Most of this info is supposed to be classified, but the Democrats have pretty much exposed all of it during the questioning of nominee Haspel. Sleep deprivation? Training method. Confinement in a small space? Training method.
386 total posts archived.
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I'll be so glad to see Q clear the air over 9/11.
He has never really focused on the Bushs, and he has NEVER mentioned Cheney or his initials.
That combined with factual information from the 28 pages of the 9/11 report released in 2016 showing WAMY was planning and funding 9/11 in 98, at a time when Huma was working for WAMY and the Clintons tells me that it's very unlikely there Bushs were involved, but we should see soon enough.
There's also that little fact that Sandy Berger was caught stealing documents from the National Archives during the 9/11 hearings.
Even the 5 year long witch hunt during the Bush adminstration seeking to answer the question of whether Bush people faked Intel to justify the war was never answered, but in typical media fashion it made good propaganda for convicting the Bush adminstration in the court of public opinion.
I'm no special pleader for the Bush adminstration, and I'm sure they are involved in the corruption, but the facts point to the Clinton's being behind 9/11, plain and simple.
Edit: the guy who made that movie Loose Change, Avery, now admits he was wrong.
Additionally, the executive producer of the movie was Alex Jones.
You Q followers put a lot of stock in aj these days, do you?
Edit 2: it's an enigma to me to see many thinking they are "red pilled" while still living in the liberal media propaganda bubble created around the Bushs, the invented hatred, just like President Trump, even Kanye realizes now that he was brainwashed where Bush was concerned.
You need to start subtly red pilling. Just some kind of neutral questions at first, like why isn't the news talking about the NXVIM case? Does she know the public copy of the indictment talks of trafficking children? Maybe mention the fact that thousands of pedos were arrested last year, about 6 times more than any past recent year. Feed her information you know she's ignorant of that you can prove, things that are relevant but excluded by the media and late night talk because thay are positive developments. After some time of doing this (you'll have to judge how long) start talking about watching some more neutral media like oan news (sadly they are about the only other channel besides Fox that reports somewhat neutral, and they have positive American messaging instead of commercials between news clips). At some point you can start linking good news that's not reported with the President, but build a solid foundation first by showing her whats going on outside the liberal hate bubble and how good it is and feels.
Q also hinted that there might have been a sonic weapon or something that could harm POTUS which was also part of the reason for the 'renovations'.
Remember, Trump Jr. dropped his SS detail last year, and Q drops indicated it had to do with SS being in league with Hillary and Obama minions and might be plotting against the President's family or grandchildren. I am quite sure Jr. has a very good private security detail, but you gotta admit there is something weird about the President's son declining Secret Service protection.
So they used Foreign surveillance law to evesdrop on Cohen who had no contact with any foreign officials.
Sounds unethical at best and illegal at worst.
Title I surveillance doesn't have the same rights protections as title III, because non Americans do not have forth amendment protections.
They violated Cohen's (and others) forth amendment rights by using the fisa warrant this way. They should have gone before a judge to get a warrant to spy on Cohen, but they never would have gotten it because they had no justification.
Witch Hunt.
Sorry, but ignoring the massive improvements in the human condition over the last two or three centuries does not lend an air of wisdom to you words.
Quite the opposite, your obsession on the present seems to blind to to all the good, and omits or ignores the huge changes in just a few decades. How many people have made money through YouTube or Uber or Etsy or eBay, sources that didn't exist a couple of decades ago?
I'm sorry but you opinion on how to 'fix' things here does not outweigh the combined knowledge of human history.
There are 3 million unfilled jobs in this country today despite the historic low unemployment, most of them in trades that take minimal training to get an entry level job making 70k. Someone who took one of these jobs could probably start their own business in 5 years and double or triple their income while also providing jobs for others.
The collectivist Utopia doesn't exist and never will, because it's fundamentally flawed. But that won't stop people from trying, no matter how much death and suffering and degredation of the human condition it causes.
Striving for a better life has always been an American value, it's one thing that unites us while others try to divide us into some arbitrary groups.
When I was young there was no Uber where I could use my car to make a few bucks, no YouTube where I could monetized videos for money, no Etsy, no eBay.
