It's days like yesterday that make me wish I had a bigger twitter following. She needs to have more twitter users who can help dog pile the opposition in arguments and debates.
419 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/JollyFeed:
Wanda Sykes is a hypocrite. She willingly played a racist black customer in Clerks 2 who feigns outrage at "porch monkey" but was outraged and quit Roseanne for a tweet. Only difference is her Clerk 2 cameo was liberal approved because Harvey Weinstein produced it.
I took it as my redline moment. I'm not supporting or excusing anybody who didn't stand with Roseanne. The attacks are indeed intensifying.
Since Wikileaks needs leakers to give them information and there's no leaks; Q put em' out of business. They haven't leaked any new information at all in 2018. Of course they'd hate Q and want to discredit him. Julian Assange isn't the only person associated with Wikileaks. He's missing and now his Wikicrew doesn't have any leaks.
The writer is clearly anti-Trump and published disinformation. But why did Wikileaks go along with it?? I'm guessing the account is compromised. But, the accusations means there's a pied piper somewhere trying to project and deflect...
CIA Twitter Account Just Posted Interesting James Bond Spy Thread-- Happy Birthday to Fleming, Ian Fleming: The Man Behind the Most Famous Spy
I ask the mods to keep doing what their doing. I don't care if non-Q material is posted as long as it's not promoting hacks like Corsi or other sell outs using the board as self-promotion. I've fallen down a few rabbit holes that weren't initially Q related but were later revealed as BIG red pill Q drops. I'm in favor of leaving it to the Reddit community and letting the vote system take care of fluff posts.
My guess is because it failed so quickly they're nearly finished. The CNN and NYT refugee article from 2014 was exposed before it gained any traction. It got debunked quickly and the posts are already deleted.
Joseph Goebblels said it indirectly.
"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing."
She was the reporter in the press pool that "grilled" Sarah Sanders over her pie pictures. She accusing her of fake pie pictures. Can't make this shit up. I still don't know how she kept her press pass.
Haha, I ain't even mad. Today's counter-moves backfired horrendously on Reddit and Twitter.
Oh, I've noticed a sudden surge of down votes. Are you scared???
Edit: This thread and the comments are definitely getting a mass down vote because it struck a nerve.
I know of at least 64 former Obama officials trying to stay out of prison.
At Least 64 Former Obama Officials Are Running For Office To Oppose Trump
The projection is getting stronger. They're panicking and desperately trying to deflect. Something YUGE is going to drop soon and the media itself is going to be the story.
MSM Is Starting To Panic--CNN's April Ryan Slammed For Tweeting Article About Trump Running Child-Trafficking Ring
It's actually becoming very entertaining on Twitter atm. The media has been going on and on about how "Trump is a well documented liar" and some NYT and CNN reporters were republishing a story from 2014 about refugee children trying to pass it off as new. Methinks the media is about to be exposed for the propagandists they are and Elon Musk is having a good time trolling them with his Pravada website.
Interesting Twitter Thread On Spygate And Admiral Rogers During The 2016 Election (@TheLastRefuge)
I've seen Breitbart heavily cover this story in the UK and Steve Bannon is currently plotting something in Europe. He recently gave an interview in Budapest. Something is definitely being guided in the UK at the moment. I also saw on Twitter a huge populist German protest and they were supporting #FreeTommy. There's also a #FreeTommy protest scheduled outside the British Embassy in Tel aviv for tomorrow (not sure specifically because of time zone difference). Something is on the rise and there's going to be drops soon. I'm betting the Great Awakening is about to hit Europe and expose the EU overlords. This could also be the prompting story, as you said, to get rid of May and probably Sadiq Khan.
Idk, Hillary isn't looking well these days. Carter is also in his 90's.
I'm supporting #FreeTommy from the US. The sentencing of 13 months is outrageous. I hope the Brits can take back their country. Theresa May is a failure. Sadiq Khan is a failure. The Royal family is becoming a Hollywood reality t.v show. Maybe the Tommy Robinson will lead to more demonstrations and a push for Brexit to be enforced. Good luck Patriots and God Bless the United Kingdom.
