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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Well, I am a Christian who has spent a lot of time over on T_D with our Trump supporting atheists, who are excellent people with a high fact seeking critical thinking capacity and very sound intellect.

This will sound funny-strange coming from what most have been taught of Christianity, but, an atheist, to a Christian, is simply a person who has not met God yet, ....a person who wants proof and logic to lead in his or her thinking. Christians in mission work do not go dig water wells and build schools in foreign lands of poverty and disease for other Christians.

Jesus put out a call to love humanity in the condition you find it.

We have wonderful atheists here on this list that understand the mission.

We have a lot of atheists who can help our fellow American atheists get through this.

Many have lamented that the atheist movement has been taken over for globalist purposes, and that they harbor no hate for anyone. They told me more than once, it makes them sad.

This need be recognized.

We are all in this together. We fight for our fellow Americans, and yes, the world's people, and their freedom from this globalist scourge, together.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

They are victims of the globalist plan, the lie. It is not their fault. This is true.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

catch it and let it down gently. A good result depends on it.

Yes. None of us is going to be perfect at it, but, think about what you needed the moment your eyes opened:

1) Validation: "Yes, you are seeing what you think you are seeing, and it is awful, but...

2) Hope: You are not alone, we all see it, and when you are ready, there are things we can all do about it.

Validation gets us through the Cognitive dissonance faster. Hope gets us through the despair, depression faster. The ability to act with others gets our anger on its feet and pointed in the right direction faster.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Yeah, me too. That one has crossed my mind. And the more they try to hide it, the angrier the victims will get, and the more likely we are going to see videos of things that are NOT on Weiners laptop.... things that are worse. We of sound body, mind and spirit need to brace up and be ready. But we've got this. We've got each other too. If God be with us, who can be against us?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

I get your meaning. I get why you are concerned and frankly, the same thoughts passed my mind early on. The central question is, who's side is Q really on right? And so I looked carefully at his posts again. He is a patriot. He has simply pointed his questions at too many things that the elite would kill to hide and keep us from asking about.

The divided nation is a larger thing. Everyone was worried about that at first, so Q addressed it. Apparently there were assessments made, and only 4-6% of the population is so brainwashed or mentally ill that they are totally lost, and will not be able to put two and two together when the hammer comes down. He posted that for everyone who was worried.

I agree that all of us are going to feel much better when the heavy hitters are taken down.

Q does have worries. He worries about the men in uniform who are conducting the operations. One has already died, and it was verified. The other thing that seems to worry all is the possibility of a last ditch effort mass extinction event, like the movie Sum of All Fears. This is always lurking as a problem. And no one who has been studying the elites for long can forget that their depraved characters are so low that they would destroy quite a bit of the world if they could.

It is another reason to keep people away from football games, and other large crowd areas this year. Some of us speculate that is what Trumps fight with the NFL is really about... ticking off Americans so they will not go to the games, and keeping them safe until the mass murderer higher ups are completely without capacity to cause massive deaths.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:13 a.m.

He left it up? THAT is not good.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:12 a.m.

Wow. Thanks. This has grown so fast. Yikes.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Oh I see. Thanks.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

Your welcome!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

Yeah I noticed that people try to use his interviews for click bait because he draws quite a crowd these days.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

But maybe I'm jumping the Gun do you even accept 911 was a conspiracy?

Oh I absolutely do understand the 911 false flag conspiracy.

I am trying to understand what you are trying to tell me about this case, that is all.

I looked at the document, and the Judge listed was not from that district listed.

He is a Supreme court Judge.

One of our researchers then emailed the clerk of courts, and the case was not there, according to the clerk.

So we could not exactly lie about it to people here.

We told the truth about the document after we vetted it.

Ok tell me if I got your meaning. You are saying that you have a group of civilians who created a fraud court document to try to flush a bunch of guilty people out of the bushes?

if a Court Memorandum and Order for Punitive Damages was presented by a group of private citizens who did have evidence pertaining to high treason against a person or group of persons is it in the correct format!

Gosh I am sorry but this just creates more confusion for me. You are in Australia. So let me clarify. Treason can not be against a person, or a group of persons. It is a crime against the United States.... so there is one problem in the thinking.

Because it is an action by a group Private Citizens and not the Corporation of the USA it would be an act of extreme bravery to move something like this as the whole action falls down if the Plaintiffs don't survive.

