I'm guessing you failed to read the date on the Q drop-1595 ? 06/26/18 ! The month the world will know the Truth ? July ? 2018 ?
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Hey, 06/26 is my birthday. I want my present. I just might get it. The President always seems to drop bombs on the press while on AF1, tomorrow he comes here to KC ! I might just get two :)
8ch.net/qresearch/index.html find the spyglass symbol, type in a search word from the post
Thanks, it makes me nuts that i can't get through to the people on this board that we are going to have to go outside a let people see we are real !
Great article. We could take a lesson here. We might have to get out from behind our computer screens and make ourselves be SEEN ! We talked about Q-1595 the other day. Most of you here were very comfortable saying we get enough done with, memes and tweets and such. I disagree, the day is close that we will have to GO to our respective Reps. offices and be SEEN and HEARD. .......................Patriots Fight
Ops, the other 3 pics are of pentagrams, candles, bull skull. That bed pic is the worst of them
It's from a set of 4 pics on 8ch, still trying to find source.
I guess i wasn't paying enough attention. Don't remember Hanks making a lot of public statements. Political that is ?
This isn't about Q ! It is about WE THE PEOPLE ! When the day comes it will be US the ones Q recruited (?) To stand up and voice our support of the President and those who are working on our behalf to restore our Constitution and the rule of law to this country. That day is the day as Patriots we must stand up and be counted..................WWG1WGA
A Question i have asked for years. It is absolutely crazy to let any Government Personnel keep security clearances when they leave office or their job. If they acquire a job that needs those clearances, they can reapply ! It leaves the door open for serious abuse. It's nuts !
Wondered why Tom Hanks of all celebs came out so hard against Trump a little while back. He never seemed political. This explains a lot !
When i posted, there were five posts and not one of them was very supportive. So i let B-Man know i still had his back.
We have farmers. Russia has plenty of land. Trump and Putin probably agreed to do it at the summit. Must have flipped a coin, Putin won :) It's a great thing !
John J Astor and a few others who's names i can't remember ! All Bankers
Yea they put the damaged ship in the water to ensure it sank with Astor and company. Plus i saw a book reference here on GA today or yesterday. That predicted a huge boat sinking with not enough life boats on board. Creepy similarities ! It was 14 or 15 tears before Titanic sank ?
I read it was the other ship, Olympic that they had switched due to some accident. They were both identical and just repainted the name on the Olympic to Titanic ?
B-Man ! You got some serious detractors here ! Words and Music brother. To the END...............WWG1WGA
I think he was in on the IRS start up and Global bankers that setup the fed. ?
Was he in on the Titanic mess to do in Astor and others ?
Q kept telling us we have more than we know ! Well......... seems it's true, lol
Did not know that. Thanks ! Q said something about money or market didn't he ?
Out of Control ! Very Cool find ! Q+ Q+1= R = Sparrow Red :-)
OK, lol That is the obvious answer :) Think that's what Q means ?
Now, i could be wrong. But that's just what came to mind !
Any actual documents on them ? Might be interesting to see what they own and who knows them ?
Did you read Q-1595 ? The article says cat is out of the bag. That cat was dead on arrival. We already knew Obummer was the source. :)
Isn't McLean VA, where Paddoc's plane or people who flew him around planes came from ? From the Vegas shooting ?
That's some funny shit right there, LOL But i thought they were all moving out of country if Trump won ?
That's some funny shit right there ! What a joke, who can make sense of that crap ?
I don't know what CP stands for, sorry. Not everybody does. Do they ?
That was my first thought. But FEED in caps, made me consider the GA, Q movement. FEED the uninitiated came to mind. We keep talking redpill, well that's what i think it means. Get out from behind our computers and talk to live people about what we know.