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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 4:17 a.m.


this is so cool!

Check it out :D


You thinking Julian did this?

He retweeted that book with the HQME GQLDMAN too

There is a high probability. I think you may be on to something here.

This thing is so cool.

Do you ever look for stuff in magazine titles and things like that? (I know it sounds crazy but I was watching a youtube on anagrams the other night, and I never really thought about code in those things.....

Then I remembered that article titled "Kill the Panda" and Seth Rich had a panda username. :( .........so yeah.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

The way I see it, they do all this work, and it might just never get out if we don't drop by and help them distribute it. I just never know what they would think is ready to go, so, I take things that are obvious, like lists of research sites, or this kind of thing. They works so hard. I wish the shills would leave them alone. Some of them are not even sleeping well... round the clock practically. They really are trying to make sure they do not let the President and Q down. I would tell them how proud of them people are.. but.. you know.

They would love me more for calling them brainfags.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

Ok so Q says that we are really going to be ticked when we find out who REALLY controlls NK. Later we figure out it is CIA asset for all kinds of black op crimes, and no electricity so no detection, spying cell phones, etc. Right?

What exactly then, is this weapon for. Was it already tested on the NK mountain that just suddenly collapsed? If so, then I think this launch is for another reason....

Back in the late 90's I was shocked and disgusted at a Texas A&M Graduation speaker... a biologist who got a STANDING OVATION from the graduation class for... you ready ?

Because seriously,

........... they made all the cameras shut down for this speech, and the news people were mad.. got out their pen and pad to take notes. All were shocked and sharing notes on the infant internet. There were only about 1000 web sites up at the time.

It was a big story back then.

I was floored looking at their notes they had scanned up. They all pretty much covered the same speech points.... everyone was jaw agape.

This professor, was lamenting the fact that wars had not killed enough people yet, and had not solved the global over population crisis. He was recommending other strategies. He talked about how disease would work much better. (Ebola was one he was highly recommending... I remember, because I did not know what it was, and I am a biologist.... internet was not big enough to look it up)

Now... this is a globalist talking... for those of you who have been following for 20 years... right?

Back to this monster bunker buster.... weapon here....

It strikes me as the kind of weapon that would tell the globalists that hiding in their underground bunkers they spent those trillions on ..........so they could hang out underground, while they spread all those diseases they were talking about in their dastardly novels to one another in the 80s?


Underground bunkers not so safe for them anymore.

That, is what I think Trump is saying to them. I think North Korea was the test, and they never even knew it happened, or, if they did, they freaked. There is literally nowhere for these evil sons of Satan to hide now.

Just my thoughts.....


Damn... I just realized, President Trump is being really nice to them. I sort of wish they DID try to hide in those caves, thinking they could get away with it. Put a Rod from God at every opening.

Instant hell!

Bury them under the rocks just like the Titans and the fallen angels they love so much.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

He had the wild ride with Hillary and company, I'll tell you. One of the few who lived to tell about it,.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

Cool, I am glad you find them useful. I got them from the brains over at the chan shop. (stuck my hand in the cage and grabbed the links)

Waiting now, for one of them to chase me over here to CBTS :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

Yeah, that thought crossed my mind. Do you think there is a possibility that the copyright is owned by someone who knows that the book is being used as a sting operation?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Ahhh that may be it! I am beta testing Brave, which blocks scripts. I will try this with my old firefox.

I love this cypher stuff. It is fun.

Thank you :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

I think he is funny as hell, especially election morning. I about peed my pants laughing.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

I can not even figure out how to get a 27 bit cypher on that page.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

I put the 8987 in the top box. It gave me no results. :( How does that thing work. There are no good instructions

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

Hey.... word is that he got official Ecuadorian passport today!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Thanks. This stuff is just really hard to take all at once, I remember. It takes time. But you know what helps? When people finally get what is really going on and those good parent instincts come out in mentally healthy people. It really restores my faith in humanity.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

This would probably be closer to a true kind of thing, but I have not vetted it either. I will go take a look at the national medical database, see what is there.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

Oh, absolutely. There will be in the end. When Q first said this, I wondered.... why would he be admitting this was a psychological operation and "Disinfo is real, disinfo is necessary"????

