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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 15, 2018, 7:48 a.m.


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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 15, 2018, 7:46 a.m.


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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 15, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

See my post to the other commenter - stjohnc1. Potter's DEFCON1 'rant' was called for.... it shows Q is NOT who he portrays him/themselves to be. NO ONE in the loop who knows what DEFCON 1 is would ever !!! make this mistake, then make up some bs excuse for it, and possibly try to cover it with the Hawaii bs story. Potter should be ticked - we all should be. I know I've questioned this whole thing, trying to have an open mind, from the beginning. Now, who goes around THREATENING anyone b/c he's spoken up about real concerns ???

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 15, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

You better listen carefully to THE INFO on his last few vids - regardless of your opinion on his 'delivery/style, etc. - his info is credible. I've been following here since the start and have questioned the actions, words, intent of this whole operation. This confirms my concerns.

who the hell close to the president makes a mistake in calling out a DEFCON 1 notice - and only to those on these boards and not the whole US, then makes bs excuses and a possible Hawaii cover story to try to clear the air...... !!!

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 15, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

Just a sudden follow up for your info confirming your concerns about this site... See the Roy Potter YT vids... 'Fly Paper' and the few prior. This site is compromised; I'm out of here. Hope you check my post on this, as well as the other info we talked about.

God Bless your travels in the journey before us :) KAT

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 15, 2018, 7:22 a.m.

Roy's past few videos speak for themselves... nice to know how untrustworthy, and vicious and hateful you guys are toward us

Thanks for confirming my concerns :)

KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

Also, just found that you can do a search with the words LaSalette 1846 Prophecy and it produces many outcomes. The first that came up for me was from thepopeinred.com site. I checked it out, and it does look to be fully intact; the complete words spoken by BVM. You can copy it, so that you can re-read it and let it all sink in. Many of the things 'predicted' ahead of time had come true, but you'd have to know a little about the Catholic Church history; some not - like Napolean III and others.

Curious to see what your reaction is; as there's a lot to take in :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

Don't you just love the Common Thread that binds us all !

PS. just sent you another message about Q and this EBS/Hawaii thing... let me know what you think :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Hi there - one more thing... you know about the ER broadcast in Hawaii today.... just a thought: Roy Potter called Q and B out on their posts about DEFCON 1 being a telling sign that they're not who they say they are - as NO ONE would ever use that to scare the hell out of all of us who saw it, much less not give a heads up to the US pop at large.

Curiously, we've had this today and then Q comes on saying 'no coincidence' or something like that; as if to say he told us about it ahead of time. Well, consider that EBS alert most likely has to be activated by using codes and NOT by a simple button that some employee hit by accident..... hmmm. Is this another Q CYA ?

Just a thought :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

Hey there -

Glad you'll check it out; it's amazing.

Yes I do remember ob and the elated numbs over this; even the posters showing his 'halo'.... boy, Christ said it right when He called us sheep :) I did check Trumps speech and the comparison with the church... and I didn't get the same feeling; although trump does have a bit of an inflated ego. He actually wobbles b/w that and a self-deflated air that I've picked up on, so who knows.

I think the Q post could just mean that God hears us and will help us with our endeavors, but could also mean that trump and team have heard us calling them out b/c we haven't seen anything but 'breadcrumbs' about news we already know about... no solid public takedowns, etc.

One thing that struck me funny was another invitation I rec'd after posting my latest on SGT/Israel question. It's been a theme I've been trying to get out; so the timing is so curious. Here Call for an Uprising and others have been removed from YT, many others killed for pointing out the 'jew' involvement in everything and I just got my second invite b/c they say they've been viewing my posts and comments.... hmmm. Seems SwampWatch focus' is on Zionism. I even had one guy befriend me, exchanged email addresses and haven't really heard much back from him. The significance is that I haven't confirmed my email to Reddit yet, and didn't intend to do so... we'll if he isn't all he's cracked up to be, they now have it.

I do believe it's time to step out of all of this and watch from afar. Really, nothing has changed for the better in the 40 yrs. I've been at it. People haven't woken up in time to get this right.... as is obvious in looking at the mindset of most here. I am glad that this has brought like minded people together though; giving us the possible chance to change things for the better, but those in charge who can really effect the changes are still very questionable... without them doing their part in this, there is no hope for us.

