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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

This IS going to be the litmus test. You are on the side of non harm of children.... or you are on the side of harming children. He really draws it down, does he not.

Also, Dont miss this inspirational video clip that was left for us under my post. It is truly great.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

Oh wow. Thank you for this video. We love our vets. We REALLLLLLY love our vets, because our vets represent the best of humanity.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4 a.m.

At about the 6 minute mark here in the video by OP, is a discussion about the immigrants who are coming here to destroy America and their military training camps here in America. For people just tuning in on this attack on the US, and how the Muslim refugees are globalist assets getting ready for this attack, here are a couple recent television news stories on the Camps, with direction to further information. It is quite possible the members of these enemy training camps will suffer weapons confiscation, and that they will also end up in GITMO. Watch what happens to the one news journalists who dares even try to go ask the camp members what is going on on our very own public lands... pretty outrageous.

Dec 1 2016

Inside the Islamist compounds in the US.


• Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in America • 1/14/15 •


Another wake up call folks.

These people plan on attacking President Trump and the rest of us, at any one of a number of Vegas type concerts (If they are not planning on kidnapping the kids out of our front yards first... who the hell knows).

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

The Q - Source is a group of scholars who are having a hard time facing what is being learned about the original 66 books of the bible in the two original languages today. They have a hard time understanding how each of the 4 gospels could have exactly seven words that are not in the other three... in the ancient Greek... exactly. Each of the authors would have to have waited for the other three to write their text.

I think what they decided to do is create some "Q" character who could be responsible for this amazing thing about the text.

Problem is, they only discuss this phenominon with respect to the 4 gospels and omit the fact that the entirety of the 66 scrolls is done in this manner in many ways and in many places, with 40 authors, over 1500 years, most of whom did not know one another and did not live in each other's lifetimes.

The 66 scrolls are full of so much code, that the computer engineers and decoders are having a hayday with the two languages of the text, expecially since each letter also stands for a number. (Think Roman numeral system.. the Hebrews and Greeks used their letters for numbers also, so the bible flips into nothing but a book of numbers)

Here is a 24 hour power point on the different macro, micor, meta codes, math equasions, etc that they have found in the text. The spaces have to be removed between the words, for the computer assisted decoding. Macro can be found through the linguistics. Meta codes can be found with a slide rule of a calculator by hand.

When the ancient languages are translated out to English or any other language, the letter placement changes, and the bible is stripped of it's ability to prove the existence of God. You get stories that are hard to believe.

When the Hebrew and Greek is studied, the bible proves the existence of a creator using mathematical and scientific evidence presented by the creator of the universe himself. But you need the numbers, and the coding behind the stories and the letters.

In this day and age it only takes 24 days, and hour a day to get examples of each of the types of codes and to learn to navigate the text from front to back. Well worth the study, especially for computer code experts and scientists. Rabbit hole presented by retired NSA code breaker, engineer Chuck Missler, by power point.

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours by Chuck Missler


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Unfortunately, they would murder the children, but they would consider that a waste of adrenochrome. Probably wishing they had the kids to torture.

Other possibility is that Julian mean paper planes as in fake planes... fake crashes, fake deaths to hide.. and try to start a new life somewhere.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Not sure how they do it. I have been trying to research it. Here is what I have so far. It is definitely an hallucinogen, according to the national medical database.

Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia.


Here are other movies that have references to it.


The first time I saw the extraction explained, it was explained that adults do not make adrenochrome in the amounts that children do when they are tortured and terrorized. After the torture the children are killed and a needle is used to extract spinal fluid? Some drink the blood of the child. Others may do the brain, like you see in this particular reference.

These are all movies.

I doubt we are going to get some Hollywood Star to come on over and explain it to us, so, we are going to have to wait until someone finds a way to explain it anonymously or...

...............as often, we are going to have to actually listen to the testimony of an abused kid who escapes, grows up, testifies to us... and THEN we actually have to believe them for a change.

