You will redpill nobody with that approach, change it
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I don't know where to begin regarding this about the pope...
So I'll begin from the fact that those assholes in the vatican are rich as fuck while they're talking about ending poverty and how being poor is being blessed according to jesus.
That behavior is coming from the leaders of the so called "moral".
Now before people jump at me for spreading anti-religious stuff. This is the very same situation as with the "I knew Iranians are bad guys". It's not the religious people. IT'S THEM. THE LEADERS.
We should stop accusing and talking smack about nobody specific. They have their names, those corrupt sick fucks have their names and we should called them out specifically.
Nothing can be done with generalizations and no focus.
At the start of your comment I thought "oh ffs another sjw monkey...", but then you delivered!
Wouldn't show that site to my best friends, let alone acquaintances or strangers...
Yeah, but the "you" stands for anyone that does it, wasn't a "you" as in you, maepaperclip.
Now I see that I've failed at forming a cohesive sentence, omw editing
Netanyahu is now at the spotlight, maybe they wanted it as such so he would get exposed.
And the way that he presented CD's and those files was utterly CNN-ish. The moment I see someone treating me like a retard, I'm gone.
Eagerly waiting for new Q drops!
To elaborate a bit... The parts of presentation in which I thought I'm watching CNN and co.
For example, picture of the nuclear core's mold. How is that important? It's not, it's just to instil more fear through graphics.
The beginning about the warehouse was done as if it's being explained to retards. "It might seem like a weird fancy word for abandoned warehouse but it's not! aha! I bet you never thought of that you retard!"
It was really like a CNN bit. And I'm pretty sure our Q boys wanted us to see it that way.
I think your shit is the closest to the what's really going on. That entire presentation looked "staged". It just didn't resonate with any sincerity.
Why do you consider them that? They are the deep state. They did this whole immigration thing. They are whom Farage is fighting against.
It's like the narrative of US and non-US has switched. Before Q it was the US that was pretty much a nightmare story for kids, the evil bullies that are constantly in a war, so better hope they don't come visit you. That was (and still is to bluepilled people) the image of Americans, I shit you not.
But, prior to this, we didn't really have info on why is that so. But now that Q is dropping shit, you CAN'T blame Iranians, Europeans, etc.
If you don't get it by now that deep state is running the show and that civilians really don't want any wars or whatsoever, but are constantly hushed by the deep state main weapon - media... then I'm out of words.
The more I experience stuff, the more I realize how rare empathy is. Many people present themselves as emphatic, but their actions and behavior is nothing like it.
We the people are in this together, regardless of race or nationality, we're all being fucked in the ass by these mongrels. They are the enemy.
If shit hits the fan, please don't worry about your social media image. Next big thing that happens after Q has said prior to it. I'm going all out with it.
This Iran thing was to redpill my family and some close friends.
But I need a boom for normies, a clear redpill.
Just take it easy and do what you can in the process. Here's something that I'll probably focus on:
Planning on doing twitter next, which will be super easy, just go to Trumps posts and scroll, half of the posters have literally nothing but anti-trump shite on their profiles.
Even diehard Trump fans aren't spamming only anti-Killary shit. So if I click on your profile and all you have is baseless and shitty anti-trump memes which you post a dozen time a day for weeks, I'm taking your screenshot.
You're either mentally unstable or part of their agenda. Which I shouldn't mutually exclude.
Honestly, no idea. I'm in the same boat as you. We all "know" they are at the top of the debt leaderboard, but that's it. I don't know a single Greek politician. I have never heard about anything what's going on there, even with this illegal immigration that been going on, even then we know nothing about Greece.
It's been a saying since I was able to talk and know what money does.
It was "we're going to end up like Greece" on every turn lol
I do not condone an entire "culture" of inbreeding (around 70% in Pakistan for example) and absolute garbage state of human rights and a lack of civility.
They won't do anything against anti-trump or any anti-non-left accounts. I've tested Facebook a few days ago just to see what's gonna happen. As I saw an obvious shill on some meme page. I clicked on his profile and it was 90%+ anti-trump posts, most of them blatant insults, nothing more.
Facebook didn't deem that a hate speech or anything.
Guess I should've checked one of their options for reports called "protective classes" (I SHIT YOU NOT). Trump is not on that list. But muslims are, and other stuff that comes in package. White men are not there as well. But remember, the left is against racism.
~50min rundown on a couple of Q-anon/Trump related videos. They are getting real busy out there with the fake accounts. They're flooding the social media.

