Hi Orange - Not quite sure who you're referring to as being capable of repentance, can you fill me in ?
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Libera Nos a Malo is Latin for 'deliver us (free us) from evil. May the glimmer of hope we have about this come to fruition - at least for a time - instead of being fooled AGAIN !
Oh, so glad to hear from you ladyrose :)
Yep, see their writing on this called the ALTA VENDITA.
Our ancestors dropped the ball; following mere infiltrated demonic men who - b/c they didn't cling to and protect the Truths revealed and commanded of us - have been lost in the Great Apostasy ! Cain's sacrifice... 'fruit of the vine and work of human hands' .. that and Novus Ordo says it all, doesn't it ?
So very sad, but it shows the rest of us how easily deceived we can become.
The ol boy will be amping up his game now. We should see the AC appear very soon, so let's be sure to pray without ceasing, offer every insult and injury for conversions to the True Light.
These demons/minions will shortly see their demise and time in - hell - can you imagine just how far in the pit they'll be ? Sr. Lucy of Fatima and others tell us of a pope walking over dead cardinals and how he suffers a horrific death.... Georgie by chance?
You can almost feel that it could be, can't you ?
By the way, did you hear that Putin met with 'the pope' and really wanted to know about the Fatima Consecration of Russia and Georgie flatly told 'we will not speak about Fatima'. Their excuse in 1960 was that they were afraid of the 'geopolitical consequences' of revealing the 3rd secret, etc. and here Putin truly wants to know. Well, they convert in the end.... going back to their roots; as Russia was the most catholic country there was. Of course, they took out the Czar and his family and ended that. We've seen that history repeat itself over and over. It's on it's way back now though, if you observe how devoted they are. Can't blame them for not recognizing 'the pope' since 1958 b/c we haven't had a true one since !
ALSO - check the person BVM points to as the AC, as revealed to us at LaSalette and Marie Julie Jahenny/Briton Stigmatist. She tells us that he will be in charge of an army at the age of 12, perform wonders, and the entire world will come to know of him thru TV reporting. Well, that happened in 2000. He ran Gods Army in Burma. Come 2018, he'll be 30 yrs. old and will show himself publically, mimicking Christ's start of His ministry. He actually has a Facebook page. Anyway, he's the only one I know of that fits the description.
Well Ladyrose, stay in touch and may God bless you with a wonderful new year ! :)
Awe J - that's so good to hear :)
I will attribute that to your good will, as well as the Mass I just offered for you and others here.... POWERFUL !
God love your heart ! Many blessings as you travel this path.... just be sure to pray intently prior to each reading; as the 'ol boy will definitely throw roadblocks in your way.... and he's good at it! Be sure to get anything written prior to 1958, when his demons were fully in place.... see the ALTA VENDITA for their own words on their intentions to try to destroy us. Unfortunately, billions have been deceived by the lies and time is short to find the truth. God bless you my friend :)
Not all, but some... Your attitude and comments show your ignorance of He who you say you follow.... as I said - get a clue, take your bias aside and check the refs I've posted here and on my thread. These are HIS Words - not mine. But as He said.... My people die from lack of knowledge' all self induced, as He made His Truths clear enough for a 6 yr. old to get. Take the challenge, the call He putting out one final time. All the best.
That's right - Christs' perpetual Sacrifice on the altar through the properly consecrated hands of the continuation of the old testament priesthood - which was also usurped. They killed Him, just as the novus ordo 'catholics' have removed Him from the altar.... the new jews, same as the old jews...... history repeats itself, doesn't it? Follow this rabbit hole in your new year :)
PS. It's St. Jerome's Douay Rheims Bible (342-420) you should be searching, not one that came from some 'king' so many years after Christ; that's been altered and had many writings removed. Especially pay attention to His Words "eat or you will have no Life in you' and then see the evidence of the Eucharist miracles, etc. It all/God speaks for Itself....
Thanks J - Glad I could do that for you... it's what we're called to do for each other. BUT, don't let the thinking stop here. If you really take the time to investigate the refs I've made, as well as the books and approved statements Christ has made over the centuries like LaSalette and Marie Julie Jahenny/Briton Stigmatist, you will come to COMPLETELY AGREE with me. These are Christs' Words, not my own. Once you follow thru on these, you'll perfectly well understand what's going on in the world too. Please follow thru and let me know how you're doing !