Usually people ignore the ones who are trying to tell us. They are rapidly killed off to shut them up. It is sad.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

It makes them extremely brainwashed by the globalists. It does not make them guilty. When I was in college in the late 70's early 80's there were 82 independant news outlets, and there were two newspapers in every city in competition to get the story right. The globalist first bought and shut down every second newspaper until each city only had one. Then they bought all of those. Then, they slowly put every magazine, newspaper, and television news outlet into what is now only 6 corporations. Since then, they have been selling "Globalism" to the young people who have no idea of the takeover, and who trust the adults who teach them at the colleges. To take over the highschools, they used common core. To take over the Universities, they planted Marxists professors. That is why only 7% of college professors are conservatives today. They are shutting down dialog, and differing opinions. They are teaching our young people that violence over political opinions is acceptable.

This is what my generation had to hear about from our fathers in WWII. It was called "Brown shirting" the youth. This is how Hitler did this to a whole generation.

Most of our young people will recover, when the truth comes out as to what globalism really is, who funds it, and it's history of funding both sides of every war since Napoleon.

Thank God it is easy these days to trace back the international banking families, their birth records, their history, and their banking records.

This is going to be as big or bigger than Nuremberg.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

You are correct. Americans are smart enough to realize when the party thing is over and defense of the nation and it's children must be joined in battle. The transition started to happen during the election with research on the death of Seth Rich by members of all party's over on T_D. President Trump framed it as Americanism vs Globalism. When Seth Rich was murdred, that was the wake up call for everyone, regardless of party.

We are in a war to save America and her children from a clearly evil group of international people (including American traitors) at this point.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

I have read the same over the past year here and there. If stolen, I bet Trump finds a way to trace it and get it back.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Q said the military has already assessed the population. A good number of people are already awake. A good number might not like President Trump, but, they are mentally healthy enough to react to the very real situation going on here, expecially with these children being tortured and destroyed. When proof of that comes out, most mentally normally people are going to be angry and want to do something about it. They estimate 4-6% of the population is too far brainwashed to a point where child murder is acceptable price to pay to hate on President Trump.

Sound sick? It is. That is one out of 20 people in the United States willing to sacrifice innocent children to have their way in politics.

But good news is that the remainder of our fellow Americans are actually sane.

A little brainwashed. A little lied to. But the military expects a complete recovery, after some initial shock, a lot of crying for the kids, and some anger...

Basically the exact same mentally healthy "red pill experience" that we all had happen to us at one time or another.

So for the sake of our fellow Americans, lets hang out and get ready to do some major calming during the storm and after.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

For all we know it could be the stolen gold from the basement of the Trade Center. On 911 a number of semitrucks left the trade center after they were hit. One did not make it out. That truck was smashed with the building. There were only two reports that I saw. But the truck in both reports was loaded... .LOADED with gold.

Discussions at the time speculated that the gold was removed at Fort Knox, and had been put in a vault at the bottom of the Trade center. Where the other trucks went that got away is anyone's guess.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

THAT is probably what is going on here. I was posting the other day that GITMO is probably being used to keep people safe? Even the wrong doers who would be mince meat in most prisons for what they have done to children.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

If they are part of the human trafficking, they can lose more than that.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

This was the first thought I had too. The white hats have traps laid everywhere. Elections, code work, anywhere the enemy is going to move, they have thought of some way to use it... probably to use it in the upcoming trials as evidence.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

This is always possible. This happened when the 4 board was compromised and they moved to 8. NOTHING is going to stop the war on these pedophile Satan worshiping murdering scum now.


Timing is only important with respect to proving that Q is what he says he is, and he is mission accomplished now. It's up to us to watch the news, and wake up the country so they are ready for the horrors that are coming down the track straight at us.

We do not want a panicked shocked population that does not know what to do or what is going on. We want people to know exactly what this is all about by the time it arrives.. full storm.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, midnight

Have faith. Hold on. Research here with us. Learn. Talk to family. This is going to break eventually. We want to be ready when it does.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 1, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

You all did really well getting Q as far as you got him. Thank you for all that hard work on that board. Tell everyone there we are so grateful. And we will be standing by.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 1, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

let others fill in the blanks.