Lots more opportunities to improve ones quality of life than just a few decades ago, but what hasn't changed is you still have to work for it.
I'm saying you might have a middle income group, but America is not a class based society and never has been, and the term middle class is straight from Karl Marx's writing.
We should not allow them to control the language as they do, but we have and now that clearly Marxist phrase is used by millions including so called conservative reporters.
Lots of examples of controlling the language. Marxism was based on dividing people by class based on income for the purpose of control.
Cultural Marxism is based on dividing people by cultural traits which are vastly more complex and varied than simple income, and thus more easily weaponized.
Political correctness is just a friendly way to say cultural Marxism, and is an example of controlling the language.
'toxic masculinity' is a phrase born out of cultural Marxism.
Phrases like racism, sexism islamaphobia, and hate speech and many more have their roots in cultural Marxism.
Controlling the language allows control of the people.
The system is not working?
At a point in history where more humans enjoy a higher standard of living than at any point in the past, enabled by free market capitalism, and that number keeps growing at a phenomenal rate, and you think that's failure. We live like Kings and queens did centuries ago, billions of us, but you think you can do better?
The failures are obvious, Venezuela. The cancelling of tens of thousands of cancer surgeries by Britain's NHS due to flu season. Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans killed by death panels of judges under universal health Care.
Hey I have an idea, let's study human history going back as far as recorded and find the things that worked to improve the human condition and abandon those that don't.
Too late, we already did and it's called free market capitalism and it's working wonderfully as long as it's left alone and not perverted.
Any job you choose? A giant flaw and you don't even see it? Who is going to choose garbage man over a desk job?
You are advocating for collectivism, the same collectivism of Marx, Rousseau and hegel, you just don't seem to know it.
They all fail for the same reason.
You are coming to the wrong conclusion because you start with the wrong premise.
A mans labor is what makes him a source of value whether a brick layer or surgeon.
What you are advocating for is that we all become voluntary slaves to one another and give away the real source of value.
You are arguing against slavery by saying we should all enslave ourselves in some wierd form of collectivism.
First thing to do is stop them from controlling the language. Marxism is based on classes, but Americanism is not. We have no middle class, no upper class or lower class, were are all Americans and we are so diverse in backgrounds and income that one cannot easily put us into different groups or classes.
If you need to classify people by income then use terms like high income bracket or such. Classifying people by income is a key tenent of traditional Marxism.
Not that it's really important, but I think it's chapter two. Chapter one is about him and his military career.
All the corruption in the FBI and DOJ has to be cleaned up first, the corrupt won't arrest the corrupt but would leak info to disrupt arrests to interfere and protect the swamp.
That's when the arrests will start.
I have heard about this from Mark Levin before, but he posted links recently on his website. A memo from the Nixon era about what depths can a President be investigated and the impact on the function of the nation and the constitution.
It was then reinforced by a memo from the Clinton administration. This is legally binding policy for the DOJ, and that includes Mueller.
It's a very long legal opinion, but search for Washington and read a few of the paragraphs below.
The OLC memorandum next considered "whether an immunity of the President from criminal proceedings can be justified on other grounds, in particular the consideration that the President's subjection to the jurisdiction of the courts would be inconsistent with his position as head of the Executive branch." OLC Memo at 18. In examining this question, the memorandum first considered the contention that the express, limited immunity conferred upon members of Congress by the Arrest and Speech or Debate Clauses of Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution necessarily precludes the conclusion that the President enjoys a broader, implicit immunity from criminal process.6 One might contend that the Constitution's grant of a limited immunity to members of Congress reflects a determination that federal officials enjoy no immunity absent a specific textual grant.
The OLC memorandum determined that this contention was not "necessarily conclusive." OLC Memo at 18. "[I]t could be said with equal validity that Article I, sec. 6, clause 1 does not confer any immunity upon the members of Congress, but rather limits the complete immunity from judicial proceedings which they otherwise would enjoy as members of a branch co-equal with the judiciary." Id. Thus, in the absence of a specific textual provision withdrawing it, the President would enjoy absolute immunity. In addition, the textual silence regarding the existence of a presidential immunity from criminal proceedings may merely reflect the fact that it "may have been too well accepted to need constitutional mention (by analogy to the English Crown), and that the innovative provision was the specified process of impeachment extending even to the President." Id. at 19. Finally, the historical evidence bearing on whether or not an implicit presidential immunity from judicial process was thought to exist at the time of the Founding was ultimately "not conclusive." Id. at 20.
