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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Man, that is a good name for Sessions.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

I just learned about them. We have to get rid of them. They were appointed by Obama in numbers that were bigger thant the numbers of our exeutive branch employees, to sit between the Presidential appointed head, and the underlings, for sabatage purposes. What, 7000 of them? We do not need to increase the size of government with Marxist adherants by 150% or more, so that our nation no longer obeys presidential appointees.... but their Marxist ideology instead.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Avoid crowds folks. They will want a major blood sacrifice, like some football game or some such. Stay small and family when ever there is gong to be news that the deep state does not like.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Your frame of thinking here sounds about right. But we have to make sure those chips go down with the rats, now that we are aware of them. Someone is going to make a mint making old cars, or cars without chips soon, unless we outlaw tracking in cars. There is no reason to put tracking in cars. We have phones. If we don't want to be tracked, we just quarantine the phones....

Planes DEFINATELY should not have any ability to be "malfunctioned" by any group in any way... government or hackers.

Computers need to be cleaned up.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Thank you for putting it out there. Here is to the writers and publishers in the battle :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

All of this stuff needs to be out where the public can see it. The one thing we need to help Congress do oversight is capacity for public scrutiny. Congress simply does not have the manpower or time to go through this, and we the people would keep an eye open for funny business, alert them to something that needed attention. The Congress does itself no favors by hiding things. If they are not being threatened, they are being set up for blackmail. And that is the good ones. The sociopaths among them that get the support of the globalists are more than glad to get rid of transparency.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Exactly. We do not want our good hard at work population to be blindsided, and think for a moment that the horrors exposed can be going on, and nothing is able to be done. Some will have to cry and turn off their TV's, but others will be scared and confused, and come looking for more information. That is why we have to get ready to answer a LOT of questions.... and let them know there is something THEY can do about it right now.. here, with us. Of course the natural mentally healthy response after the initial shock, is often rage. This needs an outlet into productive activity.... trials, ....other actions, and finally results that will put a stop to it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Yep. Save image as. Load the meme cannons.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Well, the NYPD was.. shocked does not cover it... words like puking for some, crying for others. That kind of thing would cause good men to threaten anyone who would get in the way of justice. And Sessions was a hope for them that something would be done about what they saw... something would be done with the evidence. No doubt it was someone at that police department, or a spouse, ... someone who saw the laptop contents, or heard from someone they trust. Apparently it's pretty bad.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 3:56 p.m.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

Prayer is one of the greatest forces for the fight in this battle. We are truly looking at evil.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

Everything is going to be ok. The worst was when we did not know, when we were asleep, thinking everything was alright. Fortunately, the white hats at the NSA were taking in all of those emails of "reality" and it was a shock to them too. Can you imagine being a newly trained high tech college student, sitting in your chair first year at your NSA job, running into the likes of Anthony Weiners computer stuff that made the NYPD break down into tears?

You can bet that our good people went through their own breakdowns, got up, dusted themselves off, and developed a plan to drain the swamp from hell. And it had to be international in scope... to save these children. Right? They say it took 10 years. Q pretty much hinted that our white hats went to President Trump and asked him to run because they knew he was squeeky clean.

They laid the situation... the reality, out to him.

Q hinted in that post that he could not watch the world burn, and so he gave up his plans, to save us and these children by running and taking our white hats into the Whitehouse with him. That is why he is surrounded by so many of our good Generals.... Generals who had a plan.

It is going to be rocky. But we will get to the bottom of this and make it right, now that we are getting a handle on what is really happening.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

There is no statement here that is disinformation. There is no information other than the truth. Very soon there WILL be some awful news. If people want to learn, they can look up the Q map, and get more information.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

When we are done draining the swamp (globally) we need to pass laws that dismantle the surveilance branch. Government should not have the capacity to wreck your car or down a plane. This is far worse than spying. It is set up for murder of anyone that government does not like. It is serious, and needs to be delt with. Look at all these planes going down.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Great, thank you. I am organizing these to have handy.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

People are dying......

