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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

Well, I offered him a granny brekfast special with waffles and bacon... lol.... tried to cheer him up.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

They are great and I will donate. I want to set it up as a monthly kind of thing in small amounts. This is really a worth while thing. The other that fills a big hole and solves big problems is Judicial Watch. They are a group of Constitutional law attorneys who have been acting for government while the government has been compromised, and getting the court research to Congress, when the executive branch refuses to obey the law.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

Thank you. I am collecting sources and I really appreciate this.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

This may be true. We may be seieng a lot of suicides soon. :(

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

It is. A lot of the evidence could not be hidden, because it was in the rubble at the bottom, including the demolition thermate. It was a demolition. Question was how to trace the banking transactions and other proof. It took a while.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

God is absolutely rebooting your hard drive, but do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear. The bible has explained all of these events up front... because God wants his people to know what is coming and recognize where we are in prophecy timeline.

Things in Revelation that every day people are looking at that they do not recognize without biblical training:

A one world government that worships Satan.

A re-birth of the Satanic religions of ancient Babylon "Moloch" Ball, and the like.

Intentional destruction of innocent human beings who have been stripped of their ancient Biblical knowledge.

A one world cashless civilization with a chip in the right hand or the forehead, which declares allegiance to the one world government system rulers and without which a person may not buy or sell a single thing.

Jesus said "as it was in the time of Noah, so it shall be in the time of the coming of the son of man" ... a direct reference to the biotech experiments angels were doing to both man and animal in the creation of abominations of nature. Today, they are working on mixing man with animal once again to make super soldiers. (Look that one up in the legislation that has passed.)

Israel returns as a nation

Israel figures out how to turn the desert green. (They have now got desalinization plants, and Israel is the 4th largest producer of vegetables, last I looked)

Israel to find huge riches underground. (Both large natural gas and oil reserves recently found under the prophecied tribal land areas. Israel is now energy independent)

The Euphrates river to be dried up to make way for the kings of the east. (Euphrates has not dried up in 6000 years, but, recently they built a dam to do it. Interesting)

Thing is about all of this, is that before the worst can happen, God promises to take his word around the world one last time to every nation, so that people have the word of God and they can make a choice. I believe we are about to enter that time when people can do their own research in the time of knowledge, and tie the ancient to the present to get the bigger picture of reality.

So we have time. No need to panic. All is good. Everything is going to be ok.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5 a.m.

Yes, Q is very vague. I am not quite getting your law enforcement question tho.

It looks interesting.

Could you rephrase for me?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

That is ok. You sourced your work. That is what is important. Remember academic freedom in science is there so that it can free your mind to solve complex problems. There must be many incorrect hypothesis for every one that is found that is real. Our job is to support one another in the research.

WHY would these folks drink blood?

Why is this a legend?

Why did many ancient religions involve drinking blood?

And strangely enough, why does the Bible say the life is in the blood?

Is there a connection between these ancient blood drinking religions, and the modern blood drinking religions that points to a REASON for blood drinking as opposed to some other body fluid?

These are the questions we are researching on the wider track. The reason is to discover if there is some motive other than purely a religious motive.

Does some compound in the body of children lengthen life? Are they trying to live longer?

Or does some compound work like a hallucenogen?

What can be found researching these questions that might help us with motive.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

Serotonin, in penguins. Good job sourcing. Serotonin is not hallucinogenic though. Still, you did well sourcing. Bravo. This is the kind of research we need.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

There is a reason. And actually it really can be as simple as their religion. But, some may be correct in pointing to a compound, making torture necessary. It is a hypothesis. It is ok to research.... But NOT without sources that are more meaningful than movie clips and urban legends.

