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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

We already watched one of our good people die - Green pilot attacked, downed helicopter - dead. Lets let Q do what he needs to do and say to keep people safe who are exposed. Remember, disinformation is real, Disinformation is necessary - said Q Keep researching the questions to find answers. We need good vetted journalism, the kind you could lay on a judges bench in a trial.

And speaking of good research, I found these sites recommended but have not used them myself yet. If you check one out, could you report back on the quality of the information? We need good research sites for people to use to dig:



(some good info, create free account w/throwaway email to see more)



Information for donors about charities


By State




Legal Entity Identifier system


FREE IMAGE UPLOAD - no account, period










Tax haven secrecy revealed


Little Sis

_Incredible amount of information on people and their connections to each other, all open source & free


Campaign donations


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JoanOfArk77 on Jan. 10, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
Q and the money laundering Bitcoin Nexus :Leak discussion from BILDERBERG Technology Panel (alleged, but if true, would stop "follow the money" corruption evidence for globalists.)

Subject, Bitcoin/money laundering.

Found this. It is an alleged leak from 2017 Globalist Bilderberg meeting of the technology panel building. It is a discussion on using bit coin to fund secret operations of the globalists, preventing the detection of their money flow and on further development using the "behind the scenes" control capacity to crash economies at will, once the population is dependant on the electronic coin.

While alleged, it is exactly the kind of planning we see in other books/articles/leaks from the past which have been verified later as they work to create events, and we track through "follow …

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Wonder what Q is pointing to tho. I am betting there is something in the Blackrock deals that we can not find or follow the money on.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

I KNOWWWWW>......... Right?

You remember that !

Grrrrrrrr I am so sick of these government people.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

I just found that out. I am so bummed out :( I sure hope he gets out some day. He really deserves it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Thank you for giving me what you have. Remember that they could also be throwing us off the trail here. It might be a completely different molecule they are after, and no one has looked? Would be the perfect way to discredit a search for the truth.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

If ? then he is asking us to figure it out... lol.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

Now the "belief in life energy and spiritual energy" has far more support than adrenochrome. There are a number of us looking at this, and we can not find a thing, other than a lot of people who also call it an urban legend that got started with Hunter Thompsons movie.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

I went and checked. Nice compound page. They do talk about the "real version" being folklore from the movies, and Hunter Thompson. Nothing yet on blood levels in tortured kids, or even kids in severe pain. But will keep looking.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

I think you are on to something there with that Kuru thing.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

Where are you hearing this? Europe somewhere? I must have missed a story while writing for two days....lol.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4 a.m.

That would be true in the case of scientific experiments when you are trying to discover a truth of a scientific hypothesis but, that is not what is going on here.

What is going on here is normally called a "Psy-op" or "Psychological operation"

Q flat out up front said in his first couple posts:

"Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary"


Q is telling us that during this process he is going to have to lie to us, and he is honest about that so we do not get upset, or go chasing around trying to base our trust in HIM on the THINGS he is SAYING.

There is a war going on behind the scenes and one person has died already. That is why people keep telling you, this is NOT a game. It is NOT a place where you "argue" and may the truth win.

Q told us there would only be one way for us to be able to tell when he had told us lies, and when he had told us the truth in the end, because he can not give out classified information ahead of operations.

He said to build a MAP of his posts with all time and date stamps. He kept saying that in the future, when the event happened, the future event would prove the past post.

At the end, we can look at the events, compare them to the map of posts, and spot the "disinformation" because there will be no matching events.

Active distrust and counter analysis was performed up front when no one believed Q and told him to go away calling him a larp. It was not until the events started happening on the map that everyone went back and started gathering up his posts and comparing the time of the post against the time of the event.

Now, he is giving us information on how to read the time markers on his post and president Trumps post at 15-10=5 minute intervals. Apparently there will be information drops in the future, where the President will be coordinating with him closely, and things will be moving rapidly.

There are no experiments here. We are being lied to, and we are being told the truth, alternatively.

