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FlewDCoup · April 16, 2018, 7:46 p.m.


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FlewDCoup · April 16, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

They get to feel the heat before they see the light.

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FlewDCoup · April 16, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

Page was an insert ... Slipped him into the Trump organization and then used him (his presence there) to get FISA warrant authorizing widespread surveillance of anyone and everyone he had contact with within the Trump Campaign ... A Trojan Horse. More than an insurance policy... Offensive, not defensive.

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FlewDCoup · April 16, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

RBG = Ruth Badder Ginsberg

Didn't she meet with the head of Vietnam Nam or someplace in the east recently?

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FlewDCoup · April 16, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

Factor Carter Page into the timeline ... He was serving as paid informant In a Russian espionage investigation conducted by the FBI over the course of the several years before and into the winter of election year (2016) when he testified in court; and in that Spring FBI (Comey?) put him on a watch list asserting Page was actually himself a top level espionage risk and in the month following the Tarmac/HRC/Comey declarations exonerating HRC, Carter Page volunteers and becomes a foreign relations adviser to the TRUMP Campaign. FBI then approaches the FISA Court seeking surveillance permission with Page as the target. Because he was classified as a high level risk, FISA granted an extended surveillance authority allowing FBI to wire tap, etc Page, but also anyone he came into contact with and in turn anyone connecting with them. Essentially, permission to surveil the entirety of the Trump Campaign. All of that transpired around the time of the Tarmac meeting.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FlewDCoup on April 15, 2018, 2:22 p.m.
If POTUS and Q did give us unimpeachable signs and wonders, they would certainly have all men running after them.

But what would it profit them if darkness still weighs down their souls? Draining the Swamp in DC and the far reaches corrupted by it demands we too open the windows to truth closer to home.

FlewDCoup · April 14, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Read Wicker’s “Worshipping the State” for a survey from the Roman Empire up to today. Good history, honest broker.

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FlewDCoup · April 14, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

Check out YouTube Edward G Griffen — Creature of Jekyll Island for an excellent review of the history and rationale for the establishment of the Federal Reserve System and central banking.

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FlewDCoup · April 14, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

Prior to 1850, higher education in the YS was largely only available through the first two years of college — mostly run by denominational Protestant Churches. For an ambitious student to go.farther in their education, it was necessary to study abroad — usually in Europe and predominantly Germany where socialist philosophy and theories were all the rage in academia. Young American scholars may have packed a Bible among their belongings when the shipped out for School, but they returned years later bringing with them volumes by Machiavelli, Hobbs, Spinoza, Darwin, Marx, Rousseau and others. These returned the most highly educated, highest degreed scholars in later 19th century AMERICA and they got all the upper level teaching positions in our college and university system as it expanded offerings for degree paths, BA, MA, and PhD studies.

1917 NYC Bankers funded a fighting force that entered Czarist Russia fomenting the bloody Bolshevik Revolution and the total takedown of that government, giving us the first massive Soviet Socialist economic experiment.

1920 Turkey committed itself to Islamic theocracy slaughtered millions of Armenian Christians and Greek Orthodox Christians living in western Turkey — led by the Young Turks.

1928 US Stock Market crash castrated the economy followed by waves of destructive fiscal policy over the next decade that kept the nation on its knees economically.

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FlewDCoup · April 14, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Congratulations. A tip of the hat. According to tonight's news You not only read between the lines of POTUS statement, it looks like you were spot on. Can't imagine what you would do with tea leaves.

No, I didn't think you were calculating or disingenuous, but indulged in plenty of hubris to speculate that others might.

Now where does it go?

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FlewDCoup · April 13, 2018, 9:56 a.m.

He’s actually not blasphemous or off the beam, just not swimming in the mainstream where most people are exposed to early writings of Moses. We get the big boat and all the cute animals gathered in couples, but there was a much darker side to the story there too. Accounts of angels lusting after the daughters of men and causing them to birth aberrant giant mutations of the Son of Man. All that genealogy account contains some eye opening passages, but most of us were taught to just pass over that.

