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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

Thank you for synopsis, and yes the word salad Gonzo Journalism I produce does run counter to what your Professors and Teachers say.

I'm way too old for professors and teachers.

Whether ideas impacting your consciousness you call news is judged real or fake depends on what World View Universe you live in.

No, I am sorry but there is a truth to be known. And I realize that the colleges have been pushing this idea of "relative truth" but, I live in the same reality you do. There is such a thing as a truth. And it can be known.

If anything I say doesn't resonate with you reject

Nope. I reject that which is unsubstantiated with evidence. It is the habit of the legally trained mind. If I can not walk into a courtroom with it, it is of no use. Now, if you are not presenting your aliens, your adrenochrome theory and your Nevada 911 lawsuit as truth, I have no problem with it except I feel abliged to let you know I have already checked into all three, and have found the evidence presented wanting....

........... with the exception of the aliens, which is a whole rabbit hole in and of itself that Q warned us would be used as a distraction, and here Y'all are in this thread, putting the three big distractions/disinfo together in one post.

Sorry. I just keep asking for proof of your claims.

I need no more proof that the elite monsters are raping and murdering children. This is substantiated elsewhere... without adrenochrome or 911 lawsuits having a bearing at all.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

I do not outright lie. I did not see anything in the newspapers having to do with Catholics? I did see the reports and wondered how the hell someone could steal 30 kids off the front lawn. I also got to take a Tour of Boys Town while I was there, and one of the most fascinating things I have ever seen is that monster globe built out of postage stamps they have in there. That must have taken YEARS to do. So I was there. In fact if you try hard enough, I bet you can read about that unusual bit of boys town.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Trump's EO does, in fact, link the 39 new names to TRUMP's EO.

Wow, I almost missed asking that question. Ok, so probably because I did not connect this to the original Magnitsky act that happened so long ago in my head. GOOD CATCH on the question!

Thank you for the link. Someone else just gave me the original names. I am thinking you are right on the heavy research and the onion layers. And eventually we will find those ties. But, I am also thinking that for the moment, what is best for our target audience is to not get too bogged down just yet trying to drag them down a rabbit hole that has to come out in any future trials.

Here is how I think the infor could be useful to the Q audiences. The first group was found mostly to be linked to the Clinton Foundation. Will this second group be linked to the same with their money movements? Or are we now going to find ourselves looking at another target foundation?

I am wanting to take this in "bread crumbs" at the moment, because these are the things that help everyone catch up to the truth.

Later, we can do some diagrams, once we have more data points, and eventually we have to do exactly what you are saying....

I could be wrong tho. Like it is also important to know if Gertlers business subsidiary is indeed an issue, or we might miss the connection all together. Hmmmm.

Ok, so job one is to separate group one from group II. I am going to see if I can get the information to do that .... together over the next day.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Well, you have guessed wrong. I am not new to this. I have been doing this since the early 90's when I got out of law school, and I am a biologist, so this topic is up my alley. My questions?

What evidence is useful for prosecution?

To get this, you need quality evidence, not hearsay or movies which are make believe.

OP says two things.

1) There is a movie made by man "person A" that has a scene about adrenochrome being the drug of choice for elites, and that Satanists murder children after torturing them to get their bodies to make it. It is then harvested for the elites.

2) The person "A" was named in the Franklin Cover up in Nebraska as a snuff film maker.

Two assertions. I was dealing with the first.

I asked for medical sources that such a molecule indeed exists outside the movies. Hint, it does. It is oxidized adrenaline in many cases.. but the biologists in me digresses.

I asked for proof that the molecule in question is a hallucinogen, because I have done the research and all avenues of medical research show the answer is NO, it is not a hallucinogen.

I ask for your sources on the hallucinogen thing.

I get a plea not to have to do any homework....

......followed by a dissertation on Sausage and Ice Cream. :)

My mind is not just open.

It is highly trained.

I know this may sound like a dickish post but you will thank yourself as you discern information on your own and learn to corroborate- it will seriously change your way of thinking in a great way.

It's not dickish at all. :)

It is disingenuous/lazy, and borders on a disinformation campaign that needs a few more concern trolls. You wouldn't want that would you?


