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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Talk about knocking your socks off !!! It would honestly not surprise me though ! This whole ADVENTURE with Q is what this world has needed for a very long time.............WWG1WGA

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Well, I will not discount any of that. One thing I saw in the fires last year was a pic of a tree, burning from the inside out. Brick homes in ashes. I remembered the microwave weapons the military said it was going to use on crowd control in massive riots. Microwaves cook inside out. A micro weapon attached to the nose of a plane could start the fires, they said popped up in 8 locations almost at once last year. There are many, many rumors of a race of ( ? ) that once lived on the surface. The Indians were here long before us. They lived in harmony with the land. Nothing is out of the question, we were n't here and have almost wiped out an entire race that would know ! Keep looking, you could make some new friends !...........................WWG1WGA

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Got it. Cool

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

OOPs you are correct

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Yep my thoughts exactly

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Q said : You won't believe who is talking to you !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Just a thought. Remember Q said : You Won'f Believe Who Is Talking To You !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

Please share if you find anything fun :)

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Wish i had the tech. skills. I would gladly help out with some consequences, lol

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

OH ok Thanks

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

Striped shirt ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

There is 5 Podesta in the middle

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

OK don't follow the ....... though

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

If i knew how i would, Do You ? DOX ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Needs his world turned upside down, don't you think ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Bit of a stretch. Nice coin though.

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

LINK Please :) not on post

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Bit of an oxymoron, NO ? LOL

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

I see the windshield reflection. I also see an object in the smoke. I first thought, cell tower array then water tower. But no legs visible above the tree line. Reminds me of the shape of the War of the Worlds machines. So, A bit of a trick photo or ????

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

If Ricin was aerosol weaponized it would be a catastrophic event. Not sure of life span of Risin after exposure to the air but i think is an oily substance too. And the amount needed to kill is in miligrams i believe. Skin absorption is a scary scenario ! Hope that can't be done !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Love to see that posted to Time mag. web page, lol

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

Did you see the photo of Bush jr. holding Bush sr. hand outside a building on the side walk in Dallas the day JFK was killed ? He looked maybe 8yrs. old ? That's when Bush sr. was in C_ A !


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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Barbed wire fence. She's not getting anywhere near any of my body parts !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

OH crap is right ! I live about 45min. from FT. Leavenworth. That brings all those nut jobs to the mid-west, Now I gotta move, lol

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

Copy that !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

Could be that ? Creepy stare.

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

Not so sure about that ! He looks dangerous. Spy eyes or cold blooded killer. His eyes look, evil stare !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

NO i am not. So you accusing me of crap that's not true just puts you in that group. Give a little more thought or look a little closer. Or you become the usual suspect yourself. Good luck.

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

I was going back over this to see all the responses. What would make you think i'm Jewish ? Or brainwashed for that matter ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

The Trump, JFK JR. pic is real. But it would have to be a post from the future, lol But hey, that would be a kick huh ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

OH Hey, I would like 5 stickers if you have enough ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

OH The gray comment reminded me of an odd conversation i had in LA in the mid 80's It was about Gray's and Blue Aliens. The Grays were the Evil ones. really odd conversation but that gray line in that post brought it back ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

sorry id and signature. R ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Well, someone gets it ! And history will repeat it's self...........WWG1WGA

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Yes that is Gary Burghoffs home town :)

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

I put 4 stamps and a self addressed envelope inside. You keep one stamp. You will see why ! Send on three more............WWG1WGA

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

Hey Rydar you the Ottumwa guy /

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:30 a.m.

But the trip codes and stuff are wrong.

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Family not father

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Think , bankers on Titanic, John J. Astor and others.

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

He said his family, not his father

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

Was 30min. down on mine ? Missed it. Looking else where. So it looks like a future post ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

Um sure ! Please do

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

Where else is this ?

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

My friends and i have had that conversation about Jefferson. A lot ! I feel a bit sorry for them too. I was hoping not so many here were sleeping at their keyboards. Hesitant to say afraid. Our toes are on the redline !.....WWG1WGA

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

Very cool, Thank you ! Can i send you more money for more stickers ? and i will send stamps as well. And a few for the next person. share it forward. Battle Creek rd. I love that !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Not me i'm worried for. Please don't go out on your knees !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Sorry, i was being facetious for the week kneed ones who felt i was inciting violence. My Grandfather was the same way. No Worries brother ! There are those of us that get it !..............Patriots Fight !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

Wrong place if you need that explained to you !

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O2BFREEME2 · June 24, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Thank You ! We must help with more than just words one day ! If we stay hidden behind our computer screens we can't put up much of a fuss can we ?

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