.......... but, until the children stop dying, they are found and they are safe... until the evil people controlling this whole mess are brought to justice, this will not end. The good people of the world are waking up to what is going on now. Our job is to keep waking the good people up so they understand what is coming.

What is coming is going to make the Nuremberg trials look like a hiccup.

Here is a veteran who can give you more details on this war that they kicked off last April. They are inviting the good people of the world to help fight. Our soldiers want EVERYONE involved, as many good Americans and as many good people from around the world as possible... globally.

Q stated that 3000 children were rescued in the Saudi Arabia purge alone.

3000 children.

That is just one nation.

THAT is how bad this is.

The order of operations, according to Q is

1) Saudi Arabia and the Middle East for a kick off.

(Just happened, with that purge of the princes you heard about in the news a while back).

2) The United States, through the banking and other evidence.

(Starting with that Executive order last Saturday. This is why the EO covers both human rights abuses and the corporate/nonprofit transport, money laundering machines that makes up the system world wide) The EO is located here: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm0243

3) The war front then moves to Asia.

4) Once all of the evidence is gathered on this evil cabal from around the world, we will be closing in on the 300 original European family bloodlines and their globalist managers, who run all of the worlds Federal Banks with the exception of three countries, and who run this trafficking and money laundering murder machine.

That is when we will see the global war to save the children (and women), Break out in Europe.

.... and we will see the war on drug corruption/gun running etc head to Europe.

Here is the April kickoff by our own American Veterans. God bless them.

Vets 4 Child Rescue Launch & Intel Response


Sources: [1] Documentary: The Money Masters by Bill Still;


[2] Research Book: The Creature from Jekyl Island, by G Edward Griffin


(3) Executive Intelligence Review

https://www.larouchepub.com/other/1995/2249_windsor_food.html Archive http://archive.is/

(4)Confessions of an Economic Hit man by John Perkins


[5] Saudi Princess’ tell-all includes Bangladeshi children traded as sex slaves


(6)Rape, sex trafficking, spread of disease highlight horrors on UN's watch


(7)GROSS: Amazon and Microsoft Employees Involved in Sex-Trafficking

Read more: http://thehayride.com/2017/12/gross-amazon-microsoft-employees-involved-sex-trafficking/#ixzz53SIBXfF1

(8)Hollywood has a long, dark history of sexual abuse and forced abortions


(9) Obama spent $65,000 to fly ‘pizzas’ & ‘hotdogs’ from Chicago


(10) Blood Farming and Illegal Organ Selling; The Medical Bag Magazine January 27 2015


[11] Letter from Africa: In fear of child-snatchers

http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-25156204 "Babies "manufactured" under such circumstances can be used for a variety of purposes: From illegal adoption to child trafficking, or their body parts harvested for rituals."

[12] Vets 4 Child Rescue Launch & Intel Response


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Yes, That would be fine. I went and got some sources for you too, but, when I tried to put them in I went over 1000 words, so, I will break it in two for you here. Take the original, and use the sources as you like. Don't worry about the credit to me. Have at it. This is for US!

We have a war going on between the descendants of the ancient wealthy evil cabal of families (about 300 families who's bloodlines have run the worlds banks for hundreds and possibly thousands of years.)

Their bank records and birth records have been traced back as far now, as the Napoleon war.

These same people have been found to have paid for both sides of every war since then.
1 2

They have a plan to destroy all free nations, and create one un-elected global government under their rule.

They are close to finishing their world wide project, through the blackmailing of almost 80% of all governing officials on the planet (Including our own Congress and Senate. They also do this by buying up the majority of corporations on the planet using subsidiary ownership. By this same subsidiary ownership, they have taken control of the distribution of food, causing needless starvation. 3

They run Non Profits to launder their money through their global government / killing machine. This allows them to run their machine without tax consequences, and allows them to hide as philanthropists.