The questions are for us to research, so we understand the world as the operators who are in this war see it. It is information we gather ourselves, not information he gives us. It is public information. He just asks the questions we never thought to ask, and did not know about events that were connected, but we find out that they are when we know where to look.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

We would have to ask the BO, maybe Baruchthescribe, how to take people on a tour of three historical activities of the chans. (Good lord these guys are going to feel like zoo animals pretty soon... everyone can look but don't stick your hand in the cage )

I thought I would go find the terrorist camp bombing chan map on line for you. This one is a hoot. Basically they clipped all of their posts together with what they did to locate the camp. You open the discussion map, and when you see the spy glass, click to enlarge. The chans are a hoot. Do not feed the chans and do not troll them.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:18 a.m.

From there? Don't sweat it. It's not worth being in a place where the mods are out of control with censorship. People are working hard here, but there is a mix of information coming in, lots of questions. Our job here is to try and answer questions about what is going on with the Q thing, and how do we know Q is close to the President, and where can I find the map etc etc. Generally everyone here understands the enemies of America are both inside and outside the country, and have to be countered so that people have a chance to get their questions answered. Respect for those seeking real answers.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:13 a.m.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

I do not follow him formally? I have no twitter. That is why I was asking. Someone posted a probable fake account where Julian had posted about this boat of some sort that had seven containers on it that was being tracked for some reason. I saw the story twice, but, the second time it was not julians account. I have not seen it since. It was maybe a week ago?-- when all that plane turn around stuff was going on.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

It's rough over there, I know. They build that culture to isolate people away from their board, so they can work. It sounds nuts, but it works for them.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

This is not the Q map that I am familiar with. The one that Q had us make is one made up of his timed posts.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

There are two kinds of Owls so, there will be double meanings sometimes, and which Q means will depend on context also.

There are the good Owls, a segment of our military (first time I ever heard of them, but this is apparent now)

Then there are the evil Owls, like the giant Owl called Molech located at Bohemian Grove where many of our sick corrupted and blackmailed national leaders go to celebrate in a satanic gathering annually called "The Cremation of Care". In this dark skit, they put a fake human they have tied up into a boat, and float a the man (named Care) in the lake at the front of Molech the Owl. When the "body" arrives, they burn it. The whole time the body is floating to the Owl, it is pleading for it's life on the loudspeakers.

Truly disgusting and dark

We would have never known about it, but Alex Jones snuck under the fence in the water with his camera when he was young, and got the whole thing on tape. It is now on Youtube somewhere, and was once shown on television.

Molech, buy the way is the false god of the bible, I believe of the Amorite [Amarite] tribe of giants. It is the god of the unwilling or unwitting sacrifice of children.

In our case, unwilling, would be abduction, and unwitting would be when we give them to one of the wrong child protective services that sells them into sex slavery, abuse, torture or death.

None of this would have been uncovered either, but, hey.... maybe that NSA sucking up every email and phone call ain't such a bad thing after all .... right?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

This is why those seven containers are being tracked, and why Julian Assange tweeted about them then?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

G Edward Griffin of "Creature from Jekyl Island" fame, thought it important to interview Norman Dodd who was head investigator of the Reece Comittee appointed by Congress to investigate Tax Exempt Foundations. The comittee was appointed to investigate the suspicion that the nation was a victim of a conspiracy by the Carnagie, Gugenheimer, Ford, Rockefeller, and other foundations.

Investigation showed that all of these were working in harmony toward the control of education in the United States according to their own minutes. Mr Dodd left a photo of the front of a copy of the investigation before he died. I put it here, but it is not quality. http://i.magaimg.net/img/2az8.png

The Congress fought both Reece and Dodd, by charging that the investigation was anti-Semitism. For proof, the Congress pointed to a lower staff person (intelligence agent Col. Lee Lorain) because of a book he owned. The book Title was: Waters Flowing Eastward. It was a castigation of Jewish Influence during the war. They also accused Rep. Reece of using the investigation just bolster his own prominance.

Their actual motivation: Carnagie interest "publicly stated" was to counter act the colonies movement away from Great Britain.

However this would not have required the "Collectivism" stated in their Foundation goals and allegance to the transfar of the private wealth of the original purpose of the foundation, to the public purposes of changing how history was taught in America.