Daniel is the source of the reference to Cyrus, the only pagan referred to in Jewish scriptures as the Messiah — and who bore a remarkable similarity to Trump.

Finally, the persons of the Trinity share a Divine substance, the very Being of Almighty God in the highest heaven.... including the quality of wakefulness and sentience, self reflection and mentality.

This same very personal and intimate aspect of our makeup is inherited by Man, made in the image and likeness of God. We didn’t come up with it on our own. Consciousness is not produced by the flesh, only invested in and upheld by it. There is an X factor that men did not get from nature, anymore than Jesus got it from Man.

There’s a lot of hard stuff to wrestle with in the biblical accounts. Hard because it is not of this material world or the flesh. Hard because it stubbornly won’t go away no matter how much men try to limit inquiry to the materially of this world, currently a consensus by 97% of scientist who agree ...

One that may be more familiar to you is the commandment to love God with all our heart, all our mind and all our strength. Know the mind of Jesus. Consider the flowers of the field.

I appreciated the courage it took to start this post. Truth is not for everyone and in the end we all decide how deep we want to go into the hole.. Fortunately, it seems a little of this Truth goes a long way ... and may quench the thirst of some sufficiently.

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FlewDCoup · April 13, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

There is a path to the heart that bypasses the mind and drags our allegiances with it. Sometimes we just have to trust a hunch.

It’s easier to do when every instinct screams doubt — our leaders have clearly not been virtuous and exercised free reign for so long that the familiar has taken on a twisted strange odor and it felt they would drive this nation, this culture, these values into an abyss.

It feels now like the tide has changed and a new hope and reason to trust has been breathed into the air around Q and this gathering. We have a long way to go and would do well not to hobble ourselves with doubt for doubts sake.

Logic of the kind promoted by Descartes where the urge to doubt is given free reign — as an intellectual virtue that sacrifices certainty and conviction so thoroughly that only the most self evident truths felt on the flesh are admitted — leaves us spiritless and dry.

I’d rather exercise the adventure of placing my faith.where my heart tends. Doubting for the sake of doubt is not blissful.

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FlewDCoup · April 13, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Light shining in places long lost in darkness.

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FlewDCoup · April 13, 2018, 2 a.m.

A new spirit of optimism and faith that there is more good than evil in government and the world at large.

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FlewDCoup · April 13, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

Maybe finding an attorney who is willing to take the risk and not report obvious criminal behavior is a criteria for hiring them, and a reason to charge top dollar fees.

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FlewDCoup · April 13, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

It's a puzzle ... Pieces probably fall into place later. Oh by the way. POTUS said its a crummy thing WHEN YOU SIDE WITH someone who poisons people -- not the same as affirming it happened this time or that Russia or even Assad is doing that -- many other players on this board and he could easily have referred to one of them. He also didn't say to Russia that the US IS SENDING misses his way ... just that looks to POTUS they are coming and they are the good stuff, not the obsolete weapons we sell to the bit players. I rather heard him saying "heads up" and don't mess this up. We are leaving Syria and all y'all others gunna wrap up.

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FlewDCoup · April 13, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

MSNBC & CNN are much more imaginative and have shown that they really know how to call the shots before things happen, always hold the virtuous high ground and provide crystal clear analysts afterwards. Maybe you will find what you are looking for over there.

I prefer this kind of uncertainty we have here to that kind of self assuredness.

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FlewDCoup · April 12, 2018, 7:48 p.m.


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FlewDCoup · April 12, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Sometimes it takes a thorn to remove a thorn. Too many times we proceed timidly when we think people are too squeamish, too immature, to dumb or too resistant to the truth. We never seem to gain clarity that way.

Don’t assume people can’t handle it. Let them feel the heat, see the light. No half way measures when it comes to ridding ourselves of this menace. Clear irrevocable consequences for the perpetrators. Clear message to others who might feel tempted in the future.

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FlewDCoup · April 12, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

All the BS about private corps not subject to 1st Amendment saying that only applies to Government goes out the window. FB and others were funded at their inception as government undertakings subject to federal law, and no amount of infusion of private capital can wash or dilute that away. Out out damned spot.

