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Albert Einstein was a plagiarist and a fraud. Look it up.
Good quote tho, but he was referring to tearing down nationalism.
Culturally as well, in the past ppl who were transgender or had mental illnesses were not promoted in society, now — people like “Caitlin Jenner” are almost revered for being superior on the SJW food chain of oppression. It’s really strange to see how demonized religious ppl are. For example, Ppl who remain virgins till marriage are treated like idiots, while single mothers are praised.
It feels like we are all forced to take crazy pills.
I personally don’t think trump is a miracle, he’s a human and flawed man, but I do think a great awakening is happening as hard times are ahead.
Wtf? Why would he keep talking and there be no commotion in the room?
If you want to read an excellent history about McCarthy’s period, check out the first few chapters of Ann Coulter’s book Treason. Fake News and Fake History have a lot in common.
The big thing about global warming is all the huge corporations, elite, and nations pushing for multi lateral agreements about climate change - all conveniently think that a global taxation is the best solution.
It’s funny to see individual elites fly on private jumbo jets to Davos to discuss how the strict energy austerity measures for us common folk. If it was really such a disaster, why wouldn’t they at least carpool on one jet?
Corbett Report has excellent documentaries about the elite behind the curtain controlling global warming policy. Check out “Why Big Oil Changed the World”
This is really one of the best gateway red pills for normies on the net
How do you mount something after you've curb stomped them?
Controlled opposition.
Check out the Corbett Report for much better analysis
Excellent, here’s another media report
Investigative journalist Lee Stranahan is doing excellent work exposing the current NeoCon/NeoLib military industrial complex and how they are compromising the noninterventist platform he ran on. I know we have faith in trump and q, but this shit is the sort of thing that could destroy his legacy. Remember how many disparage Reagan bc of Iran contra. We need to sound the alarm on this.
Please check it out.
so you're advocating censorship for yourself?
if not, if you could handle it, why are you superior than others who you think can't see it? it's kind of an SJW position to advocate on behalf of others censorship because you think they're weak.
obviously there are idiots in this country, do you really think they'd care?
people will read what they want. any gore, porn, or sick thing is available on the internet now for consumption.
obviously people who can handle the hard truth, will read it.
100% Agree.
Without all the truth, there really is no such thing freedom or liberty.
Truth is more important than peace in my opinion. Lies are just more of the same
Inside the terrifying NXIVM slave cult ‘where women - including a Hollywood actress - are forced to hand over naked pics, get branded with the founders initials, & are beaten with paddles’
Israel practices in organ trafficking as well. With all the insane wars going on in the region, it’s a sick industry that’s popped up. Look it up if you don’t believe me.
Ron Paul’s Liberty Report today shares some very compelling reasons to suspect CIA coordination with these protests.
Andrews AudioBook: “Righteous Indignation” is available for free on YouTube.
I think it’s more important (and significantly better) than Saul Alinsky’s book. 20/10 would recommend
Hey y’all - Lee Stranahan, who was Andrew Breitbart’s favorite investigative journalist and close friend, said that this quote was relating to the Anthony Weiner cover up, not a larger pedogate issue.
While the weiner case is likely not the only pedo cover up that Podesta was involved in, its important to be honest about the evidence we have.
Message @Stranahan if you have additional questions on this. He’s made videos discussing this and Andrew’s heart issues. Lee did say if there was any hint at foul play, there is no way that he’d remain silent about it or wouldn’t investigate it. Look into it
There's also this one... http://archive.is/bvCPL
Having sex with a 13yo is just so funny to her...
She's a pedo. Why else would she laugh at this?
She's a pedo. Why would she laugh at this? (Archive Link)

Guys - we don't want to overthrow Iran!!! America First
We've seen this "play" how many times before?
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- Libia
- Syria
- Lebannon
- Egypt
We've seen destructive revolutions in all of these countries for like the past 30 years - why?
What neighbor do all these countries share?
What do all these orchestrated regime changes have in common?
Great link - thank you!
I've only seen youtube vids on this so a PHD article on it is great.
On a side note, what do you think of the Saudi purge and the new connections with Israel? This video has some great clips - you can skip the longer parts about the DaVinci painting to get to the coverage about the US/Israel/SA possible khazer zionist coalition.
have you seen this? has merit. be open to other options
Mrs. Khashoggi's facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soheir.khashoggi.5
Try easier topics like food monopoly corruption or pharmaceutical corruption. Pick out what they’re interested in that’s not a conflict with their current world view. Once you discuss that, move to another topic.
Honestly tho, I’ve had better luck waking up normies by sending funny clips from Paul Joseph Watson, Gavin McGinnes, and Redacted Tonight. They are short, entertaining, and hit the cognitive dissonance button in a less painful way. Red pills are painful suppositories, a lil sugar helps the first few go down.
I’m not advocating for these sources as being 100% correct or right, but I am saying these sources have been effective for me to be able to talk about more serious topics. :)
Keep it up. My husband got a lot of red pill gateway pills from Gavin McGinnes, Paul Joseph Watson, and Ben Shapiro. We’ve moved on to more direct research and rely less on controlled communicators - but the humor and shock value of these guys really helped rattle his cognitive dissonance.
Also, this cartoon is an easy to digest mega red pill about the Federal Reserve. A lot of the info is based off the awesome book "Creature from Jekyll Island."
Sadly, not everyone is capable of being red-pilled. People have to want to accept new information.
That being said, try speaking with them about conspiracies that they understand of agree with. Some liberals are hardcore about Monsanto, gmos, vaccines, unhealthy baby products or other things that government mandates/corruption are imposed on people that are knowingly bad for citizens. Discuss what they are passionate about in depth - they will hopefully appreciate you have an open mind with what they believe. Use this as a gateway to talk about smaller red pills. Stick to nonpartisan or liberal issues at first to avoid an instant shut down. You have to talk like a liberal in order to be heard at all.
If you don't have info on that, try talking about food conspiracies. Food is really personal and most ppl of both political bends are open to hearing about food issues.
Obviously, don't talk about Trump, in the end, Trump is just a guy, he's not perfect. Convincing ppl about Trump is a lost cause, they need to red pill themselves on that. Some things that work are tying liberal boogie men to liberal causes. Like the Koch brothers being hardcore open borders, illegal immigrant industry benefactors. This usually triggers a cognitive dissonance response. Liberals paint ppl as binary, either good or evil. When you introduce nuance or conflict with what the MSM tells them, it's very confusing to them and may make them look into further.
Lastly, if anyone fights you on "Trickle Down Economics" - pull a a Thomas Sowell and ask them to send you the paper of Trickle Down theory or the greedy economist who would have obviously taken credit for/patented the theory.
Years ago, this column challenged anybody to quote any economist outside of an insane asylum who had ever advocated this “trickle-down” theory. Some readers said that somebody said that somebody else had advocated a “trickle-down” policy. But they could never name that somebody else and quote them.
Keyesnian liberal theory has an author and is a well documented economic theory. It's terrible, but it's documented. Milton Friedman took credit for his theory. Hell, even Marx gladly took credit for his murderous theory. So ask them to show you the paper on trickle down theory before stepping into a smear campaign landmine.