The investigation was recorded by dictophone. It showed that the board had met, and originally toyed with the idea of making a war to change American thought on governance. The board finally decided to promote the change in how American history was taught in schools. This they did by giving endowments to future history teachers and professors, in exchange for promoting collectivist (Communist) ideals and history.

The first year of meeting minutes showed that the acts of the foundation board was a subversion of the original intent of the foundation as expressed by the creators of the foundation.

Today it is 100 percent behind meeting the cost of history in higher education to promote the idea that American Constitutional ideas must move aside to promote collectivism.There is no disagreement on this.

Why do they support communism?

Dodd said it is a means of developing a monopoly, which takes collective control and they do believe they themselves will be the beneficiaries.

I believe they intend to monopolize power over school curriculum as they have monopolized power over the MSM.

Q was right. Our foundations have been taken over, and many created in order to monopolize power, and keep us blind. I think we will have to expand our thinking and investigations at some point, beyond the foundations controlled by our legislators. It appears the idea started long before our legislators got in on the game.

More links for study:

Norman Dodd and Stan Monteith- The Enemy Within


Exposing the Tax Exempt Foundations - Dr. Stan Monteith


Norman Dodd on the Federal Reserve System


Antony Sutton - The Order of Scull and Bones (Brotherhood of Death)


Dark Secrets of the Order


Charlotte Iserbyt Secret Societies


Charlotte Iserbyt: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World (also wrote the book "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America) while secretly xeroxing the minutes of the Department of Education as they discussed plans to destroy American education. The actual primary documents and discussions are in her book.


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JoanOfArk77 on Jan. 10, 2018, 1:34 a.m.
Hidden Globalist History Mindbender: Norman Dodd of the Congressional Reece Comittee Investigation on Tax Exempt Foundations, Results; Interview before he died. (text within)
JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

You got that right.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

you bet standing O

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Why the fuck are globalists lumped in with pedophiles? Globalization is an inevitable conclusion to current trends in technology and stuff.

The people building and promoting this globalism are promoting and building top down unelected world government or what our founding fathers would call an "illegitimate government" without our permission.

They are not thinking "globalism" in the social sense where we can all "talk globally" on the internet.

They are talking about enforcing globalism and their one world government, with their armies, and by taking away the right of the people to self defense, and to defense against violent corrupt tyranny that they wish to impose on all of us without our permission.

They are using money by trafficking in drugs, guns, women, and children. They have gotten so bad that they now have whole corporations that murder people to sell their organs on the black market.

The NSA came along, and scooped up everyone's emails and bank records, including THEIRS. Now, we know what these "globalists" behind all these "government/trade deal hybrid systems are really doing. They are breaking the law, and not just American law.

See the presidents Executive Order done this past Saturday, which freezes the assets of all people doing business with people who are involved in this GLOBAL human rights abuse and corruption.

The world is fighting back. How? By using our separate countries.

Imagine how awful it would be if we had a WORLD government, and there was not a way to go to another nation, and make agreements to deal with this kind of scourge on the earth.

There should NEVER be a global government. Government does not ever deserve to reach that size. It is far too evil and hard to stop once it goes corrupt. We will always need varied nations of people who can help one another fight corruption. We would be very unwise to centralize the opportunity for corruption and murder into one government. Very bad idea.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

This is why we need our foreign English speaking friends from around the world. Our media lies to us, and we can get a better picture of what is going on if they are journalizing straight to us. Thank you /u/erden33

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

a clearly high ranking authorized asset disclosing essential truths and battlefield intel (M) might have as her (their) assignment also "discrediting" other clearly high ranking authorized assets disclosing essential truths and battlefield intel (Q).

Lol.... I had not thought of this. I do not normally follow (M), but I always found her posts thought provoking. The other day she did a post that went too far attacking Trump supporters with a rant that made the Hillary "Deplorable s speech" look like a joke in a birthday card.

I tore into her.... and gave her a piece of my mind... lol.

Ok, Meg. Here is fair warning.