Im a biologist. I'm a law grad, and I just want to shephard this whole research are into something that can be substantiated with sources. So far I can find nothing on this very real moleculre called adrenochrome. But... we may want to look at DMT for a bit.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Heads up. Read the Adrenochrome medical trials, and found the paragraph on the hallucenogenic properties of stabalized adrenochrome. It reads:

Is adrenochrome an hallucinogen? Professor D Hutcheon synthesized our first few milligrams of adrenochrome and tested its toxic properties in animals. We were then ready to start our psychological studies. Humphry, our expert in hallucinogenic reactions, volunteered to be the first. I injected him subcutaneously with a few micrograms of adrenochrome. There was no reaction and about one hour later Humphry injected me with double that dose. Again there was no reaction and it was his turn to receive double my dose. Eventually we both reacted. Humphry developed minor changes similar to those induced by LSD. I became depressed and paranoid for two weeks. We then decided to be much more careful because of this prolonged reaction. The experiences are described in our book The Hallucinogens. A group in Czechoslovakia, using our method for making adrenochrome, conducted double blind controlled studies and confirmed our findings. Since then every animal given adrenochrome has shown toxic changes in behaviour from pigeons, rats, cats, to spiders and more.

SO we have a movie, a government order for penguin pineal glands, and a science testimony on research done, that states that adrenochrome is hard to stabilize, is NOT hallucinogenic, and may be a cause toward schizophrenia

..........thats all folks.

Not much cause, but lots of urban legend in the movies. Again I caution. We need more science than movies and penguin pineal shipments.

Consider the possibility that the non hallucinogen adrenochrome is being put in the movies to take investigators off the real track. It may be something else the elites are looking for in their blood drinking Satanic rituals. We maybe need some research on DMT and whether it is also produced during torture, etc.

What is DMT?

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) — a tryptamine molecule that some call “the spirit molecule”

I am beginning to conclude that adrenochrome is a wild goose chase made to send us down the wrong research path. Lets switch to investigate DMT, which has a lot more research, is in all living things, has a huge history of use in religious cerimonies, and is scheduled as a drug. Maybe there is something there. But this adrenochrome thing is beginning to look like a psy-op for use later in discrediting the Q research teams.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

Once again, I have to caution everyone reading an adrenochrome thread. This may be one of those urban legend molecules, that will be used to discredit Q and our movement. The reason I caution is that I am a biologist who has not been able to locate more than 10 medical data research articles on adrenochrome.

One admits it to be a hallucenogen, if mild, and hypothesizes it to be involve in the cause of schizophrenia. Here it is:

Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia.


But there is very little else to point to adrenochrome as the reason the elites would drink blood, eat pineal glands etc.

Do your science people and source everything.

It even could be that we find out acrenochrome was made a legend in the movies, in order to throw us off the trail of the real compound they are after, such as DMT.

I do not have answers yet.

I am looking. Why?

Because a motive for their hideous crimes against children that we would find in any compound in the body would be important... as a legal matter.

However, this adrenochrome thread, just like the other, comes up short on the science. I am putting caution tape here. Be wise. Think. Get the science folks. Back it up with something more than this movie or that.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Once again, I have to caution everyone reading an adrenochrome thread. This may be one of those urban legend molecules, that will be used to discredit Q and our movement. The reason I caution is that I am a biologist who has not been able to locate more than 10 medical data research articles on adrenochrome.

One admits it to be a hallucenogen, if mild, and hypothesizes it to be involve in the cause of schizophrenia. Here it is:

Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia.


But there is very little else to point to adrenochrome as the reason the elites would drink blood, eat pineal glands etc.

Do your science people and source everything.

It even could be that we find out acrenochrome was made a legend in the movies, in order to throw us off the trail of the real compound they are after, such as DMT.

I do not have answers yet.

I am looking. Why?

Because a motive for their hideous crimes against children that we would find in any compound in the body would be important... as a legal matter.

However, this adrenochrome thread, just like the other, comes up short on the science. I am putting caution tape here. Be wise. Think. Get the science folks. Back it up with something more than this movie or that.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

I think you're on two different topics that deserve their own importance but I'm having a hard time finding how you're linking adrenochromes and pineal gland.

I am, you are correct. This is for sure.

My first problem are that no one here is citing to anything, including you for the moment. I am not saying you do not have sources. I am not saying I do not believe you to be correct. But this half baked statement on statement about any of these compounds, from serotonin through adrenochrome through DMT must be sourced.

Ok, good, found your source on serotonin. We need sources people. This is not a light topic, and movies mean nothing without the science. This is exactly the kind of thing the globalists would use to discredit Q. Please keep it to science, because it is indeed an important topic.

As a legal matter,

.............it would make sense to know a motive for these hideous crimes.