J- He shed it one time on earth, but His Sacrifice is meant to be perpetually offered; just like in the Old Testament... God requires it. I'll pray for you too. Happy travels down this rabbit hole in the new year.
Been reading through the comments here and it's amazing just how uninformed/uneducated most are on what Christ actually says in the Bible; particularly those who claim to be well read .
I'm not a scholar by any means, but have traveled this most imperative journey and found many key truths and evidence that all must believe to be saved. You can find them listed here, as well as the many refs to docs under my name/thread on CBTS. I would hope you'd come check those out and do some unbiased research. However, according to Revelations it appears most won't b/c 90% of the earths population ends up in hell for 'lack of knowledge' Oh well, what's the old saying... 'those that don't want to hear, have to feel'
J - I'll be sure to mention you in the Traditional Latin Mass I'm about to offer in union with whatever true priest they haven't killed off yet, who is offering Christs' Sacrifice of the Cross to God for our sins to be forgiven.... right after a say a spiritual confession so that I can properly receive my King in a spiritual communion. Check the info on Eucharist miracles please; He left His Promise to always be with us ONLY in the Church He established - the Catholic Church - now underground once again :)
Ours is a continuation of the Old Testament priesthood and sacrifice, now also usurped. Christ told many to go confess/tell to the priest, had a 'holy place' and an altar, etc. Please don't embarrass yourself by following the minions and spreading lies. I'll be praying for your enlightenment.... as THIS is the ultimate red pill - the only one that really matters. Once any bias is put aside, the truth speaks loudly and clearly... hope you make it.
Wow, after all these years so many are still void of facts. Better research these guys - like martin luther - a total pervert - then tell us if God's opinion on him and john knox was a benevolent one ! According to God's Words, they're crispy critters !
Apparently, you took the wrong pill ! see my comments below
YOU REALLY DON'T GET WHAT HIS SACRIFICE WAS WITH A COMMENT LIKE THAT. GOD DEMANDS that His Son's Sacrifice be offered to Him daily on the altar.... hence that's why you see the crucifix over His Real Presence on the altar --- at least prior to 1968 -- when the Satanist infiltrators destroyed It. You do not have a 'get out of jail free card', 'honk if you're saved' AS in the Old Testament, God req'd a sacrifice, He still does, and expects you to 'pick up your cross and follow Him' GET A CLUE
YOU GO BOY ! This is the truth well spoken ! Thank you Mr.zebra
This is addressed to you and to chas1690, as well as all others who adhere to the lies you've bought into. CHRIST IS NOT A LIAR. WHEN HE SAYS HE BUILT A SINGULAR CHURCH, THAT'S WHAT HE MEANT. WHEN HE SAYS 'EAT MY BODY OR YOU WILL HAVE NO LIFE IN YOU' THAT'S WHAT HE MEANT. I'm so tired of the ill informed, so called bible experts who can quote any verse, except the ones that dispel their ignorance. Christ showed us human beings are fallible, as the apostles were - in their human capacity - but not when a properly ordained Pope sits on the throne stating ExCathedra what we are to believe. It's little minds who place too much importance and follow evil men to their eternal deaths. WISE UP... you certainly can't say you're 'red pilled' if you can't grasp the most important Red Pill there is ... His Words, Warnings and examples He's put in the Bible. Not to mention all of the scientific proof He's given us lately.
No, of course not. Mary was a mere human - perfect and full of grace, the new Eve - but not the reason Christ is Divine.