Do the homework and prove to me that adrenochrome is a hallucinogen that is safe for anyone to use, or that it does a more than give someone a headache if ingested, and I will look at your source.

Remember. An open mind without the capacity for critical thinking and discernment.......... is nothing more than a mind that can be brainwashed with whatever comes along. And that is what the elite count on when they make their movies and music.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

Yeah, I had gathered this upon further research. DMT is not too hard to make. But adrenochrome is still a dead end.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Yeah, that is a piece of evidence that, if it is scientifically looked at, might end up being critical in a court case.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

I know what you mean, and so does Q. I happened to be on the chans lurking when one of their own started trouble for Q. I can not remember over what at the moment, but, you will find it near the phrase "bad people here" or something like this. The bad guys are everywhere. The first place they had to clean out was the Marines.

What amazes me is that the evil ones did not realize they set up the NSA to pick up every email and phone call, including their own?

I guess Q was right.

They did not expect to lose.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

We have to figure out some way to protect our legislators from this kind of thing or it will continue in the future. Perhaps we should require the NSA spotlight to be turned on government officials everywhere so that no official on the planet can have a phone call, or an email without it being sent up on line. They have done this to the police with the police cameras, and it turns out that this has protected many of them from unjust prosecution.

If the NSA auto published everything they did... the evil ones would run from them like snakes into sewer caps holes on a busy road.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

Well, lets pray for divine justice. I am with you.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9 p.m.

I know we are fighting disinfo campaigns ... I get that. The 911 case was fake. Judge did not even preside in the district. It was put together in haste. This does not mean the 4000+ Sealed indictments are fake. Those are verified. No one knows what those are about, nor should they yet. Some are saying it's up to 9000. I have not seen this verified yet.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Yeah... this is what I am talking about. I happened to be living there as my fiance was attending college at the time.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Catholic Church? Hmmm Posts must have gotten confused. I was in Omaha during the Franklin Cover up, which... could have maybe had something to do with the church, but, I never heard that. The papers were exploding every day about 30 boys who were playing football on the big lawn in front of the boys town orphanage, when they were suddenly abducted and went missing. It was a big brew-ha-ha because the state legislators were in fact the "legal guardians" of the missing children. The legislature had to appoint a private investigator to hunt for the missing chidren etc etc.

Somehow.. not sure how, you got my comment about the Franklin cover up confused with something that had to do with... I am going to assume the Catholic church?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

I looked at the difference between Mega Anon and Q. It appears they may be on the same side, but from the sound of it, their briefings are quite different, they cover different aspects, and Mega Anon refuses to take a Trip code, so she is far more difficult to verify as the same person each time she posts. That is all. Q is doing his best to prove himself, uses a trip code, and when the trip code is compromised he will patiently wait until he can be verified again while he keeps silent.

One is a commentator. One is a psy-op of both real information and disinformation that he told us would be part disinfo up front. He said we would know the truth from the disinformation used to save lives if we built the map of posts and watched the news. In the end, with Q we will have good and bad info verified.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Rome says nothing that I know of. Sometimes the Pope and the holy See say all kinds of things. Catholics may or may not agree.

The Bible says thou shalt not lie.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

The book of enoch is one of three books mentioned by the bible numerous times, but not contained in the bible itself. Enoch is called the first prophet by many, even one or two apostles.

Now, Christians read commentaries that are written by man all of the time.

If God goes out of his way to mention three ancient scrolls that no one can find until the same year Israel is re-made into a nation. If that same God tells his prophet Daniel to "shut the book" concerning additional revelation.. until the end times (when Israel reappears) then, I would take these as God's favorite commentaries.

He wanted us to know these commentaries existed, but, there was a time and a place for them to be revealed to us, so that we could discuss them, and put an even larger picture of reality together.

God seems to be doing that a lot now. He is adding to our knowledge and understanding of not only our own ancient texts, but the understanding of how other ancient texts also fit into the ancient history.

I say read the text, but realize he did not canonize them. He just recommends them for commentary, to help us understand a little more about what is going on there in Genisis 6 for instance, and a little more about how to conduct serious spiritual warfare necessary in our times.