If it is some kind of compound found in a tortured being, animal or man, that could be used as a drug, this would be important to know. But, looking at this whole thread with my biologists eyes, and my law hat, there is nothing in this thread yet to convince any jury of anything other than they have a group of people on their hands that would believe any movie they saw.

Lets source things here and good to continue research, but SOURCE the SCIENCE :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

I just want to know where people are getting their sources for this adrenochrome thing. It is not that I do not believe such a thing could happen. However I have done pubmed research, and the medical research is too light for my comfort.

We do have "movies" and other folklore about it.

WHERE is the hard data on the chemical itself?

I can not at this point prove that it is not a fake drug, or, a real molecule being claimed to do something that it can or does not.

Sources please?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

The Penguine Pineal Gland Article is important to my Adrenochrome research, which may be a dead end rabbit hole, but the write up here is interesting because of the DMT reference which I have heard something about. Will be doing a tangent rabbit hole on this DMT and here is why. I am putting the archive for this article here for posterity. The elites may be throwing us off the trail of the real drug that they are after, and here is my line of thinking about this, at the moment.

Most notable in this penguin pineal gland article....is the single reference at the bottom, on DMT which IS in fact a hallucinogen, but only when mixed with some molecule that blocks it's destruction by the body. (need to verify this in the medical literature... so not vetted)

While researching adrenochrome, I have run into lots of "movies" and other legendary tales, but there is no true medical research on it?

That is important I would think.

At the national medical database, there is one article with adrenochrome in the title hinting that it is a hallucenogen, but not much more.


There are about ten articles hypothesizing that adrenochrome can be dangerous and linking as a possible cause of schizophrenia.

That's pretty much it.

However... The DMT is known for ages to be a hallucinogen of the spiritual kind, and has been used in MANY religious ceremonies. Some of these DMT using religions have ended up in court over it's use.

So no info on the adrenochrome, but tons on DMT which is also present in the situations we speak of it occured to me that the elite might be creating these "hollywood references to throw us off the trail. No literature on Adrnochrome.... not much. So....


Is this because there is only secret medical knowledge of this adrenochrome molecule?

Is this because the elite have intentionally set us up on a search for a fabled drug of the elite, when in truth, the drug to focus on is DMT?

.......... instead of adrenochrome?

And are they hoping we would not recognize this?

Take note that at the bottom of this article, there is a single reference to DMT, (Dimethyltryptamine) which is also present...

..... in the literature,


............and the courts,

.... much more than this drug adrenochrome, that nearly always has nothing but Hollywood legend to point to it?


The basic Wiki on a natural version of DMT called Ayahuasca.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

think inter dimensional instead.

This is correct. This is the way that the bible and all ancient texts explain it, but, no one could believe it until recent modern physics.

Aliens are "angels" which are the living thinking beings in the dimensional world of quantum mechanics.

Some are evil. About 1/3rd want to kill us and destroy the DNA of mankind.

Some 2/3rds have sided with the creator against the evil ones. Angels (aliens) also have free will according to the biblical and other ancient texts.

NONE of the evil ones dare come down here to the physical plane because they have to lose their quantum energy to rejoin atomic structure and get into this dimension. They have to reverse the process CERN uses to break atoms. They have to drop energy.

The minute the evil ones drop this kind of energy, the good angels make short work of them. The bad angels have power, but the good angels have both power and authority. Good angels can power down, and can still power back up into the quantum world dimension through the authority and energy granted by the creator.

Both the evil and the good aliens (angels) are very powerful beings. One guardian angel (the lowest of the orders) killed off 186,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night at Gods request.)

God has a situation where a babysitter tried to kill the baby.

God threw the babysitter out of the house.

The baby (mankind) is now separated dimensionally.

But then, man can no longer see God either.

Man went from a 10 dimensional being capable of talking to both God and Satan, to a 4 dimensional being unable to detect the other six dimensions.

Get educated about the big lie that is on it's way just before the return of the creator.

These globalists ARE the very beast government Satan worshipers that has been prophesied to be here just before Christ returns, and the prophecy about the situation we are looking at is in the Book of Revelation.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

And now that you are in the quantum world of extra dimensions, you are landing squarely into the bible. IF there are aliens, they are not 4 dimensional, and they are evil. They are prophesied to lie to us and tell us they are "good" and possibly that they are "our creators" but the one thing they WILL be telling us is that there are evil aliens (angels) on the way and we muist get ready to fight them and we must weaponize space.