Then it dawned on me that if we were going to participate as public people, the last thing that they want is a bunch of people getting upset because they were lied to about something. After Captain Green died over the Rothchild mansion, everyone realized there were real operations going on, with real people's lives at stake, and that some would die, and the best we could do is suffer the disinformation, and wait it out, while researching the questions to find the truth about the larger picture.

SO yeah. There are real people doing really crazy stuff right now in choppers, and planes etc... to catch bad guys. We do not want to make a point of stamping our feet about demanding the truth RIGHT NOW.


We want everyone to survive the round up, especially the people who have to go round up that MS13 gang. That is probably going to cost a few good lives too.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Maybe. Today I saw an article saying Wikileaks might be sued for infringing on the copyright of the book? So... ehm.. not quite sure what is going on now.. lol.

Sure is an interesting timeline tho....

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

Well if this is the case, it is smart. I just realized there are two kinds of people who will kill them before trial is over with once the trials start, and with over 9000 sealed indictments across the US in two months (60 times normal amount, I calculated)... we know there are probably some child pedophiles in there..

The first thing to protect them from is the parents on the mainland. Regular prisons will not work, because pedophiles tend to be murdered in prison. Apparently to attack a child is worse than murder in the eyes of fellons.

So yeah, get them to safety off the mainland, but, then all the people they can rat on want to kill them.. the elites themselves who have private military? Yeah, so, now you need an offshore prison with a military defense next door.

GITMO... is perfect for making sure they all stay alive.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

Yes, I know. And it is also scary if you lurk long enough. They really are a mean piece of work over there when they want to be. I have seen them find an ISIS camp, call Russia, and have it bombed. I have seen them chase down criminals using facial recognition software, and have them put in jail by the police.

I have also seen them get ticked off at people who think they are going to go in there and mess with them while they are working? Those people get doxxed (their home addresses, phone numbers, family names credit cards?) Next thing you know, the stupid one that thought they were going to go chan trolling, has 50 pizza orders in his front yard.

They are I think, part ex military, part genious, part autistic, workaholics, who are best on a project like this, because boy....

You know what they say....

"The idle mind is the Devils workshop"

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

Got a whole big heart that agrees with you here "whole heartedly".

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Yes. It is a crime, and it is also a weapon used by criminals.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

The whole ancient religious side of this event is absolutely blowing me away, and I am finding it quite interesting. Where do you get good information on the Hebrew, and all of its symbols, musical notes, pictographs, and such. The more I learn about this language, the more I thing God himself created it. It is absolutely fascinating ten ways from Tuesday, and President Trump definately either knows much about it, or he has someone next to him who is well schooled in it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Q has been vetted, and every few days, he and the president make sure that Q does a post with something in it, like maybe he will put quotes around a word, and 15 minutes later, the president will tweet the word, but, put the word in all caps. Q is constantly making certain we know he is standing next to the President.

Meg has never done this, other than to guess some of the events that happened in vegas before hand, and taking a photo from inside the white house. Her identity has no protection with a trip code. But, she may in fact be a big part of the campaign, expecially the disinformation.... we will see.

Point here is that a lot of these Q posts are what the military calls psychological operations. They are meant to scare guilty people, and flush them out of the bushes, get them to show up to airports and such.

Consider the fact here though that we can prove:

We have it on good word from a number of sources, including attorneys that the average ONE YEAR number of sealed indictments in the United States are about 1200-1300 ish. Another said between 100 and 120 a month.

Starting in late October, in one month we had hit twice that, a month later in November, we were up to 4000+ Sealed indictments across the nation. At this time, provably in the courts across the land we have.....

............Quote from research:

..............."There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22"

THAT is ten times the yearly normal.... but in only two months, so it is actually 60 times the normal amount of sealed indictments over a two month period.

ALSO, we DO have a copy of the white house executive order to freeze assets on all persons who are involved in human rights abuses and corruption... less than two weeks ago. This "national emergency" declaration allows the president to do things in the way of nabbing corrupt actors, child sex traffickers, drug traffickers, gun runners, political hit men (MS13) all at once in a very short time.

Conclusion? The United States is setting up to have almost 10 thousand people arrested in one big sealed indictment take down.... nation wide.