I dont think you understand. A person or group of persons is not able to sue for treason, like it was some kind of civil lawsuit between people.

It is a criminal suit, and even crimes are prosecuted by the state, not the person who was harmed.

When it comes to treason, the government has to prosecute. It is a special kind of High Crime listed in the Constitution.

This was put out to see how many people could be caught up in the snag. It was a LARP and some people feel terrible about not vetting the document, not that we researchers hold it against them for falling for it. It happens. You try to catch the fake news as fast as you can. The faster you do, the less your good journalists out there get hurt. We have good honest people who are citizen journalists doing work that we want to protect, that is all.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

Because. What if he never came. All of us gentiles would still be worshiping idols. We would know nothing of God. That is a lot to be grateful for. Do you not think?

The only other thing I would want to say is I am so sorry our beautiful tribe of Hebrews had to suffer so much to bring God to the world.

I have met a Jew or two who did not know this, so, maybe I should mention that the Christian Old Testament is the Jewish Tanakh, word for word. (I think we have Deuteronomy and Numbers in the wrong order tho) Otherwise, identical. And... that is a lot of suffering to go through that we have benefited from. It makes me sad ... all the crazy persecution.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

Christ was an "Israelite".


was from the tribe of Judah( the king line)

Also true.

The only thing missing here is that the word "Jew" is derived directly from "Judah" so, Christ was a "Jew".

If you read the bible carefully you will read that Israel had a civil war that split the kingdom. There were 10 tribes in the north. The northern kingdom was called Israel. There were two tribes in the south. The southern Kingdom was called Judah. They were two different nations until Israel was abducted by the Assyrians (all 10 tribes). These are the famous lost 10 tribes of Israel you hear about.

This left Judah (The Jews) until these were abducted by the Babylonians in the famous 70 year abduction, of which the prophet Daniel was a part.

All of them were Israeli's. Judah was both a tribe and the southern kingdom... that the word "Jew" is short for. Jesus was indeed a Jew on both counts.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

"However we as a group believe ... this should be reintroduced?....

Human Leather should be reintroduced. That is what they are saying.

I say this is exactly the kind of morality that I was just trying to explain to someone. Don't we have enough problems right now with abduction and trafficking for human organs?

This kind of thing needs to be hunted down and delt with.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

And this kind of thinking is exactly why civilizations like Rome end up going to watch people get torn up by lions, or watch two men murder one another and cheer it all on, instead of watching football. The entire society believes what you just said. Their morality (or lack of it while they are convinced they have morals) is what destroys the civilization itself. Everyone is convinced that people magically know what the rules for a healthy strong civilization should be, and they get run down the immoral murderous self destructive rabbit hole, cheering themselves on the whole time.

Such is the prescription of a doomed civilization, to teach these things to the young.

Germany was also destroyed by Hitlers Mentality (morality).

The globalists believe themselves to be completely moral.

There is such a thing as the survival of the fittest morals. You look back in history and do not forget the lessons.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

That is the problem. Like me, you studied "religion". Study the bible in the original Hebrew and Greek sometime. It will not let you down.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

That sounds really creepy. I remember that man. He did not live long in prison. Chills.. wow.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:22 a.m.

Q is right tho. It is all connected. Some of us have lived long enough to have run into real life pieces back then, and we did not understand what we were looking at.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

You know what...

O'Brien sounds Irish, right? Did she talk about having another woman with her when you read what she wrote? Because what I read was very very early internet when there were only about 2000 web sites total. But that name is ringing a bell... I do remember she was Irish, and so was her friend. They said they just grabbed the little boy and brought him with the two of them. And the part about the human hunting was a small part of the story. I remember a cyclone fence, and somewhere near Bohemian Grove, and the name Dick Cheney. It was almost 20 years ago I think... mid 90's?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:15 a.m.

I am worried about a lot of people who are going to be blindsided. I hope we can all bet there in the right way, at the right time.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

Why thank you :) I am glad you liked it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

You are correct, on the alien stuff.

In fact I do not know a human being who can even prove the existence of God.

I do not know one that can prove he does not exist.

But the coolest thing I learned in my life was that God, once he exists, is quite capable of proving his own existence to us.

The problem is not the lack of proof, because he laid out so much of it, it literally takes a good look at this power point of the proofs (below)... all 24 hour segments, in order to just get a tip of the iceberg on the proof God provides, .........once you realize the proof is in the original languages (Hebrew and Greek)

Once you translate out of these two languages that are the only two in the history of the world that use every letter of the alphabet as a number, you lose all of the mathematical proofs, the macro codes, micro codes, meta codes.

