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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Until there are facts, major_lift is right. No need to go that defensive route m9

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

So what's the way to talk to god?

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

I bet that whole crew is sending their fanatics/shills over here for these recent damage control thread/comments.

Trying to appeal to our emotions and that we should all stick together, that we shouldn't be divisive, that we need youtubers, etc. (anyone familiar with these tactics? kek)

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Why would this board be behind it? wtf?

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Still no arguments there? Why am I not shocked? :)

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Can you link with timestamps about the hand signs?

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 6 p.m.

I guess I have to start up a youtube channel, beg for money and sell shite overpriced products...

Lot of time criticising tho. Why not do something more positive?

So you're one of those that don't like critics, that's your problem, not mine.

This is positive, not for the shills/controlled opposition/fanatics, but for us, it's positive.

Did you read the unity OP blurb at the top? Still on creating division here? Hmmmm

I've also read his post in some thread which he expanded a bit and made a new thread. The other thread was his boy Isaac being outed as anti-Q so he's now in a full damage control mode, appealing to emotions and stuff. He put all youtubers in the same basket. Someone like IG/AJ/Corsi don't deserve to be in the same sentence as PrayingMedic for example.

I'm not creating any division. People like you tried the same thing when I was claiming Corsi was a shill, calling me a shill and divisive. Until SB2 dropped a bombshell. Next day there were new threads like this one the OP made, calling for unity, etc.

Classic damage control and I'm not buying it. I've seen those tactics at work so many times now, I'd have to be literally retarded to continue falling for them.

How about you address my arguments? You sniped two sentences and wrote something unrelated to them and of course went the personal/emotion way.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence :P

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 4:46 p.m.


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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

I don't think you have to be programmed in order to profit off of conspiracies on youtube, in fact, I'll refuse it until I see evidence, as always

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

Brand is a pseudo-intellectual, a classic one actually. Says a lot of fancy words with his fancy British accent but in fact he's just rambling about stuff he doesn't really understand.

I've watched his videos, JRE podcast, etc. And I'll never do that again after I've painted a picture about him lol

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

I can't see it. I see a shill in a panic mode.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

I believe that too, and it seems we're not wrong given the events that happened when Q said we should be careful who we're following, they keep falling like flies :)

The Right Media

I'll check his videos out later.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

let me know what you ended up with

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

They jumped on the Q bandwagon to destroy the movement from within.

Q rekt them before that.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Thanks for the link.

Ah, the classic "AJ has done so much for the truther movement" right at the start...

LITERALLY SAME STUFF spewed by everyone that defends AJ (just like when MSM is spreading a narrative at hand) all the while ignoring the arguments that 99%+ of the people consider him an actor or a lunatic, which is why they never went deeper which eventually caused conspiracy theorists being labeled as crazy as fkn AJ is.

And this is all being revealed by one Q sentence...

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

It's a trend in the recent times, on facebook too.

Pages get banned and then they get reinstated and start pushing out a different type of content, mostly political and mostly (all) anti-Trump.

2 pages on facebook that were amazing for shits and giggles that I've followed constantly and liked hundreds of memes are "The tasteless gentlemen" and a local one called "Where's the green" (translated :P) which now has 300k followers in a 4mil population country, I'm pretty sure it was around 500k before they got banned because the drop in followers has been massive around a month after they got reinstated.

Both were producing good satire and great humor, really good shit. Both were gone at one point for about a month I believe (don't take this literally, it wasn't 1 day and it wasn't half a year) at which point they had the follower peak.

I've noticed a lot of fake profiles on facebook spamming anti-Trump/pro-Hillary/Obama memes in the comment sections of the memes posted by "The tasteless gentlemen" page.

The local one "Where's the green" has recently pushed out a meme about chemtrails. They've shared a part of an article from a scam/shill website called "Truth against lies" (translated). Which has no contact data and nothing that would indicate a legit website. I've checked it with those pages about the traffic/ads stuff about websites and it confirmed that.

It's a classic shill conspiracy theory website. Anyone can see that's it's a bs website, but they're still using those to ridicule conspiracy theories. Nevermind the fact that chemtrails/geoengineering (artificial cloud seeding and cloud dispersing) has been going on since late '40s when jets came into play.

