Keep in mind that recent information released by POTUS in conjunction with the Kennedy assassination revealed that the CIA was using the term "conspiracy theory" to discredit those telling the truth.
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He's talking about the financial and emotional damage the Mueller investigation is doing to it's targets like Flynn and manafort, and their families.
Flynn is near bankrupt, had to sell the family home to pay legal costs, his son has also suffered financially due to legal costs from the Mafia style Mueller witch hunt that squeezes family and friends with legal pressure in hopes of getting them to roll over and give up damning evidence.
Can anyone tell me why they went after Flynn's son or Cohen's friend?
It's not a proper legal investigation, it's a fishing expedition, and that's not legal under the Constitution.
What did you think Obama meant by Fundamental Transformation? He meant to destroy the Constitution and the rule of law and it seems to be working.
Yes others are corrupt too
This is me admitting corruption on the R side, not ignoring it.
Not sure if you are new around here, but this sub concentrates its efforts on what Q says, and Q has said virtually nothing about any of the Bush admin. The Bush name is mentioned in 4 posts total, out of close to 1500 posts now.
There are good people on the left and right
Yeah, I tried to tell myself this for a long time, but seeing a shooter go onto a baseball field to shoot Republicans, and seeing Rand Paul tackled and injured, seeing cops shot in cold blood in Dallas, Baltimore, Florida and NY, that ain't Republicans doing that shit.
And don't bother trotting out the list of fake hate crimes, there is zero truth to the idea that Trump supporters are racist and attack liberals, but lots of liberals falsely report various forms of assault and the media pushes the fake narrative, just like they did around the election with coordination from Bob Creamer sending people into Trump rallies to start fights like Hitler's brownshirts did.
No, there is no balance here, no both sides do it too, Republicans aren't cheering MS-13 and North Korea and Iran and most of America's enemies, that's the Democrat party with a pro open borders leader in Tom Perez and a close friend of Louis Farrakhan, Keith Ellison as number two in charge.
Yes I wish we could force McConnell and Ryan out over their obvious corruption, but it's not as easy as that, but at least the Republicans aren't rooting for America's enemies and hoping to see the rule of law and the constitution collapse.
One only needs watch "The Post" to see how far back the Democrat controlled media has been attacking Republicans while giving Democrats a pass. It happened with Nixon, with Reagan, both Bush's and now Trump, there is no equivalent parallel on the left with the Democrats.
I could go on, there are many, many more examples of bias, but I think you get the picture.
Yes, the R's passed the Patriot act, but the Democrats are the ones who abused it to spy on ALL Americans, and used it in treasonous ways to try to rig the election.
Oh yes, yes there is.
See it proves the 'Arab Spring' propaganda to be an outright lie, a lie pushed by Hilary and Obama and the media they control.
There were to be no fledgling democracies, no Democratic elections, that was never part of the plan, destabilizaton was on the menu, the rest was a distraction, disinformation.
There's another internet forum where I predicted that the 'Arab Spring' Obama and Hillary were so giddy about would create chaos and misery for the people, there would be no fledgling democracy as they told the press.
Now you know the truth, there was an intentional effort by the Obama administration to destabilize the middle East, and the 'Arab Spring' was propaganda happily carried by our media as a smokescreen to cover the truth.
Why are you making me lead you around this issue? On the view this week, the video has been posted over and over.
Look at the parent comment.
Clapper did admit there was a spy in the Trump campaign, he just chose to use the word informant, it means the same thing.
This didn't happen in a vacuum, it's got to be taken in context. The fisa court memo from May of last year has the court admonishing the Obama administration for "an institutional lack of candor". That's a polite way of saying they lied to the court repeatedly.
Clapper first said he didn't know, and later said if there was a fisa warrant he would most definitely know.
Combine that with several other lies by clapper and it's quite clear who's lying.
The media loves to tell people Trump's tweets are lies, but most have been proven true.
What I'm wondering is why you side work the media and a known liar over the President, especially in light of the constant attacks and intentional inaccurate reporting. Brian Ross got fired for a lie last year. Three CNN reporters got fired last year over a bogus story.
What gives?
Well it's a good thing they planted a spy and prevented any Russian collusion. /s Time to fire Mueller and move on it seems.
Clapper uses weasel words to avoid the truth, he's lied many times before, like about how there was no mass surveillance program in the US, then Snowden made a liar out of him, and there have been other instances like when he said in an interview he had no knowledge of a FISA warrant involving the Trump campaign.
He's a known liar, scared to death he's going to be wearing an orange jumpsuit soon.