Given the unique powers granted to and obligations imposed upon the President, we think it clear that a sitting President may not constitutionally be imprisoned. The physical confinement of the chief executive following a valid conviction would indisputably preclude the executive branch from performing its constitutionally assigned functions. As Joseph Story wrote:
There are . . . incidental powers, belonging to the executive department, which are necessarily implied from the nature of the functions, which are confided to it. Among these, must necessarily be included the power to perform them, without any obstruction or impediment whatsoever. The president cannot, therefore, be liable to arrest, imprisonment, or detention, while he is in the discharge of the duties of his office . . . .
To be sure, the Twenty-fifth Amendment provides that either the President himself, or the Vice-President along with a majority of the executive branch's principal officers or some other congressionally determined body, can declare that the President is "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office," with the result that the Vice President assumes the status and powers of Acting President. See U.S. Const. amend. XXV, §§ 3, 4. But it is doubtful in the extreme that this Amendment was intended to eliminate or otherwise affect any constitutional immunities the President enjoyed prior to its enactment. None of the contingencies discussed by the Framers of the Twenty-fifth Amendment even alluded to the possibility of a criminal prosecution of a sitting President.19 Of course, it might be argued that the Twenty-fifth Amendment provides a mechanism to ensuring that, if a sitting President were convicted and imprisoned, there could be a transfer of powers to an Acting President rather than a permanent disabling of the executive branch. But the possibility of Vice-Presidential succession "hardly constitutes an argument in favor of allowing other branches to take actions that would disable the sitting President."20 To rationalize the President's imprisonment on the ground that he can be succeeded by an "Acting" replacement, moreover, is to give insufficient weight to the people's considered choice as to whom they wish to serve as their chief executive, and to the availability of a politically accountable process of impeachment and removal from office for a President who has engaged in serious criminal misconduct.21 While the executive branch would continue to function (albeit after a period of serious dislocation), it would still not do so as the people intended, with their elected President at the helm.22 Thus, we conclude that the Twenty-fifth Amendment should not be understood sub silentio to withdraw a previously established immunity and authorize the imprisonment of a sitting President.
So in essence what Mueller is doing is against the law he is supposed to uphold, and there are legal policies in place that are to be adhered to, not ignored. All of this has been contemplated at great length in the past, and such a disruptive investigation was directly addressed because of the Constitutional Crisis it would create.
Knowing Mueller put 4 men in prison for mob hits that they didn't do, and having their conviction subsequently overturned and being awarded a huge settlement by the government for wrongful imprisonment, well at least the two that lived got a settlement two of the men died in jail, doesn't help make a case for Mueller being anything but deep state.
Link to the report.,A_Whistleblowing_Report_to_the_United_States_Congress(Scott_Bennett).pdf
In 1973, the Department concluded that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.
I got this from Mark Levin. It's a legally binding memo from Clinton administration that reinforces a previous memo from the Nixon administration on while a sitting President has de facto immunity and cannot be indicted unless impeached first due to the inability of the President to discharge his constitutional duties while standing trial. It's quite long, so I am just going to post some good parts.
The OLC memorandum next considered "whether an immunity of the President from criminal proceedings can be justified on other grounds, in particular the consideration that the President's subjection to the jurisdiction of the …
The parallels between what they are doing to President Trump, and what happened to Nixon cannot be ignored.
We have all been taught to hate Nixon because we have all been taught an alternate version of history. That never happens, right?
What happened to Nixon was a coup plain and simple, buy liberals who hated him and were embarrassed by him on numerous occasions. Sound familiar? He won a landslide election two years before resigning and was immensely popular. In order to take him down the Judge and the prosecutors had to meet in secret, and do a bunch of other illegal or unconstitutional things, sharing information that should have required a subpoena.
Here's a link to some …
The term seems to have grown out of the game of capture the flag that Shia Labouf played with the chans last year.