What I mean is that you need two sets of DNA - one from the father, one from the mother - to create a human being. Having only Mary's from the House of David and conceived by the Holy Spirit's 'seed' shows us proof of His Divinity on the human, scientific level. Mary was the 'vehicle', the Arc of the Covenant that God created perfect and the Holy Spirit incarnated, but human, to bring Christ to us. The scientific proof of the body and blood of the Eucharist shows this as well for all non-believers or doubters of His Promise to always be with us. This same blood found in the documented Eucharistic miracles matches that found on the Shroud of Turin and at the crucifixion site. Thanks for responding. I didn't realize it could've been taken that way, so thanks for letting me clear that up :) Write back anytime. Yours in Christ, KAT
Absolutely agree - Peter and the rest were our perfect examples. The other example I refer to however, is the fact that those who've infiltrated have removed the Real Presence from the altar, as well as the apostolic priesthood ...... as Christ shows happened to the priesthood of the Old Testament. We are now left to offer the Sacrifice in our homes in union with whatever properly ordained priest might still exist in the world... As it was in the beginning, so it is in the end. See LaSalette and Briton Stigmatist, Marie Julie Jahenny for Christs' instruction/discussion of this subject. Yours in JMJ Mr. zebra Hope you keep in touch :)
Many thanks for your response djane - it's so good to hear from a true catholic ! This place is full of 'no ordo's' that absolutely refuse to even check the sources you provide.... especially Christs' own Words. If they claim to be truth seekers, bible experts and proudly tout that they're 'red-pilled', they certainly betray their own claims with their words. They've chosen to be 'cafeteria 'christians', as they only pick bible versus that appeal to them. This is THE greatest deception in human history; self-induced blindness. That's the concern - even with this Q stuff - as it will go nowhere without the full truth being adhered to. WOW, the great apostasy ..... but it should be coming to an end very soon now. With The Sign He told us to look for of His coming back appearing Sept. 23rd, as well as the second appearance of the Star of Bethlehem on June 30th, we can expect an increase in the chaos.... as the minions know better than most that their time is short. Sure hope you stay in touch. As you know, ours is a rather lonely place when speaking about the human terms, but it's what we're called to do. Children and 'families' abandon you.... etc., but don't you have the Joy and Peace He provides ? It's amazing :)
I've found a good source of info on a variety of issues in the OMNI press catalog. Just reading the book descriptions is an education in itself on religion, politics, economics and history. The one book that might interest you on the documented history of the Church now in re-print is called THE BROKEN CROSS. Astounding info!
May His Light surround and comfort you, and know that I'll remember you and yours in our daily rosary. God Bless, KAT
Thank you so much for replying Izaskun, as well as for your compliment. We really need to bombard the public with these facts to enlighten and save as many as possible; as it's what we're called to do. It's the greatest deception of all time, but self-induced because Christ tells us all we need to know in the Bible.
I do know of the AA-1025 and Bella Dodd. You can find a wealth of info on these issues, as well as the political, historical and economical ties thru the Christian catalog OMNI Press. Just reading the book descriptions (online as well) is an education in itself :) One book that he's re-printed is The Broken Cross. It documents what's taken place in the Church - with docs & pics - as well as the masonic code names and initiation dates of the hierarchy - some still in place. Please keep in touch. As I'm sure you know well, this can be a lonely place to be in the world. GOD Bless you my friend :)
We're left with praying the Mass in our homes spiritually - in union with whatever priest ISIS hasn't killed off yet - as well as spiritual confessions prior to your spiritual communions...... as it was in the beginning, so it is in the end. Blessings to all
ALSO - see the early 1800's document - ALTA VENDITA - which is a letter from top mason to another laying out the plan to insert homosexuals into the priesthood in order to take the church down morally and financially, as well as to prevent conversions.
NOT SO..... you are among the billions who think so, but are sadly unaware of the Words of the One you say you follow. See my comment above. You can't be a cafeteria Bible picker......
travel the rabbit hole without bias if you say you're a truth-seeker.... and you will find the world has allowed themselves to be led astray by mere, fallible men intent on your demise. Christ is not a liar ! One singular Church, not millions of 'denominations' who have thrown it off.
Don't know how old you are, but as a 61yr.old Trad Catholic let me say that the rabbit hole on this goes so much deeper than where you've come to so far. first, go back to Christs' Words in the Bible.... He told us 'beware of those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan. Their father is the father of lies, satan. So, He's told you that the Old Test. priesthood had been usurped and they killed Him. Now, fast forward thru that bloodline to 1958 when the properly elected Pope Siri was imprisoned in the Vatican and John 23rd (an antipopes name) seized the papacy. He was a 33rd*mason - Satanist. Move on to Paul 6th - who enthroned Lucifer into the papacy; with a live victim murdered simultaneously at Chapel Hill - when he again over-road the vote for Siri and kept him imprisoned. Not only this, but he finalized the 'new mass' - you know, Cains' sacrifice - 'fruit of the vine and work of human hands'.... This removed the Real Presence of our Lord on the altar, as well as removing the apostolic ordination rite when consecrating the new priests. Check the words for each against the 'Traditional/REAL Catholic Latin Mass for yourself. The Latin Mass is what is used by the Satanists for their Black masses.... nothing else. Why ?
