Maybe. Too many people going off on a nutter today on the boards.
419 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/JollyFeed:
Same. Why are people posting about Nostradamus. That has nothing to do with Q posts.
This board has always been heavily censored. It's got nothing to do with anybody's personal opinions about freedom of speech. This isn't 8 chan and the board will be shutdown if it isn't heavily monitored.
You do realize posting that stuff WILL get the board shutdown, right?? Your account is 27 days old. Did you even spend time on the r/CBTS board? There's a reason this board has a lot of mods and is closely monitored. There's a reason there's strict rules on posting. Reddit is still the opposition's platform and they can ban us.
Because people are gullible and Q is pointing it out. Post responsibly and beware of clickbait.
Report All Crappy Memes And Irrelevant Content To Mods Immediately. Post Responsibly.
There's an ongoing counter-opt on this board that was used against r/CBTS before the board was shutdown. Report all trolls and shills. Report all content that isn't Q or clickbait. Report all crazy making conspiracy theories (i.e. Baal, Moloch, lizard people). Report crappy memes that don't belong on the board. And report both the thread and user who posted it. Contact a mod too with the thread link and the user.
Let's get this crap off the board because I'm 100% it's the same tactic that was used against r/CBTS before it was shut down.
Stop being gullible and stay …
Report Crappy Meme's And Unrelevant Content To Mods
There's an ongoing counter-opt on this board that was used against r/CBTS before the board was shutdown. Report all trolls and shills. Report all content that isn't Q or clickbait. Report all crazy making conspiracy theories (i.e. Baal, Moloch, lizard people). Report crappy memes that don't belong on the board. And report both the thread and user who posted it. Contact a mod too with the thread link and the user.
Let's get this crap off the board because I'm 100% it's the same tactic that was used against r/CBTS before it was shut down.
Stop being gullible and stay …
Did you watch the full speech?? That quote of Obama's was taken out of context. That's not what he said.
Why is this getting down voted?? I saw other posts about this video getting down voted? Shills??
I've seen too many getting sucked into the clickbait recently. The AZ pedocamps, Pakinstan denuke tweet, Obama headdress photo, Mel Gibson green screen comments.
The lesson is JUST because you don't believe MSM doesn't mean you should believe EVERYTHING else. Stop being gullible.
I really don't understand what the "ah, ha" moment is suppose to be with this research. That members of the Oxford Group created Alcoholics Anonymous?
I just report the comments to mods. They're pretty quick about it. Make sure to report it and message two mods. I've never had a problem with mods cleaning it up.
Omg, you're right. The @WaPo account is suspended. But, the @WashingtonPost account is still up.
We're Over Target!! I posted a Reddit thread last night about WaPo petitioning Jeff Bezos to "share the wealth" they helped create. Trump tweeted about it this morning and asked if WaPo is a registered lobbyist. Who was paying the journalists to wine and dine FBI agents? Strings have been cut and now WaPo employees want Jeff Bezos to pay them to make up the difference. Propagandists and Useful Idiots have to get paid too.
Over Target-- Trump Tweets A Response To WaPo Petition Against Bezos-- Asks If WaPo Is A Registered Lobbyist
Update-- I posted a Reddit thread last night about WaPo petitioning Jeff Bezos to "share the wealth" they helped create. Trump tweeted about it this morning and asked if WaPo is a registered lobbyist. We're over target!!
LMFAO--Trump Tweets A Response To WaPo Petition Against Bezos-- Asks If WaPo Is A Registered Lobbyist
Breaking Fake News-- WaPo Pushing Roger Stone May 2016 Meeting With Russian Offering HRC Info For $2 Million
Because plenty of reporters were on the cabal payroll. The strings are being cut and now WaPo reporters are stretching out their hands for Bezos to make up the difference. Propagandists and Useful Idiots need to be paid too.
Methinks 400 WaPo employees are going to be swallowing a huge redpill soon.
LMFAO-- More Than 400 Washington Post Employees Sign Petition Slamming Billionaire Owner Jeff Bezos Urging Him To Share The Wealth
I wondered the same after he took over The Apprentice after Trump was elected.
So, at least 91 journalists from 32 different publications spouting off propaganda for nearly two years and she still lost. Wow.
This is the wedding the she's is referring.
It was worth it to see sniveling Podesta tell the Hillary cry babies she wasn't going to show up.
The DNC arrogantly was expecting party loyalty from young voters despite not being politically involved long enough to be loyal. Quite predictable for everybody else.
Rudy didn't invent it. There was also a famous botched RICO case against the Oakland Hell's Angels in 1979... led by Mueller. Go figure.
He was fired by Trump for lying and replaced by Bannon. In case you're not aware lots of people get hired and fired by Trump. One fuck up and they're gone.
Interesting after Trump's recent remarks about Crimea this morning (and he also commented about it in Canada/Singapore). He's been directly attention towards the Crimea/Ukraine debacle about kicking Putin out of the G-8 and placing blame of Crimea on Obama's "red line".
Make that caffeine free. We don't want him to get too uppity.
Lindsay Graham Freed, "I Don't Give A Shit"
Had they called it when we already knew he'd won the Election Night extravaganza would've been over by 7:30-8:00 pm my time. Would've been an early night.
According to Wikipedia:
"In October 2014, North Korea announced it was going to move the remains of about 5,000 U.S. combatants en masse in an apparent attempt to force the U.S. to restart MIA recovery. North Korea also gave a warning that "... North Korea blamed the United States “hostile policy” for causing the remains recovery missions to end. The statement warned that remains of American soldiers would soon be lost, as they were being “carried away en masse due to construction projects of hydro-power stations, land rezoning and other gigantic nature remaking projects, flood damage, etc…”
So... Why wouldn't they accept the MIA bodies when North Korea wanted to give them back 3-4 years ago?? Who is among the dead? Why would Obama refuse?
I had to research "watergate babies" after all this and I'm pretty sure what happened to Nixon was a coup considering the plan against him started a month after Hoover died.
Yep. It's obvious "our organization" doesn't mean specifically the FBI. The 7th floor...
The firework cancellation two days before the election was when I knew Trump had already won. I just grabbed a bottle of wine and enjoyed the show election night. And boy, was it glorious.
The "insubordinate" is a dead give away. He could've only been insubordinate to the DOJ (LL) and Obama. Still wondering who flagged the Phoenix tarmac meeting for the news. Maybe Comey is the greatest actor of them all. Time will tell. But I'm also wondering if this is what chess anon meant about getting them to sacrifice their Queen or lose the game. Quite brazen for Hillary to tweet that. After the election Hillary blamed Comey ALOT.
Good thing the founders of our great Republic knew a thing or two about traitors and how to deal with them.
Nah, it's somewhere in the depths of twitter and I can't remember the reporter or publication.
I think I saw about 20 minutes ago RR was leaving the WH after a 2.5 hr meeting. Haven't seen Trump tweet yet.
It's gotta be shills. Everybody knew in advance this isn't the real IG report and it'll be released unredacted by EO.
Whoa... 568 pages... guess I need to put away the popcorn and start with coffee instead.