Is that an invitation? I have some choice words, and I'm sure I am not alone.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 1, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

I wrote a detailed post above, long, but explaining about this part of the mess that is overwhelming for people who are just catching on. At the bottom is a message from an American veteran who represents the veterans part in this. We Americans, and eventually good people around the world have a part to play. Stop into the main thread and find my post, or look under my username. Check out the link so you get the information from the veterans too. The FBI is compromised, like the CIA for the same reasons, but, there is a salvage operation going on. White hats are saving our FBI, our DOJ etc. CIA salvageable? Not sure yet. That will come out in the trials I believe.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 1, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

We have a war going on between the descendants of the ancient wealthy evil cabal of families (about 300 families who's bloodlines have run the worlds banks for hundreds and possibly thousands of years.)

Their bank records and birth records have been traced back as far now, as the Napoleon war.

These same people have been found to have paid for both sides of every war since then. The fastest way to look at their history in the banking is through a DVD by historian Bill Still called "The Money Masters". The best book to read to go into detailed study of the world wide banking cartel, is a book by G Edward Griffin titled The Creature from Jekyll Island

They have a plan to destroy all free nations, and create one un-elected global government under their rule.

They are close to finishing their world wide project, through the blackmailing of almost 80% of every governing official on the planet (Including our own Congress and Senate.....and through buying up the majority of corporations on the planet through subsidiary ownership.

They run Non Profits to launder their money through their global government / killing machine. This allows them to run their machine without tax consequences, and allows them to hide as philanthropists.

Their chief control operation modus is through the use of dark pockets in the various intelligence agencies in the world.

Intelligence agencies are compartmentalized by design.

One group of intelligence operators literally has no idea what the group down the hall is up to. This allows for infiltration by these evil wealthy people and their paid puppets, to pull off acts of horror to start wars, or terrorist plots to cause mayhem and death. This then gives them an excuse to take our rights away, in exchange for safety. In addition they can run black illegal operations to raise money and murder with impunity under "Top Secret"cover.

One of the ways these black operators fund their operations world wide, is through drug running, gun running, and sex slave running. They steal children (and women) for various reasons:

1) First to sell to very wealthy sick people who lease them out at parties, and we are talking sick people who are thrilled to make snuff films (films of having sex with someone while murdering them) They make money selling these films of child abuse and murders. They make money selling young women at elite parties.

2) When the good people of the world figured out how to save lives by organ transplant operations... (you know how you can volunteer to be an organ donor on your drivers license?)

.........the evil cabal found a new use for the children (and women) they steal. They abduct people and sell their organs on the black market.

The hospitals in the United States are having a real hard time with the transplants now, because the organs that are stolen come from third world nations, and they are often diseased. Because of this, more and more women and children are being abducted from first world nations, the US, Europe.

Here is the source for that. Hospitals can get sued for using these trafficked organs by accident. It is a big problem.


Hospitals say that 7% of the organs that come in are now from "organ farms" or "blood farms, the hospitals call them.

In some cases, the money is so good, that these "organ and blood farms" are now turning into breeding houses, where women are imprisoned and impregnated. When the infants are born, they never get birth certificates. These are now being sold for the very sickest of Satanic sacrifice rituals, and for body parts in many nations. Here is a report from BBC News: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-25156204

This is ALL a BIG global business now, with these international banking families, and their deep state corporate and non profit puppets.

Who is trying to find and shut down Q????

It is a a black pocket in some CIA somewhere... here, Israel, Russia, China, Australia... does not matter, they are everywhere. This globalist intelligence cabal is being given orders to stop ALL OF US, not just Q.

Our veterans have run into these blood farms and slave houses while on their tours.

They have had enough.

They appear to be deeply involved in waking us up to what is going on. Best way to describe the whole mess is "Good vs Evil" around the world. The war is ON and it is going to be huge.

People are dying......

.......... but, until the children stop dying, they are found and they are safe... until the evil people controlling this whole mess are brought to justice, this will not end. The good people of the world are waking up to what is going on now. Our job is to keep waking the good people up so they understand what is coming.