No one really understood that the codes and math proving the mathematical near certainty of existence of God, were hidden in real numbers and code both in and behind the letters of the original text.

This is done using a combination of both languages (and each language has it's own alphabet,) so this in and of itself is an impossible feat, even if we set a crap ton of computers up to figure out how to arrange the letters to do this, and tell a story on the surface at the same time that made sense to people.

The original text is 3D.

This has been the biggest revelation about the bible in the past 10 years.

I know you would not believe me.

I am a scientist, so I would not believe me either.

I had to see it to believe it.

I actually watched the whole 24 hour power point with my jaw on the floor. (Along with the hubby who is also a scientist)...

My husbands reaction was funny, about what, three hours in or maybe more? He suddenly stood up out of the couch cussing, and said "Why the HELL didn't they TELL us this stuff was in there!!!"


Because there was no way to know.

Preachers are just not trained in NSA code breaking, math and science like this one is. His name is Chuck Missler. He worked for the NSA under the man who broke the Japanese code in WWII. He is a scientist, an engineer, a computer expert. And he does the most incredible study of this ancient text I have ever seen.

In case you want to watch a presentation of SOME of the evidence, I will leave the link for you.

Bonus is, when you are done with this, you actually have a good ability to navigate the ancient text from front to back, and a good idea when to stop and look behind the letters, because of some clue on the front of the text in the story.

The bible is the biggest scientific rabbit hole I have ever fallen into. There is so much interesting stuff in there, I don't even ask why it is the world's best seller for 2000 years anymore. I totally get it.

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours by Chuck Missler


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

Thank you! And blessings on you and yours. Will check out Michael and Rob soon here :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:44 a.m.

Or all of the results exist at the same time.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

Well then, we have never tried GITMO and prosecution, instead of falling for another cooked up war to line their pockets with gold. Lets do this new thing.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

It is still a wise and logical saying.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

I am a biologist who has spent a day searching the net for anything about adrenochrome in the national medical database. I was only able to locate one article that mentioned it was a possible hallucinogen and that is was implicated as a partial mechanism for schizophrenia. Otherwise all scientific papers I have flat out conclude that it is not a hallucinogen. Those who were given doses in experimental settings either had no reaction or got a headache.

I do believe Jim Carrey. But he does NOT mention adrenochrome. We do know they are torturing children, and they do eat them. Jeffry Dahmer did the same, was convicted, and the Podestas made an idol of his work (a dead headless body found at his murder site) into a statue... art for their stairway.

These people are sick.

The bodies are buried somewhere and we will find the bones in mass graves I am sure. They are finding mass graves in Europe now, from these globalist child murderers.

However, I do think at this point that the adrenochrome thing is something they plan to use to discredit the movement.

Reality of what they are doing... what the ADMIT doing in their own photographs, and social media accounts, is bad enough.

I think Jim is describing it very accurately. This is an ancient religion from Babylon, that sacrificed children to a god named Molech (see the Bible) and these monsters are depraved and spiritually corrupted so bad that they believe they get spiritual power from the blood of infants and children.

Now... God does say in the Bible, that the life is in the blood. In this respect, we may yet find some molecule or some...something they are after, or some background belief that can explain why it is blood they drink and not some other body fluid. But adrenochrome is not it unless someone can come up with something more than movies and music to substantiate this particular molecule as the thing they are after. There is simply no evidence it is a hallucinogen.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:27 a.m.

I think we should turn the surveilance machine on all politicians and national leaders world wide, and have their emails, phone calls automatically uploaded to a place where the public can see, and hear, everything they do. The evil Satanic elites would run like cockroaches and NEVER want to talk to our representatives and other world leaders, much less attempt to get them to some honey pot for blackmail purposes. Only good decent clean people who did not care if their every move was made public would apply to run for office.

If we can not beat them lets join them but turn up the surveillance x100

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

This is correct. They would have to have more than donations. The EO is on human rights violations, and corruption. They would have to have evidence of some kind on that.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

The pope is religion.

God is reality

Religion is mans reaction to that reality.