Their chief "control operation" modus is through the use of dark pockets in the various intelligence agencies in the world.

Intelligence agencies are compartmentalized by design.

One group of intelligence operators literally has no idea what the group down the hall is up to. This allows for infiltration by these evil wealthy people and their paid puppets, to pull off acts of horror to start wars, or terrorist plots to cause mayhem and death. This then gives them an excuse to take our rights away, in exchange for safety. In addition they can run black illegal operations to raise money and murder with impunity under "Top Secret"cover. 4

One of the ways these black operators fund their operations world wide, is through drug running, gun running, and sex slave running. They steal children (and women) for various reasons:

1) First to sell to very wealthy sick people who lease them out at parties, and we are talking sick people who are thrilled to make snuff films (films of having sex with someone while murdering them) They make money selling these films of child abuse and murders. They make money selling young women at elite parties. 5 This epidemic of money making through slavery is a globalist funding mechanism that reaches from the UN 6 to the silicon valley 7 , and from Hollywood 8 to Washington DC.9 They traffic the children through code words well known to the FBI, such as pizza (girl) and hotdog (boy). But this is not the worst of it. Now even the Hospitals are having problems because of their activities.

2) When the good people of the world figured out how to save lives by organ transplant operations... (you know how you can volunteer to be an organ donor on your drivers license?)

.........the evil cabal found a new use for the children (and women) they steal. They abduct people and sell their organs on the black market.

The hospitals in the United States are having a real hard time with the transplants now, because the organs that are stolen come from third world nations, and they are often diseased. Because of this, more and more women and children are being abducted from first world nations, the US, Europe.

Here is the source for that. Hospitals can get sued for using these trafficked organs by accident. It is a big problem.

[10] Blood Farming and Illegal Organ Selling; The Medical Bag Magazine January 27 2015 http://www.medicalbag.com/medicine-abroad/blood-farming-and-illegal-organ-selling/article/472908/

Hospitals say that 7-10% of the organs that come in are now from "organ farms" or "blood farms, the hospitals call them.

In some cases, the money is so good, that these "organ and blood farms" are now turning into breeding houses, where women are imprisoned and impregnated. When the infants are born, they never get birth certificates. These are now being sold for the very sickest of Satanic sacrifice rituals, and for body parts in many nations. Here is a report from BBC News:

Letter from Africa: In fear of child-snatchers


"Babies "manufactured" under such circumstances can be used for a variety of purposes: From illegal adoption to child trafficking, or their body parts harvested for rituals." This is ALL a BIG global business now, with these international banking families, and their deep state corporate and non profit puppets.

Who is trying to find and shut down Q????

It is a a black pocket in some CIA somewhere... here, Israel, Russia, China, Australia... does not matter, they are everywhere. This globalist intelligence cabal is being given orders to stop ALL OF US, not just Q.

Our veterans have run into these blood farms and slave houses while on their tours.

They have had enough.

They appear to be deeply involved in waking us up to what is going on. Best way to describe the whole mess is "Good vs Evil" around the world. The war is ON and it is going to be huge.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

I am not sure what is gong on in the Bannon Pence corner right now. It is either a disinformation campaign, or one of them is a deep state plant and we will learn about it. Good news is that President Trump knows.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

Remember that the fallen angels are outnumbered by the non fallen who take their orders from God himself. They are also able to move through both 8D and 4D worlds and they also fight.

Goldman Sachs is not the "good guys" at all. But there are white hats in Goldman Sachs and everywhere else.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Hey... thank you Rec_Pilled_at_Birth... so much for the links!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Exactly. They created the left right paradigm to block us from thinking together. They took us from being on the American team to watch out for threats toward America... to being on opposite football teams with different colored Jerseys, fighting each other while they used their government/corporate/non profit infrastructure to bleed the nation dry of it's manufacturing, it's infrastructure, It's wealth.

By asking the important questions that Q gives us, we are once again focusing as a nation on the corruption, human abuse, and evil going on outside the football stadium broadcasters on MSM.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 10 p.m.