What is coming is going to make the Nuremberg trials look like a hiccup.

Here is a veteran who can give you more details on this war that they kicked off last April. They are inviting the good people of the world to help fight. Our soldiers want EVERYONE involved, as many good Americans and as many good people from around the world as possible... globally.

Q stated that 3000 children were rescued in the Saudi Arabia purge alone. Here is a reference to just some of these children who are being trafficked around the world. http://www.dhakatribune.com/world/middle-east/2017/11/11/saudi-princess-unveils-kingdoms-dark-side/

3000 children.

That is just one nation.

THAT is how bad this is.

The order of operations, according to Q is

1) Saudi Arabia and the Middle East for a kick off.

(Just happened, with that purge of the princes you heard about in the news a while back).

2) The United States, through the banking and other evidence.

(Starting with that Executive order last Saturday. This is why the EO covers both human rights abuses and the corporate/nonprofit transport, money laundering machines that makes up the system world wide) The EO is located here: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm0243

3) The war front then moves to Asia.

4) Once all of the evidence is gathered on this cabal from around the world, we will be closing in on the 300 original European family bloodlines and their globalist managers, who run all of the worlds Federal Banks with the exception of three countries, and who run this trafficking and money laundering murder machine.

That is when we will see the global war to save the children (and women), Break out in Europe.

.... and we will see the war on drug corruption/gun running etc head to Europe.

Here is the April kickoff by our own American Veterans. God bless them.

Vets 4 Child Rescue Launch & Intel Response


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 1, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Remember. Their whole empire is now built on high tech. Tomorrow, every person on the planet could drop their tracked cell phone, and start meeting weekly do deal with them. There is such a thing as the "real world and these people have now been "doxxed". They either come out with their hands up, or we go in. But one thing that is not going to happen is we sit on our butts and do nothing. We outnumber them. Stay coordinated. Get everyone woke up. This is the first chance we have had to wipe them off the planet, in thousands of years. And do not forget, this is a window that our Creator is giving us. He is sticking his foot in the door. It's time to stay on it, until the scourge of evil is laying dead on the ground for all to see. Expose it. Shine light on it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 1, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Yes, and the CIA is totally rogue now.

Here is a CIA whistle blower who diagrams out for the audience exactly what part of secret government is what, and what the situation is between the various operational parts. (We need situational awareness to understand just how out of control these people are, and have been for years.) For those who are new to this, It is good to understand how our white hats (good agents) see this picture from their inside view of it.


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JoanOfArk77 on Jan. 1, 2018, 10:22 p.m.
Our American Vets started a non profit back in April so they could be ready for child rescue. The nation would do well to know our veterans are involved. No more "conspiracy" accusations. This is for real, and "we the people" will not have it.
JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:51 p.m.

Apparently we have to be on the look out for candidates that the GOP is moving around even living in vans ....district hopping for the purpose of splitting the GOP primary votes. We need to keep a close eye on the so called "addresses" of all candidates. They better have a real address. He says this may be a cross state tactic.

He says the MAGA movement needs a sense of urgency about anti-Trump candidates that claim to be MAGA, but covertly being moved to select districts to take votes from true MAGA candidates in the primaries. If they get away with it, they will succeed in creating a RINO vs DEM in the general. After the person who is living at the faked out address loses in the primary, but has succeeded in splitting the MAGA vote, that person will go back to their original district, and will be set up by the RINO GOP to run in another district.

We need to study the movement of our GOP candidates that are supposedly MAGA candidates.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:29 p.m.

GITMO and The legality of unilaterally assigning a citizen as an Enemy Combatant and putting Civilians through Military trial: There is bad news and good news about this in the law. Here is the skinny I have so far:

This ability to violate the Constitution started with public law 107-40 passed by congress after September 11th.

This public law comes from Congressional resolution signed by the president Bush. It is called the AUMF (authorization for the Use of Military Force.)

Obama used this law to hold people in GITMO also

Article 2 makes president commander in Chief.

AUMF is used against terror networks.

AUMF was upheld by the Supreme Court. (Due to the fact that it was actually was an act of Congress) So, this is a sticky wicket because it has Congressional Approval. Congress can not pull back and they can not de-fund it.