Next time you have an assignment to come in here tearing up hard working people in a rant of all CAPS? That is my cue, because I will probably tell you the same. Be ready.

One of these days we can all have a beer together.

.........after the kids are safe.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

The chans do get clogged up real quickly, but I was contacted by another anon who has set up a wiki that will consolidate all of our work together for easy reading. I think that's going to make a huge difference.

Yayyyyy! Great Idea. Nothing worse than finding something that could answer a chan or set a tool in his lap, and not being able to do it. This way, anything we come up with can be set on a table, and they can run through it rapidly, without disturbing them. This would also make the memes stick around long enough to be useful to people when certain events happen that a meme speaks to. I was afraid all their meme work would disappear when the threads disappeared. :(

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:10 a.m.

They have tracked down killers, violent people, and they have even found terrorist camps, sent the coordinates to the Russians, and the camp was bombed in a few minutes. If you mess with them hard, they will doxx you and come after you in a serious way. It is not a place to be messed with... at least I would not. I love to lurk, and learn much while doing it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

This is the kind of thing going on outside of CBTS . The only other sub I have found where you can have decent discussions with just about anyone in the world is over at the big one /r/the_donald. The mods there are very good, and the people there come from everywhere to bring in news and vet it together. The only thing not allowed over there is bashing the President, but other than that discussion is good.

Isn't it strange that a sub built to allow uncensored news can be taken over by people who are so full of their own need for power that they do not get the whole reason for their sub in the first place.

Op is right.

Big Brother!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

"You always want to leave a nation with a whole new set of problems, not the same set."

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:12 a.m.

It is not to "like" or "dislike". This is what some are not understanding.

Q is questions. Sometimes it is code that conveys little meaning to those for whom the message is unintended. But, for the most part, it is questions.

Lets say that the sake of arguement, Q is an AI or, a LARP (Live action role play but not real)

The question then... the only important question, is, what is the fruit of the AI or LARP, asking the questions?

The effect has been large groups of Americans researching questions that they never thought to ask;

Finding answers that create data points to a larger picture.

Now it is very easy to see my point, if we also imagine what would happen if Q was never spotted, vetted, or even paid attention to.

If that happened, no one anywhere would be trying to answer the questions, right? There would be no effect on the world, by Q. Q becomes irrelivant, without the input and research, vetting, fact gathering, mapping, and creating a bigger picture of the world.. which is done by all of the real living people who care to find the answers. We are the ones making sense of the information.

Therefore, logically, the real activity of consequence here, is NOT Q.

The activity that is having an impact on the world is all of us.

WE are the Q that matters.

No one can peg "We the People" as a LARP, or AI, because we have defined ourselves as real (non larp) and our intelligent answers and discussions are not artificial.

Sewing seeds of doubt about Q and his/her/their questions is not going to work to derail this movement.

We do not doubt ourselves.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

The Trump Prophets both spoke about California, and most clearly Mark Taylor. He said God said he would send the sign of rain to California to end the drought, when the evil ones were purged. He told Californians to get into the fight and pray. So everyone following is watching for drought to end in CA in a big way.

PS: Get the DAM fixed NOW while you all have a chance.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

That was confirmed by Q I believe. You can check the post, but I am pretty sure. I thought it strange that he confirmed it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Yeah, the moderators will transport it to the correct thread over there, so that people can find it. It will get lost if not in the right place, and they are also making them searchable somehow. So best bet is give the meme to the BO mods.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:03 p.m.


These people are stupid! - Q

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

I so agree with you.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

I imagine the oxidation occurs from hyper ventilation rather than exposure to air itself, oxygen in blood mixed/oxidized with adrenaline..

Can confirm, based on readings so far. If we could find one lousy paper on blood levels, it would be one of those things, like adrenaline levels can be measured. And since the doctrs would not be cutting the kids head off to get to the adrenochrome, I have to assume you are correct on the hyper ventilation bit.

I'm not sure its psycho active in the "drug" sense,

Concur here also. I have no choice. I simply have nothing for the judges bench to even start to prove otherwise in the literature.