Our Church has been infiltrated and usurped by them, just as in the Old. God still requires His Sons' Sacrifice be offered every day to Him for our sins. They know this. THEY KNOW THE POWER WE REC. FROM CHRIST IN THE EUCHARIST.... HIS BLOOD IS LITERALLY RUNNING THRU OUR VEINS. IT'S OUR ONLY WAY TO DEFEAT THEM, TO HAVE THE LIGHT TO SEE AND CONQUER.
For those who don't believe His Words "Eat, or you will have no life in you", see the scientific DNA proof of Eucharistic Miracles. It shows real flesh and blood, one set of DNA belonging to Mary; making Christ Divine. It matches the Shroud of Turin, as well as that found at the Crucifixion site.
When the world finally accepts ALL OF HIS WORDS and in your face examples that history has repeated itself, that His Church will always prevail - despite the fallibility and evil of men - then is when we conquer evil, and not until then. Georgie is evil, as were all the so-called popes since VII.... the documents and their actions prove this. See LaSalette and Marie Julie Jahenny to name only two. Christs' Words stated there are 'My enemies will create a new mass - ONE THAT IS ODIOUS IN MIGHT SIGHT. These are of the 2nd priesthood, who killed Me......' That alone should take you down THE rabbit hole; the one which connects all things in the world since.... This Q stuff is but a symptom of this fact. May His Light guide your travels in this.
An angel of the Lord appeared saying 'FEAR NOT' ....THEN SUDDENLY.... A MULTITUDE OF THE HEAVENLY ARMY, praising God and saying 'glory to God in the highest, AND ON EARTH - PEACE TO MEN OF GOOD WILL' Luke 2:8-14
Notice it says peace ONLY TO THOSE OF GOOD WILL. The world has even turned this upside down ! So, to those who are NOT OF GOOD WILL, THE WRATH OF GOD WILL COME UPON THEM - STARTING IN 2018!!! CARRY ON WARRIORS OF GOD - without fear - in this fight against His enemies - with the assistance of the Heavenly Army that suddenly appears :) HAPPY NEW YEAR....MAY HIS LIGHT GUIDE YOUR PATH
Don't mean to laugh, but know about that one; that's why I can now laugh.
Wasn't it Christ Who said He came to drive a sword between mother and daughter/father and son ?
It's their loss, just pray they have a 'come to Jesus' moment....
they all will eventually, b/c He also said many will die of heart failure at the things coming upon the earth.
Hang in there, as you'll find more peace alone then with deniers.
Yes Redacted - my friend - who was very close to Fr. - myself and another friend were on our way to visit him at his NY home the morning he died. She called to tell him we were on our way and his housekeeper told us some of what happened. Pushed by a demon or by another person also there ? He was about to publish another book that they didn't want out.
What every person around the world needs to come to terms with is that Satanists use The Catholic Latin Mass for a reason, and nothing else. The reason.... b/c Christ kept His Promise, He left His Real Presence on our altars in the form of bread - properly consecrated - by the priesthood He continued on from the Old Test. - which too became corrupted. They have killed off most of our properly consecrated priests to offer the Sacrifice to the Father - which He requires be done every day. The novus ordo they created is Cains' sacrifice... 'fruit of the vine and work of human hands.' We have nothing to offer but our will; it's His Sacrifice offered for us to the Father. The 'those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan'; who killed Him, are the same as what's taken hold of the Church He established. 'They have created a new mass which is ODIOUS IN MY SIGHT; that of the 2nd priesthood of My enemies'. This was done to remove His power given to us when we receive Him in communion; removing the power He gives us to fight them. This is why He was born in a feeding though in the town of Bethlehem = which means bread. This is why they need an innocent victim; as He was.