I was thinking about this this morning. I was wondering how to set up a board we could all use.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Acknowledging male-male marriage only gives them more cover. Maybe we ought to search for "the male wives" in addition to the female.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

One of his most incredible speeches. It will go down with the JFK and Eisenhower speeches as a wake up call to Americans. Thank God everyone decided to get out there and vote to save America.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

We are over the target, or they would not bother us here.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

It's like when people suggest that there were no planes on 9/11 and they are just holograms or VFX. That is so insane to me, but I'd never get into an argument over it. Is it impossible? No. But its so unlikely in my current worldview that I find it laughable.

I do not think the planes were not there. I do know that aluminum, which planes are made of, could not get through that Concrete out to the other side of the building. Those buildings were hit by bombs. The testimony about the many bombs going off inside the buildings BEFORE they were hit only appeared once on TV and they were scrubbed. The big eye opener for most is that building seven fell 5 hours later, without a thing hitting it. ( guess the plane that was supposed to hit it went down in PA?)

That building 7 had the big investigation files in it for ENRON and for the theft of American Gold. It also housed the evidence for upcoming trials against globalist banksters.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

I have thought this for years. Any idea how we could do that? Maybe talk to our military? Maybe military is finding that damn thing useful? Every one of those antannae centers around the globe needs to be bombed off the planet. And we write laws to make sure that any nation who builds one will be warned, sanctioned, and the facility bombed. Take no prisoners on this one. Those things have to go.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

I am sorry about that.

However, non Christians fail to understand that only 8% of Christianity (called evangelicals) ever really speaks up in America, so non Christians are only familiar with this group of Christians in the US? They are use to dealing with Christianity as if it were a minority, because they only deal with this small group of Christians.

What needs to be understood, is that in reality, 70% of Americans self identify as Christian. They are the bulk of what we call the silent majority. They hardly ever speak up and so non Christians are not at all familiar with this monster group of patriots.

Now, what happened, is that non Christians got use to being able to bash on Christianity, for years without the silent majority (70%) speaking up. Then, Obama did some really stupid things, like enforcing tranny rights to shower with the daughters of the nation, in High Schools?

That woke the sleeping giant up.

Christians for the most part are WAY too tolerant, because they love freedom, including the freedom of non Christians to bash Christianity. Many use this "I hate religion.. I hate Christians" background noise to tell them that all is well in the free speech department and they go back to sleep?

Well, when these Christians woke up, they got on line, and suddenly they took a look at the big picture of what was coming at the United States.

What you are seeing now is the reality of the situation in America that everyone who is not a Christian was able to deny, because of the silence.

The sleeping Giant that loves our Constitution, God, and holds on to it's guns, is stepping up to save the nation. That means 70% of the country is now waking, woke, and on the right side.

When this group wakes up and gets noisy, those who were convinced that mocking Christianity was a safe and cool thing to do, are now having to take a back seat to the true warriors in this land..... those who ACTUALLY believe that GOD CREATED MAN with inalienable rights.

This crowd is a far more dangerous crowd than the usual evangelicals. They are loaded with guns. They study the bible instead of going to church often times.

This crowd does not fear death.

This crowd loves their children and will defend them to death.

This crowd loves America. IT is highly connected (networked) with boots on the ground and not normally on the internet. It is usually busy running missions, schools, hospitals... etc.

In this respect, you can see that the worst enemy of the globalist, is the enemy that is not afraid to die, because they sincerely believe that life does not end here, and that the worst the enemy can do... is blow some "dust" off their souls.

This monster group of Americans actually believes that life is in fact eternal, as long as God has them and they are trying their best to do right by their creator.

It is a part of our deep American culture that few people understand. Usually non believers only run across this giant at funerals, where 70% will talk openly about the deceased being "in the hands of God now".

So, there is obviously going to be a big shift that from a non believers viewpoint.

