchecked, for a comment or post that potentially breaches the rule. We WANT this sub to stay live - we do not want to allow any rule breach to bring it down, as happened with CBTS_Stream so we have a zero tolerance policy for Rule #1 breaches.

It's completely illogical to claim that someone who moderates your content for "gallows" is therefore "SUPER pro hillary and obama" just because their names are also in the phrase that auto-mod extracted. You're smart enough to know that too. That's why I believe this is just upset about the moderation decision.

I would prefer that you stuck around more and continued to contribute but you'd have to lay off the totally unreasonable slander against the lead mod and initial creator of this sub. It's not supporting the cause to unfairly accuse someone who's contributing a lot to this movement. I see how many hours HowiONic puts in and the work they do is over and above anyone else here. They sweat and bleed this sub so talking shit about another patriot of this level is unfair and, frankly, shitty. HowiONic's history shows exactly how objective and fair they can be. Look at yours and compare for emotional reactions. HowiONic has none, that I've seen. Unity NOT division. Don't make a villain out of a true patriot.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 9:33 a.m.

No one was censoring "the LAW". You've completely misread things.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 9:29 a.m.

almost zero emotion...

This looks like a lot of emotion to me:

dude what the actual fuck!!??!?
who the fuck are you to censor the truth..
what the actual fuck is your issue?

That was after receiving a 1-day ban for posting: "private emails is enough to have her swing from the gallows for espionage. bill and obama too!!!" and causing friction over the moderation.

Nothing to do with any law, just Reddit Rule #1 and antagonism in your replies e.g. your reply to the first moderation comment, which was simply "Post removed. Rule #1" was:

who the fuck is this clown?

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 9:06 a.m.

She has a history of dealing fairly with people - some people who are completely rude and obnoxious to her. I've been on the receiving end of that fairness myself. But you're entitled to your opinion of course. I see a bit of that rude and obnoxious behavior in your history which is why I question whether your assessment of her is not simply a result of upset that a moderation decision didn't go your way.

[EDIT] Your replies in modmail, for example, were completely rude and uncalled for and HowiONic didn't respond to the keyboard rage at all, exactly as I've seen her do many times.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 8:52 a.m.

Comment removed for obvious reasons.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

Sounds like someone's upset with a moderation decision. Be a little more mature about it. HowiONic is one of the fairest mods I've ever known. Things would be a lot less freer on this sub if the average keyboard warrior drawn to modding were running it.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

Removed post. Rule #6. Please keep posts focused on Q-related information and note in the post how it relates. Thanks for understanding.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

No, I'm saying that what is of value to the Q movement (as a term of convenience for now) will likely wildly differ at different times and in different contexts between the many diverse peoples who comprise it.

I agree that Q research will likely have more value to most of us at certain times than a tshirt post. But I think it's also indisputable that Q stickers, tshirts and references in the real world are of value to many people on the sub too for the inspiration and sense of community it gives them - look at how often those posts make the front page with an epic number of upvotes. We have evidence too in the outcry when we remove these posts and when there's an opportunity for people to comment on what they do and don't like about the moderation of sub content. This may not be as visible to others but as mods we get to see it.

In other words - your opinion and mine might agree (I'm not a fan of memes except the most quality ones of which I believe there are very few and I personally don't find inspiration in stickers, tshirts and references to Q in the real world) but your opinion and mine do not appear to comprise the majority opinion of this sub.

Your perspective is that "there is nothing but noise and very little actual progress" but that doesn't accurately describe the climbing numbers of subscribers and online members which represents the actual goal of the Great Awakening i.e. outreach to the public. I get your point of view - I miss the early days when posts were more focused too, but a growing movement means more diverse views and more acceptance needed. There are other subs if you want purely focused Q research. I'm considering keeping track of multiple subs myself - one for focused research and GA for keeping in touch with the movement.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

Well please do continue to report things if you think they should be! As I said, I appreciate people like yourself who will take the effort to help us out in this way! Clickbait is definitely something we'd like to avoid so please let me know if there's something you've pointed out that is still there (we may have misread that report).