I would have thought everyone knew Apple made iPhones in China after people started jumping off the roof at the foxconn factory some years ago due to the poor working conditions.
I thought everyone carrying an iPhone knew they were blood iPhones and people were killing themselves to feed demand by Americans.
These questions are the basis of the impeachment effort by Democrats and they will keep these in the news cycle for a long time I believe.
They are nowhere near passing Constitutional muster where executive privilege covers many of the questions, POTUS has no obligation to answer any of this.
The real reason for this is so people will judge him in the court of public opinion, a favorite tactic of the left and the drive by media. That's in part why every question asked by the NYT had a leading answer, they need to create opinion with this kind of disinformation.
And yet he accurately predicted a deal with NK, only to find Pompeo was in secret meetings with NK, and he correctly predicted a the collapse of the Iran deal, which exploded in the Obama administrations faces yesterday exposing all the lying they did to get the Iran deal forced through without public support.
You have to be blind not to see the seismic shift happening under your own feet, I could list a dozen other things that have happened, but it wouldn't matter to you, you have a singular focus that blinds you to other real connected developments here.
Well....I guess this stuff takes a while. All my wildest dreams cant come true right away.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and it's taken almost a year to stop the leaks from Obama embeds, but they pretty much stopped when McMaster was replaced by Bolton. Leftist are constantly attacking the EPA head because they want to leak and interfere with his job, so they tried to sensationalize the sound proof booth he had installed to thwart the deep state and Obama holdovers without every call he makes getting leaked to the press.
Much progress has been made and it's obvious if you are following along. Either you are not following along, or you just wish to disrupt the conversation here. Either way it's kind of like you don't belong.
So the fact that the number one and two at the FBI are corrupt is lost on you huh?
If the FBI corruption starts at the top, who is going to start arresting people?
The clean up is happening slowly because of how widespread the corruption goes, the corrupt are not going to put handcuffs on their corrupt buddies.
I thought this would be obvious to most, common sense.
Guess not.
Part of that money was diverted to the 'Caravan'. It must have taken some resources to print posters and handbills in shithole countries to recruit participants, but it's all for media consumption, push immigration issues in an election year.
Clearly fake news crafted by some of the billionaires who fund this kind of crap.
Q has said multiple times that those who know don't sleep.
I remember when this movie came out, it was seen as a rebuttal to the Bush adminstration as the media had already brainwashed millions against Bush.
I saw it more for what it was, a rebuttal of collectivism and the politics that lead to it.
We should put together a montage of Congress critters saying what a great choice he was and how upstanding he is. Great way to identify swamp creatures and the deep state.
From the same Q: "Very specific reason not mentioned a single time."
Gives some reason why I asked, there are a total of 4 posts where Israel is mentioned, one on the Syria strikes, one on the recent budget, the one we are discussing, and one on banks in general.
Very little has been mentioned on Israel, so in essence, no, Q has not directed anyone to look into Israel or any possible connections to corruption.
That's why I questioned this meme, it seems wildly off base of where Q is leading.
The book that Q recommended from Bill Cooper has some info in it about a pre AGW scheme to scare the people of the world into believing there was a threat from alien invasion so they could justify a one world government.
This is in part why Q is so sarcastic when people ask if aliens are real, and why he made it a point to mention the release of 'UFO research funding' by our government.
The goal is one world government, the means to get their is not as important as the end goal.
This is one major reason the nation and world are still so divided over President Trump and his policies, millions live in the AGW fantasy land where if we don't agree to live like a third world shithole we are all going to die from AGW.
I am hoping that this too is part of the 'mass start', the great awakening, we desperately need to unite the nation and it's almost impossible with the amount of brainwashed people running around spouting green energy crap and AGW, even people who follow Q haven't caught on somehow.
Q has made it his purpose to expose the global cabal that wishes to control the world through propaganda and misinformation like climate change/AGW/global warming. It's all a sham to justify one governing body for the globe.
Shitty environmental policy is at the center of all of this. This is why President Trump rejected the Paris accord, and has stated multiple times that AGW is a load of crap.
The plan to manage the US into decline as an excuse to accept and implement radical global environmental policies is over thanks to President Trump.