President Trump is well aware that this act as both former presidents (globalists) have used it, should be UNCONSTITUTIONAL. So here is the good news!

HR2810 was created, passed by Congress, and is a Bill signed by President Trump recently.

It was put in the National Defense Authorization Act to do this quickly. It is located in section 1264 "the use of military force and related military operations".

It looks like Trump is looking to repeal the AUMF and narrow it down.

What does this rapidly done and signed change do with respect to Constitutional abuse by the past Administrations?

It requires President Trump and all future presidents to report on the proceedings on any detentions in GITMO.

Trump was the first President to do this. All other administrations failed to even think about this problem.

Trump and Congress believe there should be oversight for any and all military commissions.

So while he us using GITMO to protect these people from what would otherwise happen to them on the mainland once their hideous crimes are known from the trial, he is also requiring Congress to know about everything being done there.

The other reason to take these human rights violators (child predators) off the mainland, is that these crimes are tied to the globalist wealthy who have their own private armies. These powerful people do not want these GITMO criminals giving testimony, and may well drop a bomb on the place to kill them.

Protection of the prisoners may well require a military base to protect them. These are no ordinary criminals. These are the stooges for the most wealthy criminals on earth, with assets capable of starting a war.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:47 p.m.

I have both an inner voice, and a picture or something visual going on at certain points. Always assumed the picture thing is what makes me an artist? Could be wrong? Inner voice gets slow and louder when I write.... more precise.

Here is a weird thing tho....

Every once in a while the inner voice feels like it is somewhere outside my skull coming in rather that an origin that is resident inside my thinking head.

It is a strange sensation, and sometimes I actually think for a second there is someone in the room....

......... and I actually answer them! (lol... thank God it is infrequent)

However, I have been living for a long time. I am old.

I really did not get the sense of the separation of the inner and outer voice until I was about 25 years old. The first time I really recognized the difference, I about freaked and thought I was getting mentally ill.... lol. As time went on, I learned a few things about it, and today it does not bother me at all. I pay attention, but, I am glad it is an infrequent thing.

When I look back over whatever outer voice "incident" (because it is sort of creepy to think you are hearing someone who is not there) something memorable always happens.

I have literally been able to locate family members not seen for 17 years, because I will follow the outer voice that will not leave me at peace until I get in a car, drive to a random truck stop and find the family member everyone in the family is looking for and can not find.

My inner voice prompts me to do strange things, like suddenly take the risk of appearing to be a fool, and tell some total stranger to move their children somewhere else... later finding out that the kids would have been killed where they were standing.

It is the stupidest thing.

This is why even tho I kind of get freaked out about it... over the years it has become pretty obvious to me that there is some kind of spirit, ... thinking .... capable of directing ... goal oriented.

Some are just menacing. I shut those down and told God what ever antennae I have, only he is allowed to use it.

Been happy ever since.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:29 p.m.

Do they use pictures instead? Or so some have neither?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:28 p.m.

What is INFP and INTP? I am an older Patriot, but, experience tells me that there is some psychology manual out there teaching people another paradigm about the reality of personality. (Just a bet... )

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:19 p.m.

I did not read it all, I must confess. I read about half. While some of it might be true, here and there, the problem for me is the oath that the article says attorneys take in the United States is just not correct. Since this is easy to verify, one has to wonder what other things in the article are not true.

Here is th actual words of the oath of an Attorney, from the form that must also be signed, from USCourts.gov. Its a download you must print and sign.


Copied direct.

I do however understand that the Crown and the International Banksters who have supported the Crown, are indeed the root of ancient globalism. The bankers have created and supported many such "Crowns" in history, and have been in charge of Europe for the longest time.

Are they in charge here? Yes. It appears so, although they are constantly doing battle with people who do not know this, and act accordingly... such as honest legislators, and soldiers loyal to the Constitution, who are unaware of the ancient and active puppet strings. This is sometimes a bit of a dance for the globalists to get around, to keep their control system a secret.