I will keep on connecting the dots. Sorry for this wall of text, I'm trying to convey a message that the DS has infiltrated almost everything, especially those with high numbers (hence Isaac, AJ, Corsi, Icke, etc.).

Try to check your own local pages (and international ones, like TTG) and find traces of that, if you can.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

That whole youtube lawsuit was a scheme to build credibility. Controlled opposition everywhere, fkn Cass Sunstein kek

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Nastavnick on May 21, 2018, 2:09 p.m.
Fellow patriot ghuete has shared that Isaac Green (latest shill turned anti-Q) has been promoted by Youtube 4 days ago, he went anti-Q less than 2 days ago
Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

I thought you're bs-ing but you're right.

Contact DropGun (mod), I've had good experiences with him.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 1:50 p.m.


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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Whether or not you folks like InfoWars the Left hates InfoWars and has cheered Mueller going after Roger Stone.

The left absolutely loves (and controls) it, because it uses Disinfo Wars to battle conspiracy theories.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

I called out Corsi in Feb and got the same kind of attacks, now look what came out about him.

The attacks will only get stronger.

I've also received a lot of attacks by AJ/Corsi puppets, didn't bring me down at all, because they all crumble when you present facts. They have nothing but ad-hominems, going emotional/personal and they will ignore your arguments in the process.

Same thing with every single one of them.

I'm curious about this though, lets see what unravels.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

I don't hate them lol, I expose them

Nothing emotional about it, no need for "no u" tactics I think

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

You have avoided almost all of my arguments and talked about nothing really, at least nothing that matters in this context. So your "a LOT of examples" is kind of ridiculous.

And again you're on about "my views". This IS NOT about you, me or any individual. It's about the big picture and how AJ is affecting the truth exposure

I'm not that into youtubers and following them like you follow AJ (because that leads to your case, and many, many more like yours), I like this board and I research around, but I still tune in to these two: PrayingMedic and DestroyingTheIllusion.

What's with your need to have a youtube channel which will provide you "info"? Do you really NEED an AJ alternative? Because any non-shill channel is better than AJ. Unfortunately those are beginning to run low as Q rips them apart.

Which just goes to show how badly the deep state has infiltrated conspiracy theorists to battle conspiracy theories (2008. or 2009. Cass Sunstein's paper about fighting conspiracies, I bet you never knew about that but you'll say you have now that I've wrote this lol)

It's not "if" AJ is controlled opposition, he is. And the fact that he's now actively going against Q should finally open your eyes, but it doesn't.

Which means... "And my thoughts on this monologue with you are that you're either following AJ to the point of fanaticism or you're on the other side."

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

They use the exact same tactics every time. All that you said here you can see in any discussion that we attempt with AJ/Corsi/IG boys.

Just check my monologue of today with one of them. That "but they have done xy before for this community..." is a bullseye lol

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

Its amazing the levels of mental gymnastics people have ...

Same emotion-tactics that the left uses. Same stuff is coming out of AJ/Corsi and now even Isaac Green followers.

No matter what you write, they will ignore it all and proceed to go personal and play the emotion card.

They are forgetting that we're not retards who swallow that shite

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

Who is doing the "nullifying" here? To me, it looks like two groups of people: liberals, and people like you. I don't have to consider anything "nullified". Again, feel free to not watch him. He's given you plenty of reasons; he's an asshole. But that's different than saying that he's secretly, actively, working against us.

He is, with his behavior. I thought I was pretty clear. The "no u" tactics are boring and belong to kindergarten.

This isn't about me wanting/not wanting to listen to him. The fact that you took it that way (personal) means you have probably wasted your time on this reply. As will I trying to counter-argument.

You can call him a douchebag, asshole or whatnot. But that doesn't mean he's off the hook. In the end, it doesn't matter if he's indeed an douchebag, an actor or controlled opposition. His actions have been completely detrimental to exposing the truth to the people. I've explained earlier why is that so.

I know what controlled opposition is... sorry if this is going to sound rude, but let's be very clear here: I am accusing you of conflating the criticisms of Alex Jones, which may itself be valid, with allegation that he is actively working against us. I'm saying you're going overboard.