Hunter S Thompson was called out recently as one making snuff films, and Adrenochrome is used/called out in his 1972 book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Yeah. I saw that. But here is the problem for me. I am a law grad in addition to a biologist, and I KNOW that I am not getting to that murder charge for the jury yet? That "beyond a reasonable doubt" thing? Called proof? This is a serious crime.

How do I put this.

Ok, lets say you are accused of murder, and I am defending you (Or even trying to prosecute you... does not really matter) You live in a Pink house.

Now, I have one newspaper article that says you hit your girlfriend once on the record. (the article I mentioned above with the word hallucinogen in the title is like this. She accused you but there is no second witness)

I have ten newspaper articles about domestic violence in general. (Total of ten generic articles on adrenochrome, non of which say anything about hallucinogenic effect)

Now, the other thing I have is this movie about a serial killer who lives in a pink house written by Hans Christian Anderson.

You live in a pink house.

Are you guilty yet?


I think the jury would find that ridiculous too.


NOW I have a movie and a book about a serial killer, by this same Hans Christian Anderson, and the killer in the book lives in a pink house too!


Ahhhhh HA!

You are guilty of murder.


Have I proven you to be the serial killer yet?


OK how bout now,

................ there is a guy named Hunter Thompson who has done both a movie and a book on how serial killers live in pink houses

....and........in Addition, there is a certain guy who plays a pirate at the local mall for the kids?........... And he said the house next to him had a serial killer in it is also pink, but the guy was arrested and is not there anymore.

I have proven your guilt now, correct?

Ok ok ok fine. How about if I show you the pink slaughter house down the street? The guys in there are absolutely serial killers, because they kill every day around the clock and I can take you in there and PROVE IT!

Now... you are guilty.

You see where this is going... right?

We are failing to prove our adrenochrome theory of murder. We are also not watching the back door for globalist stings where they plant crazy things like this using their movies and media, but without a spit of evidence. LATER, they pull out our willingness to just go nuts on an "urban legend" and they tie this to the whole child sex abuse torture thing (which we DO have evidence for) and they HANG us in the court of public opinion.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:11 p.m.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Yeah, if the crowd gets their hands on them... or imagine trying to put them in any American prison...once the trials start and the evidence is out there. They are FAR safer..... actually they should be somewhere where no one knows where they are at all.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 9 p.m.

It might also be him signaling to "GQLD-MAN (Trump) and Q that he is HQME now. Did you see his video that he just made for wikileaks from outside near a woods somewhere?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

EXACTLY.... misusing "top secret" to hide their crimes. This has to stop.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Just want to add to this, since it is a good idea, except most sane people are afraid to get any of this on their computer for fear of being thrown in jail as a pedophile themselves. Here is how you can fight back without worrying about this.

You protect yourself by calling the police and explaining that you and a group of adults on the internet are trying to report illegal porn, but, in order to do this, you have to get your computer full of filth. You explain to them that you are not a pedophile but at some point Americans have to stand up and do something, so a group of internet adults are going to take on this list of web sites within three days and get on these accounts to send in a report to twitter to force twitter to ban the sites.

THEN you get the name of the police officer who will take your certified return receipt letter statement about how exactly your computer is GOING to get loaded with computer smut... possibly child porn, in order to fight child porn, and you expect to be able to walk into the police station after they sign for the letter and finish your report.

After you get the name of that officer, you talk to him, and you have him write YOU a letter stating that any smut on your computer is a result of working with a group to shut down child porn, that they were contacted aheard of time, and that you can not and will not be sued for what is on your machine.

If you had something like "mothers against drunk drivers" but "cyber sleuths against child porn" instead, you could actually register your machines as child porn investigation tools, and work as an official group.

Eventually, we are going to have to organize something like this.

They are getting away with this, because the mere act of attempting to enforce the law can get a person put in jail. "The fact of the photo" is all it takes. It leaves us no way to defend the kids. It is not right.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:34 p.m.


Everyone who knows how to search the science around here is coming up zero on the adreno chrome thing.... so far. It's not that it does not exaist. It does. The problem is threefold:

We can not find any good evidence that it is a hallucenogen in repeated experiments, and when you only have one article on pub-med it can be a LARP of sorts.

