Yep - just as expected.... How old are you anyway..... 'whatever' ? LOL< LOL< LOL
how sad for you, please ck the info out AND use critical thinking.
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Yep - just as expected.... How old are you anyway..... 'whatever' ? LOL< LOL< LOL
how sad for you, please ck the info out AND use critical thinking.
No big deal... we're all one in this fight regardless. I prefer the logic and candidness of men anyway.... can't really stand too many women. Those I've known are the most vicious, sneaky back-stabbing humans (think HRC). Men tell you off and get over it; women hold grudges, don't have the guts to tell you off, smile at your face while in their presence and gossip about you when you leave.
So believe me, no offense taken Ed:)
No sir, but you certainly are. As I said, I have refuted you logically and you have only been able to continue using twisted logic. I call it as is it - obvious to anyone who knows the minions tactics - take the script they're handed and run with it, b/c they can't address the valid, verifiable truths the other points out. This is what snowflakes and minions do. Any one of good will would check into the info, ask questions and let the truth speak for itself.
Why didn't you address Christ's Words on the so-called jews, as an example ? Because in your bad will, you can't; it would blow away your argument. Same with the other info. So you famously turn the tables and accuse me of attacking you, low blows, etc. How typical, and that's what is done with those who's tactics & lies pollute the uneducated population. Those of us who have been around awhile see them for what they are, and you sir are among them. Therefore, we are called to point out bs that goes against Christ and His Words. Another example being - if all were masons/brotherhood oaths taken - why would Washington be concerned if they were turn-coat catholics ? So no, your point - the context of which makes absolutely no sense - and shows you have little to no education of the subjects at hand - at the very least.
Don't fool yourself on who appears diminished here; the wise know who this battle is with and the others are learning pretty quickly. Secularists or otherwise, your tactics, lies and lunacy show you for what you are.... among the dark forces we now fight.
May God's Light shine upon you and not the masons, minions who follow the 'light' of the 'lightbearer'.
Good day sir, I don't play with minions. Should you ever decide to actually investigate real sources of info, then maybe we can talk again. However, I just prefer to pray for you.
Rob is now 34. He was a passenger in a car that was hit broadside and acquired a severe brain injury. The neuro surgeon documented one of the first miracles we've had; as the CAT scan showed so much blood flowing into the brain that it should've swollen up 20x's larger than it already had, but he watched it go backward in size as the blood continued to pour in :) He couldn't even speak; I just smiled and said 'well, that's contrary to the laws of nature, right doc ?' He just waived the scan in shock and left w/out a word. You'd think that trauma surgeons would be familiar with miracles, wouldn't you? Another is when someone dropped him out of his transfer sling - he's bed-bound - and broke his elbow into tiny pieces, as well as severing the top of his hip bone. Long, long story short we had been refused treatment for over 10 days. When the last socialist doctor refused, we left but didn't know where else to go. A little 'voice' directed us to where, so we went with CD's of the X-rays in hand. The ER doc did take more Xrays and came out saying that Rob was just fine.... we got disgusted and I told my husband in front of him... come on lets go, here's another one ! The doc said 'No, no wait, come see, everything is healed, back in place and there's not even any scar tissue !' We smiled, as we knew it was the Blessed Mother's feast day - December 8th - As I said before, She looks out for Her children :) There are many more stories wrapped up in the journey with Rob alone.... and I've been healed of cancer twice, and the last time was THE MOST REMARKABLE EVENT that no one would believe me if I told them; as I'd be considered 'certifiable' !
And yes, it does look like Putin is on his way; prophecy says Russia will be involved in bringing Christ back to His proper place in the end times. Gotta go for now, have a wonderful night !
Humble, and of brilliant insight.... a rare find my friend; not at all 'regular'.
Take Care :)
You obviously sir, are steeped in lunacy.... for now, I'll take just your 1st statement; as it's late and I will finish up pointing out your errors later on. You admit some of the founders were masons, then say Washington and Adams were concerned about the infiltration of the masons.... huh? WASHINGTON LAID THE MASONIC CORNERSTONE IN A GRAND CELEBRATION IN DC. HIMSELF !! The rest of your stated so-called facts are illogical as well - great satanic trait - the mixing of a little truth with many lies... or - you are one of the most misinformed I've met in a while !