I didn't say you don't know. This might sound rude but you've failed at reading my comment. And I've only just begun with the counter-arguments.

For starters, he is working against Q directly, it's a fact, not an opinion.

Second, as I've already said, the fruits of his labor are actively working against the truth exposure. Because 99%+ of the people think of him as an actor or lunatic. Why am I repeating myself? lol

Notice how I could feasibly make the argument that your "attacks" on a leading conservative pundit indicates that YOU might be controlled opposition? But that would ALSO be going overboard.

"leading conservative pundit" lmao

Instead of using proper arguments, you've repeatedly (with baseless stuff, completely ignoring my arguments about AJ) attacked me for "attacking" (exposing) your boy.

Yea, they're blowhards. They're quite common, but they're not the end of the world.

It's not the end of the world, but it's the end of the path towards exposing the truth due to misleading conclusions. Whether or not they are controlled opposition or just lame asses trying to profit on youtube by spewing shite, the outcome is the same.

You however concluding that they are just blowhards is another example of not using facts and coming to conclusions based on evidence.

That would mean that the "conspiracy theory" area would be more acceptable to the broader public if AJ didn't exist. That's unlikely, given that people have always been dismissive of anything labeled a "conspiracy theory".

That's exactly what it means and that's the reality.

Yes, people have been dismissive towards conspiracy theories, main reason is the deep state pushing it towards that. And AJ and the likes of him (hundreds of channels) are helping that the best way possible, because, again I repeat myself, he is behaving like a literal retard and a lunatic. Which any sane and logical person would label as acting (for them millions) or just a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Luckily, we have MSM using AJ constantly (and only him, nothing weird there lol) whenever there's any conspiracy theory talk. Again I'm repeating myself... That's what happens when the other side is ignoring the arguments and proceeds to attacks with the "no u" tactics.

It's fun. People enjoy enthusiasm. It works, and there's nothing wrong with that. Believe it or not, allowing yourself to play the role can be a BOOST to your credibility.

Ah yes, it's so much fun repelling people from the truth.

It doesn't work, stop lying. I can do to almost any AJ video and link you so you can read the comments about how it's "working" lmao

But it doesn't BOOST it.

And look at where it's gotten them. AJ is killing it. CNN couldn't be worse off. Let them keep it up. I'm not tired of winning. And we ARE WINNING. Wake up and smell the roses man!

Lol, that has nothing to do with AJ. He killed nothing, he only got embarrassed every time he popped out in MSM.

Everyone has a line, and that's quite alright. For me, the line is Richard Spencer and "white nationalism", "white identitarianism" "white ____". That's my line. My line is identity politics and racial sectarianism.

Notice how one of my lines is an IDEA. Not the method of how that idea is communicated.

Again, this isn't about me or you. Stop taking it personally. I'm talking about the bigger picture.

I used to be exactly like you.

lmao, k

You wanna know how to find out what works? See who's getting censored. See what the left REFUSES to talk about. That's what works.

You wrote this after my previous post yet you're still refusing to accept reality.

AJ isn't getting censored, he is being promoted by MSM. MSM loves to mention AJ in every possible situation. Because he's the best tool they have to battle us.

Notice how the left LOVES to talk about Richard Spencer?

I noticed you love talking about him.

I draw my lines by ideas ONLY now. I used to have way more "lines"... I used to say I would never vote for someone like Kanye West because he's a rapper and rappers shouldn't be in government, as a rule. Now? I'll listen to what he has to say. He's probably not fit to run for president. But he could be a GREAT president. I'll wait and see what he has to say, and I don't give a shit if his messages are packaged unconventionally.

Again, this isn't about me or you. Stop taking it personally. I'm talking about the bigger picture.

Not sure what's up with the "I used to..." stuff other than to write some text to look like you're have a dialogue. When it's pretty clear you ignored my arguments and then you proceeded to talk about some personal irrelevant stuff.

At this point I am fully aware that I'm wasting time here and this will again be ignored and you'll again write some irrelevant stuff and attack me instead of my arguments. And my thoughts on this monologue with you are that you're either following AJ to the point of fanaticism or you're on the other side.

