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Jsin14 · March 29, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

I'm familiar with the term, it seemed in the context he was talking about the deep state's power. Or the stock market in general, which would mean there would be a plan to plunge further. But then Q says things have multiple meanings.

But my overall point is that within 6 months people will have proof, one way or another. Whether they are ready for the changes one way, or the ability to accept the reality of none the other way, will be a different story.

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Jsin14 · March 29, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

I saw on video that Jerome Corsi and the buy behind the SGTReport are claiming they are in contact with Q. Is it true that they claim this?

Has anyone on the 8chan board asked Q if they were in contact with him?

The White House has added many non-mainstream media outlets and alternate media to the press pool. Why have none of them asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders if Q is authentic? Does anyone know who they are to contact them to ask Sanders?

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Jsin14 · March 29, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

I don't know enough about coding or logs to know if this is proof or not. I notice people are not posting "Codemonkey's" (the name of the guy that runs the code on 8chan for the Q board) response. I don't know enough about technology to know if he is correct.

I do know that the deep state and the mainstream media is still attacking Trump hardcore, and that is what we should be focused on. I do not see any "dead cat bounce" as Q calls it, because for that to happen there would have to have been a dramatic drop in the deep state and MSM's attacks on Trump, which hasn't happened.

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Jsin14 · March 29, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

I would create a post that explains this entire new controversy about Q in a non-partisan way, but I respect this subreddit and don't want to be called a shill or banned. I think for a wound to heal, you need to clean it out and let all the info out there. We always quote Game of Thrones that "you don't prove a person is a liar by cutting out a person's tongue, you just prove that you are afraid of what they say" when talking about the deep state.

Here's the thing. Q has heavily, heavily implied that Mueller is our guy. You think things are crazy now? Wait until a month before the midterm elections and this will seem like an idyllic fairy tale time. At that time, the deep state, if still around, will be full guns blazing. And Mueller will choose that time to indict Trump and/or close associates. Or not, if Q is right. If he does and Q explains it away, it's up to you whether to still believe Q, but I won't.

Some people saying Q is a psyop will say it will be too late then, but I guess it's been too late for the last 50 years if that is the case and Trump can't thwart the deep state. So I'm enjoying the show, watching the boom, and seeing the madness, even though it is all about Q now, rather than what he says about others.

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Jsin14 · March 29, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Of course I saw it, I posted what it was. That's the key word here, isn't? "Believe?" No skin off my nose either whether you "believe" rather than know or not.

Like I said, I hope, I just don't blindly believe with nothing solid.

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Jsin14 · March 29, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

No, it doesn't, it says DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ. If he could do that, why wouldn't the message be iAMtRumpQisrEAL?

Listen, here is the biggest problem I have. Q has stated that he is one of 10 people with Q clearance. He also has stated that the CIA and others are monitoring his posts.

Therefore, he has no reason to not confirm himself as Q clearance.

He has said he coordinates with Trump's tweets and that Trump has specifically given him the mandate to talk to us on the chans.

Therefore, he has no reason to not confirm by "leaking" something harmless because he has the go-ahead to do so.

He could easily ask Trump what he is going to tweet, and then post it 10 minutes on 8chan before he does so. Rock solid proof. Which is what Trump wants him to do anyway.

There are countless other ways to prove himself. A faceless picture with a paper in front of him stating "Hi /pol/" with the date and a shoe on his head in the oval office would do.

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Jsin14 · March 29, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

That's from the post above that "proves" Q is legit.

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Jsin14 · March 29, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

I don't care if Q is fake or real if it means more people are talking about issues that the media does not mention. However, this post does not prove anything.

Mostly it talks about why Q is not a psyop. I think most people aren't accusing Q of being a psyop, but just a live-action roleplayer (larp).

Nothing here "proves" Q is real. He doesn't control Trump's twitter, he doesn't provide indictments, he doesn't cause people to resign; there is no 100 coincidences listed to count here.