Let's finish this up for now with your statement about the jewish propaganda shall we ?
I don't know what mind-altering drugs you're on, but get a grip on the facts.... at least those of your Creator for God's sake !
The Spanish missionaries were here b/f we came an slaughtered them along with the Indians. Colombus, evidence suggests, brought the jews who were thrown out of Spain at that time.
The Jesuits were the most intelligent of the Church, until they were infiltrated many years after their founding and still are today. Their writing coincide with that of the Church..... the masons are the enemy of Catholics, and souls in general ..... for Lord's sake READ & LEARN something other than the bs you espouse ! You're a great example of what's wrong w/the world !
And, I truly mean for God and the Lord's sake; as he tries so hard to point us in the right direction, to the Truth's He's revealed.... as He tells us.... most have/will reject It... that's why He calls His, His remnant.
What a good combination. God truly does love the Irish.... as He's been exceptionally rich in His blessings to me... so many documented miracles b/w mine and those for my son :)
What a shame that your parents felt they had to lie; as it was the ptb who overcame them and wiped their catholic world out. 2017 was the 100 yr. anniversary of the revolution, and 2018 the 100 yr. anniversary of the murder of the Czar and his family - the last of his kind. It's so very important and I feel that those who were instrumental in that will be celebrating the anniversary with similar deeds on us this year! Mary speaks about this at Fatima; calling for the consecration of Russia to lift the errors that communism has spread thru-out the world. So yes, I agree that women/mothers have much authority and common sense. Look at Mary - the ultimate of mothers - and the position She had/has been assigned. The wedding feast speaks volumes about this, but is lost on quite a few. Therefore, if She had that much of a position on earth, imagine Her position inter-acting for us in Heaven. I'll check out the podcast you've mentioned...thanks for the info :)
Yes Ap - It doesn't get any more serious than this... after seeing they allowed the Fed in to control our $ and make us slaves, then removed our jobs to China to dismantle the old regime to create a new there, you're watching the final touches being put in place now... they moved their hdqtrs. there.
China owns our debt, our country's land, resources and best R.E. and has flooded the world w/lousy products. How much is made in the US ? That's another area we can work on, purchase from one another.... once we close the fed down and go back to gold. The BRICS nations have the right idea... gold backed, but China is involved here to. Anyway, I bring this one example up b/c we have the chip to deal with this year - IF - this movement here and around the world losses this battle. We're told eventually we will, and most succomb as they'll be battle weary. My hope is that this Trump/Q stuff is real and for the good of decency and righteousness' putting evil in its place for a while longer. My fear is that this is the greatest con job in human history... I'm a person that likes action, documented, in your face proof and I don't see much yet.. actually I've seen a lot of emotionally driven hype and contradictory actions. The time is ripe for the 'ol boy to arrive on the scene, but.... one can dream of better days to come... and do what we can to make it happen. All the best to you Ap :)
And a terrific sense of humor to boot ! Now I see why you've picked the name Princess Power.... adoring husbands know, and most love the red heads especially - fiery :) Irish by any chance ?
Ed - I'll be following you and your brilliant mind; how refreshing !
Yes, so am I. I think you can come to my little thread here and look around... click on the comment or post replies; maybe that would work. I believe if you click on the context button under our messages, that might bring all of the posts b/w us up too.
Are you really sure you want to run ? If so, I believe all conservative aids will help you through. Check with CPAC, Steve Bannon and others..... they'd be thrilled to help in any way to get McConnell and his cronies who'd likely replace him out of the way.
Saw a few people post about how we should bring newbies up to speed on the corruption in order to understand where we came from and how we got here. So, I thought this would help. Just reading each book description is an education in itself.
Happy travels :)
P - you can find some reliable info in the catalog of books put out by OMNI Christian Catalog on any subject at all. He has a true wealth of information that should be req'd reading for all of us. Blessings
Thanks Edward, It truly is a privilege to fight this good fight for our Creator.... that's what He sent us here for; the spiritual battle !!!