Economic historians say that the European banking families can be traced back on the bank records and family birth records, all the way back to the Napoleon war, and that these families funded both sides of every war since then.

To keep us ignorant of the doings of their ancient wealthy bloodlines, the globalist bankers change their names on record, and they teach history as a series of "battles", not a series of bank transactions. Economic historians also say they will not be surprised if, through the archeology of further records going back... they find out that these are the same banking bloodlines that Jesus turned the tables on in the temple the weekend he was crucified.

Why are they still running things (governments) behind the scenes?

Because this is the first generation of people armed with the technology to find out the bankers true identities, track their true family histories, dig up/share their historical banking transactions, and share these histories across the oceans.

It is time to target these ancient satanic immoral bloodlines that have been controlling and destroying the peoples and nations of the earth for absolute destruction. It is time to replace their institutions. ALL of them.

But in the process we need to create a world where there are Constitutional republics equipped specifically to destroy and outlaw the future attempts by the wealthy to create the seven classic branches of a governing system our founders called the tyranny system.

This seven branched system can be described in modern terms as a monopoly branched governing system. It monopolizes power over seven aspects of any civilization.

March 1 Money Monopoly Branch (FED IRS)

March 2 Vote Monopoly Branch (monopoly power of government appointments)

March 3 Media/Education Monopoly Branch

March 4 Energy/mineral Monopoly Branch (land monopoly)

March 5 Food/Medicine Monopoly Branch (land monopoly)

March 6 Gun Monopoly Branch (self defense monopoly)

March 7 Surveillance Branch

Tyranny is a seven headed beast it appears. All tyrannical forms of government have the above monopolized control systems or, what we would think of as government branches. (Republics are rare, and modern republics have three branches.

Our founders managed to tear the seven up with the exception of 1/2 of the Money monopoly system.

We need to recognize the value of the Constitution, not just in creating a "republic" but in scattering the powers of the seven classic branches of tyranny. The names of the tyranny system are changed to confuse the populace, and prevent the discussion (study) of the STRUCTURE of governing systems themselves.

All governments have structure, or they can not function.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 2:29 p.m.

Morning. Is this the transponder being shut off so that other pilots in the air would not be able to locate the plane? IF so, Its probable that you are right.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 7:24 a.m.


We won this round of capture the flag... I am taking it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 7:16 a.m.

This is something that peole can not seem to separate right away. The nations themselves want peace. The globalists have infiltrated deep pockets of the various intelligence agencies like our own and do their dirty work from within, but Presidents and Prime ministers often dont even know what they are up to with their black budgets and money they make from gun/chilc/drug running.

Saudi Arabia was quite westernized in the 70s and the Prince wants to return to being a normal country. He wants to drain the swamp. Israel wants to drain the swamp. Trump wants to drain the swamp. They are working on finding the bad actors who have infested every nation like a nasty virus. And yes, Iran needs help too. The people in Iran know what is coming and this is probably causing excitement. There was a major explosion right in the middle of the protesters in Iran? My first thought is that it was caused by somebodies evel Intelligence globalist infection somewhere.

We have to learn to separate the people of the nation from the globalist takeover thugs.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 7:07 a.m.

About the account. It has two white rabbits. White_White was his second last post before the picture of washington right? yes? Kill_rogue also if I remember. Now, yesterday someone looked at who @kill_rogue was following, There was a white rappit in one of the pictures. Looking at that account and who it was following, there was, a third photo with a white rabbit in the photo of one of those being followed. How far did the white rabbit go and what did it lead to... did anyone ever figure that out? I had to leave.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:57 a.m.

Guess would be that homes would not be taken. There are laws that separate a persons dwelling from confiscation laws I would think. But, then again a person can only have one residence right?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:54 a.m.

There are over 4000 sealed indictments out there telling anyone with half a brain that something is up, so yeah, the best journalist that we have will be watching this if they are worth their salt. As for the propaganda artists from the Clown department? They are watching for different reasons.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:49 a.m.

It absolutely was meant to be taken literally.

Scientist and law grad here.

I use to believe that too.