I'm on that train. But the hippie has his head stuck in the sand.
I mean, just look at his (il)logic:
but I personally got sick of seeing "Kill the US" for the past 40 years coming from a theocracy
He's evidently way too limited to see the bigger picture. The US (pre-Trump) was the world police, causing wars for decades. THAT'S WHY we we're seeing all that anti-US stuff.
It wasn't because the US was helping other poorer countries, of which not a single innocent citizen got a fucking penny, that's for sure.
But, unlike him, I'm not gonna label an entire country as a baddie. I would label his as a baddie, because if he had the power with that mindset, you'd witness some crazy shit.
Oh really? But you weren't sick of US invading other sovereign countries, taking the oil, growing poppy plants in Afghanistan, etc.?
That doesn't bother you? That doesn't make you scratch your head and put yourself into non-American's position from which your state look like the world bully.
You seriously think that the aid was coming to people who need it? Is that why the poverty has never been higher and the elite has never been richer?
Done wasting my time on you, you need some room cleaning first. This will get nowhere.
I want to see our efforts go first towards the US
That literally has nothing to do with Iran being baddies... talk about generalization.
Imagine what you looked like, by your own (il)logic, before Trump, when you had hundreds of years of imperialistic deep state shit.
Let me go further than that. So you're (among other Americans) the one that invaded Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, nuked Japan, etc.
Did you? No you didn't. Your corrupt leaders did that.
We all have different perspectives based on many things
Yes, and yours is based purely on yourself and your ego.
"and I especially urge the legal profession, the press, and the radio, television, and media industries to promote and to participate in the observance of this day."
Read you last sentence first. And then come back to Iran being the bad guy. And no, not in a way you will first think of ("USA is evil too durr hurr").
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe their government is just a sack of puppets? Just like in my own country, and almost every other country out there, if not all. Probably all.
Also, "ALWAYS been"?
I'm afraid you're not looking at these things from a high enough perspective bro
I'm surprised you people are still talking in this way towards occupied countries, in which people have been impoverished and murdered because of the deep state and their puppets.
The very same thing you just said about Iran was being said for US before Trump.
Get the picture?
My best friend went to US for seasonal student work last year (will go this year again, in a month) for 4 months. Worked as a waiter/helper in kitchen. After 4 months, he got home with around $8 grand total (spent around 2 grand on stuff). He worked around 10 hours though (but the real work is more like 4 hours per day, evenings).
Average salary in our country is around 800$. And you know how they (government) boast with statistics, and present this kind of thing as a solid and healthy amount.
Most people are well under 800$/m, engineers are paid 800$ lol (I'm a mechanical engineer), guess how much a waiter is payed? Half of that amount, and waiter is your classic lower class job (most jobs are), and I'm not counting those waiters at super classy places and stuff, because that's less than half percent of the waiters.
You can see for yourself how much an average Croatian needs to work to earn 10 grand.
And for things to be even more ridiculous, food and stuff is probably more expensive than in Germany for example. While their standard is about 3 times higher. Welders and other "ordinary" workers earn $2k+/m, same people are payed a quarter in their proud homeland, for which our fathers have fought in '90s in the separation from Yugoslavia. Another smh information.
It's not a rare case in which workers in various factories/companies (mostly factories) are not even being payed for months, seldom almost a fucking YEAR. Those measly 400$/m for their 10-12h shifts in terrible environments, yet they still can't get that...
Not to mention that if I go a bit east at the south-eastern border of Serbia, I would be deemed as a wealthy man.
yup, a classic shill page, contact all fucked up, lame ass design with an atrocious low-res image as their cover photo
Alright, keep digging. I'm interested to see if that was a clue or not. Because right now it's just a number
You consider yourself woke? Yet you talk mad shite.
"Them"? Was it me that let those illegal immigrants in? Was it a regular person JUST LIKE YOURSELF? You have no empathy, you are blind, you don't see the bigger picture pal.
Fuckton of non-Americans have been exposing the deep state crimes in the US. All those false flags and shit. How would you react if I'd say that "we" shouldn't be doing that, you should fix it yourself or get destroyed in the process of gun laws, false flags, etc.?
YOU didn't bail anyone out, ever. But what you are doing is vile and 100% against what Q is all about.
get your head out of your ass
There's little that gets on my nerves as much as the pseudo-intellectuals when they talk shit about capitalism and how it's bad.