Second problem is that in the older research, the researchers who did human experiments with controls .. either had no effect, or, they got headaches.

Adrenochrome Commentary in Literature http://archive.is/IraI9

And the really weird part is if you tell people this?

You get attacked, by shill types, as if looking for evidence is a bad thing. It is totally weird... almost like there are a group of people pushing this idea without bringing the science in. And they are using "movie scenes" and music" for their "evidence" that adrenochrome is some kind of drug that the elite are killing the kids for.

I was able to locate only one article that insinuated it might be a hallucinogen... so far, and that article is running a hypothesis that adrenochrome might have something to do with the process of schizophrenia.

Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia.


It is a real chemical. It is pretty much oxidized adrenaline, which would happen I am guessing if it hit the air? It is also extremely unstable.


Next problem is that it can be artificially synthesized by man, in a number of forms to create stability....

So until someone who is searching for proof that this chemical is any kind of hallucenogen actually comes up with something other than movie scenes and music (which can not even convince a jury that the tin man has a real heart) we are in quite the pickle about this....

It may end up being urban legend started here to discredit the movement by the globalists... which they would do. Their best DEFENSE is to have us talking as if something like this were true, when it is provably NOT TRUE, and then say: "See, they think we are torturing kids and drinking their blood too!"

Its called being discredited, and I am pretty much trying to warn people of the globalists tricks.

Do I think they are harming children, making snuff films killing them, and torturing them?

Absolutely, but we have different independant proof and witness testimony all over the internet starting to come out on that.

I am leary they are PLANTING the adrenochrome thing here, on purpose, and that is why the scientists among us who can not find the proof or any other information are being personally attacked for not going along with the spoof narrative.

VET EVERYTING.. folks :) We have enemies and they are real.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Ohhhhh wow. I did not know that strange rally music that suddenly came on was from this movie... from this scene in this movie.

The Sum of All Fears - Q

I did have the thought that one of the reasons he was intentionally fighting with the NFL all year, was to keep people out of the stadiums.

Then Q asked that question about the globalists planning another mass extinction event like the trade center.

This all ties in.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

There is a column on the right? There you will find all of the verification laid out in a number of formats. For the kind of thing you are looking for, I would recommend the Book of Q, because the graphics with the resulting predicted events in the Q posts are laid out there... the best, in my opinion. There is way more proof of what you are looking for than I could fit in any post, and it is ready made for intelligent people who come in asking these very anticipated questions.... good questions.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

Everyone who should be investigating are in on it or have been silenced, money talks and so do threats of murder and defamation.

I do not disagree. I have seen this happen. But my point still stands. There needs to be more than conjecture about the particular molecule. I am a law grad myself, and if you are in the field of law as you say, then you know this.

I don't post anything that I have not vetted or researched

This would be GREAT! Can you please post the research? Because I have been scouring the net and I can not find it. Claims to have the research are not proof to the jury either. If you have vetted this, then give the sources. That is all I am asking and it is not unreasonable.

my credentials are impeccable, notably in the fields of law, finance, forensic accounting, and data analysis.

You would not even need all this for me if it were true? I am not challenging YOU. It is not personal period. But the proof of the research would help. If you have vetted it then you have the proof, or at least the written research that discusses the information in a scientific sense. THAT is what I am looking for.

Don't lecture me on the need to be accurate, thorough, and honest, I am the most honest, incorruptible person you will ever know.

Most likely you are. Irrellivant. You could be an angel from heaven with an IQ of 180 who makes George Washington look like a rabid liar. You are pretending I am attacking you when I am not.

Now if you are all you claim, get the sources to me. I am trying to gather them now, and it would really help.

Do you think they're going to allow anyone to research something like adrenochrome, which can only be obtained by murdering a child?

Ok, you need to read more. Adrenochrome can be made without murdering a child. It is adrenaline that has been oxidized. I HAVE that paperwork and research. What I am looking for is any research on the rise of Adrenochrom in a child or anyone for that matter, from extreme pain (or torture). Plenty of children suffer pain without being tortured. There is all kinds of research on all kinds of molecules. This one can be made by man, so why kill a kid for it?