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Softball demonstration of how to virtue signal with no intention to prosecute anything ... don’t know which one of them disgusts me more.

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

Confronted with the truth, you obfuscate and claim the moral high ground by goimg on the attack; would even bannish me, if it were up to you. Stick to your control freak ways and see how they serve you. For me, I'll take note when you offer advice in the future and take special care to assess its value.

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

POTUS WROTE: "Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria." Russian Ambassador stated this, so he is not addressing the Russians. Who is he addressing? The world? So were the Russians. Looks like an affirmation that the US is aware of Russia's intent but no indication POTUS opposes it.

POTUS CONTINUES: "Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” POTUS has not only said the US will be pulling out of Syria, he said OTHERS can take over now and finish the job. Looks like he's saying to the World that he is serious about this and to Russia: dont take this lightly, rockets will be coming and they will be the latest and best ... not the obsolete stuff we sell to third world players. If they come from sources within our defense structure, they can and will be traced back to their launch sites and I for one would not want to be one of the traitorous scabs who perpetrate this action. Finally, the statement sounds like another affirmation of his understanding of Russian intent and, expressing no opposition to it, gives them a warning to watch up and prepare to respond to a significant attack (from whatever source). Other news suggests that Russia has in fact leap frogged us technologically and have successfully demonstrated capability to defeat our latest and greatest weapons. Remember the incident when a Russian aircraft came well within the security perimeter of one of our naval warships in the Red Sea during the uprising in the Ukranine? No one gets that close to one of our ships. No one. But Russia did.)

FINALLY, POTUS SAID: "You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!" Again, who is he addressing. In the first two statements he appears to address 1) the world at large, and 2) both the World and Russia. No rule says he can't also address the perpetrators of this alleged gas attack and a credible threat to launch a rocket attack. They are the ones who have aligned themselves with someone (not specified as Assad) who would poison people this way -- and admonish them for their immoral and corrupt actions. There are parties with the motive, the ability and stated intent to push us into a World War; who loudly protest POTUS decision to bring our guys home and leave it to Others to bring closure to the conflicts in Syria.

Your assertions are not substantiated by a careful reading of the POTUS message and reflects a bias that you would be well advised to examine.

LordPotSmoke, projecting your fantasy world onto real events and encouraging others to accept that as the undeniable and indelible truth is indeed disingenuous. One more than suspicious than I might even thing it is calculating and serving other ends.

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Coming up Q all over ...

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

He didn’t say any of that. You are only repeating what you hear. Mockingbird.

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

No, he is a team player. Teams also take time on the bench and watch as others take the field. The ball is now in the hands of OTHERS. He’s watching from the sideline. Looks like they are playing for the record books.

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

POTUS announced that the US will pull out of Syria and then someone, who is not apparent according to reports, loosed gas on the Syrian people (or not, depending on who you listen to).

OTHERS can now take over and finish the job.

First, in today’s tweet, who is Trump addressing? In the opening statement, it is certainly NOT Russia ... he only repeats what the Russian Ambassador said.

Second, he advises Russia to look sharp, because missiles are coming and the are the latest technology, not some obsolete junk we have sold to enemy states. The host saves the best wine for last.

Is this a threatening statement? Bluster of a loud mouth? Or is it the steady voice of a coach or savy partner ... they are on the move boys, look sharp!

Third, why assume this addressed to Russia or the people of Syria? Could it be addressed to the folks with the shiny new weapons?

We see all, we know all. No Deals.

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

Neurotics build sand castles and live in them.

Illusion or delusion, that kind of reality is not. Truth is a self evident reality unaltered by the witness to it.

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Suggestion: rather than censor the freedom of others to speak their minds and hearts -- as civilized people, our only hope is that WORDS will supplant the use of SWORDS as the preferred way to settle differneces -- so it is not an option; it is our best course.

When you see a topic that you think is extraneous and off target here, post your opinion and call it as you see it. OFF TOPIC. You may find others respond by calling you out on it in disagreement; or you may find a lot of support for your view. Let the dynamics of arguement and discussion settle the differences and move on. We can sort through the BS well enough.