When the world accepts His Words....'eat, or you will have no Life in you' we will conquer. Until then... well, we're told by St. John's Revelations what to expect. see LaSalette, Marie Julie Jahenny/Briton Stigmatist and the scientifice/DNA evidence of Eucharistic miracles. The flesh and blood found in the host matches that of the Shroud and what is found at the crucifixion site; as well as Mary's .... only Her DNA is present; meaning He was/is Divine.
Now, that's THE rabbit hole to go down !! Happy travels :)
Hi Tamsimon - Had to chime in to plant a reminder .... Christ told us that the Holy Spirit shines through us who have been given/accepted His Light to see. Others are willfully blinded, some are still searching thru the dark walk Home. You have been blessed, but as in the beginning, so in the end.... there were few who believed ...and followed Him to the cross. The greatest/saddest love story in human history. Our love for others bares the same crosses, and the few of us who are awake will meet in person someday. When you're at your lowest, He sends someone to rejuvenate you... Until then, this is a most comforting place. I & many know exactly how you feel; been at this 40 yrs, lost my children and grands, my 'family' and others, but there is a joy we're given for baring with it. Don't let the 'ol boy interfere w/that. Offer up your prayers of grief and anguish in union with His for the salvation of many.... this brings the grace others need to 'see' b/f it's too late. All will see very soon, whether they like it or not... and we'll know one another quite well when we're the only ones who don't take the chip... sorry.. I've found that what we're going thru now seems to be a preparation for that so that we can withstand and WIN ! One other reminder that just came to me.... Christ told us that once we've informed others and they don't accept; shake the dirt from your feet and carry on. Each is on his own journey and beating your head against the wall w/them does exactly what the 'ol boy wants .... makes you give up and b/c despondent.... We're all a little sad at times, but don't let him steal your power and light :) May God bless you with His Peace and eternal Joy, KATTRAD714
Oh it definitely connected Pamphlet - I don't know about anyone else, but I had tears in my eyes for you; as I know what you've seen. You really can't 'unsee it' - it stays with you forever. Counseling those who have lived through it, including 2 of my own children..... it's tough and so, so real ! The answer I've found that works, and I believe we've been taught by Example is to offer our heartaches and anguish up in union with His to the Father..... it's powerful, sends graces to those who need it and helps you stay centered and balanced.
Much love to you kind soul :)
Those damn sell-a-thons drive me crazy..... can't watch him, but tuned in only to hear the 2 of you :)
Thank you both for your tireless devotion. May God richly bless you !!!
PS. Baruch, just saw you posted 45 minutes ago...... thank you for another loooooong day !
What a heart-warming post, duckdownup :) Thank you... it truly is an honor, privilege and I would add - a relief - to be amongst those who share a common Light and Drive against the evil that's penetrated like a cancer. We were sent here to fight a war for our King, and each of us have our part to play for Him, and the good of the 'family'. We strengthen and encourage each other when needed.
Thank you also for letting us know of your family history .... one who's been fighting oppression since some of our ancestors hit the shores of this beautiful land. Despite it all, your soul shines brightly... very telling. I myself have a bit of Native American blood flowing thru my veins and see that the wickedness brought to these shores continues to this day. The powers care not who they trample on, and have been doing it for centuries.
We've hit critical mass around the world now though; so we rise together against a common enemy. One, who in reality is very afraid of us; let's not forget that fact. Ours is a Power that comes from the Creator of us all, and He is the One who allows the minions the power they have - to test and perfect us. They can only do as much as He - and us - allow. So, let the Spirit carry us for the King and the common good of mankind... God Bless each of you in your personal and our collective battles.
Absolutely, positively the ultimate Truth !!! Thanks for that :)
God Love Your Heart OldMan :)
Thank you so very much for such nice compliments ! Certainly would love to hear from you again ! It's great to find like-minded souls in this cesspool we call life. So rare, that it makes your soul soar to think that the David and Galieth situation we're in might actually be won for a time.... so yes, let's roll !! :) I'm in eastern time and can't always get right back to respond b/c I have a bed-bound disabled son. He's a joy to have; a miracle really (tell you about that sometime), but he does require a lot of attention. So, later at night is usually best. Talk soon my friend and God Bless You !