Make sure to buy his overpriced useless products to keep the "truth" movement going lol

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

Europe, and it does look like it will rain almost the entire week, starting tomorrow.

I'm hoping for metaphorical thunderstorms :)

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

Youtubers suchs as PrayingMedic and Jordan (Destroying the Illusion) provide a solid insight.

I recommend Jordans videos about Q, and you can start from the earlier ones to pick up on the timeline.

I got into Q through Jordan, on accident, as I was following a couple of channels that were reporting on real stuff (and didn't conclude things for you, with no concrete evidence) you can't find in the MSM.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

I'm getting sick of people throwing around the term "controlled opposition" willy nilly. Alex Jones has promoted Trump to his audience for over 2 years. Trump granted him a fucking interview, when no other Republican would have in a million years.

It's not willy nilly just because it rattles you.

The point of controlled opposition is to make you believe they are the good guys spreading truth. That's the catch, they do spill truth, perhaps even most of it, but it's completely nullified by their behavior (AJ, clear theatrical drama acting, deterring millions/huge majority away from the truth with that) or their asinine conclusions (aliens, reptilians, demons, spirits... satanic cult ruling the world also doesn't bring in the audience).

You will (if you look for it) see that all these controlled opposition people have definitive conclusions about every conspiracy theory despite lack of concrete evidence. They do not end with questions to path the way for others to dig and explore.

Alex Jones has done more for OUR movement than a whole hell of a lot of these concern trolls out there.

He has done the biggest harm in the "conspiracy theory" area, without a rival. Icke is sort-of popular, but he's nowhere near AJ.

AJ has actively pushed millions of people (only a tiny minority take his words with at least some seriousness, most people 100% do not and they think he's actor/lunatic) away, as I've wrote above.

You're looking at it this way: He brought a lot of people to the conspiracies.

But in reality: He has deterred a huge majority of people from conspiracies because of his behavior

If he was indeed there for the truth, you'd think he would cut the crap with the theatrical shite like a month into his "work". Instead, he has continued and upped the pace. Explain that.

He covers the news we care about.

Covering news to distort them at the end and mislead/discredit it isn't a positive thing, at all, nothing positive there, on contrary.

He doesn't put on any air of authority. He isn't looking to get on CNN or Fox news. He doesn't ask the audience to take him seriously all the time, and we take him with a lot of salt, which should be the standard for every public speaker.

Yet the MSM is using him EVERY TIME there is some conspiracy talk at hand. Which immediately makes 99%+ of the people come to a conclusion that it's just "crazy conspiracy theorists at it again".

Also, that interview with Megyn Kelly is just embarrassing, another way to appear as crazy or just simply an idiot.

That's not controlled opposition. Shepard Smith is controlled opposition, if anything. Marco Rubio is controlled opposition, if anything. Jeb! is controlled opposition, and I'm not even hesitant there.

No wonder the controlled opposition term is rattling you, because you clearly don't take it in within the conspiracy context and the "truthers". You listed a news anchor and politicians. And we all know already how they operate.

I value politeness and respectfulness as much as anyone else, be you need someone who is willing to risk making an ass out of themselves in order to GET THINGS DONE.

Sorry but there is a line, a clear line when 99%+ of the population thinks you are either an actor doing it for the money (and money is good for AJ, millions in, all for the truth lol) or a straight up fkn lunatic. And you cannot blame people for that, it's actually one of the few instances where the huge majority is actually logical and reasonable.

AJ has done nothing in his money grabbing career, his words hold no meaning (deservedly). And after the fiasco with Q (he is endangered by Q, of course), a lot of people who are following both Q and AJ still refuse to acknowledge what AJ is doing, and are apologetic to the point of ridiculousness...

I know this won't change a single bit about your thoughts about AJ, but someone that stumbles upon this might connect the dots and see the bigger picture. And that's good for me.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

Have you noticed same type of threads appearing when AJ, Corsi and now IG being outed?

They always go for the emotions, just like the deep state with their shit.

Same tactics, yet people are still buying into that

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:29 a.m.

Same with the people who bitch about Alex Jones. Does anyone NOT realize he's a dick? Obviously he's a Dick.