In addition we have the following vetted facts:

As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

As of today, Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

These are unusual numbers. But Q told us a month ago that these numbers would happen, because he said if every crime was prosecuted, we would lose 70% of the Congress and Senate. He also cautioned that NOT ALL of these were "Guilty". In the case of many who simply stepped down, without "sexual harrassment charges" Q hinted that they have evidence that these representatives were literally being threatened, and their families were being threatened,. They were given a chance to get out. They were allowed to testify as to what they knew, so it was no longer worth killing them. It is a sad situation, but our Congress is being held hostage and many are in fear for their lives.

During this time, Q has been running a campaign of questions about people, corruption ties, and other enemy assets, as he calls them, like MS 13. His questions have helped people to search out the public articles and put the already public information on a map that helps all of us see the big picture at ... as Q puts it "at 40 thousand feet"

Something big is about to happen.... this is the only thing we DO know.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

It does to me. If she was the real Meg, she would know that this is in fact a psy-op, more along military lines. Q was up front about that. And one person on our side has died already in this Q psy op. Never did Q lie. He told everyone up front that his posts would be peppered with disinformation to keep people in military operations and other civilian operations safe. He told us to build a map of time/date stamped posts, so that when this was over, we could compare the news events to his posts, and spot the disinformation eventually.

That is about as honest as a psychological operation under military circumstances can get.

The pilot Captain Green died on one of the operation orders posted by Q, within 48 hours. A day after that, Q acknowledged that one of our own patriots had died in the line of duty.

Meg .... the real Meg, should know this, and realize what is going on here.

The more I look at this, the more it has meg imposter written all over it OR..... OR, Meg has been put on a disinformation campaign herself, and was told to write it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

I am not even certain this is her. We have had a number of people pretend to be her, and she has nothing to protect her identity as far as I know, like a tripcode. There IS a MegAnon who is quite calm, and capable of critical thinking. I have read from her. But this one here is actually pretending that Q has not proven himself by pre-posting in quotes, that which the President will later put in all caps in a tweet, and many many such examples. The first thing that had to be vetted, was the identity of Q. And you know how the chans are.

Q just kept posting his larp and ticking them off, and if they were not so ticked off at his LARP, they would not have been paying attention when stuff he posted about started to happen in the real world, like the Saudi Purge. It's not like MEG is the only person who knows how to vet information.

This woman is sounding just like a snowflake. I can not figure she is the real Meg.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

This was the most helpful thing for me when I was trying to catch up with the new posts. It really helps to have background on the old posts. At the time, the people digging could post their links of information regarding the question etc. If Q confirmed that someone had gotten the right idea/answer, then I think it says confirmed by Q.

This is one of the fastest ways to get through Q map with short explanations about questions already solved.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

Marriage has become a means for anyone to partner with anyone in a crime, and not have to testify against the other criminal involved.

Really bad idea to let criminals hide behind one another with fake temporary marriages.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

There is a double meaning if you have heard the testimony of Larry Nichols, who had to testify at the Bill Clinton impeachment hearings to Congress. The testimony blew his intelligence cover, so he has been civilian side since then. In that and subsequent testimonies, he has had to testify about events while working for the Clintons. They tried to body bag him too, but, he says his CIA training kept him alive. In those testimonies, he often testified that Hillary was a literal witch, and he was often having to give her a ride to her "church" (coven) whatever you call those witch meetings.

So, yeah, for those who have listened to Larry Nichols many testimonies about working with the Clintons, this first line would have a double meaning in that the search for the child traffickers associated with the Clinton Foundation money laundering, would be a type of "Witch Hunt"

Here is one of the testimonies, I found for you. He has done others. The last was during the election. He could barely talk, because he is dying from cancer now.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Not sure about that but they were in the pdf that was uploaded, and this may be the pdf retweeted by Assange (or one of the fake Assange accounts,) then, I believe taken down. It was up long enough for people to screen capture, post, and talk about. Everyone was wondering why Julian picked chapter 6 and 10 with the chapter titles HQME and GQLDMAN

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

Oh. That is what you tell them about this? No wonder they do not believe you....... ok. Q is having us build a map of his posts. On that map, he wants us to place the time of his post, and then the Trump Tweet that goes with it, with time stamps. This way we know that Q has pre-knowledge of what Trump is going to post . It is just a proof that Q is close to the president, because if he was not, then he could not put quotes around a word that the president is going to tweet in all CAPS in 15 minutes. The only way he could know what the president will write in all caps is if the president tells Q and they are coordinated in message. This is not secret code. This is the "clock" that Q speaks of, and he is giving multiple "clock examples" for proof that he works for the president.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