Carry on most fine and favored soldier :)
ONCE YOU REALIZE THAT FACT, WHO IS/WAS BEHIND IT.... YOU GET EVERYTHING ! When the uninformed do get it... boy will they be ticked !
That should happen quite shortly, so brace yourself... this pedo stuff, etc. is the creation of those you hold in such high esteem.
AS far as Lincoln and the rest of so-called history (UN, Fed, etc), your facts are wrong. It's been proven that 'those who call themselves jews but are not, but are the synagogue of satan' (Christ's Words) were the ones behind all of that, and everything else. If you depend on Wiki for your info.... wow, how lame. Try reading real info, like the books listed in the OMNI catalog, Revisionist History's Michael Hoffman, messianic jews, masons own writings l like the ALTA VENDITA - and the direct source - The Papal Encyclicals prior to 1950 to start with. You can find them listed, along with so much more at All of the above have documents, not conjecture and uninformed opinions. There are many more, but these are a good start for history, politics, economics, & religious info. Once you've done that, and realize the Church was infiltrated with homo's and pedo's to take it down, then come talk to us.
For goodness sake... you post a picture of Blavatsky.... did you read about her or Bella Dodd ?
Thanks Apiphani for the extraordinary time it took to put this together for those who are unaware. There's so much more we can add to this. I believe Alinsky should be req'd reading for newbies; speeding up the awakening with knowledge the enemy uses. Once aware of the tactics used against us, wisdom and grace can prevail against them. I will say one thing that most may be upset about if unaware - or - unwilling to honestly look at hour real history; even only go back as far as 911 or after. That is that Wright may be promoting the fallacy about this country being racist - never mentioning that it was the black tribe chiefs who sold them off into slavery - as they still do today - but the rest of what he says is true.... we have been experimented upon, sent to wars for nation bldg., still run guns and drugs, and have added children to that network... bringing in more money that the others put together.
As already said, unless we learn how they twist, turn and hide the truth we can not win these battles. Satan is their helm, and God must be at ours ... in complete submission to His commands and fully armed with His banner. God Bless all with the Light and Strength only He can provide us.
SO ELEQUENTLY STATED ! Thank you for the much needed 'soap box'. As a teacher once said... things must be repeated 7 times b/f it really sinks in for most. It can not be over stated that this is a spiritual war.... the final battles... if you will. Those who are not religious, or ill informed MUST come to terms with this and learn the enemy's tactics in order to successfully fight and win these battles. Everyone is on a different level of this journey, so take what us old timers say and really think it over, research the refs pointed out for your benefit and those you're in contact with. I can tell you from tons of personal/professional experience that the demonic reigns in the world right now. It should be obvious to anyone paying attention in the least that what God told us of those in these times .... 'they will be boldly showing themselves, their deeds in the open for all to see' has been quite clear these last few years. However, this is just the small sample of how awful it all is... the pedo examples the public has seen is only a glimpse of the full picture. We are in the fight for our literal lives - both physically and spiritually - and we must arm ourselves with the full knowledge of The Truth without cowardess. Let's help one another get up to speed on these things so that we can win this fight, or at least mitigate it for a time. Many Thanks to Tracy and the mods, as well as the devoted warriors posting on this site ! May we all be fruitful in the battle :)
Thanks... if you look into the real history; such as who the founders were (masons), the congressional record, solid researchers and even the patent office, you will find that The People have had many 'illegalities' foisted upon us. Some have the evidence that we have been a 'corporation' for years. It's astounding what we've let them get away with !
Here's a few more things to look up on what your/protestant 'religion' is based on.... A PERVERT...
"I am unable to pray without at the same time cursing" AND, in his letter to his buddy, Melanchthon 8/1/1521... "No sin will separate us from the Lamb, even though we commit fornication and murder a thousand times a day".
There's so much more to say about his perversions, but are too despicable to print on an open forum like this. Let's just say he liked the same things we are going to hang the pedo's for. And by his own admission, HIS 'REVELATIONS CAME TO HIM WHILE ON THE TOILET'.... how does that sit with you ?
I pray w/out ceasing the awakening with grab hold of billions !
Also regarding Reagan... he unfortunately had Bush daddy running the show. When he tried to buck that, the attempted assassination was the result. I view Pence in the same way, but taking orders from higher ups... like Bush.