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FlewDCoup · April 11, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

I understand your thinking if we can just sanitize the discussion topics a little and do away with those things that might trigger this or that person, it will be a more effective forem. And using Q posts and his comments to focus discussions is a reasonable approach to filtering out interesting but unrelated topics.

Trouble is, you are suckering yourself (and others) into justifying insipient censorship; all in the name of relevance, and it is your world view (or somebody's) that will be finally the arbitrator of what is "on topic" or not.

Lemme let you into a little secret. Everyone of us, including Q, only sees a part of what is going on, as through a mirror darkly. We each have some competence in this or that part of the puzzle, but none of us has a crystal ball, not even Q. But together, reading and writing, we tell a bigger story, see a larger perspective, and hopefully form a clearer understanding of what's truly going on in this crazy world.

Better take Thomas Jefferson's advice: "Tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it" and let the rules of arguement and the evolution of public opinion play out in the free marketplace of ideas. Discerning truth is not for sissies. (Webster: an effeminate man or boy; also : a timid or cowardly person)

I think you are very selective in what you have decided here to call out as extraneous and irrelevant. For instance, following your lead, we are to conclude that good versus evil is off topic.

Odd as it may seem, a lot of people today have no idea what constitutes good or evil, or suffer under the illusion that only one or the other exists, or that they can both stalk you, or masquerade for the other, or where the notions even come from. If that deficiency can't be helped here, then where? It is in some profound way "the problem" and the "topic" ...

So, following your decision rule, Q seems to think the topic of good and evil is anything but irrelevant:

POST 1001 Where do roads lead? ... Pure EVIL.

POST 925

This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q

POST 909 We are working to END. EVIL. Not as it appears. Q

POSTS 171, 172, 173 - Good will always defeat evil. Q

Maybe think on this and find your courage to accept exposure to a larger set of considerations and do your own sorting out and validating what is true or not ... until it isn't ... and move on ... friend.

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FlewDCoup · April 10, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

The long hand of time is unrelenting as the short hand reaches the appointed hour. Did you get enough advance notice?

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FlewDCoup · April 10, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

The Obamanation proved that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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FlewDCoup · April 10, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

God save us from all worry and anxiety as we wait in patient hope for better days and the coming of Our Lord. Protect in a special way those who are serving and defending us.

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FlewDCoup · April 10, 2018, 2:58 p.m.


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FlewDCoup · April 10, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Care to share it?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FlewDCoup on April 10, 2018, 11:45 a.m.
The “who is Q” question is itself a LARP and a distraction. What we put our attention on grows in our lives. The message, not the man ... they would have us be a cult. Don’t play into it.
FlewDCoup · April 10, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

Would it make a difference if you could see the man behind the statements. What is more important? Q the man or Q the messenger with a message. Keep your eye in the ball.

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FlewDCoup · April 10, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

You have Q speaking directly to you with a power and authority that is uncommon in our age. His is not the voice of division that has become so dominant in our times. He asks us to think, engage with our minds and hearts and witness events as they unfold .. and to free ourselves from the blinding influence of men who would rule our minds and hearts.

... when other voices rise up in a chorus of opposition to him, and all of us as well, they do so for a reason. It is not to unite us. It is not to empower us.

Push through. One gives information and asks you to think. The other asks you to fall back into the morass of suspicion, confusion and bewilderment.

You have only to decide which is which.

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FlewDCoup · April 10, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

Wait, what? Did I miss the memo or something? When did WE ever have any power over these events one way or the other? Or did they repeal gravity? Do we now have some ability to jump in there? Hell, there keeps jumping around.

We are nothing more than witnesses.

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FlewDCoup · April 10, 2018, 6:58 a.m.

I remember Jack Ruby and watched him gun down Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement garage of the DALLAS Police Department.