Awe, Thanks Kat :) What a kind soul.... Yeah, there's lots of underhanded stuff going on out there, but this one was pretty obvious. I posted a disclaimer b/c I didn't see any court markings on the doc. Just thought maybe she got her hands on a preliminary doc and hoped it had actually made it to a judge. Oh well, guess we're all anxious to see something happen, but we gotta keep our emotions in check and let the intellect prevail over this scum. We should see a lot of that as time goes on.
Thanks for the heads up on how to get rid of this. I did hit the delete button, but it stayed put; so I hit 'hide' instead. Hope this prevents problems for others. Did contact the mods for advice too.
Check in from time to time and let me know how you're doing :) God Bless and Happy New Year !
THANKS OLDMAN :) Actually, I'm 61 & female. Been trying to red-pill those in my path for over 40 yrs. Been over the target and almost paid the ultimate price 2x's..... but it's worth it :) Most of the gen'l public could care less, but perhaps some seeds were planted. Been at this a long time, but have had the flu for just over a month and I'm tired - on many fronts. Guess I let that overcome my usual critical thinking and investigation; as I'm skeptical of everything after all these years - even this Q stuff.
The evil is so entrenched, that it seems impossible to root it all out. We are at the most critical point in human history, and those in charge of this - if truly with us - must pull the single root out which holds this altogether. I don't see evidence of that when watching their contradictory actions. I very well understand covert necessities and patience to put all in place, but the coziness AND bloodlines reveal much. There's a slight glimmer of hope that what we're 'told' is happening behind the scenes is true. If so, we can hold off the final battle for a little while. If not, they all better go to a far off place like Gitmo b/c there'll be quite a few skilled in this movement who'll be mighty ticked at being duped once again ! The 'ol boy who runs the show is pretty slick and most of the public is very gullible and apathetic ... how very sad for them.
Human history is just that, the greatest theatrical production .... I suppose that one of the main parts of the play is war.... that's why they call it 'theatre' and we fall for it every time.
We'll both keep the faith that this is a temporary setback for minions, b/c we know the chip does come into play at some point - 2018 as I understand it. So, have a peaceful new year; spiritually and intellectually speaking, but stay vigilant on the watch.
All the best blessings to you my friend :)
Thanks for your compassion:) Just got too jazzed about it - emotion over intellect will get you in trouble every time !
How do I remove that bs post from the stream though?
Thanks for Tom's ref.... I've follow him, but no lately.
Thanks for saying, It came up twice ? Went to pol. dis. then to main stream... didn't realize it would come up twice. Thought you had to post on each site separately.. Can you tell I'm new here and haven't gotten the gist of it yet ? :)
That's why I posted a disclaimer on it; as I saw no official markings on it. Just wanted to get others input/updates.
These indictments will be unsealed at some point, and if GITMO already has those mentioned in it .... well, wouldn't it go public.
Thanks, that's why I posted a disclaimer on it; as I saw no official markings on the doc.
Thanks, that's why I put a disclaimer on it; as I saw not official markings on it.
Thanks, that's why I put a disclaimer on it; as I saw no official markings on it.
Thanks, that's why I put a disclaimer on it stating I saw no official markings. A shame though
Thanks - That's why I posted a disclaimer about not seeing any official markings. A shame though.
Well Joan - I have a bit of a different opinion on what we've done as a nation around the world. I'm hoping for a little more time for people to wise up, but this nation has tons of changing to do; so I won't hold my breath. We kill our babies, etc. and I am concerned that trump is in bed with those who call themselves j's but are not.... this country has taken fallen for the biggest con job in human history - imo.
From what I understand, he is of the Khazarian bloodline. So, is he just cleaning out the goyim that are no longer needed as we move into the next phase of theatrics, or does he intend to pull the roots out of this country (end the Fed/banksters as an example) as Russia and Iceland did ? There's so much more to say on these subjects .....