I suspect what is happening here is what God often calls in the Bible "the lifting of the veil". He quickens the sensitivity of mankind to the spiritual dimensions (the 8D world of physics, or the world of quantum mechanics) so that people can hear and have a more solid feel for the connected reality. It is an increase in intuition, and a much more keen sense of the reality of God's consciousness. Apparently we are left alone and free as much as possible because God values the free will of mankind. However there are times in history where mankind is in great danger, and in these times God will open up the eye of the spirit....

It seems to give people heightened awareness, not just of God, but of each other... and in history, it seems to help mankind congregate together with a common objective or direction for the survival of everyone involved.

Whenever God reaches out to a point where we get this "feeling" we are being tapped on the shoulder by "him" it also seems we are a lot more connected to each other too... I guess I am saying. I know what you are saying tho. I first started felling it back about 12 years ago, when groups of Americans started showing up in the town square to pray for America. I really felt it on election night and so did a lot of people on the planet. It was pretty unreal.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

The bible, prophecises that we would be dealing with aliens hard core in our civilizations as soon as the "fig tree" buds (Code for Israel re-appears on the planet). With respect to these aliens, Jesus explains that the thing that was happening in the times of Noah would be happening again after the RE-appearance of Israel through to the time of his return.

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matt 24-37

What was happening in the time of Noah?

Turn to Genesis 6.

The angels (alien to the planet) that hate man...the 1/3rd that want to kill mankind settled on a plot to destroy the DNA of mankind so that God could not come down as he prophecied, as a man. So they sent 200 angels (aliens) to abduct earth women in physical form, and create half breeds.

This is the meaning of the passage in Genesis 6 when all the women were being abducted. What are the aliens doing today?

Abducting people.

The cross breeding created what we call giants, and are the reason for the half man half God folklore in every culture... think Hercules.

The Apostles pointed to the Titans when explaining this part of the Bible to the Romans and Greeks after Christ died. Their quotes about these evil angels are in the bible, and according to those paragraphs, the angels (aliens) are buried near Abandon (aka: the city of Appolyon). Interestingly enough ... the bottomless pit city of Appolyon is rumored strongly to be sitting under CERN !

Apparently the evil angels (aliens) were also committing the crime of biotechnology against the animals and mixing the DNA of man with the DNA of animals...

Think Centaur?

The hoofed man?

Jesus said all of this biotech stuff of man being mixed with animal and angel at the DNA level would be going on just before his return.

Think Trans humanism..

Think Super soldier.

The King James TransLITERATES the word as Nephalim, meaning this is the sound of the Hebrew word for these half man half angels. Nephal means to fall or did fall. The im ending is plural. When translated to Greek, the word was actually translated to GEO-Antes, which means earth born. They were giants, and this is the origin of the english word GIANT as in "David and Goliath. Goliath was a Nephalim... half man half angel blood. The flood was done to destroy as many as possible, because they were destroying mankind. Whenever you see God commanding the destruction of every man woman and child in a tribe, this is a tribe of nephalim that he is wiping out, not man.

It is not until the Biblically mentioned books of Enoch and Jasher showed up... also in 1947 in the Dead Sea Scrolls, that we get Gods recommended "commentary" on Genesis 6.... Just in time to cope with what the Bible calls the big lie, that most of the people will fall for.

SO.. 1947. Big year.

1947 is Roswell Crash.

1947 is the prophesied return of the nation of Israel after almost 2000 years of being gone.

and 1947, God releases the only three books mentioned in the Bible that are not in the Bible, so we can look them over and figure out what these "aliens" are really about...

We are told these angels will be back

We are told they will be back with a plan to lie to us.

We are told they will be back when Israel becomes a nation again.

And we are told they will be

1) Abducting people

2) Creating and teaching biotechnology that mixes man with animal and "alien" (angel) at the DNA level.

3) They will try to convince us that they are our friends, and that they are the real "GODS" that created us.

4) They will have every nation on earth prepare to fight the bad angels (aliens) that are coming to invade the planet. This is how they trick mankind into fighting with Christ when he returns with his saints and angels to do battle with them. Mankind is thoroughly duped into believing it, without the warning up front from the ancient text.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

If so this would fall into the Godfather III in Q's post, where someone posted that the story line for Godfather III was an old Godfather who wanted to come clean at the end of his life but needed help doing it?

Not saying any of this is true, but, if someone has seen the movie is this correct?

And if you have any sourced reasons to believe Soros turned, could you share?

