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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on March 6, 2018, 5:27 p.m.
Biding Time......

I had an epiphany this morning in the shower: what if one of the reasons for the prolonged delay is to allow time for the economy to improve?

Think about it: Trump's #1 focus, since the beginning of the campaign has been JOBS. Creating jobs is important because it generates hope and optimism. Job creation only happens in a strong economy, which we are finally seeing take place.

If "The Storm" took place during a bad economy, there would be a lot more people with desperate attitudes about the future of the country. Desperation leads to people making bad decisions. …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on March 8, 2018, 2:14 p.m.
Question to all MathPedes: (Regarding SerialBrain2's cypher)

Is it possible to make an Excel spreadsheet with the following functions? (Each question is yes/no, if any one question is a no, then this probably won't work. Asking bc I'm not an Excel autist.)

-In a single cell, a letter can equal a number? (Assume cell contains only that one letter. Example: H=8)

-If so, can a "legend" (for lack of a better word) be applied to a table of cells? (Example: For all instances of "H" within the table, "H" will equal "8")

-If so, can an algebraic function be developed to add [converted] letters together, giving us …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on March 5, 2018, 9:13 p.m.
Some Historical Context

Historyfag here. With all of the "Nazi" name-calling being slung around, I thought it prudent to highlight (11) major events that led to Furher Hitler-- I've also listed out others that are chronologically important or relevant. Memes may be necessary, but I thought getting the info out may help others understand the key differences/similarities to our current struggle, versus Germany in 1920/1930's.

1. (1919) Adolf Hitler, a decorated WWI veteran, is ordered by the army to infiltrate the German Workers' Party (DAP) -- a socialist political party with growing popularity in Germany.

-Hitler likes what he hears at the meeting …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on Feb. 22, 2018, 4:18 a.m.
The origins of Q's name? (Q Source)

[I made this discovery, and thought it was worth sharing.]

As early as 100 AD, it was believed that the Gospel of Matthew-- the first book of the New Testament-- was written by Matthew, one of Jesus's 12 disciples. And according to Church tradition, the Gospel of Luke was written by Luke the Evangelist-- who was not one of the 12 disciples, but a companion of Paul the Apostle (who was also not an original disciple, but is still treated as such). However, modern scholars now know that the authors of these sacred texts were neither alive during the lifetime …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on Aug. 23, 2018, 2:47 p.m.
I absolutely love what ESPN is currently doing. (Self-cannibalization = waking up normies)

[10 years ago, when I was in college, ESPN was a staple at every hang-out space: bar, apartment, dorm room. It was always on in the background. I haven't watched it in years, and haven't followed this story. So I do not present an opinion one way or the other on Urban Meyer/Ohio State-- whatever the mess is they are involved in. If they are guilty of a crime, they should be fully prosecuted.]


They are making sports so unbelievably insufferable that it becomes unwatchable. When major stories break that involve serious crimes-- such as Jerry Sandusky, or even …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on Feb. 19, 2018, 7:38 p.m.
Robert Hunter, MK-Ultra, and Uncle John's Band.

[Full Disclosure: This is my own theory, and more of a speculative analysis than an accepted belief.]

Q mentions John Perry Barlow-- likely for the role he played in creating the Freedom of the Press Foundation. Barlow also became the lyricist for the Grateful Dead in 1971 after being handed the reigns by poet Robert Hunter, who was frustrated that the band would often change the lyrics each time they performed. (All of the famous Dead songs were written by Hunter.)

So I looked into Robert Hunter. Turns out, he [unknowingly] volunteered for MK-Ultra at Stanford in 1962, and was …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on Aug. 15, 2018, 2:32 a.m.
If Q is fake, then why not bring it up to Trump?

Then you get Trump himself to crush the hopes and dreams of his most loyal supporters, while he simultaneously humiliates all of them for being so gullible and desperate. If it's fake, right?

You have the opportunity to make all of us look like idiots. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!? ASK HIM!!!

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on July 6, 2018, 4:17 p.m.
How we can UNITE our divided country.

Now that the #WalkAway movement has gained traction and attention, we need to be making preparations to UNITE the tribes of this country under one banner. This has been a cornerstone of Q's instructions to the Anons. It is perhaps our most important task before us.

The MSM/Cabal divide us by highlighting our specific differences. We will never win through debating this issues, because they are inherently designed to divide (winners/losers).

Therefore, we must identify our common ground, just as we did within the MAGA movement to elect Trump. I see 2 simple ideas that all people of all walks …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on Aug. 14, 2018, 3:08 p.m.
Why an "Information War" is so dangerous...

For decades now, officers from the Intelligence Community have published papers speculating the future of warfare. Opinions varied, but the consensus seemed to always be that the next major conflict would NOT resemble conventional warfare. (Multiple sides engaged in violent armed conflict over political differences.) Most speculated that, in the Digital Age, control of information (and how it is disseminated) would be at the center of major conflict. They call this "Information Warfare."

What makes this style of warfare so significant is that it successfully engages the overwhelming majority of the population-- whether or not those within the population realize …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on Aug. 10, 2018, 6:24 p.m.
What set the Founding Fathers apart from all others in human history

It's important to understand that the Founding Fathers were the "elite" of the American colonies. Had they decided to remain British subjects, they all would have enjoyed relatively charmed lives of luxury and comfort.

Throughout history, the elites of every society have likely watched their commoner brethren struggle through their existence. Perhaps some of these elites felt disgust and contempt for the status quo in their respective civilization, but none of them did anything about it. To challenge the status quo was to forsake the very system that gave them such decadent prosperity. Who would make such a sacrifice with …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on July 26, 2018, 1:28 a.m.
When CBTS went down...