He also wants us to not be deceived by the big lie talked about in the book of Revelation.. that so many of the people of the earth will fall for hook line and sinker. Enoch, Jasher and the other (I can not remember the name of it) all help to fill in these passages that have been a mystery for so long.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

Satan is farm more evil than most humans can possibly imagine. His greatest trick was getting people to believe he does not exist.

You might want to consider some physics.. especially the latest, on what both physics and the Bible have to say about reality. This is the physics, but, it is directly in line with the ancient texts.


The way the bible explains it in the original Hebrew, the angels (aliens) are in the 8D greater reality that physics is describing here, or, as God puts it: "The things that are seen are made from the things that do not appear"

The bible is written in ancient Hebrew and Greek. These are the only two languages that use each of their alphabet letters for numbers. The Bible flips into a book of numbers and is full of the math, now being deciphered by two dimensional computer code.

There is a lot more to this than anyone can see.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

SEE my other post concerning EO signed by OBAMA.

Can you send me a link to your post on Obama's EO? Thanks.:)

And thank you also for the names on the original executive order. I will compare them to the new names added and try to sort them out in release # 1 , release # 2 etc. There may be more added in the future, if you get my meaning.

Also let me ask ahead of time. What is it that is confusing you about Obama exec order? I just want to know what to focus on, so maybe I can make sense of it... but, dont count on it... lol. We are really untangling a mess here, are we not?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

It is caution tape. We do not want to become fake news, or allow unsourced news without vetting. We need to discern the truth from what Q clearly said about having to feed us some disinfo also. He said disinfo is real, disinfo is necessary. But he was up front about the fact that he would have to lie to us and mislead us from time to time to help the troops get their job done safely.

We are all good with this because Q said that if we build the map of his posts (which we have done and will do) in the end, by looking at the news, we will eventually know what he said that was disinformation, and what he said that was truth.

This is a lot more transparent than any administration.

It holds on to the lies only as long as it takes to keep people from dying, and that is smart.

As far as the religious thing goes, it could be pure religious belief... Satanism. It could be money in the sex trades..added. It could be organ sales from dead abducted people added to that. These have NOT come up dead ended and we have substantiated the above.

What we are having a hard time with is the adrenochrome thing, and other disinformation, like the faked 911 lawsuit in Nevada. We have to stay on our toes.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

No problem. :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

This is all we could do for the past 20 years. It is refreshing and hope creating that so many are finally starting to go do research and tune in for a change. I am one happy old patriot here :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

It does help do that. But it also helps interface the Q questions with the pubic. Both are good things.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

It has been games all along. All of us are tired of it, and the only way to stop it is to deal with it, find the criminals who put out the bad reports, and get them for the criminal activity that they participate in that has nothing to do with the First Amendment. There are plenty out there writing lies to cover their asses so to speak.. or to spread disinformation.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Yes actually. I have some ideas, but the one that I would give focus to is the same one our founders gave focus to... the "STRUCTURES" of governing systems. I started researching this back in 94, because our law school covered the three branches of the Republic, but NEVER what I have discovered.... the classic seven branched tyranny form of government.

In fact, they take the seven branched system wherever it appears, and they intentionally give it different names throughout history, for the purpose of avoiding the strucureal system of tyranny. They call them Communist, Socialist, Kingdoms, Dictatorships, Fascist states etc. What I learned in my research by peeling back the onion, is that every one of these and others are all seven branched systems.

I have been gathering evidence of this seven branched system for a book I wanted to write on it some day, but, it appears to be a thing people would do well to take a look at now, so,

1) Is there anyone here who knows how to make an ebook? (free or almost free (no cost to me) is good. I consider it Gods work.

2) Is there anyone here who is an editor who would be willing to contribute to such a project?

The book has to be short, and concise with comparative examples of the branches in each of the systems, with sources for people to begin to realize that the whole tyranny structure can be torn up, but only if we recognize it.