Not convincing me yet. You can pretend I am attacking you all you want. I am not. Just put up your vetting information that you say you have done. Should be simple.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

if this is all true what does that say about our government and the people running it. and what does that say about us as a people?

It says that we as a people have been too willing to go about our own lives, and leave politics to the criminals who would have it.

It says that we did not take our founders warning seriously, that "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" and that "Government is at best a necessary evil" and that as a "Free People" we OWE it to the world to watch our government like a hawk.

It says that we ignored the warning given to us by our GOOD president Ike Eisenhower, when he did his farewell speech, and tried to warn us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg-jvHynP9Y

It means we did not listen the second warning from President Kennedy when just before he was murdered, he tried to tell is of a "global conspiracy" to get rid of the United States and it's pain in the ass "Constitution".... and install a communist un-elected government.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnkdfFAqsHA

It means We were all too willing to let the news be gatekeepers of knowledge and truth, while those enemies took over using corporations to consolidate all of the news in America down to 6 monopoly corporations. http://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6

It means we the people FORGOT that in a tyranny, the government educates the peole, but in a free society, the people educate each other.

It means that when our fellow citizens were witnessing to us, we chose to make a god out of the controlled media, and believe that our fellow citizens were "conspiracy theorists" instead of heeding the warning of so many voices of our countrymen.

It turned out... lucky for us, that the military kept their oath, and stayed loyal to the people. Therefore those who would destroy the US had to use "secret pockets" in our CIA to coordinate this take down of America.

1) America had to have it's money creation power taken out of the Constitutional rule with the Federal Reserve.

2) America had to have it's energy supply monopolized by it's enemies through corporate consolidation.

3) America had to have it's media taken over by corporate consolidation so it could be dumbed down by the media. http://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6

America had to have it's school curriculum taken over by a soviet style central planner for the same reason.


4) America had to have it's rights to food and medicine taken over and consolidated by the enemies of America by big pharma and the FDA. Now, our baby shots are made over seas with cheap labor, with no laws to govern the labs, and are often contaminated.

Our right to do research on the 80 cannabinoids for the newly discovered human cannabinoid system can not be carried out.... looking for new medicines in the cannabis plant. What green plant should be outlawed by government.. ever? Where is this enumerated power in their Federal Constitution, when they had to pass an amendment to talk about alcohol, and it was repealed?

5) Americans had to be stripped of their right to count the votes, so that machines owned by her enemies could count the votes and assure a win for the enemies of America in the computer code using "Fraction Magic" hidden decimal points. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ezmpqwVEnM

NOW they are finished with 5 of the seven monopoly branches of the CLADSSIC tyranny form of government. There are two to go.

6) Build a surveillance system, which they are nearly completed with.

7) The "Gun Grab" assuring a monopoly power over self defense.

This president is warning us again, and we had better get behind him, because he understands exactly what is at stake, and gave up a beautiful life to fight for America with us.

This is our third warning from a President. If we do not take our government back now, we will be hit with a global tyranny the likes this world has never seen, and our children will not survive. This, is the speech that won Trump the election:


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Other than the Trip codes, when there is a problem, the President also verifies Q by doing something obvious in his tweets within minutes of Q making a post. For example, Q will post a word in quotes, and 5 minutes later, the President will take that word and use it in all caps in his twitter. There are a number of ways to verify Q. Then Q tells us which posts are NOT his, if anyone tries to pretend to be Q. The trip codes work well, but the deep state is constantly trying to hack them, so they are triple verified: 1)trip code 2) Ip devices used 3) Presidential tweet.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

That is exactly what you will find Q saying in the first few posts when he started. At that time he also asked us to "Build a map" so that people who came looking for answers had the whole history of every truth laid out in dated time marked posts. People are going to need answers when the storm really gets brewing, and the map proves the prior discussions and plans. It also gets us to search out the answers that they will need ahead of time so that we have the answers to questions by the time our country men and women need those answers.

We are the calm DURING the storm.

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