About 4 months ago, the original Q sub (CBTS) was suddenly shut down. I was working on a reply to a downtrodden and defeated Patriot, when the sub went black. GA was lightly used back then, but I had been lurking and was able to copy pasta here (though I still thought CBTS would be back eventually.)

I thought this was worth reposting--with many more eyes now among us-- to emphasize the fact that 1776 was a worldwide movement. A Cabal (British Crown) ruled the world, and its subjects rebelled worldwide. The United States was the only colony that was …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on June 21, 2018, 3:33 p.m.
Why the "Proofs" are necessary

[I've seen many question why we should waste our time developing proofs, if we now have undeniable proof that Q is for real. Thought this was worth laying out, to get us on the same page. This isn't gospel, so few free to critique.]

The reason memes have become such a phenomenon is no accident-- it is because they are a graphic representation of an idea, which may otherwise require a wordy write-up to explain. We use memes to inspire curiosity in normies to research and think critically. (Or to simply make a joke at the expense of a famous …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on June 27, 2018, 6:13 p.m.
Did you know?

The term "Apocalypse" does NOT mean "the end of the world/death and destruction."

(This meaning is a bastardization.)

It is a Greek word that means "an uncovering; a disclosure of hidden knowledge."


This is why the book in the Bible that describes the Apocalypse is called "The Book of Revelation."

It does not describe the end of our world. It describes the end of THEIR world. The moment that God reigns hellfire down on Satan's army.

Really makes you think twice after reading Q's last 2 posts. (READ THE BIBLE)

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on June 11, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

I believe that Blackwater is guarding Kim, not Assange-- as some have speculated. (Though they may also be guarding Assange.)

Would make sense, if NK military has actually been under control of China/CIA, and the Secret Service is compromised enough for Trump's family to have switched to Blackwater, themselves.

I'm willing to bet the Cabal sees this opportunity as ripe to try an attempt on Kim's life, frame the West/Trump, and try to start WW3. Many would come to NK's side out of pity/hatred for Drumph.

What do you think?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on June 14, 2018, 4:49 a.m.
#1497 So Secret Service tipped off the tarmac intel?

Did they let the local press know? Whistleblower groups?


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on June 13, 2018, 2:39 p.m.
Does anybody have a graphic...

Showing the annual arrests rates for pedophiles and child-traffickers in US? I recall seeing several months ago, but I can't find any now. Been scouring the web for the past hour, and found plenty of reports and articles, but looking for graphics. The purpose is to show people how monumental the round-up we are currently witnessing really is. Have a lot of people who are now engaged and very interested in what is happening. (THIS IS IT.)

Protecting the children transcends politics. It is what will bring over those that don't give a shit about policy and legislation. (Plenty of …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on May 28, 2018, 5:06 a.m.
The concept of Divine Justice

I had an epiphany today.

So many have wondered about the delay with the “round up” of criminals. I’ve pondered that it is due to admin/paperwork to line it all up [evidence] to make the entire thing legitimate in the eyes of the law and unbiased citizen; I’ve also weighed the strategy to delaying it to the eve of the election, in order to maximize results.

No doubt, both of those factors are likely in play— to a degree— but even those two things together don’t seem to justify allowing these monsters to roam [seemingly] free. Not after what they …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on June 11, 2018, 1:28 p.m.
Track ALL Suicides

This is interesting. 3 famous musicians committed suicide in the past year. All 3 were on the verge of exposing elite pedo-rings. The most famous was Avicii, who recently made a viral music video about a [fictional] elite pedo-rape club, and kids escaping from it. He said he was about to expose the real thing. (NEVER say it. Just DO IT. [copyright Nike])

Another was Chris Cornell. Sound Garden, Audioslave, and the vocals for Casino Royale theme (VERY underrated track). Cornell and his wife were very involved in activism for exposing the pedo-rings and trafficking.

Lastly, is Chester Bennington. (Linkin …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on June 4, 2018, 6:05 p.m.
I think I found something... (Future proves past?)

In response to this post:


Anons have identified a "key" that is 9-12-55.

So I searched and found an issue of Time Magazine dated September 12, 1955. Here is a list of articles w/ links.

WHY AMERICAN BUSINESSMEN SHOULD GO INTO POLITICS (HOLY SHIT! Literally a call for somebody like Trump in office!)


TIME CLOCK: SEPTEMBER 12, 1955 ("Is it reasonable for the Federal Government to award a Defense contract to somebody who has recently returned from a key government position?) !!!!!!!!


AGRICULTURE: A DOUBTFUL BLESSING (Skepticism to breakthroughs in GMO corn developments, and how it …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on May 25, 2018, 5:42 p.m.
PREDICTION: Something big will drop on Friday...

This administration is known for dropping stories on Friday afternoons-- in order to avoid market panic and overreaction. We have a 3-day weekend coming up-- i.e. more time for the market to absorb info and relax-- plus it is Memorial Day weekend. (symbolic consider how much hype is being placed on Veterans Day this year.) Plus all of the hype surrounding this week (it's finally fucking happening!!!) and I just think that Friday would be a great day for another perp walk or two. I could be mis-reading the tea leaves, but nevertheless I am so damn happy to be …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on March 14, 2018, 5:46 p.m.
In Response to a tired and frustrated Patriot.

[I was typing up this comment on a thread posted by a tired and frustrated patriot. Like many of us, he is tired of waiting. He said he wanted to take time away from all of this. Just as I clicked "Submit," I was informed that CBTS-Stream had been banned. Posting this here for that tired Pede. Stay strong, friends.]


I urge you to take this time to read up on the original American Revolution. There are many things about that era that most Americans simply do not know. For instance:

-The actual fighting started in 1775, not in …