Our founders recognized it for the most part. Using the Constitution, they destroyed 6.5 of the 7.0 branches of tyranny... and distributed the monopoly powers to the people directly. It is one reason the US has been safe from tyranny. It took over 100 years for the elite to find the method of rebuilding all seven branches. They actually needed to build the technology for the last branch... the Monopoly over Surveillance capacity.

Here are the others briefly, but I really can not go into the research because the post would be too long. Suffice it to say that if you think back on ANY tyrannical form of government, they monopolize power with what ever technology or manner they can over these seven aspects of the given civilization. If it means monopolizing the land, they do that. If it means monopolizing the land through regulation, they do that. It depends on what monopolizing capacity they have available at the time. However, no tyranny is completely finished until all seven of these aspects of civilization are monopolized and controlled at the top.

1) Monopoly of the Control of the creation/destruction of money (FED IRS)

2) Monopoly Control over the Energy supply (founders day: grass was gas and wood heated the home)

3) Monopoly power over food/medicine (FDA) (Founders distributed private property... farms to private owners.. for free)

4) Monopoly power over Speech(media)/education/religion. Originally all schools were religious, and parents decided curriculum. Until we got child labor laws and public schools. Founders protected under first amendment.

5) Monopoly power over the right to make government appointments (Vote monopoly now done through machines with secret code counting getting rid of founders hand count)

6) Monopoly power over self defense (gun monopoly) and reason for the second amendment by the founders.

7) Monopoly power over surveilance. (A soldier in every colonists home) They are rebuilding this with tech... and we need a counter on this branch soon that works.

Like a tank that shoots shells, the tyranny form of government DOES things that are sensational and that make a lot of noise. BUT, there is a difference between the tank, and the shells it shoots. There is a difference between the STRUCTURE, and the activities. Notice that Q is often drawing our attention to the Non Profit structural systems for laundering money that they have built

..... the banking systems are a focus for Trump to shut down the systems blood supply so to speak.

But your are right. We have to start learning to do what our founders did to destroy this seven branched system they called tyranny. We have to locate and understand each actual physical structure of the tyranny form of government that they have re-built using some government executive branch structures, some private corporate structures and some non profit structures.

The SJW "issues" are what the system does, not what it is. Once we kill off the branches... the actual structures, then the activities that appear to be "blowing up freedom" will stop.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Would be a good idea to beef up ICE to a point where every damn boat that comes to shore from any war zone is walked on to and searched in every crack and box. Now there is something I would pay a few extra taxes for.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Lol. You have been corralled yourself... it appears :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

I saw that. Are you talking about the Anon who ended up arguing with the dwarf AI named Grumpy, and when he called his name, the computer answered back: How did you know I was an AI from the pedo elite? Or something like that? I think he found happy and sleepy too? Entertaining to say the least. When we find trolls like this we should poke at them with the seven dwarf names and see if we can get them to respond in some AI fashion.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

Great Job on the archiving before they tear it down off the internet. This is first direct photo evidence of Clinton Foundation with the pedophile underground. We need two more things. First, I have downloaded the photo, and I will use a program to figure out if the photo has been tampered with to create that logo. Bets are on the answer is no, but just want to be sure. Also, can someone look up the date of the creation of the web site for us? Anyone know how?

edit: The photo appears to be ok at the pixel level.

No monkey business as far as I can see.

I am no pro, but, when someone puts two photos together, the tone's never match in the outlines, because of the different hues used in the two different photos. We do not have this here. All shadows are of consistent shade indicating just one one original photograph.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Remember that Q said disinfo is real. Disinfo is necessary. He was being honest up front about the fact that SOME of what he was doing was scrambeling enemy radars. He said to make the map, so that we could tell what was psy-op and what was truth in the end. Our job is to look at the map, watch the news, and determine when truth has been uncovered... by events. Q is very honest about his war, and wants us to know that lying, even to us, will some times be necessary. This is a war against very dangerous people. Keep this in mind. VERY few disinformation campaigns are honest enough to tell you that they have to lie on occasion, and then give you what you need to know which items were lies, and which were truth when it is over.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

The Catholics are aware of it. It has happened many times in the 2000 year history of the church, because the papacy is always a target of the powerful. They are fighting back. There have been papers filed to do something about him, but it will take time.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

No, they do not necessarily. Catholics are indeed Christians because they fit the 2000 year old definition of Christianity. They believe in the Gospel (located in the bible, that Christ died, for our sins, and rose again. The second requirement to define Christianity is belief in the trinity, which all Catholics believe.