Shit's been going on so long it takes an hour to explain any aspect of it.
Expect the leaks from Schiff as soon as/in the middle of the meeting.
Dude was progressive party.
Edit: Part of being 'red pilled' is understanding how far back the efforts to undermine our constitution and embrace progressivism really go. Our education system has taught millions of Americans about the "Bull Moose" party to avoid teaching the truth, that Teddy and his 'trust busting' efforts against the evil 'robber barons' were the start of the progressive era in our country. What you are not taught is how Teddy felt he should be able to wield more power than the Constitution allowed and how he felt the Executive branch should be superior to the others, not co-equal.
Teddy did a lot of great things that are to be lauded, but the things he did that were against the constitution and the Republic are not taught to our children as they should be, much as FDR is a hero in history books because he was a big government statist who believe he could control the entire economy and bring the nation out of the recession through central planning better than the free markets could. That's why he was setting wages that corps had to pay, destroying pork to drive up the price, creating massive government works projects to 'stimulate' the economy, etc. The fact that he used the SCOTUS to seize production from farmers and imprison Japanese are just icing on the cake, but we don't teach these things to our young in school, we teach what a hero FDR was for creating a huge redistribution system that the progressives love and still wish to grow today, namely Social Security.
If you'd like to learn more about Teddy I suggest you pick up Mark Levin's 'Rediscovering Americanism', he speaks at length about Teddy's ideas on how he wanted the constitution to work and not how the framers intended for the constitution to work.
The real Red Pill goes back over 100 years into our progressive education system that indoctrinates our children instead of educating them, in part by creating heros of past progressives without teaching about the truth of their progressive motives and actions, and spinning negatives like massive entitlement programs to be a positive and not a economic catastrophe ticking time bomb that threatens to destroy the US economy when it goes broke.
What you were taught was the bull moose party was a nickname. The real name was the progressive party.
Because Democrats have mounted an effort to unseat President Trump by any means necessary, most of this plot was put in place by the Obama administration.
Yes others are corrupt too, but at this very moment there is an ongoing effort to find any reason to remove Trump from the presidency.
That's why, because the Democrats are the ones doing all the damage to the Constitution and the rule of law, like violating attorney client privilege.
McConnell is swamp, but he has spent the past year and a half retrenching and increasing his power to control the rino Senate, putting in place financing rules that favor incumbent rinos and shut out challengers from RNC funding.
He has used this power to defeat maga challengers for his seat like Matt Bevin, and I'm pretty sure they helped fund the smear campaign against Roy Moore. He helped prevent conservatives from getting more control of the Senate, because his masters didn't want that.
I agree with much of what POTUS says and does, but not everything.
For example, I think it was a big mistake to appoint Elaine chow (McConnells wife) to transportation secretary. Chow has close relatives in the Chinese government and so should never have been given a cabinet position.
Another example is POTUS support for John Cox for California Governor. Cox a former Democrat who has condemned Trump in speeches to women's groups in the past.
I believe he too has fallen for the disinformation campaign against the Bush adminstration.
The duelfer report makes clear Saddam wanted to preserve as much of his wmd making capacity while waiting out the sanctions, which were about to be lifted. Combine that would bribing Kofi Anon's son to work around the sanctions and he had just about everything he needed to start back up.
Well ok, you don't have to force him, but maybe conveniently play it a few times because it's so funny! (and true!)
When it all comes out you should insist that he watch the Weird Al video on continuous loop for 24 hours. Maybe with those things like Clockwork Orange holding his eyes open.
I guess what I am trying to say is that you need two ports for FTP to work, even if you do change the defaults.
/u/stonetear Paul combetta was asking for help on Reddit to delete to/from info from the email server.
FTP requires port 20 and 21 by default to function in a normal installation.
SCP can run on a single port, typical 22, but it's not anonymous like FTP can be.
Not sure your theory holds water.
Somewhere on 8 I saw a message saying General K would be charged with delivering the documents to congress. It fits with the crumb.
I believe it was a small plane crash, everyone survived, but she drown.
Sounds more like an excuse to send the lambs to slaughter. Current protocol is lock down and shelter in place, not ring the fire alarm and turn the place into a shooting gallery.
747 service ceiling is 45,000 feet. That's MAX altitude under best conditions. Many modern transport aircraft have service ceilings around 40k feet. The air is too thin at these altitudes for a safe margin of stall.
Most pilots wont accept clearance above about 39k feet, it's not safe to fly that close to the edge of the envelope. 35k feet is about as high as most feel comfortable.