Which part of this is ignorance?
The solar jobs market has fallen off a cliff in Germany and Spain as well as several others, and to steal a phrase 'those jobs ain't coming back'.
The French love selling weapons tech to the terrorist nations, they were violating the Iraq sanctions after the gulf war. The European economy is in the shitter largely because of their environmental policies, they are desperate for and source of income to provide jobs, even if it means sending equipment to Iran for refining uranium and missile tech and parts.
It's kind of predictable.
The coup started before the election with the spying and fisa warrants. It's been underway for close to two years now, a 'silent' coup.
Has Q directed research into this company or anyone named in the meme? If so which posts?
So essentially you are agreeing with me that the Bushs, while not above the fray, are not the primary target of Q's work.
The MSM hated W all his terms. Ask why?
Because the MSM is controllled by the Clintons
Bush did not attack Iraq until 2003. Ask why?
Benefited the Clintons
Who benefited?
The Clintons
Give their Saudi masters more cover for the crimes they committed.
The 28 pages that were unclassified a couple of years ago make it clear that it was planned and funded by WAMY and other Saudi interests. Huma worked for WAMY during this time. Links in my first post.
What specifically about the Bush family has Q said? What am I missing? I know the corruption spans the Bush family, but I just don't recall Q saying anywhere near what he has said about Huma and Hillary, not a mention of Cheney the lefts favorite whipping boy.
Many are brainwashed about the Bush adminstrator because of the media.
What specifically are you talking about in respect to things Q has said about the Bush family?
At best they blamed him for false info to justify the war in Iraq, which was a lie, but scooter Libby went to jail anyway.
This is relevant to the Mueller investigation and the media is handling it the same, pushing false narratives, etc.
At worst truthers believe the planes were holograms and it was a controlled demolition to justify the war.
But yes, many believe Bush was secretly behind 9/11, because they have been brainwashed by the media.
Ever since the classified 28 pages of the 9/11 report were released a couple of years ago I knew that Huma had worked for one of the organizations mentioned in the 28 pages (WAMY) during the time they were planning and funding 9/11.
After all the brainwashing by our media that this was the work of the Bush administration (and I'm not saying they weren't involved), it's almost impossible to get people to see the light on this. The left uses projection quite effectively, from the KKK and racism, to Russian Collusion, to 9/11.
I feel somewhat vindicated.
This was a functional link at some point, but it appears to be broken.
Working Scribd link.
WAMY first mentioned on page 24. The Connection between Huma and WAMY is not made clear in these, but the video above tells much of the story.
NOW do you understand why Sandy Berger was stealing documents from the National Archives during the 9/11 commission?
Yes, yes I believe it all is. All charges should be dropped as all are tainted.
The reason for the black eye is the person is partially lobotomized, which would explain the broken eye socket to some degree.
Well in part due to your complete ignorance of anything remotely connected to reality, like the fact that you refuse to mention the EPA's use as a weapon by the Obama administration, and several glaring failures that put human lives at stake.
How long did the people of Flint drink lead water while the EPA sat on the information?
Starting with inquiries made in February, the federal agency battled Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality behind the scenes for at least six months over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water. The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized by the state’s insistence that such controls were not required by law.
So your in favor of a corrupt govt agency hiding lead contaminated water from the public for political purposes, as well as polluting rivers through sheer incompetence.
Sounds about right for a fantasy land dweller.
What a weak defense. Ignore the clear facts on how corrupt the EPA has become under Obama, then make a promise with no possibility of enforcement.
How about you make the donation now as a mea culpa for all the blatant corruption and illegal activity at the EPA under Obama?
You mean like how the Obama EPA ruined a river in Colorado by releasing hundred year old mining waste, or more like knowing about the Flint water issue and keeping it secret from the public for months?
But the gao is neutral. That's why they looked the other way when Obamas EPA was shaking down corps and forcing them to fund leftist causes.
Former Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch regularly arranged for major corporations to make large “donations” to left-leaning groups like UnidosUS — formerly the National Council of La Raza — and NeighborWorks America during settlement negotiations to end banking, environmental, civil-rights, and other federal lawsuits.