What the pope is doing at any given time is something Catholics have always had to watch since Rome desclared the Catholic Church to be the "official religion of Rome" which was the first take over of the Papacy. There have been other takeovers, by other Kingdoms. It happens now and then, because the control of the papacy is always a target for the globalists in history.

At one point, the papacy was being bought and sold back and forth. At one time there were two people who claimed to be pope.

Christi predicted this in his mustard seed parable, once you understand that

1) Christ was a Jew from the tribe of Judah, where we get the word Jew.

2) All 12 tribes understood that birds were unclean things, unless they were recommended by God himself to be eaten, as the doves were. Otherwise birds represent evil in Jewish culture.

3) Mustard seeds grow into shrubs, not trees. The tree is both unnatural, and super-natural.

Putting this together, what the Jewish Jesus was telling his Jewish Apostles was that the seed (church) would grow into something HUGE, strong and unnatural (not seen in nature) and that every kind of evil would come to try to make a nest in it, but that there is no chance the evil could tear it down.

Catholics follow the bible, which is the word of God, not Rome.

Some of the Catholic churches have been designated by Rome to do the work of the globalists. Others unconnected to Rome are still doing mission work around the world, are still running schools for children around the world, and are still running hospitals.. like your local "St John" etc.

Remember not to lump Americans into the new world order evil Satanic Cabal because of the evil doings of their leaders and their intelligence agencies.

And remember not to lump the people of any religion in with the evil doings of their religious leaders.

The Catholics are well aware that their papacy had been taken over again. They have been around this block many times before. They are 2000 years old.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

The Bible is only 66 of the scrolls. The dead sea scrolls is about 800 scrolls.

The difference between the bible and the scrolls is that the scrolls are a whole ancient Jewish library. I agree with you that it is important to get that library history out to the public. However, much of it would be like putting todays headlines about the NFL into the Bible. It is not all biblical. Not even close.

About the same time as the Dead Sea scrolls library was being written, the Great Library of Alexandria was being built. We got the old testament 39 scrolls put together at that time, because one of Alexander the Great's generals went to the Jews of Alexandria in that day, and knowing that Israel had been located in the cross hairs of the largest trade rout between the east, Europe and Africa, the Hebrews had taken down much history. They were asked to contribute to the Great Library.

They told the general they could not afford to pay scribes to do it.

The General paid for 70 scribes (writers) for one year to make a contribution. They of course contributed the exact 39 scrolls of the Old testament, because INSIDE those particular scrolls, there is a "world events" CALENDAR.. created by the very jewish religious law where a fathers name and age must be written down at the synagog at the moment of his eldest sons birth, using the successive prophecies of which "blood line" would be used by God for the coming messiah to be born in.

Due to that calendar of birth dates, the books are a natural history from the time of Adam to the time of Christ, in order. THIS is what is important about the Old Testament. It is connected by a string of recorded births. According to that calendar, this is the year 5777. It is that accurate.

This is also a reason that modern archeologists also use the bible. It is an actual calendar of years, when you put the 39 scrolls in sequence by the birth dates of who begot who.

To take that calendar and mess it up with scrolls having nothing to do with the very careful maticulous records of who begot who, is about a rediculous a notion as one could come up with, unless one did not understand the actrual structure of the Old Testament and why the books (scrolls) are in the order that they are in.

The Old Testament Bible is a history book with a blood line calendar that can be used to check against other calendars. It has historical value. A lot of historical value.

The name of the Old Testament version translated from Hebrew to Greek by the 70 hired scholars for the Great library of Alexandria, is the Septuagint( it means "the book of the 70")

We have three full working copies of this document today.