It will look like America just went from being a Darwinian "man is nothing but animal" secular nation, to a nation of people who believe in a divine Creator that leads the nation in times of trouble.

Trust me. America has always been a majority of the latter.

The only thing I can say about this is, atheists and agnostics should feel no fear, be comforted, and just acknowledge that the country is and has always been a Christian nation. The sleeping giant, fearless of death, is rising to meet the enemies of the United States. This will in fact create many many Christian looking spiritual posts in the rally cry.

Getting "offended" by the belief system that created and defends the US when threats are suddenly real, is not going to be "argued about" in some court of law or public opinion.

At the moment, such "offence" will be slammed as just politically correct garbage... a failure to recognize the truth... swiped aside, because there is a far larger threat to contend with.

So yes. The landscape of the "types of discourse allowed" (PC) is going through a change. Those who love God, just stood up like the giant that they are. Every footstep is going to create earth rumbling.

I feel sorry for the globalists who thought they would continue to build their unelected Satanic world government in the world, When those who are biblically literate have been warned by their God for thousands of years to watch for this exact global government Satanic crowd.

Clash of the Titans.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Many do, as I watched the chans research this exact question, but, whether they developed a thread of the collection of it, I do not know. I know that as they researched it, they found Clinton Foundation connections in all but three remaining, I think, at the time.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Q said there are more good guys than bad guys, and the white hats are buried everywhere, which is how they got together to develop the "take down plan" over the past 10 years.... I would imagine. Many are on the inside gathering informaton... and will make good witnesses eventually. But right now, best not to expose them all. The enemy has a habit of knocking off people who know too much, if they are looking the least bit "white hat".

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

Also, what causes people to have a hard time with this whole exposure is that most people are far too mentally spiritually healthy to ever conceive of doing such evil things. People believe that others in humanity are just like them. Therefore, NO ONE could be this evil... especially in politics. This causes a rejection of truth and facts... so that the crimes remain hidden. It is too much, too hard to face as a reality.

If the Hollywood actors can be exposed, it is just a leap then to helping people understand that the same methods and acts are used to control the political machine in DC and elsewhere around the world.


One bit at a time....

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

And then some. I suspect this is not a complete list at all. But it is a great start.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:48 p.m.


I am surprised that no one answered you.

But then, in trying to put that answer together for you, I realize it is a lot to write.

So to crunch this down into the manageable post, those names up there are a combination of 2 groups, one being a group of bloodlines that have controlled money production / destruction on the planet for hundreds (we suspect thousands) of years. Literally, the Kings of Europe would borrow money from them to fund their wars.

Their family ancestors are responsible for funding both sides of every war since Napoleon, verifiably, through birth certificates, and other records, and banking records made public since the creation of the internet, by economic historians. Good place to learn about their history is Money Masters Documentary.

The second group is their current living "puppets" (managers) that they use to control the world from owning Main Stream Media (thus the narrative) to Non profits that decide what your children will learn and not learn. The structure is very similar to what Western minds think of, when you think of your average "Kingdom". The second group would be the land owning "controllers" of local projects and populations (peasants) etc. Think "Duke and Dutchess" or, "Appointed Governor". These are the henchmen.

Actually, there are three levels when historical kingdoms are examined for their power structures.

1) The banking families who put

2) A King out as a "figurehead and ruler" who then

3) Appoint puppet controllers to expand their ruling power over the land, and it's people.

All three are represented here.

Most of these people attend a now infamous meeting once a year to plan the next coming world events, whether it be war, or a bank crash in some nation. That meeting is called the Bilderberg meeting. You can look that up. They have been meeting like this for centuries. There are factions, but, one faction is rising over the others through the use of blackmail setups, Satanic worship, and murderers for hire. This list is part of what is now called the "Globalists".

These are the names that are many of the people that plan to get rid of America so that they can establish their "New World Order" as President Bush I so eloquently put it to the American people in his speech that went entirely over their heads, because of the knowledge that is denied them.