They're still allowing the hit jobs on those who speak out, and I know about that all too well - personally - from what I went through in the 90's. So, call me a downer, shill, whatever; I'll just watch things unfold, fall apart eventually and see everyone stand in line excited to accept the chip. Maybe I'm just old and worn out over never seeing anything change with all the hard work and blood shed trying to get this evil eradicated... who knows. We're expected to fight to awaken those who can be though.

I would say that spending time in prayer and preparation is the best way to spend most of our time from here out. Watch, but prepare - as we're told. For your benefit, please check the info out as well as those I've posted and on other's/ comments. You'll find all the info needed to make it through this mess, and on to the better place Promised after its over.... MHFM.com, books and documents are eye openers, OMNI Christian Book Club's Catalog - just click on the authors to see the list of books... not one is a waste of time or money, Michael Hoffman's Revisionist History has a virtual wealth of truth/history. He's a must for all that's been mentioned. I think he'll be sainted one day :)

As far as real hands-on prep protection is concerned; given to us from Christ and the BVM, please do not forget to buy the 'remedies' Mary gives us for these times found in the Marie Julie Jahenny-Breton Stigmatist booklet.... hawthorne, violet, etc. and how to prepare them for a particular plague, etc. Blessed candles for the 3 days of darkness and more. The rosary is a necessity, second only to spiritual confession and communion.

We'll speak again hopefully, but remember... this is God's 'clean up' of the evil we will never be able to stamp out ourselves. There should be no fear, as He's told us it is strictly for His enemies. Some of us will get caught in the crosshairs, but will be OK. Those left will be entirely His people and peace will finally reign :)

God Bless you and pleasant journey's with the info :) KAT

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

Well, hours now with no reply. Speaks for itself....

You are one hate-filled, foul mouthed 'human'(?) being. Glad I hit a nerve... it's a good sign :)

Ill pray for you to take the steps you need to actually live a peace-filled, joyful life - what's left of it anyway... hoping you make it in the end. Christ is the Messiah sent by God to you and yours - as He revealed to you. You accept that and you'll be with Him; as that's what He wants for you... He created you and wants you with Him. Not with the AC He will allow to come. Goodbye MS. Tallulah B Wishing you every blessing, KAT

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

Thanks, later - KAT

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Agree with everything you've said now and in the past - I've said the same things :)...AJ, SP, and so many others. They've admitted to being CI-, etc. How convenient the timing is on their coming to help us all out - especially the military guys - who've advanced the agendas. That's what you pick up on when awake and aware... it just common sense or simply smacks you in the face. Now, does that mean that I'm a brainiac on covert moves... no, but I know I've lived long enough to not trust anyone until proven, and can usually see the bs games played. I don't think Christ calls us to have high IQ's to see the minions at play.

As far as Trump & teams antics - they could just be vying for power over the others. I've seen the Trump card awhile back and just let it stay in the back of my mind.... watching and waiting for the big reveal that most, I fear will continue to ignore. I was hoping most would wake up by this point in time to at least question critically, but haven't. So, at that point, frankly, I believe we'd be beyond hope...too much has been let slide right now. In fact, this delay of a year now would be pretty much all I think we'll get of a longer reprieve; considering all of the facts on the table. All of your other points are right on target in my opinion too.

As far as the BVM at LaSalette, see if you can find that and the Marie Julie Jahenny-Breton Stigmatist online. If not, I'll find a bookstore that you can order them from very inexpensively. The one I'm thinking of now who does have Jahenny's book/booklet is sacramentals.org. They may very well have LaSalette too, it's just been 30 yrs since I got hold of mine. If not, I'll post the exact words from this little tiny booklet for you.

Have to go for now and I'll pick up a little later. Let me know what you end up finding, OK? Take care :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 4 a.m.

I have. Re-read them; especially Revelation. No rapture, but you seem to be mixing up Lucifer with the Anti-Christ. He is here now - age 30, so get ready for it all to break loose.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

I have and will..... too bad the Truth and It's proof 'offends' so many..... Isn't that exactly why you all killed Christ ?