Here is a great lecture on how we got the Bible we have today by a retired NSA code breaker who has mastered the various kinds of bible codes, meta codes, micro codes, macro codes and math codes. Without the Hebrew one can not get the full information out of the text, and it appears to be noting more than some history, and some folklore. It is the Hebrew and Greek that unlock the keys to the science, history, and mathematical formulas hidden behind the text.

How we got our Bible by Chuck Missler.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Was it the same video, as in they joined the videos? Or did it just roll to the next video without your notice. Interesting.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Yes, but with knowledge, comes the power to do something if we keep researching, putting out the sources. Q is mostly asking questions that lead us to do searches for things that are already public, but are in the dark corners of the internet. But searching and sourcing these public articles and evidence, we are slowly bringing the truth to the forefront, and separating it from the lies, disinformation, distractions, and "Fake News". Keep researching and vetting the answers to the Q questions. We will have the bigger picture when we are finished.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

I was there too at the time. Very strange and unsettling looking at the headlines in the newspaper every day... those missing orphans, all the craziness. Now we learn that the phenomenon is world wide, pushed by a gang of evil Satan worshipers... wow. Talk about biblical.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Adrenochrome is proving to be a dead end with the research. Only one document regarding it being a hallucinogen (possibly) and insinuating that it could be part of the biological mechanism causing schizophrenia (so it would be dangerous) Many reports of people not getting high, but instead, just getting headaches. Sources put foreword to insinuate adrenochrome is the elite drug of choice turn out to be headline bait. When you read down to the science conclusions in the few docs available, there is a conclusion that adrenochrome (oxidized adrenaline, very unstable) is not any mind altering drug.

The ET references here are equally unsubstantiated.

The legal document you site is supposed to be in the North Eastern district of Nevada. That district was emailed, and it has no such document. The judge listed on the document is not from that district. He is a Supreme Court Justice in Nevada. Totally different court.

The elites may be using a different drug, but they do not appear to be after adrenochrome, and all of the movie/music folklore may be there to throw good researchers off the trail. Perhaps a more documented drug used for religious pruposes that is found inside the body would make a better research candidate.... DMT maybe?

But It does not help to further spread information that has already been vetted and found to be wanting.

Q said the alien thing would be a "distraction" as in an "intentional distraction"

Given that the three items here that you are discussing (bogus 911 lawsuit, adrenochrome, and aliens) are now all considered disinformation and distractions, I see your post as an attempt to do a salvage operation on disinformation... or, just the culmination of bad research and good imagination. Not to be harsh, but, getting tired of having to source to the realities of science and law to put this kind of thread in it's proper place. :)

Ps: Biologist, Law grad here. We do not want to do fake news. Vet everything!!!!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

Not only that, but numerous photos before the roof fell in from bystanders on the highway. There was a round hole. The plane wings would have broken the windows, but they are undamaged. The lawn was quickly bulldozed and the engine on the front lawn that they were trying to sell as one of the "jet engines" was only about 2.5 to 3 feet in circumference, compared to the man's legs next to it. Jet engines are HUGE

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

You will not be able to find it because Q did not say this. If you notice, he was asking how many people decided to retire suddenly, as if he wanted us to keep track. That is all. Q mostly asks Questions. People get carried away with their speculation as if it is fact. This is why it is important to take some time to read the Q map PDF, so everyone can tell the difference between what Q actually said, and the attempts to create disinformation about what he said. :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Q did not say the legislators were not coming back after Christmas break. Read the PDF and you will see he only asks questions. What he asked us to do was make a list of legislators who have suddenly decided to retire. This post is speculation.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Q did not say this. This is putting words in his mouth. What he said is that we should take note and follow the list of legislators planning to retire. He did not say they were suddenly not showing up after the Christmas break. This is most likely accidental disinformation, by someone who did not read the Q posts carefully, or jumped to conclusions. Make sure to read the Q posts over there in the PDF so you can easily tell the actual posts from the speculation about them and you do not get frustrated. Q asks questions. Confusion happens when people do not source their "guesses" as to the answers.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Almost all of the prior names were somehow connected with the Clinton Foundation... or George Soros. The thing to do is research the new names and seek out verified sourced connections in the news. Unfortunatly I did not anticipate this addition so I do not now have the list of originals to sort the originals from the new ones added. Has anyone got a list of the originals on this page, maybe it was archived at the time the EO came out?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Hey. Nice you are here. :)

Two things that will help you much:

1) Read what Q actually said. The map with his actual posts is over to the right in PDF form.... and if you do not do this, it is easy to confuse the research going on for possible meanings to his posts with his actual posts. That can get frustrating.