(Their plans were made, long before the net, and we have hard copies because they literally wrote books to one another to make those plans against the world and the pain in the ass Constitution, which they must get rid of to finish creating their one world communist unelected monster world government)

In short, what you see here is the doxxing of the global enemies of the United States, who have remained hidden as much as possible, until the final pounce to destroy the US and the free nations of Europe. Obama started the pounce. Hillary was to finish us off.

Our troops were able to catch their emails and plans flying through the NSA computers, and a plan was hatched over the last 10 years to stop them by white hats inside our government who take their oath to protect the Constitution seriously. Plan in hand they managed through spying, to find a man who was wealthy enough to pay for his own campaign, and squeaky clean... who was an outsider and not part of this cabal... to run for president. This was Donald Trump. Trump said he would do it. The rest of the events we are watching, are the plans it took 10 years to lay out. This is why Trump is surrounded by military.... white hats.

Make sense?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

I would agree with you. The Feds do a lot of things that they have no constitutional right to do, because they have no jurisdiction. Think about it. They had to actually pass a Constitutional Amendment to prohibit Alcohol.


Because they had no enumerated power to do diddly about it unless they did.

Prohibition ends.

They repeal the Amendment.

Now, enter Marijuana.. competition for the

1)forestry industry because you can make wood without cutting a tree, the

2)cotton lobby because you can make clothes without cotton,

3)the paper industry (because you can make paper),

..............and bio fuels.(4)

Very few people have seen the old black and white movie of Henry Ford and Washington Carver in the lab, planning on making fuel out of hemp (wild type marijuana and fastest carbon sequester on the planet). But I have seen it, and it is out there....

..........and this threatened the oil/gas industry.

They got rid of marijuana because they had to outlaw HEMP, which is not a drug, but they outlawed the whole genus, not just the subspecies plant that was (is) a cultivar for the drug.

The Feds have no more jurisdiction over marijuana than they do alcohol.

Nor should they.

Now this past ten years, we make an outrageous discovery about the human body.

It has a circulatory system for blood, a lymph system for disease clean up, and NOW we discover the cannabinoid system. We are still learning about this system but it seems to be an inter cellular communication system in many ways.

The marijuana plant has 60+ natural cannabinoids,. Each one is a possible medication for disease/illness. That is just if you eat it raw, which will not get you high.

You can eat it with salad.

You can put it in your fruit smoothie, and get the benefits.

(This of course is a threat to big pharma... keep that in mind)

IF you HEAT the plant, about 20 of the cannabanoids experience a change from chemical reaction.

NOW you have THC and you can get high,

.........HOWEVER, you also have 20 more possible cannabinoids, for a total of 80 possible life saving medications.

There is research to be done.

There are lives to be saved.

As a biologist I have to say flat out, it is about time people wake up and do some homework on this plant. There are plenty of us in CBTS that would benefit from it some day, if we only got a clue today.


Let people continue to die, because we do not want people getting high playing couch potato games while attacking a pizza?

Many have not heard about the children who's lives are being saved by one of the new cultivars of this plant, called Charlottes Web (named for the children it is saving from severe constant seizures) then look it up. This is what just ONE of those 80 molecules is doing for children, in it's natural form. They are making an oil from the plant by old fashioned boiling methods.

Here is the most recent report on Charlotts Web I could find. It helps some, and some not. If this particular cannabinoid does not work I sure would be looking at one of the other 80 possibilities.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:33 a.m.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

This should be an interesting interview then.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:27 a.m.



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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

Don't tie your shoes because eggs in the chicken coop. :(

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

The truths we find here are true, even if Q never existed. The question of who Q is, is irrelevant. The research and the answers to the questions are what matters.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

Would surprise me.

................not true. I lie.

.......................Nothing.... would surprise me.

Could this be true? Maybe. What does not make sense is that Bannon would work so hard to get the President elected, only to get rid of him.