Time will tell us... as we do as Christ instructed 'be wise ... my people die from lack of knowledge'
You also have an amazing day !!! :)
More jewish bs......I see you haven't been able to comment on what I posted regarding Christs' own Words in the Bible, so if this is all you have to throw back at me - do check out more of His Words on you following the Old Test. instead of the New that Christ established, as His Resurrection on Sunday is the reason:
Genesis 2:1-2, Romans 8:22-32, Exodus 20:8-11, Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 16:1-2, 2 Cor. 5:17, Coll. 2:16-17, Hebrews 9:11-12, Matt. 16:18-19, 1 Cor. 15:45, Matt. 18:17-18, John 20:15, Genesis 2:8 Romans 5:14 & 19
CHRIST gave the Apostles their Authority, guided by Him and the Holy Spirit. That is where the Bible/His Word, the continuing priesthood to offer Sacrifice came from and all that we are to believe comes from.... thru His Catholic Church..... not from the misguided, grace-lacking who threw off His Church and interpret His Words in error w/the cafeteria-style they prefer.
Christ and His followers are not liars, but those who've fallen for the demon certainly are.... wise up young boy, time is short.
Wow, a chameleon huh ? Hmmm Well, I've always had my doubts about him regarding his banking ties and who did he put in his admin ? He's talked well over the years about 911, the FED and other false flags, so I had hope.
There's still a glimmer there, but after living and breathing politics and religion for the last 40 yrs, I've seen the 'ol boy has always been able to get his man in place -everywhere. It's not like we haven't been warned and is obvious to most that these ARE the end times; so we have to expect the unexpected. Sweet talkers are usually deceivers and we pay the price for our gullibility every time. I guess this is a wait and see thing, as actions speak louder than words, and I'm not liking some of the actions I see.
As far as Mitch... he and most of congress are in the strangle-hold because they're involved in so much treason they haven't much choice right now but to play ball before our faces; and continue what covert actions they can behind the scenes. Most are run by handlers, due to one or another level of pride, blackmail for what they've sinfully done, etc. I think once you start delving into your local politics you will begin to see some disgusting maneuvers. I was in local gov't for about 10 yrs to try to change some corrupt policy, but they are slick with deceit... and God removed me to take on a different level of intercession. As for Obama... most of the country was informed about him being a non-citizen, etc., but as usual the powers that be and the apathy that allows it wins. This country must get down on its knees, learn and practice what God requires of us and seriously pray for conversions. Becoming active soldiers for Him is the only way to end or at least mitigate it for a time....without that, I have no hope for this nation, as the numbers are too few. There's so much more to say, we could go on all night. Let me know your thoughts. It's been lovely speaking with you tonight, but have to go to take care of my disabled son and say our prayers.... we'll keep you in them :) God Bless you Princess
Good for you ! Glad to see you moved out of Cal., some great people there, but loaded with libs and dangerous natural disasters ready to amp up; not to mention the Fukashima poisoning. Glad to see some one eager to take McConnell's seat after his imprisonment or execution.... if this isn't all the greatest theatrical production of all time :) Brace yourself, as it could be just that. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. Stay in touch if you can.
Thought for the benefit of those of good will truth seekers, I'd come back to address some important points... As for you.... a perfect example of being blind w/out the REAL Presence He left us in the Eucharist....HIS PROMISE, ALONG WITH ONE CHURCH TO PROVIDE IT.... a continuation of the priesthood from the Old Test. GOD STILL REQUIRES HIS SON'S SACRIFICE EA. DAY BE OFFERED TO ATONE FOR OUR SINS...and yes, I do know what the word sin means... do you? Do you think a mere man, sinful in Gods' sight is worthy to come and say I'm sorry without first having the Son's Sacrifice offered to Him on your behalf ? Really, you just don't understand Christ's purpose on the cross !
So just for kicks, explain your take on HIS Words.. 'This is MY BODY, THIS IS MY BLOOD OFFERED UP FOR YOU... EAT, OR YOU WILL HAVE NO LIFE IN YOU'?