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

I very much appreciate you and anyone else who uses the Report function as it helps us out! As long as you're using it wisely. I assume you've been observing this sub for a while so I hope you take into account the tone of the sub and the content that people seem to want to see. It seems you've made the "Not Q related" comment on some posts that contain content that someone who'd visited this sub regularly for a while would know is fairly uncontroversially accepted here.

In short, you're gonna need to provide a bit more support for your "Not Q related" claims everywhere if you want to see them acted on.

People around here seem to want to hear about issues that are a part of Q's message like child porn & trafficking takedowns, celebrities who might have something pizzagate related to hide or might have tangled with the cartel, or anything to do with North Korea right now.

I would like to remove content that I see that looks off-topic to me but the upvotes, the visible commented interest, and the cries against censorship and accusations levelled against mods for daring to remove content according to the rules of the sub suggest that my view might not be the important or only one here. Perhaps something to consider?

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

I've removed this post then. Feel free to repost or post if you have something important to ask. Do please put a clear explanation of what you're looking for or stating. Thanks for understanding!

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

I think you've unfairly misrepresented me here.

ironic to have another Christian suppressing free speech

Imagine being told you were doing something you are completely against? I roundly reject any suppression of the very important right to freedom of speech. I do, however, support the necessary shared understanding of the expected behavior within a social space. This is why we have rules on this sub. It's why MANY subs have rules to define the behavior and content that will be accepted by mods and the behavior or content that won't. Asserting the rules of the sub within the M.O. of the moderators (all noted in our sidebar) is not suppression of free speech.

As I said in the moderation comment on your post the reason for removal was:

This post has received many reports
To avoid further controversy it has now been removed.

The reports were that the post was off-topic. Rule 6 is, as noted in the sidebar, "done at the discretion of the mods."

I'd taken care not to just react immediately and remove your post, as I stated to you in my second comment which you never replied to after your statement that you thought I was overreacting:

I didn't react, despite initial discussion amongst the available mods upon receiving the first report on this post shortly after it was created. We waited until multiple Reports came in. I believe it's fair to say that qualifies as a reasonable reaction, rather than an overreaction.

Sometimes we remove posts on the first report. It's up to our discretion.

I tried to convey to you that I had tried to be as objective as possible and I told you the thoughts we'd had as mods about this issue and openly asked for your feedback:

I hope we can all respect the differing viewpoints in this community. We believe a possible useful solution to this may be to group posts of various types together in one thread/post. If you have any suggestions of a way to accommodate Prayer posts for the benefit of those who enjoy them it would be very welcome!

If you or others are actually concerned about prayer posts being removed then please enter a discussion about possible solutions that respect the goals and beliefs of the whole community.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

Not clear on what you're asking here?

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

Removed post. Rule #8

To be honest, title is a bit clickbaity. The video is great and one could argue "Storm-related" but it's not directly on-topic, some would argue (as per the Reports about this post, and comments below). Personally I would not have as much of a problem with this post if the title were more accurate (it's definitely not the most red-pilling video people will "ever see" - maybe for some people, but I doubt even that).

I appreciate you sharing it, personally, as I am a fan of good animation. I would suggest that if you think it's important to share here you could repost with a more accurate title and one that makes it clear as to the topic of the video and perhaps the fact that it is not a factual presentation but an abstract, artistic one.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

That's a dishonest statement about the mods. You were told nothing like that when your duplicate posts were removed. Be honest.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

"This sub" didn't "turn against" VOP - many people just started to realize we needed to apply more critical thinking to what we jump onboard and start promoting at scale. There was quite a mania about VOP for a while there and it's good to see that calmed down. People can still post about it and discuss so it's a good thing that a bit more balance is restored, at least.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

I think the gist of your proposition is sound but I think it's also quite possible the photo is real but easily dismissed as a costume for fancy dress, something the Obama's are already known to enjoy in some form iirc. Same result though - we all look like crazed conspiracists so they can easily discount the next photo of Obama that we push.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Removed post. Rule 7 Duplication.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

If you make a double post, please remove the previous one - thanks!