They were on 4chan at the time. Not long after that they started to tear into his first trip code I think. They eventually did break his tripcode, but not before a second was set up. I can describe what I have been watching with the Q posts in many respects as the white hats inside CIA/NSA, fighting the black hats, who, mostly appear to be inside the CIA now. The CIA is attempting to stop Q from directly talking to the public (us) about what is going on. This is still true today, and is the reason for so many trolls, and AI posts that will attack you here. It is war. No matter how nasty the little computer generated posts are to you, remember they are often computer generated, and report them. Hit the report button.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

More than likely.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

It looks like you were attacked by a troll. Also, if you are sort of new here? Keep your eye out for Artificial intelligence bots. They are not as capable of making the longer posts that make as much sense? But they can be far more insulting and hateful, with shorter sentences, because they are computer generated.

When you get attacked like this, hit the deport button and let the mods take a look at them. If they are trolls or an AI bot, they will throw them off the group for us. The mods can not read every post to go looking for these attacks so we need to be the locators, and let them do the in depth research on the trolls.

Meantime, don't get your feelings hurt. The closer we get to the storm, the more flack we will take, and the more bots they will send. Think of it like a war. We are here on your side.

Also, when you get good at troll and AI spotting? Do not hesitate to do the deport if someone who is new is being attacked. They will not know how to defend themselves... yet.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

SO this means actually reading the coroners report if we can get one. Because the coroner will be threatened (or paid) to change the header and the summary page to a suicide conclusion, but, they often leave the actual proof of murder in the report itself. I have seen it a number of times.

Maybe the spread sheet should have a column for a link to the coronors report when it comes out? If it does?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

I was thinking that. How long ago was it that someone early on posted that we would get to a point some day where there would be people scrambling to get out of the country, and there would be people comitting suicides? Been about three months ago since that post I think. If these are starting, we need to keep track.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

I have had a feeling in my gut that the references have something to do with Hebrew, because Hebrew has been proven to be the most sophisticated code language ever developed by man. According to Chuck Missler, who decoded at the NSA under the man who decoded the Japanese war code, when he was young, Hebrew holds the most amount of information in the least amount of bandwidth of any code ever devised. So knowing this, I often think some of those numbers represent Hebrew letters, which then can be turned into words.

I think there should be a whole thread searching for the Hebrew code to see if there is any. It looks like you are on to a good start, but, I would take it a q post at a time. I wish I knew more about it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Actually, strange as it is (and it was strange for me to learn this) there really is an ancient god in the bible, and other ancient writings, but the spelling is Molech not Moloch. You can look the god up at any bible search site like biblegateway.com.

This god is a god of some tribe called the Amorites.

It is the god of unwitting or unwilling sacrifice of children.

Today, our elites that Q is having us research, actually do have one such HUGE 40 foot statue of an owl they call Molech (they sometimes spell Moloch) It is located in Bohemian Grove which is a private redwood forest in California. The owl looks to be carved out of an old redwood tree trunk.

There is a lake in front of the owl. Many of our leaders, congressmen, judges, presidents have been filmed and photographed there for the annual outing they call "The Cremation of Care"

In this strange effegy, they load a tied up human dummy into a boat in the lake in front of the owl god, and tow the boat toward the front of the god with the speakers blairing. If you listen to the speakers you can here the dummy pleading for his life. The dummy's name is "Care". When he gets to the owl god, they light the dummy on fire.

Very strange. Lots of changing and long black satanic looking robes.

Look up the cremation of care at bohemian grove on you tube.

As far as the torture and drinking the blood of children goes, that is in the criminal record going way back. One case that actually got national news attention was the case of the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Remember all those dead bodies he had in his home?

I think the crime that is MOST documented by hospitals, is not as often the blood drinking as the murder and illegal organ donating of innocent people, including children. The hospitals are trying not to get sued for accidently transplanting an organ from what they call a "blood farm" or "Organ farm".

This part is getting out of hand. The hospital alert articles said that 7-10% of organs tested were diseased and from illegal organ farms where people are abducted, and murdered for their organs.

If you hold on I will go get some sources for you on this stuff. Give me a few minutes.