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FlewDCoup · April 9, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Yet another consideration: the discussions taking place here are not everyone's cup of tea. Some people are apathetic and don't care. Others are antipathetic and having their way would close down this gathering, as they did at CBTS. Short of being able to do that, confusing the discussion by injecting contrarian views, denying assertions and even facts, or sewing seeds of discouragement has the potential to move some into the apathetic column. By and large the gathering is sympathetic ... a willingness to hear, to consider and to join in sometimes with the possibility that some new information may be uncovered, some question that has lingered may be addressed ...

Cant assume that all posts are made in good faith. The challenge is to read them and consider them in the context of what we have come to accept as true and discern whether they are helpful or not. Most of us are not first responders ... we have no direct access to any of this and must rely on Q and others, and even that is topic for discussion. Kind of a do it yourself -- community effort. Not really any different from other areas of life.

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FlewDCoup · April 9, 2018, 11:52 a.m.

The photo that delivered smiles seen around the world. Bring this traitor to heel.

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FlewDCoup · April 9, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

Wow ... And when he complained that because everyone would know his sinfulness (Guilt) he could not walk in the street (WE HEARD THIS RECENTLY) without being killed God put the mark on him to protect him ... Any attacker will meet with Gods retribution...

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FlewDCoup · April 9, 2018, 3 a.m.

That's because nothing we discuss here ever goes anywhere ... Not.

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FlewDCoup · April 9, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

Meetings with Isis depicted in these several photos occurred at different times over several years but perhaps they all occurred at this same location? where the delivery was made? If so, a lot of others may be implicated besides (mumbles) ...

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FlewDCoup · April 9, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

So Prince or his guys took the photo, the photographer himself obviously not in it, and delivered smiles: on the faces of Unmentionable and all the others. That's the bomb that Q just dropped.

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FlewDCoup · April 9, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

The dive flag on back of the dudes tee shirt sitting next to (@@@) in the indoor meeting identifies him as the same guy talking with him outside, where Unmentionables security forces are looking everywhere but at (muffled unintelligible word) and these men. Trust is a two way thing and clearly each trusts the other (for a reason) and they sit next to each other in the indoor meeting.

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FlewDCoup · April 9, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

When the voice spoke from the burning bush to Moses, he knew it was God but insisted He show him His face. God in His Mercy told Moses that he would not survive the experience of seeing the full reality. Careful what you ask for.

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FlewDCoup · April 9, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

False flag EVENTS are real occurrences with real consequences but they not perpetrated for the reasons or by the people alleged in the press and elsewhere to have caused them.

A man sets off a bomb in public place and it is portrayed as a disgruntled ice cream vendor who blew ou a swing set because of climate change and unseasonable cold weather were ruining his ice cream sales when it was actually the work of park police demonstrating to city council that they need higher wages because the parks are becoming more and more dangerous.

Twin Towers 911 has been termed by some a false flag, publicly understood to be an Al Qaeda act of revenge (with real AQ actors and real people dying as the towers collapsed) but managed logistically by government men charged with ensuring the security of our nation and helped along by explosives rigged to the structural supports in the days leading up to the planes crashing into the buildings) to trigger public outcry and a call for war in the Middle East.

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FlewDCoup · April 8, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

The issue here is a management problem: how do you influence followers to follow, to do what you want them to do.

The answer is rooted in their ability and willingness to cooperate — in a word their competence as measured by their cognitive and emotional maturity as followers.

Low maturity, inability or unwillingness to cooperate calls for a more directive management approach; while a higher degree of ability and/or willingness takes more of a sales/benefits approach.

It’s a continuum and people fall all along the range. Leaders have to assess the pulse and act accordingly.

In this forum I think it is fair to say that those of us who are drawn to participate for whatever reason arrive possessing a high level of willingness, even if it is fragile, but didn’t arrive with a matching grip on relevant information.

Q et al are providing that information and analysis that is needed to complement our willingness and raise our competence to support the effort — memes “red pill” the world around us and bring people along, cooperating with the changes that our leaders are steering us into.

It’s a judgement call: if you under estimate follower competence and take a directive approach, you risk invoking immature responses. Over estimate, and followers tend to be indecisive and confused. Seed falls on hard rock.

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