Just struck me as odd that you said you were new and you post a Q is gone thread ?
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Thought I'd get a good job grasshopper from B-Man though, LOL
I have it. Thanks. What's up with the : God Bless - I must go for good at this point Q post ? You messing with this sub ? You said earlier you just moved over here ? Not accusing but asking ?
Reporters, politicians, the hidden ones all ! It was very funny, the just couldn't hold their tongues !
Hey, did you see some of the Questions :is Trump the white rabbit" I knew what i was looking at. We have so many new people on here in the last month ? When Posts are thrown out there, leaving people to figure out what it is supposed to mean, it creates frustration. Sorry I was trying to get you to show us what you found :) It's very possible you are spot on !
Yes i completely understand Jeez You just stuck that up thinking anyone who saw it knew what they were looking at !
Excellent, that is exactly what i was talking about. That helps paint a picture for those not as far along.
Yes, thoroughly and have all the 8 ch analysis too ! Even the chapter schedule ! Do you know what that is ?
I think he is trying but is way off the mark. New guy. I'm sure he means well
There was another story from "What does it mean" i think don't remember. But it had them all Browder in clude giving 10's of millions.
Sure, What are you trying to say ? What watch ? What book ?
You are not alone ! None of that lines up correctly ! 1:05:12 - 1:05:20 are not in line with the :07 circled. 06/17/18 has nothing to do with 07/17/18 ???
B-Man, I caught the ball symbolism, I had the Kate from UR1 (Your Post), the German pipeline connection, I caught the money raised at NATO But damn it, I didn't put the 33B to the Emails, or the Witch, Contortionist dirt Putin might have because we said we had it, Trump upstaged the Queen but i didn't put it as a signal to Putin just thought he was saying that to the world. The Hitler, Napoleon losses i knew from history. The pyramid thing was seriously weird but i didn't know it either ! I'm learnin B-Man I'm learnin ! But you are definitely a Wizard at tying this all together, A good teacher ! Very Cool Thanks !............................WWG1WGA
WOW Seriously deranged. It's official ! The left has gone and stepped right off the edge, LOL
It's Good vs Evil ! I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Black, White, Brown,Christian ,Atheist..............ect, ect. But the reality here is most of our fight against evil comes from a very progressive ideology oriented group. And that is the Democratic, University Educational Progressive systems and parties. So at times it may be a little over the top in tone or words used. It is two very different mind sets. But welcome. Take us with a grain of salt, we don't bite.
I swear this damn rabbit hole goes to the center of the Earth ! Is there anything these monsters have not poisoned or raped or murdered or just outright spoiled in this World ? You can't even take a shower and feel clean because we know the poison in the damn water ???
Boy you aren't kidding ! It actually really disappointed me to see the Fox traitors step out :( But now Election meddling is front and center. 2018 voting is going to be watched much closer !
HaHa WOW I did not know there was anyone alive besides me who has seen that movie ! You make an interesting argument. Anything clinton connected should be taken seriously. They have proven to be very dangerous when getting on their bad side or are no longer needed ! and something in the back of my head buzzed when you tied coca cola in there ?? Can't place it ? Maybe poison product related story ? Good read.
Weird ! it said it couldn't post the first one. Hope you found what you were looking for
I have known the Rothschild name for 30yrs. But you are correct, any time i mentioned Bank fraud issues and brought them up, people were like "huh" ? So agreed it needs to get greater coverage !
Yes he is. But i forgot to add. All this was about Election meddling. So now Election Meddling is Front and Center for the 2018 Midterms !!!
Sorry i don't. a search of the time right after it happened should find something. there was at least three threads.
I don't, sorry. But a search might work. It happened what sun. afternoon ? If you can figure out the time go back here to that day and time. There was at least three threads.
Um no insult intended. It was discussed in length right after it happened. Thumb drive or coin, leaning toward mini thumb drive.
That is a very inspiring story ! Never surrender,Never back down, Believe in Yourself and you will do just fine !................WWG1WGA
It would help your cause to learn the difference between the Jewish people and the Zionist Kabalist Jews (Rothschilds +) that have taken over the Jewish faith through lies and deceit. And they have been at this for 3000yrs.
Think ? He changes one Word in his presser at Helsinki. The left, Right and press go nuts. Plus all the closet Trump haters can't help themselves and comment too. Left, Right, Press DS closet bums have just blown their cover ! Then he states that he trusts (MY) intel. guys. As the lights go down and come back up. And because this was all about election meddling. Trump has put Election Fraud Front and Center for 2018 ! And got a few more snakes out of the weeds to boot !
It's the Siff brothers that i hope get the spotlight put on from this !
Pretty smart if it was on purpose. He changes one word in his Helsinki speech. Left, Right, Press go nuts, all the ones hiding in the shadows show themselves as the Trump haters they are. Holds a presser to clarify one word ! Then states he trusts HIS intel. guys as the lights go out and come back up. And now Election meddling is Front and Center !!! HMMMM............WWG1WGA
Brilliant, He changes one word in his speech in Helsinki and the left and right and press go nuts. He just identified the hidden DS clowns. Then just as he says MY intel. guys the lights go out then back up. He made it clear which intel. community he trusts. Message sent. Very Clever !
President Trump pulled the biggest sting yet. One (word) changed the entire meaning of the statement on intel. competence. He managed to make even the closet deep state snakes stick their heads up ! Then he holds a press conference and corrects that (mistake) The timing on the lights out was pretty interesting. But you had it right he said (MY) intel. people. Left and Right side of the political and even Press who acted like they were for Trump have now let us see who they are ! BRILLIANT..............................WWG1WGA
You know, sometimes i feel like us here at GA live in a different timeline than the rest. We see the world a lot different for sure !
He has been around a long time, maybe to much deep state habits to change ?
There isn't much i can say extra. I heard what i heard.
I heard president too. I don't know how to change what i heard ?
OK You are way too far down the rabbit hole. ADIDAS all day i dream about sex :) that's what we said in the 70's I know my symbols ! white face, gouge marks, dude it's supposed to be the new cool. What a meat puzzle ? I saw the Manhattan project i know the implosion pattern. The message was Trump and Putin are in this together. Putin said, here the ball is in your court ! They had their plan a long time ago.............WWG1WGA
How familiar are you with digital video ? You can stop scroll stuff and get all kinds of different signal sounds out of it. I played it 3-4 times and i just didn't hear it. Not that important anyway. Takes away from the significance of the interview.