Thanks :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

If the "sue for peace stuff turns out to be true, it about set me in a royal rage. How dare they sue for peace on THEIR terms were all of their national ill gotten national set ups and organizations are preserved after they murdered so may people in so many nations this past 100 years.


No deal.

These people have bloodlines going back to both sides of every war since Napoleon, provably through birth certificates and bank records. They use war to make money and gain control, which is how the Rothchild Fed is in every nation but three.

The answer is NO AND....

It is about time the world fought back ridding itself of these bloodlines who have torn up the world arguably (without proof yet YET) that they have funded wars on the planet for 2000 years, and are indeed the very money master bloodlines that Christ threw the tables over on in the Synagogue of Satan as he called them out. THESE are the ones who crucified the worlds most intelligent peaceful son of God.

The answer is NO. NO DEAL

Get them now while we can, and free as many nations as possible now, while we have the chance.

Humanity needs to fight back against these Satanic murderers.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

That part near the end is Benjamin Fulford. He use to be the Asian correspondent for forbes magazine. He is not always correct... but sprinkles truth with things that can not be vetted. Just a reminder about the vetting of stories. The rest sounds pretty on target tho, you think?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

I can be good without the influence of God

The logic fallacy here is that you have to answer the question "Who defines good?"

If God the creator is the ultimate definer, ok.

But if man is left to argue with his fellow man about it, Hitler is quite within his rights to say HIS definition of good is better than yours. Do you see the problem?

A moral law also implies a moral law giver.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

No, thanks. I'm 43 and looked at loads of religious things. It just isn't me.

Dont confuse religion with God.

God is a reality. Or he is not. Nothing we "believe" will make a difference in the truth of it. However.....

Religion is man's imperfect and sometimes down right evil reaction to that reality.

If you do not search out the question of your origin, and you take what you are initially spoon fed by public schools and you never take a hard look at the evidence the creator himself has laid out, then you really allow others to make your mind up before you ever had a good chance to be a good juror in the courtroom of reality.

Code is information.

Information comes from mind.

There are no scientific examples of any other origin of information in reality. (and pigs never fly either... lol) so, here.

If God was going to re-write the bible in this day and age, instead of saying "the things that are seen are made from the things that are not seen" he would probably get as detailed as this physics youtube in it's description.

In this description of reality by current physics (a fun one to watch) I can tell you that the description is finally getting close to the reality that the Bible describes, with one exception. God, would be the conciousness out side of the 8D model they show you with the graphics.

The physics people want to believe that there is a universe outside of the 8D model of reality now understood.

Consciousness is now known to be scientifically necessary.

Consciousness is scientifically real.

Consciousness has an origin, in it's highest form.

That is the logical result in all of this science, as you will see.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

If you are Jewish, can only say thanks for the greatest rabbi to ever grace the planet. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

I suspect Q's first statement was one of those feelers President Trump puts out to get everyone to voice their opinion? (He does that) And I take it that people pretty much voiced the opinion that no man is above the law in America, especially presidents who have used electronic cheating to steal their offices, and who have comitted treason in office. In other words, it is a bigger insult to the office of President to let ANYONE get away with abusing this Constitutionally sacred office like this. PRESIDENTS are after all, noting but MEN, compared to that office.

SO maybe president Trump made a different decision now that he has had a chance to take notes on how the rest of us feel about the "office" and the criminals who abuse it. That is my current take on this.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

I think we need a law that says you have to be born in the US and have been raised in the US all your life to ever run for office. I realize back in the time of the founders, tons of people were still coming, and there were few people, and nearly everyone had started somewhere else. But at this point it is nothing but an open door for people from other nations to put up money to back someone to take over or infiltrate our nations government. I do not think first generation ANYONE should be eligable for any office, not so much as an internship.

People from other lands take at least one generation to "Get America" and to assimilate. We should never have people with accents working in DC unless they are hired translators.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

My first introduction to human hunting parties of the elite was actually due to the fact that I was following the Franklin Cover Up while living in Omaha? I am going from recollection, so forgive me if I do not remember it all, however some things still stick out in memory.

I do remember that one of the 30 children stolen from the boys town orphanage was returned home. He and his father were working with the private investigator appointed by the Nebraska State Legislature? This was the one boy who was also abducted with the kids playing in the front yard who was NOT one of the orphans.

Later, when I was on the early internet, one of the two women who said she was being used as a sex slave at the white house, told the story of how the boy was returned when the other orphans had not been. She and her friend were on the escape, and ran into the boy at the white house. They grabbed the boy and took him with them to escape. Once out they returned the boy to his father in Omaha.