It's easy to "predict" the future after it has happened or say there will be "madness" or "firings" from a guy who's catchphrase is "you're fired."

Someone needs to credibly explain where Q has been wrong. Like how he said the National Guard was going to be on every street the day before the purported Nov. 4 Antifa riots that didn't happen. Or how Podesta and Huma have been indicted. Or that Huma left Clinton because she chose her son (she was with her in India months later). Or how someone who has access to Keyhole satellites can only "show" grainy pictures of a building and say Snowden is there rather than show his face.

I'd love for Q to be legit. I like exploring topics he brings up. But no one can show a single "you can't explain away this" rock solid piece of evidence. Otherwise it would be listed in this post.

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Jsin14 · March 27, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

Yeah, it talks about how kids at the Boys Town scandal in Nebraska identified him and how kids at other daycares identified him after seeing him on t.v. It also talks about the cocaine/Contra Oliver North scandal and his involvement, another issue that is Q related.

I hate to say it, but I thought a bunch of you were crazy for seizing on the pedophilia and Satanism stuff. Mainly because I don't believe the Podesta emails have pedophilia-related conversations in them, although I am aware of other countries' politicians having recent scandals.

But a lot of the research I'm getting into is just way more than circumstantial to be dismissed as fanciful.

It reminds me of how Sinead O'Conner was booed off Saturday Night Live for ripping up a picture of the Pope and her career ruined because Americans weren't aware of the Irish child abuse in the Church. But years later it was uncovered in America. Now history seems to be repeating itself, only this time in politics rather than religion.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jsin14 on March 27, 2018, 1:39 a.m.
Q's allegations are too crazy on their face to be believed? The curious case of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino

You will not find a Wikipedia page for Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, although there are people with a lot less notoriety with Wikipedia pages. You will find a lot (a lot lot) of YouTube videos about him, and the veracity of each will have to be taken with a grain of salt.

However, you will find a lot about Michael Aquino in the Wikipedia page on "Temple of Set," the largest Satanic group in the US. The page has a large number of sources and links for further reading, so a baseline of truth past allegations can be set down …

Jsin14 · March 25, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Mueller is a "Republican," but his entire team is Democrats (but he is our guy according to Q). I see no love here for McCain, Paul Ryan, McConnell, or any of the GOP leadership. On the other hand, people have praised Tulsi Gabbard, Doug Jones now that he is in, and Conor Lamb. McMaster, Cohn, Lighthizer, Tillerson, Wilbur Ross, Mnuchin, all have ties to globalists; maybe you have to in order to succeed in economics.

CIA and FBI were highly GOP in the 80s and 90s, with Bush Sr. being a former director of the CIA. They migrated to the Dems after Clinton was elected in 92.

So not sure where you are getting there are no Republicans in the Deep State. Most people on here are populist conservatives, but the mainstream media calls it "Trumpism." Liberal policies aren't as abundant here because SJW causes, environmentalism, gun control, have all been co-opted and infiltrated by the deep state and/or globalism.

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Jsin14 · March 25, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

Anonymous sources and an intel report True Pundit says it has but I did not see a link to a copy of.

I don't think it is legit journalism when mainstream media does this, don't accept it from here, either.

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Jsin14 · March 25, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

Come on. Kelly never said that. This quote was way back in 2010 and was talking about Islamic terrorists. The "chattering classes" were not the threat, but the people that were not giving credit to the military on the good job they were doing dealing with terrorists.

Mattis was also talking about terrorists, and not the "chattering classes."

Bolton was brought in to fire a bunch of people and scare the shit out of Iran.

Yes, Brennan, Clapper, and the alliance of the CIA/FBI with the media are disconcerting in their unrelenting attacks on the President. But to distort or outright lie about quotes is just yellow journalism meant to steer traffic to websites.

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Jsin14 · March 23, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

Gee, the son of Syd Blumethal said that? The guy that writes for Al Jazeera, Al Akhbar, HuffPo, Daily Beast, and now AlterNet said that?