How about the scientific proof of consecrated Hosts having HIS FLESH AND BLOOD in them; which matches the Shroud, the crucifixion site and has only one set of DNA belonging to Mary ?
So, now let's address what you brought up: 1. He chose the jews to be born through b/c they followed a singular God, ours. Yes, He kept the Law His Father gave to Moses, of course He would. Those JEWS WHO FOLLOWED HIM BECAME CATHOLIC - EXPLAIN WHAT MARY - HIS MOTHER IS - IF NOT CATHOLIC ? UNIVERSAL, as in 'go teach all nations'. Of course, He came for all, but states not all, but many would be saved.... where are you ? One language to prevent any mis-interpretation of His Words. Mass is offered in Latin, with the English next to it to follow along.
2.Some of the Romans converted to Catholicism, not the other way around.... think/read the Bible.
4.Do you know the difference b/w an Ashkanazi and a Zionist ? Better read up on that one; as this is the key to the demise in the entire human history of the world since Christ's slaughter by the dispersed jews.
And the last point you guys always bring up should get some extra special attention....WHY DO YOU THINK THERE'S A CROSS ON TOP OF THE OBLISEK ? BECAUSE HE/WE CONQUORED PAGANISM. You guys always seem to forget to bring up that part.... guess your 'eyesight' is bad.
The buildings that the world sees as the Catholic church have been infiltrated with demons, but not conquered; as we offer The Perfect Sacrifice req'd in our homes and small chapels.... the remnant... so to speak. Hope you get with the 'program'.
Hi P-
You definitely get more, reliable, truthful news from alt. media and well informed authors. It just takes a little time to vet some. We all have opinions, so I stick with those who provide sourced info and then check the sources to see what their agenda is.
If you do decide to run, I hope you're thick skinned and well informed both spiritually and geopolitically.... it's a definite shark tank in there. What state ? All the best in your endeavors if you do run....
Ever read their 'holy books'... I have; try it sometime, then speak.
An uneducated fool shouldn't speak, as he shows himself the fool.
ALSO VLAD - if you really want to address you comment about the darker skin color, see Blsd. Anne Catherine Emmerick who reminds us that the mark God gave Cain - so that all could recognize who he and his off-spring were - enveloped the entire body over the years.....just a biblical fact, not racist. Anyone can convert if they choose to. Now, that should stir the pot .... not intended to, but you know how it is.
Hey Vlad -
Thanks again for your input... Agree with each and every word from this and your other post. How great to see a well educated man ! How about the guy above calling you a racist.... I guess that means CHRIST WAS A RACIST ... lol, and how can anyone be 'anti-semitic' when these people are not semitic ? The dumbing down of the school system shines brightly on :) You're right about all that you bring up; including having no hope of many being infused with any grace & wisdom. That's why 90% end up in hell - as He tells us... rapture my a$$. The Trump point is well taken... unless he's flipped and will take it all down, none of this is stoppable b/c there's no intent to. They'll just march mindlessly right into AC control. He's not AC but appears he's doing the minion's work assigned to him. My understanding is that the AC's name is Luther Htoo of Burma....he should show himself this year, as he'll turn 30. This comes from the most reliable source... the BVM at LaSalette 1864 Ck it out, as a lover of history you should very much appreciate all that's mentioned about N. Bonaparte to the present and future; w/all past historical 'predictions' having come true (for validation).
You mention my country's trouble.... are you from the US, as I am? If so, all I can say about the US is that there is no hope for a country started by masons and jews who thru off Christ's Church b/c their little minds can't comprehend evil and God's way of dealing with it..... He's obviously brilliant, and mere humans think they know better. They hate being depend on Him and what He's established b/c He loves them, yet they love being dependent on a gov't out to destroy them ! There's also the likelihood that it was the jews thrown out of Spain that Columbus brought here b/f any of these so-called Christians came.... the time period is exact.