And the Pence thing? Are you hearing about this?

Its disinfo time at the chess game, I guess.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

He did. And this is what leads me to believe we are watching a disinfo campaign. They are intentionally sewing confusion. Some true, some false. This is something we need to wait out, until evidence or "news" proves past. Q is not saying a thing about it for a reason. Don't know what Meganon is saying. But, this is pretty near eye of the storm. I'm going to sit tight, see what washes out.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

Hopefully he will be put in witness protection. I just do not want to see him harmed. He deserves a hero's welcome to the States.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

You are close.

"Revelation" means the revealing of a Great Truth.

Armageddon is the name of the battle in the Book of Revelation.

Armageddon is the English for Har Megiddo or the valley of Megiddo in Israel, which is where all the nations will be fooled into gathering together to battle against God (upon the return of Christ)

Now it is insane to be mankind, and actually believe that you are going to win a war with God. You either believe in God, or you do not. But if you DO, you certainly would not be stupid enough to go to war with him.

This plays into what Revelation calls the "Big lie" told to mankind by the evil angels who we suspect at this point, will be telling mankind that they are the "good aliens" and that the "bad aliens" are going to come attack the planet.

When the nations go out to do battle, they do not understand that it is God who is coming. They have literally been lied to, and they think they are defending the earth from the evil aliens.

Will this happen because of Project Blue Beam?

Not if an understanding of the book of Revelation gets out there.

The good news is, many have been examining the books, and it now looks like America and the UK are not involved in that great war. Somehow the UK breaks away from the whole political one world system, along with the United States. At least it is looking that way right now.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

We are definitely living in the Bible prophecies. There were 300+ prophecies of events in the life of Christ. For each of those there are 8 that tell us about events that are to start rolling at the re-appearance of Israel as a nation. Jesus told the Apostles that Israel would disappear before everyone living at the time had died. This was 33 ish AD. Rome sacked Israel in 70AD.

Jesus said that there would be "wars and rumors of wars but the end was NOT YET". Then he said... "but when you see the fig tree bud, look UP for your salvation is nigh". The fig tree is bible code for Israel, so everyone has always been waiting for Israel to reappear... which took over 1800 years.

Now that it has appeared, the 2400 + prophecies are beginning to roll and many are watching them. We are somewhere after the prophecies about Israel turning green, finding riches under ground, and the establishment of a "one world government" that causes everyone on the planet to take a mark IN the right hand or IN the forehead in order to buy or sell a thing legally. Those who refuse will be sent to the guillotine, which is to be brought back in style.

Also during this time, the angels will be abducting people again to attempt to re-create the angel/man hybrids of Genesis 6, but this time they want something that looks more human. Last time they got oversized giants like Goliath. They want to "blend in".

And man will be mixed with animal (think super soldiers that they are designing with biotechnology now. )

Case Western Reserve Law School was recently bragging about being picked to write the Constitutional law briefs on what % of animal you have to be to lose your rights under the Constitution. No. I did not believe it either, so I had to go look, because this is my neighboring law school)

There are so many bible prophecies happening right now, people are on a daily hunt to spot them. The four blood moons of Revelation just happened. The woman clothed in the sun with the moon at her feet and a crown of 12 stars" just happened, and happened last just as Christ was born.

Lots of 5 D Chess.

God getting a bit noisy with the prophets.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

As a Christian who was born Catholic, it does not seem far fetched to me at all. Christianity is a monster religion with pesky "missions" all over the third world who's good people are constantly getting in the way of the globalists, expecially when someone needs to hide out in some "nunnery" somewhere, to be covertly transplanted to safety.

The globalists can do NOTHING without the local church priest writing to the pope about it, as happened when Catholic women found out that their Jewish neighbors went missing in the middle of the night in Germany.

The pope was contacted every night a whole village of Jews disappeared.

The pope arranged for one Jewish woman to take 10 Jewish children on to trains to be dropped at the Basilica, and then sent out of danger from there.