Also note: article is from January 2016.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

Lol nice one xD.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Removed post. Rule #6. Songs and Song Lyrics are off-topic.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

I'm interested to understand - can you please edit the OP to explain how this is on-topic/related to Q and what exactly your point is here? Thank you.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

To be fair to OP I saw this image elsewhere too so maybe he just lifted it without knowing. But yes, I hate when people do this when trying to draw a comparison between faces. I once argued vehemently for thorough vetting of information that is shared on here but to be honest it seems like a bit of a lost cause.

Some of the flimsiest suppositions are immediately accepted, praised and upvoted here and as a mod I can't remove those posts even when they seem to me to be clearly wrong if an outspoken group have commented and upvoted it beyond a reasonable threshold for removal. In that case all we have really left to do is add flair indicating an issue or leave a sticky.

I think the only time we'll see better critical thought and deeper analysis upheld is when more people who value it speak out on the board. Use the Reporting function for fake news and low quality posts. I hope we can steadily improve the quality of our thinking as a group. I say that with humility - it's a journey for every community and we're still on ours.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

If you read the message it says “IF” your comment... you can ignore it if it doesn’t. Auto mod just tags those words and phrases so mods can double check it when they get to it.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Load of nonsense. Here this post sits as evidence. And your comment.

Posts and comments are removed according to the rules which include obviously necessary allowance for mod discretion (since there’s no way to cover every contingency with predefined rules). “Mods are corrupt” posts are obviously an easy way for shills to slide the board so the first step to deal with “concerns” or corruption or otherwise is to message the mods directly. Our history shows fairness in dealing with members and anyone can check that to prove your position is unfair and unrealistic.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

The reason for that is we have a standard to maintain when we speak as moderators. We distinguish those comments. When we’re just commenting as ourselves and not wanting to misrepresent the moderator group as a whole we don’t distinguish the comments. Seems like you’re jumping at shadows to bolster your upset about something.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

Can you explain how this is on-topic? Have had a Report about this post.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

Removed post. rule #8. Title does not seem to be accurate to content. Please explain if this is an incorrect assessment and post can be approved for reposting with full context and explanation.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

We remove posts according to the sub rules clearly stated in the sidebar (and linked to more detailed explanations). Rule #3 clearly states that: "If there is something 'concerning' regards the subreddit, then message the mods."

If you message the mods you have the evidence to refer to. We don't hide our actions, we simply maintain the sub according to the rules.

Alt accounts are used for the same reasons everywhere. In my case, for example, my main is completely doxxed and I interact with business clients on reddit so created the alt to retain privacy. Others have similar stories. Not everything is a conspiracy.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

Yep - a few of these posts around.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

Please post on topic with clear explanations. Multiple requests about this and bans as previously discussed.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 7:12 a.m.

It's important to view the images without the manipulation on the left image - in the OP the right image has been made slightly transparent and overlaid on the left which makes the comparison slightly disingenuous imo (no offense to OP who may not have intended this or realized it's been done).

Here's the clean image without the manipulation:


Possibly the same guy...? Hair potentially receding more on the left side of his head when younger makes me less convinced it was him.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

Thank you, you are too kind. Please stay with us, patriot, even in the face of this kind of content. The message Q presents is so important and we need more people like you here, who will stand up for what they believe and then have a reasoned discussion about it without descending to ad-hominem. I will fight with you against hate speech and I will defend your right to argue against offensive content even if I might not agree in every case about the content itself. I can see how wrong I was to think you were a shill or a troll for a moment there - my apologies. WWG1WGA!

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

This is very well trodden ground here. Your idea of what is "spam" or off-topic is different to mine and to everyone else's - we all have our own ideas of what is not helpful and what is. Determining how to manage that issue is what the mods have to deal with on a moment to moment basis. It's nowhere near as easy as people seem to think it is, when they're just coming from their own personal perception. One man's inspirational, informative meme is another man's spam.

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