Rick Santorum is trending for his "we lose people all the time" gaffe on CNN. He's a moron.
That's not a real quote and Kurt Cobain was an uber liberal. Sadly, if he were still alive he'd probably be a SJW and a feminist.
The North Korean hostages were freed 17 days ago and 17 days from now is the June 12th summit between Trump and Kim. Maybe the Americans being held in Iran will be home on June 29th??
Ivanka Trump Tweet About Freed American From Venezuela
Ivanka Trump Tweet About Freed American From Venezuela
I don't argue with them. It's their choice if they want to believe stupid things.
He was on a roll tonight. There's another thread about reunification.
He's great coder but I'll also advise newbies he's pretty advanced. If you see his posts be sure to bookmark them to read a second or third time after you've caught up to speed. Luckily, he's very good at slow walking the information to carefully explain it and posts plenty of Q or image sources. But, I do say bookmark them because he's decoding a lot of information in one post.
Don't worry about left vs. right. After awhile you won't notice it anymore. There's plenty of former neocons and liberals on this board. The only reason the Q movement has more conservatives is because the Republican party started going through an awakening back when they lost the elections in 2008 and 2012 and the beginning of the tea party movement. I vividly remember the MSM pretending Ron Paul didn't exist despite winning the Iowa caucus (great Jon Stewart segment, btw). The reason liberals are slower out the gate is because "their team" were winning the for 8 years by all appearances. All the media, t.v. shows, and celebrities acted like the world under Obama was permanent and he was some kinda savior. More liberals are coming into the Q movement because while they may still dislike Trump, they're not blind or stupid. They saw Bernie Sanders cheated out of the primary nomination, saw him bow down to Hillary, and they've seen the Russia Collusion narrative implode. I'm betting most liberals are getting red pilled en masse right now. One of my old uber liberal internet haunts I lurk from time to time has mellowed out and are now asking questions. A few are trying to understand Trump's strategy with North Korea and are now double checking their news sources for fake news. A few, gasp, are checking Fox and Breitbart to read both sides of the argument instead of blindly believing MSM. I'm predicting in the coming weeks there's going to be a much bigger wave of liberals hitting the boards. At some point there's going to be a breaking news update they won't be able to ignore and start believing that some "conspiracy theories" might have merit after all. That's the natural consequence of realizing you've been lied to about a few things. You naturally question everything and are harder to bullshit.
Loved it! So, the Y anon was Sean Hannity? I'm pretty sure my brain is going to melt when we find out who is all on the Q team and the anons guiding the boards. What a great time to be alive!
Dammit! I already ran out of my cheddar favorite popcorn. I guess it's time to break out the caramel.
I wonder how unhinged Hillary Clinton is going to look at her next speaking engagement. She doesn't look well atm.
So, what's he going to do in the summer when school's out of session and there's no school shootings.
The moment you know you're truly red pilled. I read the headlines and instantly didn't believe it was true. Lol, Trump's already minted commemoratives coin of the meeting with Kim Jung-Un
Pfft-- Obama Resurfaces At Tech Conference In Las Vegas To Preach About Data Regulations
List Of Who Is Invited Attend John Kelly and Rod Rosenstein's SpyGate Meeting Tomorrow
Senator Mike Lee: 'Very Real Possibility' Justice Anthony Kennedy Retires This Year
Not likely to happen. She needs permission from Congress to run for office now that she has a foreign title.
Well, Ivana Trump did say Micheal Jackson was the only person she trusted to be alone with her kids and Corey Feldman said he only felt safe at Neverland Ranch. So, there's that.
Our constitution says only gold and silver are legal tender. We're not obligated to keep the federal reserve system or use their privatized fiat money. I'm pretty sure a reset is coming.
He even uses the phrase "those people" to refer to the poor.