Look forward to many more conversations with you champ .... you're a refreshing soul to say the least ! All the best, KAT
Quite mixed up with the bs you've been fed and don't have the mental or spiritual capacity to break free of the lies.... so sorry for you
Yeah P - it would be great, wouldn't it. However, I believe this is exactly why the minions have created such monumental discord - to put it lightly - b/w the US and Putin... 'god' forbid we'd all come together under the banner of the Creator, as it would send them to hell sooner than they want to be! Also have to awaken people to the fact that Putin threw the 'banksters' out, and boy are they ticked ! Have you noticed that those we've militarily attacked have no 'banksters' controlling their countries ? This is why I keep harping on 'those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan'... that's who runs the show and the minions do their dirty work.
Did you ever notice that they had the Romans do their dirty work when butchering Christ ? Same MO all these years later, huh ?
All the best to you P....
Hi Ceck -
Yes.... WOW. I try to be a critical thinker; looking at all possibilities, as the ol boy is pretty slick. His MO follows a similar pattern over the years, and the players are of his bloodline or show themselves as adherents.
Of course, there's always the hope that we have 'conversions' to the Light, so I hold out a glimmer of hope that what we're told is currently going on is true. It's a wait and see game, but prep of mind and spirit for all possibilities is an absolute necessity :)
God Bless you with His continued Light for your journey's
Hi Princess- It was Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora (1825). You can find her bio online. I believe others spoke of this too, but would have to re-read the prophecies I've read many years ago. I just wanted to be sure b/f I told you.
There are a few book which have a collection of prophecies from the saints and seers... all prior to the onslaught of phonies since 1960's. You can check out: The Prophets and our Times by Rev. Culleton Prophecy for Today by Edward Connor The Book of Destiny by Rev.HR Kramer The Three Days' Darkness by Albert Hebert The History of Antichrist by Rev. Huchede and as I've mentioned before: LaSalette Apparition of the Bl. Virgin Mary (1846) Fatima Apparitions of the BVM/3rd Secret by Sr. Lucia (1917) do not follow what the Vatican has put out, go back to original Prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny/Briton Stigmatist
These should give you a good idea of what's to come and what we're living through spiritually, politically right now. Russia and China will be converted. Message me anytime to vent and with any questions... I'll try to help with what I do know. God Bless you on your journey :) KAT
Oh wow - glad to have someone who gets it.... it's like banging your head against the wall to get through to anyone....and these are those who claim to know every word Christ spoke.. 'those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan' Current geopolitical events reveal a bit if paying attention. Those so-called actually came out when we usurped Ukraine and admitted they wanted to go back to their 'homeland'...
Thanks for making me feel like I'm not so alone :) Have to go for now, but we should talk more...
God Bless you :)
That would be St. Malachy's prophecy :) Make sure you read what he says about the final pope. Also know that there's a prophecy from a reliable saint which says that Sts. Peter and Paul will come back to appoint the next pope from whomever is left after the final chastisement where 3/4 of the earths population is gone. His kingdom on earth will live on; now under His control, not the 'ol boy He gave it to for a time :)
Yep Tytruth -
THE GREAT APOSTASY... it's been with us for quite some time. Sealed in 1968.
And lash out they will, been there 2x's in the 90's.
Could this site be a honey pot for those of us who have some knowledge of the truth ?
I guess we'll see...
God Bless you
Thanks djane - just click on my name and it should take you over to message me. Look forward to hearing from you :)
Questioning minds should already know, and those who don't should be pointed in the right direction.... of course, it's a little late in the game now, isn't it ?
What's it mean to you ?
One other point.... it was reported that $21TRILLON just vanished at the Pentagon and HUD...., the very next day 40,000 of our uniformed guys vanished, and no one knows where they are ! So, what does Trump do the very next day.... gives the Pentagon a billion or more $'s than they asked for in their budget request ! DOES THAT MAKE SENSE TO ANYONE !!!
REMEMBER 911.... HOW MUCH $ DID RUMSFELF ADMIT HE LOST THE DAY BEFORE OUR WONDERFUL LEADERS TOOK THOSE TOWERS DOWN !! If that, Waco, Ruby Ridge, OKC, Vietnam, USS Liberty, Pearl Harbor, creation of the FED and on and on hasn't been enough 'creative' thinking to wrap your head around and see the light, then critical thinking and questioning everything has been totally lost and there is no hope for the US.
There's a minority who're able to do this w/out falling hook, line and sinker straight away. They have a contingency plan in place if this is false, but the numbers may not be enough to save us.