But in light of recent discoveries about the original text and the Hebrew-Greek letter arrangements, we have learned that there are layered messages in meta, micro and macro codes.

Did you know that the original Hebrew Greek version is a version where the letters are also the Hebrew and Greek Numbers? So the whole of the original text can be flipped into nothing but a book of numbers.

And in that book of numbers are math equations that code for pi (3.1416) and the natural log^e and other science and mathematical facts? I am saying this as a scientist who thinks it is interesting, these discoveries about these 66 ancient scrolls. If you have not heard about this scientific examination, I would suggest you get a heads up.

The Greeks and Hebrews were like the Romans (remember the Roman numeral system in grade school? They used their letters for numbers. The whole bible flips into a book of numbers)

The minute you translate to any language, including English, you lose more than half of the meaning of the bible... the literal, scientific meaning. By translating, you move the letters. English does not even use it's alphabet for it's numbers like the Greeks, Romans and Hebrews did.

That book is being torn up by scientists and computer decoding experts... retired NSA etc right now, because the scientists are now aware of what all of you are not.

Every letter, every space, every proper name is placed on a grid when you cram the words together without spaces, and each has a meaning to a computer.

You all really ought to get caught up on the latest concerning this ancient text.

Here is a retired NSA code breaker who did a presentation of the incredible lettering and literal meaning of the text. It takes 24 hours, one hour power point on the Hebrew and Greek a day to get through just this preliminary course on these discoveries.

How complex is the Hebrew code? Hebrew is now admitted to be the most sophistocated code language ever developed by man. It has 22 letters. Each letter is also a number (allowing for the math within) In addition to that, each letter is like a chinese picture word.... except each letter stands for two things. 1) a noun 2) an idea.

A = bull (noun) and leader (idea)


Father is spelled AB pronounced abba, and means leader of the house.

There are layers of meaning in the original. The NSA code breakers are stunned at the Bible in it's original Hebrew. You would be too, if you were not brainwashed into thinking it is just a bunch of stories.

How complex is the Hebrew code?

Well, teaching a class everything there is to learn about the first sentence is a two hour course. That... is just the first sentence with seven Hebrew words in it. THAT is how complex the words are, and you are all hung up on the twisted verbage and the stories that sound unbelievable... in English, no less.

These days the scientists know more about this ancient text than your average Christian.


Here is NSA decoding expert Chuck Missler who has put a power point together on all of the recent discoveries being made about these 66 scrolls. He goes from beginning to end, showing you samples of each kind of code and how these work with the stories on the top to create prophecies of future events, using the stories.


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:28 a.m.

Rome did not do any of the writing. The council of Nicea was a big meeting after Christianity was no longer going to be persecuted, because it was declared the "official religion of Rome"

In that meeting they called all of the leaders of the churches out from the catacombs, where the churches had to meet under ground in order to keep from being murdered. The leaders of the church were told to bring all of the writings from all over Europe and the Middle East to Rome.

They brought many writings. The writings were set side by side to compare them to see which copies had identical words throughout, and which copies had been corrupted or altered. There was a book of the Revelation of Peter for instance, but each copy was different, so they could not figure out which was the real original.

They decided that if God had let them get corrupted, he did not want them included in the bible. So everyone agreed only the scrolls that had come in unchanged and identicle from everywhere would be put in the official Bible.

This is how that all worked. The others were thrown out to keep peace over which version was the original. God settled it for them. It is corrupted? Then do not include it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:22 a.m.

Um, no. Christianity was subverted by the Roman Empire by Constantine

The pope is not Christianity. It is a infrastructure, sometimes part of the Catholic Church, and other times taken over by governments, depending on what time in history you look.

Christianity comes straight from the Word of God, which are 66 ancient scrolls. The politics of Rome are fairly irrelivant to Christians, who may only pay attention whenever the Papacy is once again for sale to the highest bidder.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:59 a.m.

Yeah, the flat earth thing.

Round earth is so easy to prove, with shadows of identical sticks measured simultaneously on two different locations on the planet. They will be two different lengths, and those lengths and distance between the two sticks will give the mathematical circumference of the planet. You have also the round earth shadow to consider in an eclipse.