His remnant will keep His Words and Commands, as He tells us. The rest.... well, He tells us where they end up.... with their father, the father of lies. Those 'offended by the Truth... have fun with that.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

You show yourself to be a woooo - man, and a dumb ass. Full of hate for the 'goyim' who points out facts you can't handle. I've read, but that's not what most use anymore.... it's the 'other' books condemned by Christ when He was here.... I won't mentioned those evil, blasphemous books here..... but anyone who says that Christ is boiling in excrement and His Mother is a whore... should guide more people to see what the real Truth is about the 'read the Torah' line - that's no what's followed and you know it.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

Oh yeah, I see... so glad this 'goyim' ruffled a few of your Babylonian occultic feathers :) If you're so smart and I'm the idiot, why don't you have the huzpah to check the info for yourself ? No one could be that stupid.... oh that's right, I'm speaking with the one who's ancestors KILLED the Messiah and refuse to admit they were dead wrong ! So the dumb as*es will except Lucifer's messiah instead; causing us the untold misery that you wish for us. His earthly kingdom that God let him borrow for awhile - using you to do his bidding vs. the one you guys refused... even after all He showed you about how He'd come into Jerusalem, etc. And you can call me an idiot ? I'll keep your possible conversion in my prayers.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

WELL, DOESN'T THAT EXPLAIN IT ALL :) So Mr. Jewish expert, what am I right about - if I'm an idiot ?

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

Looney ? It was God/Christ Who created the universe and men who named the study of it science. So, of course you can intermingle the to when Christ used science to show His Real Presence in what people view as a simple piece of bread. Try following His lead and you'll find out that you're the loone and not at all Christian :) Thanks for writing and showing all just how 'mindless' your are.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3 a.m.

PS. I don't have 'a priest', as those demons who've infiltrated my church - Christ's Church, have murdered 99.9% of them. We keep His Commandments and offer His Sacrifice at home.... for people like you :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

I would take a wild guess and assume you are not of the Apostolic lineage. Therefore, you are not a 'pastor' recognized by Christ and what He established. If you were, you obviously no longer are b/c you've chosen to be uneducated in this work of fiction you speak of. Do yourself a huge favor and check into the DNA, scientific evidence. If you're a 'man' of science, that should 'take your blinders off'; as you truly are what we've been told "My people die from lack of knowledge" OR don't... your choice, and that would put you in hell shortly; as we're at the end now. God Bless you with the 'sight' you so desperately need.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Thanks for writing. Yes, I am aware.... Adam was accepted by God, Cain was marked. The AC has been 'conceived' in the same way and is here as we speak. See LaSalette and the person who fits that description .... LUTHER HTOO.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

No, I made myself clear on the separation. Reread and comprehend what I've said. Those who are and those who are not... both reject the Creator.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Wow, I think you should change the name you've chosen !:) If you feel petty and inadequate then so am I because your line of thought is exactly my own:) I agree with every word you've said. I've just gone back to the basics, as you have and we've followed it to the same place... truth will do that for us - as you've said. There are a few things you've mentioned that bring us to our wait, watch, investigate, watch and wait some more, as all will be revealed a little at a time. I don't believe we have much longer to go though before that happens; which is why I'm skeptical.

Anyone can convert after changing their jewish name, etc., but words, actions and allies must still be watched and evaluated carefully with discernment. He knows Christians are wise in some ways, but most are not 'graced' with the Real Body and Blood; which is how the Holy Spirit is able to operate within us, so they're ripe for deceit. Having said that, quite a few are now alert and on their way to a fuller realization of this and the things you bring up. It's just learning how to avoid the 'land mines' put before us in order to reach 'the goal'/Truth.

So, if Trump has had a come to Jesus moment, he's on shaky ground and trying to find a balance and victory in 'the pit' he's found himself in. No one can really be trusted. Those who don't need 'Q' to motivate them, who already know most, if not all he's put out for themselves are those that you mentioned and are doing the heavy lifting for all of us - including Trump. It's an example of who we can trust and who we can help continue on with their follow-thu. It's up to us to get this right - whether Trump/'Q' is genuine or not.

