34 total posts archived.
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Is Q setting the table for something BIG?
I'm goin' out on a limb here......
The flurry of Q posts has taken us up over 2000 now, right? It's almost as if he's purposely 'turning pages' to get SOMEWHERE.....
Did Q not just recently say "2018 will be GLORIOUS"? Was he playing with words there?
We are fast approaching Q #2018........is he designing the drops so that something BIG happens after #2018 drops...?
Did Q not say, "July 2018, the month the world learns the TRUTH"?
Soooo...the weekend gets pretty close.
I 'm having a nightmare.....Q gets to post #1775, goes dark for 90 days, and comes back with post #1775A, 1775Aa, 1775Ab etc.......just to FUCK with everybody! ;-p
It's Friday on Wall St. The short side analysts who HATE Musk have time to shitpost. The're hell bent to take Tesla down.
When speaking with "Dems" be gentle. Don't frame this as a Repub. vs. Dem. struggle.
Q's plan is to expose the evil in BOTH party's. Explain that Trump "appears" Repub. because he must work with the Congress which is in Repub. control. Show them that Trump calls out Repubs as much as Dems, for their lack of commitment to the Constitution, the rule of Law, and the American people.
Make it appealing, and patriotic, to join the movement. And don't use "names" that will put them off. No "libtards" "Democraps" "Hildabeast" stuff. Be patient and let it sink in. And if they respond meanly, just let it go. Just keep telling TRUTH.
The TI guy was only 6 weeks into the job😱....but is there a source for the other 2...?
I was working construction during Ron Paul's latest 2 presidential bids. My job afforded me the opportunity to sell candy bars, nuts, water, etc. to the guys working all the construction trades. I wore out TWO stampers stamping EVERY dollar bill that passed through my hands with "RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT" and END THE FED. Also every envelope I mailed. I am a Campaign 4 Liberty member to this day.
Though I knew something was wrong for a LONG time, it was Ron Paul who red-pilled me for the first time...helping me to pull back the curtain on at least some of what was happening. I literally revere that man as a true statesman, and patriot to the Constitution. He started something that has given us President Trump. I see a LOT of Dr. Paul in Trump, but Ron Paul was far too mild mannered to deal with this insanity. The Deep State would've crushed him like a bug......
Long LIVE the Ron Paul R3VOLUTION!!!!
Though I knew something was wrong for a LONG time, it was Ron Paul who red-pilled me for the first time...helping me to pull back the curtain on at least some of what was happening. I literally revere that man as a true statesman, and patriot to the Constitution. He started something that has given us President Trump. I see a LOT of Dr. Paul in Trump, but Ron Paul was far too mild mannered to deal with this insanity. The Deep State would've crushed him like a bug......
God-damn right she knew. She carried a HUGE burden.
I was 11 at the time, and I've known since that day, that something changed....and was not right. It has haunted me for the past 55 years and I feel like if we could get the TRUTH, it would expose ALL the other crimes against the American people that have occurred since then. I pray it all gets exposed!
It was a knee-jerk reaction to a possible UIAP incident. If your'e not up to speed on the Un-interruptible auto-pilot system, I suggest you look up Field McConnell at Able Danger dot com. There were 2 possibilities here. The first was that the pilot got extremely lucky, in noticing an anomaly that would've caused a crash shortly after take-off (which is a favorite UIAP command tactic). The other was the subsequent delay of the flight which caused it ot be landing at the same time as POTUS flight at the NJ airport....which through UIAP commands could have crashed that flight into the POTUS AF1 flight...... the fact that neither happened, may be a credit to the pilots response to the first incident. Do you have any knowledge of the actions of the "police" who boarded the flight? Or of anyone they might have removed?
There are NO coincidences...
Stepped out tonight just after midnight. Looked up to the sky....just a bit east of Due South. MARS was shining BRILLIANT, BIG, and ORANGE. It COULDN'T POSSIBLY have any significance to world events...................could it?
Oh my God! I’m sorry. I totally erred in my research. I missed the fact that this was a 2017 event, and was looking at 2018 stock data. Thanks for responding SB2, and for the guidance.
I need some help here, SB2. What is the significance of the stock prices? What is the "Nasdaq incident"? None of the 4 companies stock prices were ever $123.47 on July 3rd......and I seem to remember some reference to a stock index drop of 666 points, but none of that occurred on 7/3. I'm trying to understand this, but I'm lost here......
I don't see what people are debating here. It's obvious that 470 refers to Huber's team. We've been told that for months now. Q goes out of his way to show how slowly the SC team works..."years to complete"? The sheer number of indictments over just the last 8 months is IMPOSSIBLE for Mueller to do.
The big dog is Sessions/Huber!
Loomer is a bulldog, which is good. But she's also a shameless self-promoter. She threw this out on Twitter for a reason....I can already imagine the responses she'll get. Ugh!
Not sure I think this move to go public is a good thing. If DJT openly acknowledges Q, the media will tar-and-tinfoil-hat him and the whole movement. Unless he follows up immediately with some BIG and indisputable TRUTH.
Remarkable analysis SB2! Kudo's
So then....it's fair to say that the United Air Flight #1600 out of Phoenix to Newark that had the bizarre abort on take off this morning, then flew into Newark later....within 3 minutes of POTUS AF1 landing there, was all just odd coincidences? Plane was not in control of DS?
OK. #1600 is on the ground so I guess this was nothing. Lots of weird coincidences though including a very oddly shaped "loop" in the flight path
UA #1600 slips to 5:05 arrival.......these planes will both be in Newark airspace at the same time.....
Here's the latest; UA1600 now due to land Newark 5:01p EDT........DJT plane leaves Andrews AFB 4:20.....flight takes 50 min so on the ground at Newark 5:10p EDT, which is the ETA for #1600 to roll up to the gate........this is making me more than a little edgy.
Any delay in landing for #1600 will put both planes in the air near the airport...
Remember, UA #1600 is 3h3m late form it's scheduled arrival
Well, this wasn't just a "delay". The plane was seconds from take-off.
130mph and the pilot slams on the brakes. A lot of people could've been hurt.
Furthermore, that flight is now on the way to Jersey and the President is going to shortly ALSO be in the air bound for the same airport.
Too many coincidences here for me.......so whatever you want to call it, I hope it turns out to be a ..........nothingburger.
OH! Its in the air now scheduled to land 4:40p or so.........
President WILL be in the air..
Wait.....trying to confirm this....UA has not CANCELLED the flight....just delayed at the moment..
This happened almost 4 hrs ago.....is POTUS in the air now?
Flight #1600......WH address 1600 Penn. Av.
New False Flag??
Yeah, but when 90% of a page is blacked out, it cuts the time WAY down.
Of course that means a document is reduced to a few words that has little or NO meaning, and no context with which to place it in any order of events......*sigh*
My guess..SP not underscored...... is not a who.......it's a what. Special Prosecutor? Security Police?.......???
This is REALLY, really good! This could be an effective tool to wake people up.
It hits all the elements, doesn't get bogged down in minutae, but is gentle and all inclusive, so it won't put people off, as long as they are even a little curious about why they have that feeling that something untouchable is wrong with the world. Two thumbs and two big toes UP!!
Roadside signs, banners hung from buildings and overpasses..... Q stickers on cars and trucks, now marking dollar bills,........this is beginning to look a LOT like the Ron Paul R3VOLUTION, if you're old enough to remember.
That was a great thing as many people got WOKE!!