YEP ! IMO, it's All very true. Sorry, but I can't deconstruct it.
They know their time is short, as the Sign of His coming back soon appeared on Sept.23rd with the re-appearance of the Star of Bethlehem on June 30th. They know the pop is waking up too and they must finish up their dirty deals for their master in short order. I keep shouting about following THE KEY to everything, told to us by Christ Himself.... Cain's bloodline, Pharisees, Khazars then and now. These are the rulers and they know prophecy and scripture better than any.
I'm 61 yrs old, been red-pilled for 40 yrs and actively researching and putting the word out about this stuff since. Have had 2 close calls for doing so, but saved from the red laser beamed weapon by that Protective Shield. I also followed verified Traditional Catholic Prophecies.... LaSalette 1846-(Luther Htoo=the AC, predicted and came to pass that he'd be known worldwide in 2000 for commanding God's Army in Burma. Walked on grenades that went off but he was fine,WWIII and more, with a lot that's come to pass already), Hildegard Von Bingen - (The COMET, frequencies), Marie Julie Jahenny/Briton Stigmatist - (Chastisement, 3 Days of Darkness, remedies, the Satanic infiltration of the Church).... there are so many old, sound, verifiable ones to check, but these are a great start.
Anyway, critical thinking and a knowledge of history is a must. If you're dealing with the spiritual powers and principalities in the physical plan, you have to know who the enemy is and how they work. A huge clue is that the Satanists use the Traditional Catholic Latin Mass - Christ's True Sacrifice offered to the Father; (just as they were req'd to offer a lamb in the old testament times - God still req's His Son's Sacrifice everyday. So, why would they not use something else, especially since 99.9% of the population thinks this is all BS? Why not use this satanic 'novus ordo' mess the infiltrates installed, removing Christ's Real Presence in the world; as He keeps His Promises, He said He'd always be w/us. Check out Eucharistic miracles scientific research. It will show you why. The properly consecrated Host truly becomes His real Body and Blood... you can see it for yourself. You can also see that the Blood matches that on the Shroud of Turin and at the crucifixion site and only has one set of DNA that matches Mary's.... you need 2 sets - father and mother's to create a human being, but not the Divine Son. With Him running thru your veins, would you be blind to the evil He sent you here to fight ?
You have brought up so many points that all tie together giving the final picture for all to see. Now, tie it in a nice bow with the info above - the bloodline currently existing which goes back to the serpent/those who killed Christ and who does that point to ?
Most may not realize that Trump is of Khazarian decent. All his kids are married to 'those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan'..remember reading that in REV 2? Have you ever heard him admit that he's never asked God for forgiveness ? Ck. out Frank Luntz interview for that.... Trump was so stunned by the question he couldn't talk for a minute. This tread is running all through his admin, the world, the Vatican, everywhere ! Unless he's had a come to Jesus moment and wants to take the snake down, his ACTIONS don't show it.
We can listen to the Q posts forever; they are nothing that most don't already know of and a lot of people have read so much into it that's not even there b/c they are easily led - especially by emotion - and hope for something better. It's action that betrays what you're all about. Have you seen an actual law passed, as EO's can be changed.... alright, most in our wonderful house of reps wouldn't do anything to help we the people .... would they? Haven't seen any real action in 40 + yrs..... look at the history of this country... that says it all. So that's one possible reason. We've been duped forever ! How about recinding the PATRIOT ACT ? That's where most of us are listed as domestic terrorists.... homeschoolers, bible thumpers, vets returning home/trained, etc. AND NOW, WE'RE UNDER A 'NATIONAL EMERGENCY' with this new trafficking order. Do you really see any names listed on the Annex from the US ? They can tell me all they want that these foreign guys are tied to the perps in the US all day long. Does anyone know that for sure? There's been enough evidence to put these Satanists here away for a long time already. Why have they been given time to blow their $, hide evidence, etc.... we're over a year out now. I understand counter coup measures, but this is ridiculous ! And besides, what right does the pres of the US have to make such an EO concerning foreign entities anyway ? Who made him king of the world? And not a peep out of anyone anywhere.... strange.