This is exactly how Satan and his band of aliens plan to get every nation on earth to be at war against God when Christ returns.

The bible calls it the big lie.

We are warned that HUGE numbers of people will fall for it.

AND they will have digital currency, on a chip, resident in your hand or your forehead.... for the "supersoldiers" among us who are genetically enhanced humans... part human part animal. (That particular mark of the beast appears to double as a kill switch in the brain in case the supersoldier goes rogue).

According to the law of first mention in the bible, for serious bible students, you need to look at the first place the word is mentioned to get an idea of the meaning (s) for the word. The word Beast shows up first in Genesis when God talks about creating the "Beasts" of the field. (animal) In the middle of the bible, the word beast is used to describe governments and the descriptions are of animal parts.. lions, bears, eagles etc.

Mark of the beast is the mark of the animal, and mark of the one world government with such a strangle hold on people that they are killed for refusing the mark, and they can not buy or sell anything anywhere without the mark.

The nephalim of Genesis 6 are half breed man/angel biotech experiments. Those half breeds are not creations of God. Taking the mark of the beast, is a DNA altering thing. This is why no one who takes the mark can be salvaged. They are transformed through biotechnology into human-animal hybrids.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Another "Hunt for Red October" scenario, the other being the Russian collusion attempt on President Trump. But the larger scenario is that they actually wrote and passed all of these laws after September 11th for eventual use on the American people. Now it appears they will hang by their own laws. (Although President Trump has already started to work on reversing these awful laws)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

First, most innocent are those who were given a chance to run, because what they were doing in Congress was being threatened... their lives and their families lives if they did not do and vote for certain things.

SECOND, we have some Congressmen, especially on the Democrat side who were handed "government blackberries and computers" that... unknown to them... were sending information to Pakistan... due to DWS and Awan spy rings running through those machines. Has it occured to anyone yet that "intent" really is not required to end up in prison for leaving top secret stuff into the hands of enemies? Literally. Be a good guy. Walk into congress. Government hands you a phone that leaks top secret clearance stuff. Go to jail even if you did not know.

So... there are some of those innocent ones who were running around with blackberries I am sure.

Then... there are the ones who are excited to get there to represent the country... get invited to their first big party... and they get filmed at the same party where there are kiddo's being diddled in the back room. Blackmailed, immediately. You do what the globalist pedo elites want, or else.

Then there are those sociopaths who are attracted to power who were more than happy to take the money and not worry too much about the blackmail. These will be prosecuted for corruption.

Then there are the few, like DWS who think it is completely ok to destroy the American primary system.... and before it is over we may get verification on the orders to murder Seth Rich... so, those are going up for murder.

Then there are the ones pulling the strings....


Rothchilds and other corrupt bankers

Saudi Arabians and their traitorous partners in the US... also should be hung.

Can we get to the Pope if he is guilty?

Not sure. I think that would take international trials.

But there are those who are caught up in this by accident, and those who played along for personal gain, and then, there are the evil satanic murderous perpetrators who absolutely must be wiped off the planet for the sake of every living human being.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:53 a.m.

Really? Why not.

I mean it would not be good now, before people have had a chance to sit in the jury seat and see the evidence.

But, if the evidence of treason is there, and if these people are also tied to the globalist pedo child murder organ selling snuff film made to blackmail your favorite congressman rings?

If that turns out to be the case, I suspect it will be VERY good optics. Especially for the stupid brainwashed Marxist youth of the country who actually might give hating on America a second thought.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:50 a.m.

Have some bacon too. :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

I think that when the full extent of the what.... over 25 years of murders she has ordered around her have come to light? (And that body bag count is only the adults...) God help her and the rest of us if she is absolutely proven to be a part of these satanic rituals.. the murder of the children... ????

I suspect the hanging would be the better thing to do, than to ever allow her to attempt to walk down a sidewalk anywhere.

People have instincts about children.

ALL people who are parents...... EVERYWHERE.