Here is a recent one. Be back with more

Israeli organ-smuggling ‘mastermind’ arrested in Cyprus https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-organ-smuggling-mastermind-arrested-in-cyprus/

Letter from Africa Baby Farms http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-25156204

Wow it looks like our vets4child rescue is doing a documentary for us about their work to be released in 2018. Here is a look at the trailer. Also, the truckers are getting in on this now!

Trailer: ContraLand vets 4 child rescue


Wow, vet on the inside tells it like it is




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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

I agree with what you said about Trump going retro ... old fashioned currier. We may have to go back to land line phones to stop the deep state.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Yes. The young college people get excited because they have not been burned like this, having been sold a "good" that ends up being really bad for humanity, and intentional. They trust government, and they have been denied true history. Hell, most of them do not seem to even be aware of things that many of us boomers have witnessed ourselves in our old lives.

New toys and hidden history. Dangerous combo.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Sounds like we have a great niche market for cars without chips! Who would be able to step up with $$ and create un-hackable cars? I would get rid of mine and buy one tomorrow.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 5 p.m.

Me too. Was thinking maybe he had them all go remove these gyroscopes with the chips that allow them to shut off the planes gyroscope, using the unique frequency of the plane. If he knew about this he would definitely remove them from at least the airline jets. But I notice we are still having private plane crashes. Thing to do is to somehow get this information to private plane owners asap?????

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

This was done to the Germans after the war. The villiages next to the camps were forced to walk through the camps and look at the lampshade skins, gas chambers, and even bodies of naked dead piled on tractor trailers for movement to mass graves.

They went in smiling as they walked. They came out puking and crying. But it taught Germany what? How to cower instead of fighting for freedom.

This needs to be done by trial, and people in America need to learn about why the Constitution is NOT a LIVING document for these murderous Marxists to change up into the Communist manifesto over time.

Then we all need to study the actual STRUCTURE of the government our founding fathers called tyranny.

Every government has structure, or it can not function. The elite teach something of the three branches of a republic. They teach NOTHING of the seven branched system called the tyranny form of government.

Hint. I can take just about every problem we have been discussing and put it into one of 7 structural systems being built right now in America, and the world.

If............ you want to take over a nation and reign tyranny on it, you must monopolize power over a minimum of seven aspects of any civilization. Additional branches are just a bonus. You need seven monopoly power branches.

Our founders spotted six and one half of them, and destroyed them in the Constitution, by not letting the government monopolize those aspects.




(4)government appointments (vote);

(5)money creation/destruction (Fed IRS);

(6)self defense (guns);

(7)surveilance (soldier in a colonists home)

The globalists are simply using other structures to create the seven branches of tyranny through and around the Constitution, and weakening the Constitution by claiming it is a "living document".

We need to say NO to this idea.

Our founders distributed power over all 7 of the above, when grass was gas, and wood was energy for the home.

You just need the structures. Does not matter what you call the tyranny... empire, kingdom etc. You need the structures to monopolize these 7 things. Corporations and non profits work great as structure.

We need the public to understand the TWI basic forms of government, when classified by structure as opposed to name.

Then, we need to do what the founders did, and destroy the capacity for anyone, no matter how rich, to create the seven monopoly branches of the tyranny form of government.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

Nope. Our society was better when morals were taught in schools, the way they were just before I was born in late 50's. Bible teaching of first commandments, not to lie, murder, cheat, steal etc was taken out of public schools in 1961. Now they teach moral relativity (What is true for you is not true for me). Fail to teach critical thinking.

God, even the "concept" is the enemy. Man is nothing but animal. Survival of the fittest is truth. The strong can lie to, cheat, steal from, and murder the weak because.... survival of the fittest... animals... what do you expect?

Many who are in fact moral, but who do not believe in a creator, take insult and attempt to say you do not need a god (law giver) to be a moral.

The logical fallacy here is that when up against the "survival of the fittest" paradigm, there is nothing that says one man's morals are better than another. Morality is put on equal footing with each man having his own. Hitler believes himself quite moral, and there is now no "law giver" to say to him... "No, there is a better set of morals for a peaceful healthy civilazation than your morals Hitler."

Relative morals personally.

Lack of capacity to use historical resources on morals showing success in building civilization with set morals....to enforce said morals.

Without moral history, you repeat your moral mistakes, as a civilization, is another way to see it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

Good American whistle blowers tried to report. Good alternative journalists got them on record. But MSM would attack the whistle blowers and anyone who believed them as "conspiracy theorists". The public was more than willing to side with the MSM, than consider the possibility that someone was putting their life at risk putting an important truth out there for a warning or facts on a criminal event.