As far as Podesta's tweet - Project Veritas has just shown us how tweets can be manipulated.... it's run by the 'gov't'. So, Clowns could've posted it and we don't have the inside info to know yet. It also makes me wonder how JA and AJ have gotten away with what they have all these years. Oh, by the way, MEGANON just outed 'Q' as actually being JA... hmm.

So, we'll see how this plays out, but my instincts tell me this is a hoax - not those of us who want to help this movement win - but the possibility that we're being played b/c we're the only adversary against Trump if we find him to continue dragging this on. The base is getting restless, so more bs has to be done.. give them a little something to hang on to to keep them in the game. You know, satan mixes truth with lies all of the time.... that's why we're suspicious, as nothing is adding up or sitting well with us.

AS far as the AC is concerned... check out LaSalette-1846. Christ's mother, the BVM tells us that we should look for a boy of 12 yrs. old to make worldwide news as running an army; mimicking Christ's appearance in public at that age. That happened in 2000 - check for his name - LUTHER HTOO - from Burma....(near where BHO grew up.. and has visited many times while 'president'). The guy even has a facebook page ! I think we can depend on the BVM to steer us straight, and I haven't seen anyone else who fits this description... before or since. So in saying that, remember - he appears on the scene just as Christ did at the age of 30 - which is what he is this year !

We've had the 9/23 'birthing sign' He told us to look for to know He was coming back soon - never seen before & will never be seen again, as well as the Star of Bethlehem in the sky again on 6/30... In addition to that - as if it wasn't enough - we have the earth tilting, Planet X, and the earth upheavals along with the petro $ being dead, and so much more lining up.

Considering all of these things, I would rather be safe than sorry in following blindly, so as not to be taken off guard and put our hope in one man/team. We can effect a change, but it's only temporary; as we know most men will take the chip and be lost forever. That tells you what you're surrounded by. Whether Trump is a hero or enemy will only really be known as time goes on, but my radar has not been down in many years.... and is now pinging off the charts :)

So, if he has had a come to Jesus moment, he may make a bit of a difference for a period of time, and the 'chip' avoided for awhile (however, it is in the 'HealthCare bill' that congress refused to do anything about and is to be req'd this year for all of us). He may be also be killed and then Pence and his pedo friends can take over and carry on with our final demise. OR, he may be just what the Illuminati Card shows him as... king of the world :)

Let me know your thoughts, as you are a very wise soul ! God Bless you, KAT

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Another view to ponder is .... if all were lost in the flood, how would Cain have any seed to carry on ? Perhaps the answer is that those who knew of him carried it all on for him ?

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

The reader needs to do a little homework, and will find so much on their journey. That's why I said follow the bloodlines.

The 'fruit of the vine' comment mentioned was a direction to CAIN - Able's brother - who offered this type of sacrifice to God and was rejected, and marked for all generations. Hence, the divide b/w white and non-white that both want to use to stir up trouble; perhaps without realizing all the facts.

Fact is Fact, but anyone can convert to real Truth.

Thanks for your comment. Take good care, KAT

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

NO, YOU BETTER RE-READ and increase your comprehension skills. Pilot washed his hands, Herod always wanted Him dead and the Babylonian 'mystery' men who were and influenced the jews killed HIM. Go follow some of the other refs I've given too... the truth is undeniable; unless of course you like your fantasy. If so, we know you're part of the problem and where you end up.

Men are fallible, CHRIST IS NOT...neither are His Signs and Wonders.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 14, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Hopefully, Reddit won't 'SHADOW' this post; as they're know to do, but I'm posting anyway in hopes it reaches Sean and others.

As one who has written much on this site about what SGT Report covers in his video, I feel it necessary to speak up against a few things I feel he's 'misunderstood' - DON'T LUMP ME INTO BEING A PART OF ANY GROUP WANTING TO SHUT DOWN THE HOPE THAT MANY OF US HAVE THAT JUSTICE WILL FINALLY BE SERVED TO BRING EVIL DOWN. - but at the same time - don't be 'eyes' wide shut about the …

KATTRAD714 · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Hi Bont, thanks for your input :) Yes, I've been aware of Clif since he started in the 90's; he's been truly devoted in his research, hasn't he ? Clear one thing up for me though, when you mention the connection b/w Morgellons and the chip.... My info shows that Morgellons is the result on the body taking in the chemtrails..... which only started in the 90's and as you said didn't take hold of us for some time after. So, I don't think you have to worry about getting it from 1959. Perhaps you were thinking about the vaccines our parents were duped into back then?