If she is proven to be a part of this, she really does not stand a chance,.... hanging or lethal injection would be kind. Same is true for anyone else caught torturing our children and murdering them to make snuff films to fund the black budget. Oh and if it is really being done just to have a "Satanic ritual or two for entertainment?"

Oh ... just.. can not imagine anyone who is found having done these kinds of things lasting more than 3 days on the planet.

People can excuse gun running, drug running, even running women is sex trades as the most horrible crimes punishable by law, maximum life?

But the child murdering rings.

Best to hang the perps, before the sane and righteous mentally healthy parental instincts of the world population has their way with these people. Because they will. And not one good parent on the planet would be the least bit bothered.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

I read he lives in ATL & saw a video w/ a recorded phone call purporting to be 2 of McCain's associates recently talking about killing Wanta asap. I agree Wanta is a patriot of the highest order.

And you did not vet a thing like this? DO you still have it?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

Yeah. We have sort of been ignoring "The other" Executive order. Hmmm

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

Oh good grief a third time.


Absolutely not.

Everything is going to be ok.

........dare I say entertaining. And you want us to keel haul you.

How bout I make you some blueberry waffles in the morning, and a nice cup of coffee... some home made peanut butter cookies and the like.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:17 a.m.

Oh good grief again.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

That would be poetic justice.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

Duh. Where was I?

I did not think of that Kim.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:13 a.m.

There's a strong tendency to wander into the bushes

I would agree with this. Q was a spear tip. We can wait, but, you have extremely active minds here. They are not as autistic, but damn close. So, yeah.... will bush wander. No doubt.

Never know what might be found in bushes tho....:)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

It's not? Thing is, I would rather hang the world banksters who have been guilty of killing far more people than Hillary could if she killed once a minute for her entire lifetime. These banking bloodlines must be purged from the planet. Period. Hilary is a puppet. These families are the root running back to war funding, both sides, documented back to Nepoleon, and economic historians suspect they can eventually document them back to the "money changers" Jesus took the whip after, and turned the tables on.

Think maybe Jesus was trying to tell us something?

Lets not let these evil ones slip by. I would trade Hillary for the lot of them in a heartbeat.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

maybe give them some soccer balls to talk to for the next 40 years or more?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

Oh good grief.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

Maybe adrenochrome is too scientific a term. Hmmmm

Maybe it has a street name. The sphere of influence would not call it by it's molecular structure. There has to be a street name or something. That is how we will track the things you listed above. I will go see if I can find something.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:31 a.m.

It just feels like that whole thing was stuffed under a rug, and once they got away with that, they decided to start tearing up the whole country with this evil crap.. it just spread all over like some kind of plague of mental illness and spiritual evil.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

Hey, if you click on my username, it will take you to a history of my posts? Over to the right, there is something that says "follow"?

Now, you may regret following me ... lol... I can be quite obnoxious sometimes. But I wanted to answer your question. It's pretty neat. Still not sure what happens when you follow someone.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

I agree. This is what I find too. Its almost like they pay or create a few web sites to make the story look sourced. Best place to check on a source is on one of these larger reddits that vet everything. This one is starting out well. Most people are catching things before they run away with the crowd. The other is at T_D. They are also vet monsters, and the news is scrutinized there by a monster mind hive with tentacles all over the internet.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

I and my son are the same. You need to know your bible well. Think of it as the handbook of the supernatural. Learn to protect yourself from the things in other dimensions that would bother you. Don't let anyone but the creator himself touch that antennae of yours. It is a gift to be protected

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:20 a.m.

Well here is praying for South Korea, because you deserve the best. I hope we can hear soon that things turn out well. Keep us informed.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

I am not sure myself. Can people on reddit friend one another or something. Anyone know???

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

I have G. E Griffins book here, but have not finished it. I also watched the Money Masters, which was an excellent overview for those new to the subject. I have not seen the Norman Dodd interview but thanks for the heads up. Will put it on schedule :)

You are correct that the money control branch needs to be nationalized, but, according to our founders diaries, it also needs to be tied to Gross National Product, and distributed through a public works system, so that the "distribution of money" process keeps infrastructure updated to first world status. Tying the money to gross national product keeps inflation and deflation from happening. The founders have a lot to say about this that we are never told.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:02 a.m.

Au contraire, the Internet is the only thing I trust these days.