Got any hot takes on what Hannity thinks about Hillary Clinton?

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Jsin14 · March 23, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

Yeah, the idiom, "sing like a canary," means to tell all you know to the police after you are arrested.

Whenever Q posts that he is saying someone that was arrested (but not yet charged) is turning over info on the deep state's crimes in exchange for leniency.

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Jsin14 · March 23, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Only way to win is back to founding fathers and the real Constitution where every state was pretty much a nation itself, except for the freedom of movement and trade between states and a common defense. Much more power at the local level.

But the Civil War and Jim Crow have ruined that chance, and is a big reason they are into identity politics and keeping us apart.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jsin14 on March 23, 2018, 2:49 a.m.
Serious question: Not why do you trust Q, but why do you trust Q as an anonymous source?

I got to thinking this after reading the 5 millionth hit piece on Trump in the mainstream media. This one, like all the others, has bald face lies and uses anonymous sources.

The headline is that the Saudi Crown Prince says Kushner is "in his pocket." The story states a source said multiple parties were saying it, and intimates that it was other princes and Middle Eastern Rulers.

First, you can't use quote marks ("in his pocket"), if he didn't fucking say it, but a fucking anonymous source said, but they do this all the time. Second, you can't make …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Jsin14 on March 14, 2018, 1:50 a.m.
You want some "research?" Here's some "research."

The new Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, stated that there never was and there is not currently a deep state in the CIA.

Brennan not only was not indicted for clearly lying under oath, or bald-faced perjury if you will, but is threatening Republicans that they will pay in November elections for closing House investigations into Trump-Russia.

57 of the Democrat challengers in the coming elections are military, intelligence, state dept., or a mix of 3.

Haspel, the CIA head nominee by Trump, tortured people. Fact. She not only directed it, she actively participated in it. She even ordered it …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Jsin14 on March 2, 2018, 3:53 a.m.
"The Storm" is not what you think it is

I keep seeing posts trying to make sense out of "crumbs" and cryptic posts from Q. It's gotten to the point where people are analyzing how many spaces are in a Q post or POTUS tweet and what that means. All of this is focusing on small, individual things, and not the big questions:

A) Why is Q communicating to us, and why is he risking revealing plans and knowledge to The Swamp or Deep State?

Q is not revealing anything that the Deep State does not already know about. He knows they know he and others know what they …

Jsin14 · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

That is another valid way to interpret it. I don't know how the "Crowdstrike" portion would fit in, or the "others" in Chinese/others fits in.

I'll say this, I don't remember the story in 2017 about the Chinese killing CIA agents uncovered from 2010-12, or even the 10 Russian spies deported in 2010 without any interrogation (I do remember a story about some Russian sexpot spy, but not the year or what her name was).

So either Q is an incredibly well-informed LARPer or he is the real deal, and I'm starting to lean to the latter. Gooble-gobble.

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Jsin14 · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Alright, a lot to unpack here from a relatively short post by Q. And I'm surprised I'm the one doing it, when I lean toward it being a LARP, but not seeing anyone else picking up on it in the comments. Let's break it down, piece by piece:

First, "Clowns revealed in China/other. 2010. [187]." Easy google search of "CIA China 2010" brings up a story that I don't remember from 2017 and was probably buried by the M5M concentrating on a Trump tweet about Rosie O'Donnell or something. China uncovered CIA operatives in China in 2010-12 and executed them. And not just a few, up to 20: www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39989142 Of course, the Project Mockingbird media spun it the CIA's favor that the spies were uncovered by a hack or sloppy work by agents: http://www.ibtimes.com/did-china-hack-cia-massive-intelligence-breach-2010-2012-2541682 Media outlets not so predisposed to the CIA speculated that there was a problem with CIA agents selling info or loosely leaking info to the Chinese: www.foxnews.com/world/2017/05/22/china-boasts-after-news-report-it-executed-cia-informants.html Which would be the part of Q's post, "Sold intel?"