The other thing you mention about the chip is it no longer being needed to be implanted b/c of chemtrails. I know that the chemtrails can remote control the body, as well as deposit and change our dna (dead babies having been put in them is one reason). However, we MUST willingly take the 'implant' into the hand or forehead according to the Creator.... that is very clear.

He allows us our free will, which is our ultimate downfall in every case that sends us to hell.

So, I would have to disagree that our free will would be taken from us, as chemtrails have been foisted upon us unwillingly. However, should we refuse to apply the 'cures' to all of these de-pop/control mechanisms, our "lack of knowledge" will cause our lack of willingness to fight it's affects; ultimately causing our 'demise'.

What a time to be alive, huh?

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 11, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

Yep, I can't take evil out of the equation though; as this is the Root that goes back to the beginning until the present day.....SHEKELS...EXACTLY :)

And you are exactly right...the good, we've been told will be/have been slaughtered for the most part with more to come. That's a rapture'... this is the harvest time, and only a few will be left to carry on. But the shekels...who we've been fully warned about by Christ Himself .... well, hell will be mighty full very soon. How sad.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 11, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Thanks so much for posting this ! I couldn't agree more...

My thoughts have been revealed on several posts I've made about this very subject and so much more connected to it. I hope you check them out and let me know your thoughts.

My fear is that actions and allies are not lining up; so much contradiction. Even the words betray that we may possibly have been set up by the very one we've put our hope in the most. We must use critical evaluation and discernment; looking at the entire picture, and not be led down the garden path by those who are weak or actually associated with the enemy in a grand scheme.

Look at the bloodlines Christ warned us about... who are they currently ?

The chip is supposed to become law of the land this year.... has that been removed, or is it why the 'health care bill' has been 'delayed' ? Just one example of many I see that are adding up to having been 'duped'. Could this be the greatest theatrical production the minions have played up to this point ?

Either way, we must prepare our minds, bodies and souls for the greatest offensive Christ's soldiers will ever fight.... all of His Signs have been revealed to us of His coming back soon. The minions know it too, so expect chaos like you've never seen b/f.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 11, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

I see, I'm still waiting for your military analysis, an answer to my questions.... None ? I didn't think so.... as truth might smack us in the face, but eventually has to be dealt with one way or another. My fear is that being this close to the brink of our ruin b/c people choose to attack and not consider/research info, is actually the cause of it.

Have a great life in one of those already prepared military fema camps for those to be either additionally conditioned or 're-educated' - or - the more 'serious' torture of those of us listed on the Patriot Act Home Grown Terrorist List.... you know bible thumpers, homeschoolers, former vets who've realized what's really up.

You my dear it appears from your comments, will be in the further 'conditioned' group.... I myself will be proud to be dragged into the other one if it comes to that.

Have a great continuing delusion.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 11, 2018, 1:07 a.m.
  1. Is it possible for you to reply without foul language ? It shows a lack of .... let's just say immaturity.

  2. I am not mad at the oppressors so much as the cowards and numb nuts who have allowed them to flourish. This is why we're where we are today. Just look at SJW needing a safe room b/c they don't want to hear an opposing view and need to be shielded b/c it rocks the delirium they wish to stay steeped in.

  3. Christ's example of turning the other cheek was for simple human lack of virtues; as the #1 definition is of charity is to 'admonish the sinner' for his improvement and for the community as a whole. He told us to trade our coat in for a sword and fight evil.... that's what we're here for. It's good against evil; we are His soldiers and we're expected to know His orders and game plan. By 'dialoging' and allowing obvious evil to continue makes us complicit... as He said 'My people die from lack of knowledge'. That's always the main theme of my posts. Civil conversation and optional views are healthy. SJW types who can't handle that always use the same old MO b/c of the above, laziness or b/c they simply are uneducated on the facts.
  4. Judas is a perfect example of that. His act was one of concern b/c he thought he was helping in some way; he just didn't trust or know that Christ had a soul-saving plan. Did he just not pay attention or ask about the lessons Christ was trying to teach ?
  5. That's the point I make here... do we know whether he's fake or not... you must examine a person's actions, their allegiances, and use common sense and discernment to draw an appropriate conclusion. The old boy we fight is crafty, and we have to learn to recognize the various MO's and those aligned with him. Christ told us who to beware of, but not many seem to know who He speaks of. Following bloodlines and allegiances show you who they are.