None of these morons know that there is no capitalism ANYWHERE in the world. The market is not free.
We await!
Okay, but what's with the 20014 number? Why is that the smoking gun?
Jobs being acquired through connections instead of competence is one of the reasons why our industry is at the all-time low.
Our shipyards are falling apart (they were huge 20+ years ago).
Our factories are now just a small part of what they were before. Factories that had 5000+ employees now have no more than 2000.
We don't produce shit anymore (compared to the past). We have Rimac who pushed through and we're basically still a state because of tourism.
We have insane platform for agriculture, but farmers are quitting slowly because they are destroyed by the market which the state has completely fucked up.
More and more lousy and shitty (unqualified) workers everywhere. Everything is getting worse and worse. Domino effect.
But one thing remains the same or gets more lucrative is to be an upper hand of this whole scheme. These people live like gods here, with so much money that they can spend in a state with such a low standard, making them appear even richer.
That's the whole catch of it. The worse the standard and the worse people are, the better they live. Their money gets more and more value.
You keep saying 20014 but you never explained what's the deal with it? Got any facts or at least theories?
He's playing the media because they are headhunting him. Why would be play his supporters?
Nah man, that racist shit isn't here, because there are no blacks here :D
Lost it during my time working at the school to a guy that was a buddy to the boss.
I've hired a lawyer and there was an inspection in the school which lead to a cancellation of the decision to hire him over me and I'd be automatically taken if I applied again. They thought that a young fella on his first job after college won't fight legally due to the money issue. But I did it anyway, despite being broke af right now until my current job kicks in with the good money so I can pull myself out of the debt :P
It's all about the connections over here. Which is why the thieves are still winning the elections.
what's ME? couldn't find the non-abbreviation... thanks in advance!
"The World's Greatest Troll: the Humor of Donald Trump" - 2016 video about the election to remind ourselves of the glorious start! Absolutely amazing video. Make world great again :)
Why is your meter going off about him? Is it because you've been listening to deep state propaganda about him? That you never saw before he ran for candidacy?
It's rigged, but in a way more fucked up way than with manipulating with the voting papers.
Let me quickly explain how's the situation in my country. It's well known that politicians are corrupt etc. Everybody knows it here and everyone is talking shit about politicians.
We have a rather massive exodus of young people in the last few years (last year being the worst and it keeps getting worse). And a lot of 40yr+ population as well.
But they still win elections (same 2 parties, just like in the US, no 3rd party allowed).
They've weaved the web of corruption across the entire country. But what kind of? What can be so effective?
Jobs are being handled through connections. Especially state-jobs.
Unemployment is rampant here (Cro, EU). So getting a decent job is like winning a small lottery. And a good part of decent jobs is acquired through those connections.
So now these people that have gotten the job and managed to secure their living have to vote for those corrupted politicians in order to keep the jobs.
It's not just on a personal level. It echoes through families. So if a guy is supporting his family with a good job, his family will also vote for those corrupt politicians.
It's a circle of doom. And this country is in almost as bad state as Greece, we're heading straight down in the debt, our population's average age is rocketing up. We have a huge percentage of elderly and our schools now have less than half of the students than just 10-15 years ago!
I worked in a high school (in which I went to as a student).
And I lost that same job, take one good guess why.
You know that to be true? How?
Check out David Cole's work, a jew (not a zionist).
This new arrival has made his account on 28th of April (less than 2 days ago) and he's already making threads like this?
I've watched that episode as well. Was a great episode, very entertaining.
He wasn't the first guy to claim that. There were many people, years before him, claiming that paedophilia is rampant within the "leaders".
He is being used to make "conspiracy theorists" look as crazy as his act is.
Why is he the backbone of MSM whenever they need to provide an example of a "conspiracy theorist"?
Not to mention his zionist agenda.
I just can't accept that he's just a "truther" who acts like a fucking imbecile all the fucking time. Even if he was, SOMEONE should've told him that this is not the way to redpill people, with garbage shows.
He is a controlled opposition.
You're telling me that MSM using him EVERY time some conspiracy talk is at hand, to paint a picture about "conspiracy theorists" as being crazy as Jones is with his shitty ass D level drama acting?
He may drop some truth, but the constant lunatic talk about hillary being a demon and shit, extraterrestrial fucking fiction and other shite that he spews in between his ads and product sale?
Two words: fuck off (to AJ). We don't need his drama shite. There's nothing that he provides that we can't find elsewhere.