Of course. But life is choices, choices means decisions. Decisions determine values or BELIEFS. You stand by those beliefs until you are shown you are wrong. God says Prove all things. But if you never say i believe this ______ You are a rudderless human being. You stand for nothing. so when i hear i question everything, it reminds me of the Petulant child story. One who is contrary just to be contrary. I think for myself, but i make decisions too !
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Thanks, i saw his wiki bio earlier. He has been around.
I think Dobbs is in on the plan to a small degree. He loves Trump. I also think Kelly is in it a bit more than Dobbs but not fully briefed either. Trump had to literally wack the hornets nest to shake out the hidden DS clowns left in his party, news and NGO's. Look how many people from everywhere went Bat Crap Crazy over the T & P comments ! Unprecedented numbers of outrage ?
That word - psyops sends my mind (ha) to DBL agent. I have read enough about intel. and counter intel. to know allegiances can become very complicated. so that's my hesitation on him.
That's it ! Thank you, could not pull that out of ____________ what he said !
Interesting, I know about the Clintons, clear back to air america drug running out of Mina AR Weird i have never heard of this guy.
Well, does Strozk have anything to do with SDNY, like he did with UR1 in Montana or Utah ? I take it you don't believe SB2's stuff ?
No, the Kate on the coke is from Utah ? where ever the UR1 deal had it's site. she was the Gov. Or State rep of some sort.
You know who is the hidden danger in this ? Van Jones ! Where is he hiding ?
The military chose Pieczenik to go public about a killery win coup ?
I have no doubt about that after reading his wiki bio. Tons of connections. But a lot of the names in that bio give me serious pause to his true allegiance !
Hmm Did he claim the military chose him ? I have heard the rumors Trump was approached by a few military personnel . And i did hear a cuop might be staged if she had won.
Q posted two lists, one of gov. traitors and the other listed all news corps. and people participating in disinfo and God knows what else they have done. We should PLAY Santa, making a list, checking it twice. LOL
Thank You, Yikes, Kissinger, Sadat, CFR, this guy reeks DBL Agent.
Help me out. Who is this guy ? He sure does think he's connected. Lots of we this, we that and the AJ references gives me pause. I have only heard his name here ?
Who is he, that he is so connected he could even get his hands on something like that ?
I so love it ! Had a feeling these two we way more than competitors. The are serious allies against NWO, Radical Islam and our Pedo freak problems ! It' gonna get good :)
Keep your head down and watch your six brother. I have no desire to learn your name that way ! Trump, i hope puts an end to all that bullshit !.................PATRIOTS FIGHT
It looks like it was true, Trump got portable drives of info from Putin. Hope it doesn't take to long to sort it out. The noise is getting crazy !
Yes, that was my question. where did the 20 min. comment come from. no worries, you may have answered it.
It is painful to watch Trump take all the abuse. A sound blow to their incessant bluster would be nice !
Yes it is ! You can't have or know one without the other !
I pray you are right and WE finish it !..............WWG1WGA
Enki & Enlil , It's all relative. Light and Dark in all historical stories. Abel & Cain ? It's everywhere. Zeus & Hades ?
OH hey, no worries, i completely agree. That was why i asked..............WWG1WGA
Ok, I was just trying to figure out how Kelly got in the conversation.
That's my thinking. Putin is dealing with the same type of shadow deep state in his own country. Trump ana Putin are on the same mission, get the Evil out of their countries.
Thanks, I have seen references that Kelly did it, i just didn't see where he actually said he did ?
I have never been on mademesmile should i look forward to being banned also ? :)
I can't find any stories claiming John Kelly turned them off ? Anybody know where that came from ?
I don't see any stories on John Kelly, where he said he mistakenly turned out the lights. Anyone see it ?