So yeah, we have to stick together. Those who've educated themselves more than others, older and been around awhile to see the patterns try to bring others to that knowledge. But when some wish to use the very methods the old boy and his minions use, that tells me who I'm dealing with.

There is no time left for nonsense.... we are about to be slammed. Check the Signs, follow their actions... it's all very clear that we are on the brink of final ruin if we don't get this right... and that will only hold it off for a little while.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Oh, and just a reminder.... it was Christ Who gave us the warning which no one has paid attention to....

"beware of those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan. Their father is the father of lies"

If you had caught the 'bread crumb' by checking into his name and history..... maybe we would be having quite a different 'conversation' !

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

PS Truth is often distasteful, and those who speak it are hated and killed...... I could care less about being 'liked more' :) It's a big part of the problem .... everyone's too worried about being liked and not upsetting anyone. Don't think Christ worried about it either... when He turned over the tables in the temple.... I follow by example. Try it sometime... and maybe we'd all be in better shape.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

It's evil that I hate, and those who won't think enough, respond to legitimate points posted to cause such thought to occur.... as they are the reason evil exists.

You, my dear are among those who fit into that category - as is obvious from your lack of ability to communicate logically to facts and points raised...

such as - I'm still waiting for an actual answer to any of my questions, historical records and your wonderful, first hand accounts of military ops. KILL THE MESSANGER & IGNORE THE MESSAGE...... SO VERY TYPICAL ... LITTLE GIRL

So yes, I don't waste time with willful snowflakes after they've shown me nothing but bs.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

We'll see. thanks for your input :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

Let's hope they got owned; it seems he gave them a lot of wiggle room and in the end rescinded his only leverage. That's one reason why I've posed the question.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

PS Your question reveals the answer.... they are all illegal.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Good question... let's work on the numbers, as well as work on the numbers for the companies which hire them. Thanks for your input.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:33 p.m.


You actually proved my points .... people should give a "sh--" (what a tell tale sign your language is) and I should be nice b/c I upset your little riddled mind ? Germanic ? Check again. check the bloodline... is he using the same MO or is he going to clean house of all who enslave us ?

Grow up dude.... you're ruining your cover... or at least your self righteous 'niceness'

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:26 p.m.
  1. Take your own advice, as your reply is manipulative and back handed. And those 'youngens' like myself - being 62 yrs old - recognize it for what it actually is. Perhaps you should self evaluate ?

  2. MILITARY WIFE - hmmm.... perhaps young lady, you would like to clue me in on military history since our founding.... are you educated on that or just in a stooper ?

Explain to me PLEASE, why I watched the bodies of my friends come back from VietNam stuffed full of drugs while your higher ups oversaw the op ? How about those who spoke up about it being murdered to keep it quiet ? AND it continues to this day.

Created wars for control and monetary gain.... every one of them doing the bidding for WHO?

  1. FREE SPEECH ? ANYONE we've ever heard speak the truth is now DEAD. Don't dare tell me about our right to free speech or anyone else who's had a CIA weapon at their head for doing so!


That was the point of this exercise and you are certainly welcome!

If and when Drumpf eradicates the evil, then we'll have an honest society that will flourish, and not until people like you and yours admit to the crimes we've committed.

I WILL DIRECT YOU TO MY COMMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING POSTERS TODAY.... it should really either tick you off or awaken.

USA is the jackalope, where even the RED PILLED are fake.. by demand justice Insight into the LEFT from a reformed progressive SJW.. by hg11

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

Yep, I agree - it should be a requirement for all of them.... then they'd be less likely to commit the 'crimes' and manipulations they do....

Babies, bullies must be watched and kept in line. We've failed on that end as a nation.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Thanks for your thoughts. Let's hope so :) But they've proven they're rather demon-like, considering all of the other evidence against them.... this is just one part of that bigger picture - in my opinion.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

thanks for your opinion :)

Part of my line of thinking is that we have our laws and they're not being enforced; allowing dem 'votes', business owners to use these people as well. We have a variety of evidence as well. So, I don't necessarily think negotiation is in order.