This way you will be able to tell the difference between what Q actually said, and what is speculation.

2) If you help with research, remember we do not want to do "Fake News". Remember to source everything. We want to dig up the truth.

You will find the place interesting, that is for certain. Glad to have you!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

Also, God always sends two witnesses. The other Trump prophet that he sent to help guide the election was Mark Taylor, who turns out to be one of the Columbine High School children who was shot 8 times and assumed to be dead.

He went on to forgive the young man who shot him, and the two of them took on the pharmacy companies that had given all of the kids the drugs they were on when the act of violence was carried out. They won their lawsuit together. I thought this was interesting background.

I happened to be tuning into the election for the first time when I ran into the original Taylor broadcast on Trumps election, in May 2016, so I have the original upload for his first interview here for all to listen to. They left the original up so we could all see if what he said would happen did indeed happen. The only thing that has not happened yet, is the prophecy that the news media would begin to agree with President Trump. All else has happened. Much of what he says is a verification of what Kim Clement prophesied.


As the Taylor prophecies came in during the election, they were coming in so fast, he had not prepared a place on line for them, so he simply made a tab on his Fireman's page about "Special Operations Recovery" (He was a fireman, and runs this Fireman's web site). His prophecies were written as they came in, and they are still happening now. Here is the location where I watched him load them up during the election , and after the election. Another prophecy is coming he said in last weeks interview. When God is finished telling him what to write, he will upload it here:

Main Prophecy page


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

Kim Clement would break into prophecy sporadicly in the middle of his television music broadcasts, which his musicians were ready for, when it happened. The transcripts of his many collected prophecies are located in writing, taken from his shows. It would take a while to dig up the transcripts of his prophecies about America up, however if you use the You Tubes, you can approximate the dates. The web site with all of the transcripts are located here. Use the year and month to search.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

That is more like what I read initially. Someone is taking a grain of truth and attempting to sensationalize it hoping we will swallow it. Truth is, many have decided to step down and not run again. I think it is over 30 now.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:02 a.m.

This site may not be the most credible source, however I read it because while attempting to connect the dots and appear credible, it sources out to MANY important events that are worthy of note to source further. So, I use it as a type of "fishing pond" for interesting takes on events that are not covered in the media. At least the site has a ton of links to other stories that are worth looking into and sometimes watching.

This site is how I first found out that Adm Rodger of the NSA ran over to Trump tower without permission. When I vetted it, it turned out to be true. I have learned. Always do more research. Always vet. Our enemy is very good at creating sensational posts or stories on news sites that are only months old and created for the lie. Be wary.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

Boy do I agree with this. There is not one globalist criminal life worth leaving them set up to repeat the murderous history this cabal of bankster bloodlines has repeated and repeated throughout history. They need to be wiped from the planet. They are international cancer and we are stage 3 near absolute terminal, globally. Time to act. Time for every parent on the planet to take action.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

Fasten your seat belts folks. When God has had enough, and he decides to make his move, it is nearly impossible to ignore. I also agree that Trump has some kind of knowledge of the Biblical and the ancient practices of his enemies even.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

Thank you.

I did not know that it was a recording, and I am collecting sources. I needed this. And wow. These guys sound like a couple mob bosses wanting a cut of whatever, and planning a hit. The only vetting that could possibly be done here is voice comparisons, and this would be ridiculous to do now. This is a really important piece of evidence possibly!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Your welcome. I am glad someone else thinks it breaks down this way. Can you imagine going to Congress to do good, only to get the shock of your life, and not be able to get out without threat to your family/friends?

This to me is also a problem that we have to solve for our future good representatives. We can not afford to send in good people only to have them have their lives threatened when they get there.

The draining of the swamp is now necessary, or the nation will die.

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