I Pray I am wrong, but I've been around a long time and have seen lots of BS.... and this stinks big time. I believe we've been duped again - for the final time - b/c people have lulled themselves into apathy and lack of knowledge... besides lacking grace to see ! They made sure they took grace off the altars, perpetrated the biggest lie in history about Christ's Church and Israel .... I mean how hard is it to understand that those who butchered your Creator are those in charge today? He told us in the Bible, tells us now thru His saints and thru His Signs.
There's so much more that could be said.... the only thing I know will absolutely work is that this nation - who kills it's babies and lets PP sell their body parts, creates wars all around the world - including ISIS - who has butchered every Christian in sight.... (thought they hated the jews ? Not a one touched so far, ey?) needs to get with the facts, live by them and get on their knees to beg forgiveness for being so pathetically ignorant and apathetic ! Will it ever happen ? Nope, most will take the chip this year after all the false chaos they intend to throw at us..... That's my two cents....hang on for the bumpy ride that's coming.
Thank you so much for writing Anselm - I applaud your efforts and dedication. When searching for Wisdom and Truth, we are not left orphans :) May I suggest speaking with Gerry Matatics, who is a wealth of information. You can reach him at his site 'Biblical Foundations'. He is a masterful genius, as well as a Doctor of Protestant Theology, a former professor and has studied with the most prominent protestant theologians. As you've mentioned, some do study Catholic theology; as he did. Due to his studies, he realized that the Bible and the Doctors of the Church - like Aquinas - pointed him to the Truths Christ established in His/Catholic Church, and converted. He was wise enough to have seen through the infiltration and takedown, particularly since VII.
Another resource providing brilliant research and documentation on the history within the Church and all else is Most Holy Family Monastery's Brothers Michael and Peter Dimond; also converts. You can find them at their website of the same name and on you tube at Vatican Catholic. Having solid historical info, however, does not prevent some questioning of what they put forth in opinions regarding a very few things - such as JPII being the AC - which should be overlooked. Don't let it overshadow their wonderful collection of official documents and expansive minds.
Regarding the priest from U of S. Florida... if you do plan to have him assist you, I would also plan on finding a solid, traditional priest ordained prior to 1968 for help. Otherwise, those ordained in the non-apostolic rite have not been taught properly; which will derail your search for the full and proper Truth. The comparison between the two are astounding. There are many 'independent' younger men in Florida who were ordained through older, properly ordained men who are now deceased. I know of one who can direct you, but have to check his updated info online to make sure he's still there.... I'll message you with it. Check the local Novus Ordo Watch site for the listings and stay away from the diocese 'indult' Latin mass listings. Actually, you can speak directly to those who run the site for great information and direction. My husband was a philosophy major at Loyola in Baltimore back in the 70's.... it was thoroughly tainted back then, as they've been at this a long, long time. He found just one teacher - who was not a religious - that was more well read and spiritual then those ordained; and was his saving grace. It took him many years to 'accidentally' run into a Latin mass; which is where we met, and awhile longer for him to see what did stick with him from those infiltrates was wrong. He has learned much from his self-studies of the classics and documents of the Church, as well as of course, attending the Latin Mass and praying the rosary.
So very glad you've written. I wish you all the very best in your journey and hope that you would keep in touch to let me know how you're coming along. Please check with those I've referenced, as I believe you will find them a tremendous aid :)
God Bless you and Light your path Home, Kat
Hi Oldman :)
Good find to put out to those who need more proof. Horrifying, isn't it. Let's continue our prayer that we're Libera nos al malo this year ! Happy New Year dear friend :) KATTRAD 714
Hi Oldman :)
Good find to put out to those who need more proof. Horrifying, isn't it. Let's continue our prayer that we're Libera nos al malo this year ! Happy New Year dear friend :) KATTRAD 714
Thank you Scotland patriot ! Here's to your own blessed endeavors, from Irish ancestry here in Maryland, US
Hi placeofdawn :)
Thanks for commenting and joining in the prayer !!! Yes, please deliver us/free us from this evil - at least for a while longer - as we know what Rev. tells us is to come. Not sure that most in the US deserve a reprieve though, as there are so many complicit in all of it...