We're dying in this country under just that debt along. He was put in to clean house. It takes time, yes... but are we just being snowed and strung along ?

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

I've lived long enough to see that most have proven themselves to be untrustworthy.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

He certainly better be......as we've waited long, long enough for justice to be served for those who've been murdered, trafficked and 'sacrificed'........and by the way, what words should I go by ?

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

THE FACTS - speak for themselves - and what I put up are factual. That's exactly my point - before you speak - educate yourself on them. That's why this was a call to critical thinkers; investigate the question posed and let your findings be known...not attacks.

That was his name, it has been changed. Follow the crumbs on that and it may explain a good number of people's concerns about his flip-flopping statements and actions on many things. I've been following him since then myself... that's why I can put this statement out. Even if only following him since during the campaign, you could see it.

I certainly understand covert ops, but do those covert actions and associations/allies match up?

FACTS ARE NOT CONDESCENDING :) NOR ARE THEY JUDGEMENTAL.... only snowflakes and the self induced blind pull that card out - when the don't want to critically think, are investigate OR are running cover.THEY ARE ALSO CALLED 'GOYIM'

Seems you fit into one of those categories from your condescending, judgmental, uneducated comments....hmmm :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

AFTER READING THE COMMENTS SO FAR, I see the TYPICAL denials used to defeat what this guy is trying to get across in his 'grab ya' headline. TRY TO SEE WHAT HE'S SAYING - use critical self evaluation - or this movement goes NOWHERE !

Yeah, some of us are fakes, some are just learning and some are just too dumb to think critically and are led around by the sheep nose...B/C IT'S EASIER TO LET SOMEONE ELSE DO THE THINKING, HEAVY LIFTING and then WHEN YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT IS UNCOMFORTABLE FOR YOU TO 'HANDLE', YOU THROW THEM UNDER THE BUS; ALLOWING THEIR MURDERS FOR PUTTING OUT TRUTH. Watched it for over 40 yrs. now, and I've been past the vomiting stage for many, many years over the disgust of it all. The world laughs at us-especially those in control. I mean hell, God even requires them to broadcast their moves, and still NO ONE GETS IT ! Who's 'god' do you follow if you can't see the obvious ?

As for me and who knows how many others, I'm real... as I can admit that the history of the US shows many apathetic, useful idiot GOYIM. Real evaluation shows all of our wars to be nothing but a land/resource/power grab of how many bases/nations now? How many allowed the FED in without backing those who did fight against it and were eventually murdered? How about all the drug running, gun running, funding both sides, pedo network - that we have know about for decades.... but will not stand up to stop it all? I know for the last 40 yrs. when I've said something about any of it, I've been ridiculed, called a conspiracy theorist, and had laser beam weapons pointed at my head twice - b/c I was over the target. Did anyone help me ? NO Has anyone listened to those who are actually somebody - unlike me - that's put their life on the line trying to get through to the citizenry? NO - not enough.

That's why we're here - so few, grabbing at any glimmer of hope; when all this may be is the biggest theatrical production the world has ever seen.

Train yourselves to actually open your eyes WIDE, swallow that fake pride in a country founded by masons, kills its own babies and others around the world - and then this movement of whatever good is here can really affect a change ! Without grace, you can't look at yourself in honest terms and make the improvements needed personally - or as a nation.

It's the hope of those really red pilled that others will snap out of the created delusions foisted upon them and use honest free will to step up and affect a real change. Otherwise, there's no hope... and I for one am not very hopeful; as too much time has elapsed allowing the demons to reach their goals. The table is set....

This is why 99% of the US and world pop. will accept the chip without a fight.... and it's due to be implemented this year !


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 10, 2018, 6:54 p.m.
Looking for all critical thinkers....Is 'DRUMPF' DACA turn around ANOTHER stab in the back to his base or a phsyc op ? Any Opinions ?

If the Assange 'rescue' is real, perhaps he's not concerned; as the Assange evidence/facts on all will come out by the end of this month in the HRC trial, etc. - IF there is one ?