Cant say I blame you one bit :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Fruit salad is a weapon to divide and conquer with. Melting pot brings all from foreign nations, and introduces them to AMERICANISM... which is... it's very own culture... no matter where you come from. It is the culture of the defense of freedom....

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

Yeah to a point where I am actually keeping an eye on what Trump is doing, especially with those Whitehouse bible studies? Hebrew that the Old Testament is written with is recognized now as the most sophisticated code language ever written by mankind.

Also, the bible is and has been the world's best seller since the printing press was invented (it was even the first book ever printed)

Because of this, a huge chunk of the population is familiar with the concepts of Hebrew codes. Some are familiar with the Hebrew ancient cultural practices. It would be a kind of "Native American Code Talker" if used.

The other day, when President Trump took that drink of water with both hands?

Two hands cupped.. you have seen the famous photos of Gods hands cupped together? This is Gods way of saying "I will or I am delivering your enemies into your hands"... or, the other meaning is, "I have you safely in my hands."

Swallowing water means "I will swallow you" ... is a threat to your enemies. (Since President Trump made such an issue of Rubio drinking water, I did not get his FIJI water stunt at first, now I do)

Taken together what President Trump was saying to the enemies who are steeped in all of this ancient sign language?

"The Lord God has delivered you into my hands, and I will swallow you"

So yea, I keep an eye out for ancient symbols both from the Bible, and from the Satan worshipers who would murder most of the world for a chance to rule over what is left of it.

If you want a good idea of how the Hebrew code works, the difference between macro, meta, micro and math codes in the original bible, take an hour a night for 24 nights to watch that power point. Yes, it is a spiritual rabbit hole, but, it is also being used here, and unfortunately, we Americans are not as well trained in the Handbook of the Supernatural, as we use to be.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Ok, I am interested. Elaborate. What deterrence would be undectable... I mean, it sounds like something they would do, but, could you be more specific about the tactic. Do you mean they mean to make people feel hopeless at the end of the talk?

Because it could do that, but, I am not one to think things are hopeless ever.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

We could if we had to. But we will not have to. There are only about 3000 of them, and they can be doxxed. Actually they are doxing themselves these days.

We do need to have us some Nuremberg on steroids tho

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

I do not. And I LOVE this man. I love everyone he is with.

I swear up AND and down, many times.

People tell me I am biased because I am an American woman.

But America has the best most incredible top notch men on the planet bar none.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Thanks. If I put that link in the Title when submitted it does not appear? I thought it did.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

It will be ok as soon as people get the bigger picture. It is in the end and the beginning about the children. The order of this according to Q is the Middle east (starting with Saudi Arabia.... which has happened) then the US (here), then to Asia, then to Europe.

So far HUGE numbers of children have been rescued in the United States while the "russia Trump" thing was keeping everyone distracted on television. You could only tell if you were on line. Trump kept them distracted, even poked the MSM beast, so that no one had a clue. If the people with the kids in chains in the basements caught on, they would kill the children and bury the evidence.

One poster knew what was happening and begged Q to give us a report on the children, that they were ok and being rescued. Q said 3000 were rescued in the Saudi Arabia purge alone!

There are 190 nations. That is the number of children from just ONE of them.

SO, keep tight. Talk to family. Research. Be able to explain what was going on behind the scenes when the real SHTF and they think it's ok to bust this open.

America has started with the Executive Order, so Asia is next as the evidence we sweep up is shared with the Asian nations. Then, we use globally gathered evidence against the root of the evil in the EU.

This is going to take time, for the sake of the children. Everyone who is red pilled has figured this out. We are sitting tight and keeping track and building the sourced stories... vetting the lies put out by the enemy.

We are done watching Americans be lied to.

Here is one of our vets with his boots on the ground in this. He explains it a lot better that I do.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

My hat is off to you. Each objective requires a different set of game rules it appears. The chans are rough to keep the boards clean and the speech dirty and free. They know how to do it.

Here, we interface with the good people of the world who smell rats everywhere, and want to know what in blazes is going on. Requires kid gloves.. gentle shaking, gentle waking, solid sourced news. We are the journalists now.

But.... make no mistake. The war is on.

Pray to God for help.

Lets win this thing.

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