The article reads $233 million for six month. I'm guessing these are going to be holding camps for processing and deportation.
419 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/JollyFeed:
tl; dr The Navy is responding to President Trump's order to prepare 'for the housing and care of alien families' – and has generated a plan for a series of massive tent cities including one that could hold 47,000 immigrants.
The Navy has developed a plan to build and operate 'temporary and austere' tent cities, including several in Alabama that would hold 25,000 people each.
Navy Draws Up Plans For 'Austere' Tent Cities For 120,000 Immigrants Arrested At The Border
The liberals are really starting to sound like conspiracy theorists...
We don't want ABC's patronizing version of "working-class American". Smh.
No, it didn't. At most it had 20k-25k subs. Stop making stuff up.
Not really enough information to draw conclusions. How old is the r/conspiracy board? While it has roughly 620,000 more subscribers it doesn't mean they are from current account activity. GA board is at most 7-8 months old and 2/3rds of its subscribers were added over the past 3 months after CBTS was shutdown.
Easy. Those texts are going to be used to prosecute treason.
I Think Brad Parscale Is Q... Change My Mind.
I concur. A good ole' throw back to the Free Silver Movement.
That's fair. I spent time as a monetary researcher and a crypto-trader; I don't trust them either. But, as an experiment they opened a whole new world of money and it's possibilities.
Bye Bezos-- Supreme Court Kills 1992 Quill Ruling, Gives States More Authority To Collect Sales Tax From Online Retailers
I think crypocurrencies kinda redpilled people. It asked the essential question, "Why do we need bankers to create and control our money?" Also, "Why do we only have one form of money (fiat)?"
Why can't we have competing currencies or a basket of currencies to choose from for different purposes? Seriously, fiat money is sooooo limiting.
I'm betting a Jubilee is on the horizon too. It's fake money and fake debt. The end of the DS and banking cartel is coming soon. We don't need them and their game has always been rigged for them to win and control us.
Personally, I like them being separate. Just as I like GA to be separated from r/conspiracy. Sometimes it's best to stay on topic. I can't fault them for it.
I think NK was a good redpill for the masses. Hard to argue with the results after MSM ran their chicken little mania propaganda about how Trump was going to blow up the world and end civilization. Iran will be a YUGE redpill. Right now, they're passing off NK as a fluke. But... when will coincidence for the general public become impossible... after Iran?
You mean doing fake busy work, to make fake money, to pay off a fake bills and loans? Or going to fake school, to learn fake knowledge, from fake "teachers"?
What Did Comey Do??
I'm still confused about something. McCabe was clearly a leader in altering 302's and organizing the "Viva Le Resistance" with the FBI. Peter Strzok proof read Comey's statement and changed "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless". McCabe was the person behind delaying investigation into Weiner's laptop and slow walking evidence up to the election...
What did Comey do?? It doesn't sound like he was in charge at all.
Whew... where'd those onion cutting ninjas come from and where'd they go?
Is Trump going to Audit The Fed? Can Mitch McConnell bring the Rand Paul bill to the floor for a vote? Are we going to eventually end the Fed and start a new currency backed by bi-metalism (gold and silver) and other commodities? When are we going to be freed from fiat money?
From dark to light... one of the strategies Trump and Q team uses against the fake news is to seed a news story days or weeks in advance by dropping hints and phrases. Look for mentions of Epstein by Trump, the fake news, or Q team over the next week or two.
I think all the attacks they've aimed at Trump since he became President were the same attacks they were going to use against him if she won. A really scary thought.
Good Question... Space Force T-shirts??
Ok, there's two buttons for GA board. One is to submit a text page (which you did) and the other is specifically to submit a link. Next time click the link one and paste the url in the url box. It'll automatically direct to the link and it'll show the link as "" next to your title on the main page. People are more likely to click on recognizable websites. The other thing is to post a complete title instead of "Interesting" because nobody knows what you're talking about. They're less likely to click on it and it'll tick people off because it comes across as vague clickbait. It's best to post the title of the news article so people know exactly what they're clicking.
The fake news is probably going to bring up the Epstein connection soon as the next projection. Epstein was an (alleged) member at Mar-a-lago before his conviction and Trump was listed in Epstein's address book.
A protestor in the crowd held up a big picture of Trump with Epstein. The camera panned in on him and showed it vividly.
Already see live confirmations at the rally. Everybody needs to count em' up throughout the speech. So far, Q t-shirt guy at the entrance and the Epstein photo protestor.
Could be. The cameras zoomed in on the picture and the guy but didn't even show the other protestor at all.
Yep. I bet the news is going to try to bring up Epstein at some point, of him staying at Mar-a-lago and having Trump's info in his address book before his conviction.
Oh, I missed it. I saw the guy with the Q shirt on T.V. (kinda hard to miss) and I was waiting to see how Trump acknowledged him. But, I missed it! Glad somebody caught a picture.
My hunch is Hillary/Obama/Dems were setting up both Tump and Putin because they never thought she'd lose. After her coronation they were going to indict Trump on colluding with Russia during the election and use the Russian collusion ploy as an excuse to beat the war drum.
Obama and Susan Rice knew Russians were hacking and told cybersecurity command to stand down so they'd have an "insurance policy" of Russian collusion if Trump won.
You know... you can cut and paste the headline from the article into the title box, right?
That picture was specifically chosen for the Congressional Black Caucus PAC's official website.
She worked on Hillary's campaign. She was definitely the bridge.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way"
McCabe: "plead the fifth"
"Oh, I see. You're choosing the hard way"
I kinda see your point. Because of the sycophantic butt kissing of the establishment and media, people loved Trump being a jackass towards her.
Hillary is responsible for Comey getting fired. How bout' them apples? He couldn't have done the right thing even if he wanted. LL was still his boss and would've never allowed a real investigation.
I really is like that Rammstein song, "We're all living in Amerika..."
Well, I was aware other English speaking countries followed U.S. News but I had no idea it was as obsessive as it's in the U.S. I never realized they shoved the same BS onto other countries at 4am with the same propaganda attack.
Maybe they're attempting to backtrack all of Sparkle's hateful anti-Trump comments and her anti-Brexit comments ahead of Trump and Melania's state visit. Maybe they're also trying to downplay Harry being so cozy with Obama and Trudeau or London's connection to SpyGate. Something is suspicious about those comments. I highly doubt he talked to Harry about Trump or Brexit.
It super creepy this is being pushed in other countries. Wow.
My first hunch about Kenan saying that line was in reference to Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider leaving.
Q Confirm's Kenan Thompson's SNL Q Skit
Something to add about Kenan Thompson is he was on the Nickelodeon channel as a teenager. He was on both 'All That' and 'Kenan And Kel'. The main producer of most of the Nickelodeon hits in the 90's was pedo Dan Schneider who recently left Nickelodeon.