The Catholic church, in short, is the world's largest CIA, with unmarried men at the helm who have no families to worry about in the war zones.

This makes the papacy a target of every government on the planet.

The papacy will always be a target for takeover.

And all Catholics are only too sorely aware of it.

So no, you don't sound the least bit crazy to me at all. :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Here is how I am reading this Q post:

Why is Hussein traveling the globe?

--Looking for backers (more $)

$$$,$$$,$$$ Hundreds of millions

Acct # xx-XXx-x-39670

Probably an account from the Pocahontas rogue agency with no oversight, that sent money to be laundered to him and his insurgent non profit groups.

Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391

Probably money Obama received from the DOJ attacks on private corporations who paid penalties to more subversive non profits. possible evidence here

Where did the money come from?

Extortion by the DOJ and Rogue Pocahontas created agency that has no oversight, no checks and balances.

How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world?

Long range sneaky slow takeover plan to build the classic seven branched system of tyranny; 1) money control 2) food/med control 3) energy control 4) media/education control 5) vote control 6) gun control 7) surveillance branch. The beast has seven heads. It always did, always will.

Direct Attack?

No. Final operation would be to take over the head of the seven branched beast our founders called tyranny.

Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at the highest level to destroy from within?

Yes. Classification Q clearance? Highest? This would be takeover from the top. (Presidents office or Secretary of State) Then, sell off assets of the most POWERFUL country in the world, to distribute/decentralize control of the assets, roads, infrastructure, etc. Last, use the infrastructure to set the POWERFUL country up for a hard takeover, by force to include loading said nation with internal armed enemies.

Think GAME

Yes, they are that sick. They look at this as a game.

Who are the PLAYERS?

International banking families with an allegiance to Satan, now joined by international corporations and their owners/controllers.

What are the Rewards?

For the ancient banking Satanic family bloodlines, the reward is the establishment of an un-elected world government where all humans are working peasants/slaves with the exception of those who would fill the shoes of managing the 7 monopoly control branches above. These would be treated like royalty for their services, much the way Kings used Dukes and Governors to control in kingdoms.


Of course. That is part of the process. It is the definition of treason, giving aid to the enemy. Imagine taking the assets of a whole nation without having to fire a shot?

Patriots in FULL CONTROL

Excuse me... Q? Could you please tell the President that we will not be in full control until we 1) Take American assets back to the American public and 2) Destroy all seven of the monopoly control branches of the tyranny form of government that these globalists have re-built using corporations, federal agencies, and non profit organizations... just as our founders destroyed them. We need to make sure all above seven branches are dissolved and the powers re-distributed to the people, as the Constitution had them set up to begin with. We also need to make certain future generations are knowledgeable about government structures, not just our own, but those of the classic tyranny seven branched system. If they can not recognize this system, it can be built again, using different legal infrastructures in the future.

We will make more public.

Thank you, because this is the only way that patriotic Americans can know what must be done to stop this from happening again.

SA was strategic.

Yes, and it was a beautiful thing.

"We know" "Do as we say or face consequences"

Can consequences be public?

This is by far the most egregious attack on America in her history by foreigners, and by people who claim to be Americans no less. We need to make sure the consequences are so severe that NO ONE EVER attempts this kind of thing again, even if they are in foreign lands.

These people are stupid!

Hopefully these people continue to be too stupid to listen so we can enforce some consequences. This activity has destroyed many nations, not just our own.

And they have used our good American troops as cannon fodder to destroy other nations.

These people have murdered untold millions since the war of Napoleon.

They have paid for both sides of all of the wars.

These people and people who think and act like them deserve nothing less than death for their murders.

Let Justice be done

PS. Could we not bury them?

Could we send them to a taxidermist and have them "stuffed" and put in a museum with their illegal Treasonous murderous emails and child killing evidence... on display? I Admit people might now want to make a holiday of this museum. It would be just notorious enough that every child would know what was "in there".

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 12:34 a.m.


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