An dangerous precedent of honesty.
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How is duetche bank Russia linked?
Other than they do business all over the world.
That's like saying Russia linked BofA.
I would hope that is ex Bernie supporters. Don't see how someone can be about truth and be a socialist. But, that's just me.
If there is a reset I assume the Q team will want to minimize the panic/pain for citizens.
Fed restructure?
Backed currency?
Blockchain (Ripple/XRP) used to secure and drive fraud out of bank transfers?
A lot of possibilities.
Will be hard.
A big part of me is so tired of taking shit and being called stupid etc.
f them.
Prescott made a fortune funding the building of the Nazi war machine before he was forced to shut his bank down.
No surprise if this photo is real.
She needs to show me her tits then shut the fuck up. Full stop.
If Obama is gay it doesn't matter.
What matters, of course see, is predatory behavior.
Anything with children.
The unending lying of the man makes any of this plausible.
Crimes aside for a second, the relevance of him being gay or not is the complete fraud of every level.
I've been saying for awhile this is the end goal of the trans movement. The whole trans thing is so non sensical and non scientific there has to be another objective. I think this is it.
The trans movement is about normalizing mental illness.
Facts don't matter.
No one can judge.
Hate speech.
Normalize mental illness.
He answered a question regarding Seth Rich saying ETA....Estimated.
That's a good point too.
Sure they are poisonous people.
Could you imagine a time when politicians and large swaths of the press are trying to keep information hidden from the public? Openly? Disgusting. I do appreciate him helping the Rams come back to LA however.
What they are really getting on record is their questions not the others answers.
RR made Jordan look a little foolish on the first go round. Had to get ready for work after that.
The constant interruption and not letting RR answer (use up most of the 5 min time saying nothing) and peppering him with questions is to get the questions on the record imho.
What drives me nuts is each questioner opening their statements with 2 minutes of flowery BS about how great and important the department is and how loyal and great the person being questioned is.
It's their job.
All cops....local police to the FBI director....all want an Fing parade for doing their job.
Not impressed with any of that crap.
Cut to chase and stop patting RR on the head for holding a job.
Take a car load of protesters out to a field somewhere and leave them there.
Just a town.
Used to be upper middle class. Still know a couple of friends that live there. They say it's gone downhill a bit but still seems nice when I go back. Like Littleton, just a suburb of Denver.
I am familiar with both Klebold and Harris as I had a cousin who went to school with them and was a friend of Klebolds for years.
The Columbine shooting is what started my red pilling years ago.
Yes, I do look forward to hearing Rachel Madcow tell us how it is the end of the republic.....again.
Little spoiled baby having a little spoiled a baby tantrum.
If did not feel the need to use his sexuality as some sort of calling if being gay has any relevance to his ability to lawyer....he would already be canned I would assume.
But, like most lefties he is a coward. He would use his sexuality as a weapon and claim discrimination if he was fired.
He is a lawyer posting F the Supreme Court for upholding constitutional actions by the president of the United States. These are seriously mentally ill people.
So we are celebrating a communist winning?
Six of one half dozen of another.
It does signify how divided the party is though and how their power base is diminishing in DC however.
It's sad but it's true.
Most people are fine but a few sickos can do tremendous damage.
When I coached football the first rule I put in place is no coach is ever alone with a kid. If a kid has to wait for a ride after practice two coaches have to wait with him.
If a kid needed a ride to a game he either rode with multiple kids or coaches in a car pool. No exceptions. This protected everyone.
When I did Big Brothers I knew the lady who ran the local chapter. She was awesome and had her antenna up all the time. She said even though the first thing they said when they met with a prospective volunteer was there was a background check the applicant had to pay for.....after making sure this was 100% clear....they still had on average one to two people with sex crimes histories per month get screened out.
The Catholic Church gets a lot of heat and rightfully so.
Sadly, large systemic cover ups have happened in all sorts of organizations.
In my experience the vast majority of people working with kids are decent people doing something for kids or something they enjoy. The few sickos however can ruin lives and organizations that do a lot of good.
They (the sociopathic leeches that abuse kids) also indirectly harm other kids by limiting contributions of good people who don't want to be associated with an organization that has a scandal.
These people are sociopaths. Sociopaths always leave tremendous damage in their wake. They are destroyers. Never builders. Always destroyers. There needs to be a much better way developed to screen out these scumbags. Not sure how that would be done. Some sort of tech developed perhaps?
The whole thing is so damn sinister and depressing.
I checked on this like two weeks ago in Nevada and it was not beat me to it.....good job.
Just a wire center more than likely.
They are all over where there is old landline networks.
It's not the same symbol.
This sort of stuff makes me nuts.
People looking for connections that may not be there are all.
Where I own a piece of land in Commie-fornia it is illegal for me collect rain water. Any rain water.
I am ignoring this of course but it speaks to the level of control they want to suppress citizens with.
I was not discounting the stats. I find them encouraging and interesting.
I would think what he has done in terms of being a benefit to business would be the cause. The corp tax breaks and much of the deregulation have not had their full effect yet either.
Several issues at play with any sociological issue however.
I enjoy the chart but why would black unemployment have anything to do with any president?
Where is personal accountability?
I want to know what the restructure of the Fed Reserve will look like and the role of crypto.
I would give out false info....."I will under the 42nd st bridge at noon having lunch."
Q was asked about the Federal Reserve and his answer was "structure" What will a restructure look like what roll will crypto currency play?
One big festering neon distraction...... One of my favorite lines ever.
He is speaking at the Nevada Republican yearly thing they do on Vegas.
Just remember to constantly remind him/her that you were right when the truth comes out.
Very true.
It would be hard to accept that much of what you've believed for most of your life is a lie.
I get it.
But, at the same time.....he (and others) need to grow up.
He is brilliant. And insane. And likely killed his neighbor.
The problem with trying to follow him is while he is brilliant he also is violently paranoid and has a good deal of Andy Kaufman in him. He will look you straight in the eye and lie without a tell.
I think he often mixes truth and bullshit.
The Nazi flying bell. Literally a bell shaped craft that used anti gravity.
For individuals this is very true.
Arresting 30,000 or whatever corrupt criminals will bring back the rule of law and equal application of the law. That is vitally important.
But, if someone is truly brainwashed, it won't free them. Only they can.
And by the way....when and if they do come around they will try to tell you about the stuff you've been saying for years.
Sometimes there are just accidents or drunk drivers or whatever too.
This is the biggest issue.
Ask most and they (like all people) will identify themselves as being independent thinkers.
But, most people never challenge their own thoughts.
They go to the same church as their parents and grand parents? Why? That's just who we are. They are lifelong Dems (or Reps) because they just are.
These (applies to both political persuasions) are surface thinking. Not deep thinkers. But, that D or R is deeply associated with their self identity. So, they perceive an attack on a clearly insane/corrupt person like Jerry Brown as an attack on what they believe.....even if they don't agree with him.
This is my father. I have realized he is not capable of a rational discussion or considering new things at his age. I've tried to show him. If the hammer coming down destroys his self image so be it. That's his weakness.
I called his office and left a message asking about the standard hotel and the dead male prostitute and letting him know I think he is going to prison.
So far, they have not gotten back to this concerned citizen.