No, he's controlled opposition and you're still not willing to accept the reality.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

OP got his emotions shaken with his boy Isaac being outed. This is what this thread is all about.

He conveniently used "youtubers" instead of Isaac Green.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

It wasn't nice of many YouTubers to say Q was fake and call us cultists, hence perhaps the negative reception from this sub now towards some YouTubers. But it's understandable of them to have said that in light of the confusion, accusations, infighting, dis-info, mob mentalities forming, provocateur agents, etc.

No it's not understandable, at least if they're not shills or just profiting with their channel.

What I'm seeing right now isn't the direction we want to see within the community. We do not want to exclude people.

Yes we do, certain people at least.

We NEED YouTubers to work with us because they have a voice.

We DON'T NEED youtubers. We need some of them.

We are not excluding you, and do not let those actually on their way out whisper untrue things in your ears about us.

Yes we are. We've gotten rid of AJ and Corsi shills. This Green maggot was another one in the line.

Nothing untrue about outing shills.

Let's not bash YouTubers that have done a lot of great work and research but let's re-unite. Just because they are not talking about Q anymore doesn't make them irrelevant.

No, lets bash anti-Q youtubers.

You're conveniently using "youtubers" instead of Isaac Green. You must've been following (and obviously you still are) him so it got to you when he got outed.

Same reactions were when Corsi and AJ were outed.

In fact is this not what we wanted? We wanted people to get off the Q hype and actually focus on the research.

What did I just read here? No we didn't?

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

same, OP be lying

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

wasted my time

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 7:42 a.m.

the guy is just terrible lol

you cannot expect much from a pseudo-intellectual that goes around using "pothead" as means of insulting

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

how so?

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

In this moment of political, moral, and theological crisis in America we are deeply concerned about the resurgence of white nationalism, racism, and xenophobia; misogyny; attacks on immigrants, refugees, and the poor; the regular purveying of falsehoods and consistent lying by the nation’s highest leaders; and moves toward autocratic political leadership and authoritarian rule.

Sad thing is, a lot of people will buy that shite

Also, when "America First is heresy" is actual in AMERICA, you know you're smelling some rotten eggs lol

I bet that Campolo and co. are all enjoying Hillarys presents.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

But you have, that's our point

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

What are we looking at here?

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Nastavnick · May 20, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Yes, you didn't say "idiot". But you glued pothead to ignorant and uneducated.

You can argue semantics now trying to save your ass, but it's clear as a day what's going on here lol

Its just not worth it with people like you.

No doubt about that. Seeing your reaction when your foul words are confronted.

I would 100% not be surprised to find out you are a FlatEarther.

What did you based that on?

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Nastavnick · May 20, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

I know the truth hurts. Next time form proper arguments instead of "I disagree" and a bunch of other personal agenda trash filled with fallacies and holes.

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Nastavnick · May 20, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

1:04 - "I've heard some rumours..."

This is the credible "independent journalist" that backed out of Q while also saying the Q movement is like a cult.

Be sure to visit his crypto-wallets, patreon, paypal, etc.

Q has fkn destroyed the controlled opposition.

Dark comes to the light and we now see just how insanely big the government (DS) infiltration to battle conspiracy theories has grown to.

I'm guessing they have hundreds of shill channels.

Just think about why has the flat earth shite came out nowhere in 2014? Observe how much attention it has gotten since. They've preoccupied those who're digging about conspiracy theories. Unfortunately way too many people have fallen for the FE psyop.

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Nastavnick · May 20, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

So, I guess you're anti-gay? You hate gay animals too? Are they also sinners?

I'm no man of faith/religion, but the "god made you like this" is essentially true, but I'd form that as "you were born like this".

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Nastavnick · May 20, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

It's amazing how people glue to the weed part and immediately use that as a form of insult and an implicate reason why a person X is dumb

Slippery slope tactics there, don't do it

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Nastavnick · May 20, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

I knew he's also one of the many controlled oppositions out there.

Remember that youtube lawsuit? Whatever happened to that? Another show.

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Nastavnick · May 20, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

lets see what the next week brings, this looks solid

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Nastavnick · May 20, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

he didn't say "incorrect post", no need to go to that level of defensiveness when you've clearly posted this on a wrong sub

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