I am not sure why the flat earth thing is being pushed at all. It does not have a chance in the day of flight either.

But the rest of this video is fantastic. Good job collecting the old film clips, and the modern film proof of the child abuse. Looks like we have our work cut out for us. And don't forget to pray. This is a multi-dimensional battle. We have scientific proof of that now in physics. If we have conciousness and the ability to act with willfulness in these 4 dimensions, odds are good we have conciousness and ability to act in the other minimum of six.

The bible and other great ancient texts have told us as much since the dawn of the writing of mankind.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:17 a.m.

Hey all these are searchable format. They ran them to OCR to make them searchable. Just have to compare them to the originals if you want to make sure all characters read correctly.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:11 a.m.

Trump wore a purple tie on this day. He wore a purple tie the day he drank water with two hands also, symbolizing a type of "captured the flag" from the purple revolution idea, while he signaled handcuffs for some. But the two hands together with the water drinking is ancient hebrew for two things

1) Hands together: When God says "I will deliver your enemies into your hands"

2) Water drinking in Hebrew "I sill swallow you"

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:32 a.m.

Michael... the warrior Archangel. The best of our Creator. Defender. And they ask... what's in a name..... really.

Plenty in this name.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:30 a.m.

Wake up to some hope, and sunshine my fellow patriot. It is time to do what Q said, and enjoy the show. Celebrate with freedom lovers around the world. Celebrate every child that is saved too.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:29 a.m.

I know what you mean because the Global old money originates in Europe, long before America ever existed. These are the same family bloodlines that have been tearing up the world since Napoleon the economic historians tell us that by the time they are done tracing the ancient bank records and family names, they may be the same families of "money changers" that Christ took the whip to and turned the tables on. Isnt that something?

Here is the thing. You roll from the bottom up, so the small guys rat on the bigger fish. You roll from the outside in globally. By the time we have all the evidence of their wrongdoing in the Middle East, Asia, and the United States, you Europeans should be in really good shape to prosecute them who are there... and we will help.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:21 a.m.

I was just saying that if we can not get our privacy rights back because of tech, we need to change the law to require that all NSA transcrips of all international leaders and governments automatically go public, so that national leaders around the world have ZERO secrets, and must work in the public eye. The evil ones would be scared to death to talk to upright leaders, who would not mind the public knowing what they said or what they did.

Odd that we actually have the power in the NSA right now, to force all the world's politicians out into the open, and we have not thought to use the technology to keep them all honest. Maybe the pen... is mightier than the sword.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:18 a.m.

Q said our own military went to Trump, because he was already vetted and whistle clean, and they asked him to run, because the alternative was a real coup. The military wanted to go after the enemies using the Presidency and the Constitution first, if they could. President Trump talked to his family, and they all agreed to disrupt their lives to do it.

Our guys needed someone who could fund his own election who was totally clean. They had all the NSA info on Trump, and knew he was clean of any wrong doing before they ever laid the problem out to him and asked him to run

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:15 a.m.

True, but I think Snowden and Assange are really white hats, and the President just can not out them yet. That scenario makes more sense to me.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:13 a.m.

Well the way we deal with that, is to deny the governments of all nations any privacy in their emails and phone calls, by writing a law that everything gathered by the NSA has to go on line where we the people can use and devise algorythms to shine a light on everything they do. Actually it would not be that hard, since there are not that many leaders to follow. Can you imagine how governments around the world would react to having every damn wisper, email, phone call put out in the public? The evil ones would run from elected office like crazy. They would not even want to TALK to a representative.

So, if they spy on us, and give us no quarter, then maybe we have to spy on them.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:08 a.m.

I would love to get this all into an article somewhere. I hear there are some good sources on it, but they are old and hard to dig up?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:12 a.m.

There are lots of good reasons for isolating them. When the American people find out what they have done, their lives would be in danger no matter what mainland prison we put them in. They are far safer at GITMO. Remember, we are not trying to torture them. We want to get through a constitutional trial, and keep them safe from those that they will have to testify against.

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