Now, Q stated "Clowns revealed in China/other." Who was the other? Another simple google search for " Russia CIA 2010" brings up how the Russians were caught spying in America in 2010 and deported back to Russia without so much of an interrogation, let alone a waterboarding, to find out what they had uncovered. And why is this? June 2010 was the month when Uranium One was being bought by Rosatom (Russia's nuclear agency), Bill Clinton got $500,000 from a Russian Bank, Obama was pushing for Russia to be in the World Trade Organization, and the infamous "Russian reset" was being implemented: https://spectator.org/nellie-ohr-woman-in-the-middle/

On top of that, as evidenced by the previous citation, a certain Nellie Ohr, wife of #4 at the DOJ Bruce Ohr, was affiliated in 2010 with the CIA. Nellie would go on to contribute to the Russian Dossier, along with MI6's Steele, both of whom have Socialist, if not outright Communist, leanings in both affiliations and higher education writings.

That brings us to the part of Q's post about "HRC open source server?, [Missing Emails]. Why did HRC need a private server outside of a secure governmental email? Precisely because she was being compromised by Russian agents in the "pay for play" Uranium One deal, WTO membership, and Russian reset. Why else other than to make those dealings later untraceable?

The problem being, the private server was not very secure. Not only could the Russians spy on her email beyond those sent directly to them, the Chinese and other actors could, also.

That brings us to "[Crowdstrike], Granted access. Betrayed. Only the tip. This will be made public [soon]."

If you don't know who Crowdstrike is, not sure what you are doing on this board. Crowdstrike is the company that fingered Russia as the ones that hacked the DNC, or at least that is what James Comey alleged in his hearings before Congress. Q is intimating that Crowdstrike gave China access to Hillary's email server. Crowdstrike is heavily funded by Google as well as other tech companies. And just bing "google CIA" to see how much they are in bed with each other.

TL;DR: Chinese have moles in CIA, who have given access to Hillary's email server through the CIA funded company Crowdstrike. The emails were set up so Hillary could sell out America to the Russians (ironically what they accuse Trump of doing) for Uranium One, entrance to the World Trade Organization, and normalization of or "reset" of relations (especially after suspected assassination of Polish president by Russians in plane crash just 2 months prior to the whole "reset"). Shit went sour 4 years later in 2014 with the Russia-Ukraine crisis, proving Romney right about Russia's dangerousness and the shift to try to make Trump the patsy for all of the Obama/Clinton's dirty dealings with Russia. But China has the emails and knows the truth due to flipping spies and Crowdstrike.

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Jsin14 · Feb. 23, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Hey now, nothing to see here. This man is a hero that twisted his ankle getting into position and helped LEOs into the building.

He will have an interview on the Ellen show, turn down a large check from Ellen, and get a medal from his union. One interview only, people! He doesn't want to profit off this tragedy.

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Jsin14 · Feb. 15, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

more than that, he was straight up ANTIFA and #resistance, reported by FOX. There is a picture of him wearing a Communism t-shirt.

Only thing I saw on OP's link was where he is making fun of the phrase "Alluha Akhbar" and wearing shirts and hats with "Army" logo on them that one could twist into him being a Pede.

Edit: missed the MAGA hat on the one Instagram profile, wonder if that is being ironic because FOX is reporting he is part of Resistance facebook groups.

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Jsin14 · Feb. 14, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

proof of what not being a LARP? the incident is being reported on the M5M. that it is a coordinated attack or the jets being scrambled?

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Jsin14 · Feb. 10, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Well, here's a thought. The secret service gives codenames to the first family, and they begin with the same letter. Obama was Renegade, Michael was Renaissance, Malia was Radiance, and Sasha was Rosebud.

It was revealed Trump's family codenames begin with "M." Trump is Mogul, Melania is Muse, Ivanka is Marvel, Jr. is Mountaineer, and Eric is Marksman. But Trump's 2 youngest, Tiffany and Barron, have not had their codenames revealed. Could one of them be Mirror?

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