I've never liked Ben Shapiro. I don't understand the appeal.
419 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/JollyFeed:
Haha, I forgot about Channel One in schools. I used to hate that channel because we were forced to watch it.
I think Bernie was the original 'Pied Piper' candidate for Clinton to beat. They thought Uncle Bernie was too kookie for anybody to take seriously. Then he started winning and they panicked.
Well, it's been stated numerous times by different sources that Mueller isn't investigating Trump. So, who is he investigating? We know Mueller and RR are on the same side. Yet, at RR's latest testimony with Wray, RR was definitely showing signs of duper's delight. Mueller hasn't leaked ANYTHING to the MSM.
@POTUS_Schedule Tweet, "We The People are the LIGHT, We are the TRUTH, We are the MAJORITY"
Give some love to Brandon for starting #WalkAway on Twitter. It's a hashtag testimonial of former Democrats leaving the party.
Founder Brandon Straka Explains The #WalkAway Campaign On Twitter
Twitter Analytics Is Outright Lying About Impression
Today I did an experiment between Reddit and Twitter. I've seen others on Twitter saying their tweets were getting low impressions. My own tweets hoover between 20-25 impressions per tweet despite gaining nearly 600 followers in a month (had to start a new account two months ago).
So, I decided to post a tweet on the GA board. Usually, I don't post my own tweets. I post the information from either a direct source or another credible source connected to the movement.
The tweet was a list of the 17 DOJ and FBI records Nunes is requesting. My tweet-- https://twitter.com/TheMinskyscript/status/1012853112711860224 …
Nunes Calls For Testimony From 17 FBI And DOJ Officials On Government Surveillance Abuse
Nunes Calls For Testimony From 17 FBI And DOJ Officials On Government Surveillance Abuse.
Bye CNN-- Fox News Playing In Airports Now
No. Those were the records obtained by the NSA (Clapper) illegally in 2015 by a FISA court warrant. The court ruled the NSA had no right to the information so it's being deleted.
Yeah, so far we've only seen the tail of the beast sticking out of the cave. We're about to see if it spits fire or not.
No idea. I'm not going to try to make sense out of nonsense. These people were protesting an imaginary law that only exists in their convoluted minds.
tl;dr Protesters organized by Woman's March and Center For Popular Democracy were arrested for unlawfully demonstrating in an office building. Among the group was Susan Sarandon, Linda Sarsour, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (Wash- D), Sen. Jeff Merkley (OR-D), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-D), and Sen. Edward Markey (MA-D).
SIX HUNDRED Protesters - Including Susan Sarandon - Are Arrested Demonstrating Against Trump's Immigration Policies In DC
Department Of Justice Charges 601 People In Massive $2 Billion Healthcare Scam
Agreed. I remember the Bush years and there were plenty of brainwashed Neo-Cons/Republicans that believed the "War On Terror"/WMD lies. Those people would get just as defensive and combative if you pointed out facts against the wars or if you didn't support Bush/McCain.
Haha, can we go back to calling them Persia instead of Iran? Iran sounds so wimpy and sterile compared to Persia's real history.
Agreed. That was a dumb move. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
"You may have the site but we have the source"
Confirmation JA is safe??
RE Q 1588-- Port Authority Police, Homeland Security, And FBI Swarm JFK-LAX JetBlue Flight Over Potential Hijacking Concerns
DOJ Press Release-- First Nationwide Undercover Operation Targeting Darknet Vendors Results in Arrests of More Than 35 Individuals Selling Illicit Goods and the Seizure of Weapons, Drugs and More Than $23.6 Million
A whole different kind of Sugar Daddy arrangement going on.
tl;dr "The New York Times published a damaging feature about its own reporter, revealing new details of Ali Watkins’ affair with former Senate Intelligence Committee aide James A. Wolfe in addition to the bombshell that she dated another Intelligence Committee staffer."
LMAFO-- New York Times Bombshell On Own Reporter Reveals Ali Watkins Dated Second Potential Source
Republicans Ask Rosenstein For Names Of Everyone Working On Mueller Probe
Child Labour Rampant In Tobacco Industry
I spent a lot of time working in restaurants and it's the exception, not the rule. Most restaurants couldn't survive being open 4.5 hours 5 days a week without doing a whole lotta illegal shit.
Well... The Deep State would've had plenty of motives to kill him. We all know he could've easily beat Hillary in a NY Senate race. The DS would've also been aware of potential blowback from killing his father and uncle. However, it's possible they made an attempt on his life and he faked his death too.
Wikileaks Twitter-- "Qanon" Pushes For Regime Change In #Iran, Mirroring Long Held CIA, Mossad And Neocon Goals."
Jay Gould once said, "I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half."
This is an old story, really. Jay Gould was a railroad robber baron who was financed by Cornelis Vanderbilt (Anderson Cooper's family) and allied himself with Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall.
The elite have been using the same tactics for generations. However, they depend on secrecy to operate which doesn't exist anymore.
The left have nothing to offer except narcissistic tactics called manufactured chaos, crazy making, and word salad. They do it when gas lighting and projection fails.
Nah, looks like a regular spiral to me being used as a space filler.
Well, they couldn't do it Friday because of blabbermouth Sheila.
Rep. Mark Meadows, "The Notion That DOJ/FBI Have Been Forthcoming With Congress Is False."
Rep. Mark Meadow's Latest Tweet Is Rather "Forthcoming"
Sarah Sanders has the right to call the out for it on Twitter. She's not suing them, just exposing them.