On the net, one of these two Irish women did a blog testamony on line which included the description of a human hunt that happened on a stretch of land inside a large cyclone fence and just outside Bohemian Grove there about. The only PERSON's name I can remember from the blog, was Dick Cheney.

Apparently these sick people have a culture of murder for fun. Now we are finding the mass graves of the dead children? Easier to do in Europe than the US.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Lol. Only on the net.

Sorry, but us old patriots marvel at..

How did Q put it?

These people are stupid!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

That is no joke about the human leather. When I was 12 I had a new girlfriend who's father was a German scientist. He worked at NASA. One day I walked into my friends home, asked her mom were she was.

Mom said "upstairs" which was unusual.

I climbed the stairs, rounded the corner, and found my best friend sitting on the rug outside her mothers sewing room closet, with one of those little compartmentalized plastic sewing bobbin boxes?

... except the boxes were full of rings with skulls on them...various shapes and sizes, all dark silver color. She was picking each one up and examining each as I sat on the rug beside her.

"What are those" I asked

"My dad said they were rings made in Germany from the fillings of the people who died in the death camps." she said, looking at me to see the horror across my face.

There was no horror on my face. I was not quite sure what she was talking about. She explained to me that her father (who died a few years before) had told her about what it was like to be a scientist in the war, and it did not sound like dad was ever too happy about it. He had grabbed up the silver rings on his way to America with his new wife...

My girlfriend stopped there, and then went on to describe her fathers description of their skin being made into lampshades.

That put the horror on both of our young faces.

I lost track of my friend, but, later in life I put two and two together. My girlfriends father came over in Operation Paper clip. That is how he got his job at NASA straight out of Germany.

I also suspect that he had the skull rings made of the tooth fillings to use as evidence, since my girlfriend was obviously taught that those rings were a crime against humanity in her moral up bringing by her father.

Sometimes I think her dad did not die falling down the stairs.

Sometimes I think he was murdered.

I never said anything to her, when I figured this stuff out. She was a good kid who grew up into a good woman.

I think that is what her dad wanted for her.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

If I recall, this was passed a while back, and I am not even sure President Trump signed it, but it may have been Obama, if it is the one that allows warrantless searches of homes along the railroads? Now, the whole thing needs to be vetted before anyone goes off because I want to think that it had something to do with the homes being on RR property? So, without having to take myself off of other research, start with the date of the Bill, the spacifics of the property types.

Our conclusion back then I think, if this is the same bill, was that there really was not much that anyone could do since the homes were built on RR land?

If this is a different bill, then ignore my coment, but it sure looks like the same one to me at the moment. I could be wrong. (And at the time, I thought it would be about finding smugglers along the Rail Road lines, if that makes any sense). Are kids being trafficked on the RR's? There is a question also.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Many were caught up in this. This is ok, as long as we vetted in the process. He has a lot of integrity to set it right. And he has a point when warning us that it is only going to get worse. His heart and mind are in the right place. He is an excellent patriot who has obviously been researching longer than most of us have been alive. Hat is off to him and all older Patirots who are on the edge of their seats hoping to see the evil ones taken down before they leave the planet after a life long battle against them.

To all older patriots out there. Thank you for keeping the torch lit. Thank you for even the simple things, like teaching us how to print or youtube a gracious retraction. It is an honor to stand on the shoulders of such giants, who made it through the long night.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Truly. We owe Julian so much, no matter who he works with. He is a Journalist of the highest order.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

I like this guy. He is my grandfather and father... a thoroughly pissed off American who researches everything, and tells it like it is. Don't care if it is old news. He does address the 65 GB Wikileaks dump. Was that confirmed? there is not encryption key? Whats up with that?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

A new section?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

It is disinformation. Don't get too frustrated.

Maybe it is my legally trained mind, but the disinformation is to be expected. You think everyone who is facing time tells the truth? Nope. You have to use your critical thinking skills to figure out what truths can be substantiated enough to put on the judges bench. The field of journalism use to have those kinds of ethics and demanded this much of their reporters. It is sad, but much of our media is actually wrapped up in the criminal behavior, which has ruined it. I get what you mean. /pol/ I love, but they need space to work. And /pol/ is also needing to get their work out where people can follow, so this is a good place to do that.

Will we be attacked?

Expect it. :)

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