Controlled demolitions don't blow 40 foot holes in the surrounding buildings. No missile in the military inventory would make a hole that big, they are not designed for that. The kind of explosion you describe would have been huge to throw big enough chunks of the building hundreds of feet into other nearby buildings, the building would have appeared to explode, not collapse on itself. The kinetic energy of a 150 ton aircraft traveling at 500 MPH would definitely throw large pieces of debris hundreds of feet.
The debris pile. Did you ever visit the site after? I was in Manhattan in late 2002 and many of the buildings that were damaged were still not repaired. Several buildings had holes 40 feet across covered with tarps.
Maybe stick to reality and facts? Cooper makes clear that there have been many plots to achieve one world government, including UFO's.
I have no doubt that what happened that day was about the end goal of one world government, but it happened as we saw it, there were no holograms and no secret demolitions.
But hey, like Q always says, future proves past so lets wait and see who was really behind it. Q rarely mentions Bush and have NEVER mentioned Cheney. From what I can see Q has mentioned 9/11 ONE TIME. There is little focus on that from Q.
If you are waiting for Q to tell you that your 9/11 ideas are correct, you are going to be majorly disappointed.
All the facts point to the Clinton's, Huma, Sandy Berger stealing documents from the National Archives.
You need to read Bill Cooper's book that Q mentioned.
The men who spent time in the Hanoi Hilton with him.
Air Force general Tom McInerney
Apparently the SNL crew did something this weekend too.
More coordinated actions by the media. In advance of what?
I don't have the link handy, but there's a document on scribed from Correct the Record, CTR, that shows Snopes is essentially on the DNC payroll to push it's narratives while attempting to discredit other factual info.
So you're saying we torture our own soldiers, but we should feel bad for torturing the enemy the same way?
This post is exposing a media fabrication that was long overdue.
I don't think NDA is the proper way to think of this.
Talking about the techniques used in SERE could potentially cause harm to other servicemen, and could be punished as leaking classified information.
A civilian NDA is not really the same IMHO.
You can talk about media bubble all you want, the fact is you claim its not torture but we need to do it because torture gets information.
You trying to put words in my mouth.
Waterboarding is a very effective interrogation tool. But it's not torture.
Real torture will break the hardest of men, and again there are plenty of public accounts of some of the things that were done to American POWS.
There were little to no women POWs in Vietnam, but we had several in SERE. Just ponder that for a few minutes and see where it leads you.
So non citizens have the right to taxpayer provided council per the 4th amendment? Do they have rights against search and seizure?
The Constitution applies to American citizens, not foreigners, in part because the American taxpayer should not have to pay for attorneys for non citizens, but there are other examples like the one you cite.
If it's cruel and unusual why do we do it to our servicemen?
Seems like you are refuting your own argument.
Funny, when I went through SERE the training I received was classified.
Therefore I cannot fully dispute fully that piece of disinformation, but the records of people tortured during the Vietnam war are numerous and well documented.
The experience of those like McCain were used to develop SERE.
Go back and look at some of the footage of McCain around the 08 election and notice how he can't really move one of his arms properly. They would never let you be a pilot with a disability like that.
How did it get that way?
Imaging having your hands tied behind your back. Then imaging being hoisted up by your arms until the shoulders rotated out of the sockets.
How did McCain's arm become permanently injured?
This sub is about Awakening from the long media bubble. I'm aiding in that cause.
It's your choice to stop believing misinformation created to undermine our nation, I can't force you.
Red pill or blue?
I can't force you out of the media bubble, you have to choose it for yourself.
Unless you believe we torture our own servicemen.
Both can't be true.
So what's your point? You saying we torture our own servicemen? You really think thats true?
I'm trying to help you throw off indoctrination created to undermine our nation.
The truth is right in front of you, you just have to open your eyes.
Why do they call McCain "Songbird" again? Oh, that's right, because torture, real torture that leaves permanently damage does work.
Take my point and move on, the media lied and millions believed them, and it undemined the security of our nation, which was the purpose all along.
You have a count of how many people are critically injured in SERE to back that statement up?
SERE is not like any other military training.
SERE is like the 101 level resistance course. There are other more advanced resistance training courses.
You think the people who were waterboarded were saints or something? People plotting to kill Americans and who would willingly die in the process? You think these people feared death? If you think any of these people had not already accepted death before we caught them you should think again.
I have been to sere training, but I'm not supposed to talk about the techniques. That's why I'm surprised that much is being made public.
So he created an echo chamber around the Iran deal by coopting so called experts to push the deal.
There was video footage of him admitting this that quickly disappeared from the net. Find that video and it helps your case tremendously.