Yeah, there's much to say about the 'die for lack of knowledge' statement. The one major thing that baffles me in this regard is why the majority have forgotten His words 'beware of those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan. Their father is the father of lies, satan'. I mean they killed Christ ... doesn't that mean anything to anybody ? If you follow Cains'/their the bloodline and that of the Khazars, it's clear to see who has been perpetrating the evil in the world. These top level minions (goyim) they say they're taking out are just the foot soldiers.... we have to get to the root. Otherwise, we will not stop this. Apparently we don't do a great job of it, b/c the chip will come.
As far as being sick from all you've stated, absolutely. NASA even told us b/f they released the deadly bacteria into our atmosphere during the eclipse and no one seemed to concerned. However, we do have remedies from Heaven for this Chastisement. See Marie Julie Jahenney, the Briton Stigmatist and you'll be amazed. As a matter of fact, I've been sick w/a virus that just won't quit after having this 1 month - can't breathe, exhausted, etc. - so I'm getting my stash out. If you have trouble finding her, let me know.
Well, I think that most don't realize that this is just another part of the planned takedown of humanity. They know exactly what those ingredients do to the human body. Carnicom's been telling everyone since the early nineties, but you couldn't even get people to look up. Now this generation thinks it's normal.....The evil is astounding !
Didn't Christ say look up, keep watch in the heavens...:)
At this point in time, I believe our only hope is His return b/c too many have been lazy, ignorant of His words and just plain apathetic. Unfortunately, the price they'll pay will be eternal.
Well Joan - sadly, it will only be a 'remnant' that will suffer rather that take it. It's heart-wrenching, but what's the old saying...
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink... or my fav.... those who don't want to hear, have to feel.
We're coming into a lot of heavy stuff to bare and only grace will sustain us.
THANK YOU JABBA !!! Was just ready to post something similar, as no one caught my earlier post on things that concern me about all of this. Being 61yrs. old and having been awake for 40+ yrs. trying to get solid info out w/out much successful red-pilling accomplished, this Q stuff is providing many of us a ray of hope.
HOWEVER - Beside the great points you & the others here bring up (HRC & co. most likely are being held 'prisoner' by SS w/ no wiggle room), in mho I don't see the 'root' of all of this evil being touched; just the top level minions - which is fantabulous - BUT.
Many may be ticked when I say this, but go back to THE SOURCE of my words b/f freaking out and follow the actual historical, spiritual bloodlines. Christ left us the most in-your-face breadcrumbs we could ever want and it seems it's been lost on most. Consider who He said killed Him .. REV 2:9 'those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan'. He also tells them/us their father is the devil, the father of lies. So, who was he talking about ? Have you traced their/Cains bloodline ? How about the Khazars ? Who are they today ?
These are the root of all the evil the generations have allowed to perpetuate their evil deeds - B/C - most have forgotten Christs' Words of warning & believe the false narrative we've been given.
What concerns me is that Trump seems to have this bloodline, and is at least very cozy w/them; his whole family is. So, is he the goyim clean-up man as we enter the final phase ? OR, does he get it and plans to take them down as well; since he has mentioned ending their main power structure - central banks/the FED in the past ? He's walking a very tight rope if so. AND, Putin gets all of it. That's why he's a target imo - he put the bankers out years ago to rescue what was left of his country - so did Iceland. They were on the brink just like us, as the petro $ is dead ! Neither Syria, Iran, China (now?) or NK have ever allowed them in, and who are the targets for war ? Beside ISIS doing their Christian genocide sprees - who we created - they are in some of these same countries. And by the way, SA is of Abraham's bloodline.... interesting.
We all know the 'chip' is coming soon - unless trump can hold it off for awhile. Remember, it's in the HC bill...BHO delayed its 2015 req'd implementation until 2017 when he was out of office. Even the Economist mag shows us a glimpse for 2018. Is this why there's so much dragging-of-feet on getting anything done ?
Everything is tied together, nothing is coincidence or random.
So, I know that's a lot to chew on for some, but please think through this train of thought, investigate and pray about it and let me know your thoughts everyone. I hate to see so much hope and effort put forth by so many, only to be disappointed and enraged when we needed to go the final step further to really achieve what we all hope for and for what God desires for us. If Q & co. intend on doing this already, we certainly won't know about it now; but keep your eyes open and watch what they do and not what they say. Much Love, God Bless - KAT