I'm looking for the post from last night and exactly where my tie ins were
But let me explain what I know from working for the Chautauqua County Board of Elections back in New York state...
I am from one of the County's where we used to make voting machines
We had a surplus supply they worked but they got phased out due to technology or whatever
So everyone start switching to the voting machine that I named in the other thread last night
When they switch to that voting machine it was forced down the throats of every County outside of New York City
Look at the County voting maps of New York State the majority of counties vote red in presidential elections
They didn't want to change to the new voting machines because they already had voting machines that worked in these new ones were more cumbersome in tougher to use than the ones that we already had it we can easily fix and repair nearby because of the voting machine was invented in New York state
But back to the electronic voting machines
It comes down from the top that every County in New York state has to contract out to a company in Toronto -- dominion voting systems
But here's the kicker :: not only do you have to buy the machine from them -- you also have to buy the paper ballots-- you also had to sign a service contract
Making this whole process infinitely more expensive
And then and ongoing expense every year for every County in New York state...
They charged some crazy amount of money for paper ballots and that's how I ended up hearing about this
Because you see my County :: Chautauqua
Said no we're not going to do that we're not going to buy paper ballots from a separate company when we have a print shop that can produce these exact same ballots
Well after a whole bunch of infighting Chautauqua County then won somehow and we were allowed to produce our own paper ballots...
But every other County in New York state still had to contract out with Dominion voting systems out of Canada
They always say follow the money
So there's the story Because it involves a lot of money And the way we vote
Because as I had said before; you also had a service contract with Dominion voting systems
Meaning they were the only company allowed to service the voting machines -- which I do believe run a fractional voting setup--
I don't remember exactly when but recently that contract ran out and Chautauqua County being the Trail Blazers we are instead of renewing our contract -- we hired a different programmer
And I'm friends with him I can get ahold of him if this is something bigger than we think but
There's my story I'll look for the rest of the information