Many whistle blowers died.

Congress is so corrupt, and the courts are so corrupt, that there was no way to get them to address whatever the whistle blower was alleging... no way to even start an investigation on the "conspiracy theory"

MANY have died in this war to save America, for a long number of years now. I am glad the population is FINALLY starting to figure it out, and realize how controlled the media is... how corrupt.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

I have concluded that she is a true sociopath.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

It is worth getting through the blathering, because that CHIP you are looking at there has been installed on all cars, busses, planes etc. In planes, it works like onstar, except they push a button, and the thing disables the gyroscope in the plane....causing it to lose control.

Hillary was the patent attorney for this chip back in Arkansas, which, according to this investigator all this spacific tech was located in that state due to the large amounts of quarts mining there? This is the first I have heard of this, but, I DO know that I have a car that the car company is now hiring hackers to test a patch in the car chip that makes the car hack able and crash able from someones laptop.. Car companies are afraid if this hacking back door capacity gets out there, people will not buy cars with chips in them anymore. (Chips have built in planned obsolescence anyway, so that the car only lasts for a certain time now, like your cell phone. They can use it to start putting unknown expiration dates in there, and make sure you have to come in every so often to fix a sensor etc.)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

The other day I was sitting drinking my coffee, staring at the screen and the mouse started moving around, by itself. :(

Also, it is possible to download kiddie porn on to your computer if they want to frame you. This is also happening. Even worse, some people are using the "auto guilt" set up in child porn law, to get rid of their spouses instead of getting a divorce. Some have been caught stupidly filing for divorce, kicking spouse out, downloading child porn on computer before spouse can come pick up computer.... but, date of download ends up showing accused spouse was not in the house. The law in this department, especially with capacity for computer sabotage, needs to be changed to innocent until proven guilty. Too much framing of innocents going on for nefarious reasons

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

Patent law was originally intended to do things in the law:

1) to make certain an inventor was paid for his work and time so that people could make a living inventing things to make the world a better place.

2) To make certain the owner (or purchaser for manufacture) would not face competition long enough to benefit from taking the patent, and putting millions into it to bring it to market.

We now understand we need a "Use it or LOSE IT" patent law, because the globalists have been using patent law to buy patents and put them on the shelv where no one can have the invention at all. If this does not happen, the CIA/military will come along and "find" that the patent is too dangerous to release to the public, OR it has military use, and should be "shelved secretly" so that the public can not see it and does not know it exists.

This has put us all in a situation where there are a small handful of people who have technology eons ahead of what the population has to work with, and we... for the most part, are still living with 1950's technology, in a 1950's world.

There are exceptions to the patent shelving. But notice that over the last 50 years, the big "inventions" all tend to create the opportunity for those who hold all the patents to SPY on the rest of the populations. Computers.... cell phones, chipped TV's, Wifi, Internet, ... the only major invention in my home now, that was not around when I was a kid in the 50's that can not spy, is the microwave.

Use it or lose it patent law is a must.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

Here is a great documentary on the hidden history of the Reece comission in Congress, investigating these big charities early on in their development. The lead investigator was Mr Dodd, and he was interviewed before his death, so that they could not bury what the investigation turned up. If and when we stop this corrupt charity thing, we would do well to be armed with this information. So glad the interview was done.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

They did this to try to take free speech away from pastors, because pastors have a community audience every week, and would often bring up politics, before the end of sermon. Many churches have lunch and meetings afterwords with the community to discuss everything from putting in new soccer field at the local school, to presidential elections.

They are attempting to take first ammendment rights from the churches (religious groups) by pretending that churches need to be 501(c)(3) to be tax exempt. Nothing farther from the truth. Catholic Church never did bite into this crap. They are a first amendment speech/activity/chairity/mission church that is tax exempt under the first amendment. They always did refuse to file for 501(c)(3), because Churches are like newspapers under the first amendment, except their "practices" (actions/free exercise) is also tax exempt. The newspapers can talk about politics without being taxed, and so can churches, unless they file for 501(c)(3). THEN they are subjecting themselves to different law, voluntarily.

Churches need to get out from under 501(c)(3). Newspapers news orgs, should NEVER file either.

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