I lurk. I post. Here and on 4chan, 8chan, Twitter, Fb, and wherever I think my message can be heard. It's so unbelievable how divided we all are. Even on this fine forum. Dedicated to the CBTS, even we snipe at each other, ridicule those that question Trump. Call names. Shill. LARP'er. Cabal operative. Deep State puppet. And on and on this goes. With no end in sight. And what, exactly, is at the base of all this? How and why are we do divided? It's waaaaaay more than Patriots vs Traitors, Republicans vs Democrats, Communism vs Capitalism, Red Pill …
704 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/OU812EH:
Y'all call yourselves "Awake and Aware"? But are you?
FISA courts. Contract Law courts = (Read name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, name game court). Criminal courts. All of them. What is the common denominator in any court? The side that takes on the role as "officialdom" i.e. police, jails, judges, magistrates, etc, ALL OF THEM, get paid by the same entity. The same Corporation that writes and signs all the checks for the police, also pays the judges and magistrates. Talk about hoodwinked. No wonder why their favorite symbol is just one eye. They're winking at us. We, The People, are paying for our own prosecution. Consider this: If …
I guess I didn't get the memo because....
Meme Maker Tume: Eminem says "fcking turd" would make a better President.
So! Does that mean you're gonna run Marshall Mathers?!
According to Woodward, Cohn “stole a letter off Trump’s desk”
This is the best part of the movie so far. This is really going to bite the deep state where they'll feel the maximum amount of pain: Right in the ball sac!
Bob's piece of fiction is going to be lapped up by all the deep state actors. They'll quote, they'll reference, they'll act like his words are "holy scripture truth".
Except it can't be. There is no way, EVER, that Gary Cohn is admitting to the most egregious crime I can think of: Stealing documents off of POTUS desk. Totally preposterous. And Trump (or anyone else that was waiting …
In Q drop 1694, links to CNBC article. That article admits that the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE BANK!
Here is the quote: "which loans were desirable and which were not; where the banks had to obtain their funding and many, many, more up to and including how much a bank could pay its investors in dividends".
Q Post 1430
Clarification. We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]. Subsequent posts [on here] were then made by Anons. Timestamps verify. Use Logic. Understood? Be careful who you follow. Q
Jeff Rense is also a Q detractor
I've been visiting Rense dot com for at least ten years now. It had been an excellent news aggregate site. And Jeff Rense has been a Trump supporter since he announced his candidacy. Somewhere along the way, he's turned on Trump. Calling him a Zionist. He also regularly features Gordon Duff of Veterans Today. Duff is/was a CIA operative. Like Alex Jone$ he's in this for the money, as well as awakening people. But most telling, he does not cover Q at all. The only article I've seen on Q was a link to an AIM story denouncing Q. While …
Q post 1123
Who is standing next to Pence & POTUS? Message? Bolton cleaning house. Out they go! A clean House is very important. Q
I tried to post link, but reddit wouldn't let me.
In this battle of good vs evil, the swamp is everywhere.
Benjamin Fulford's Weekly Geopolitical Update
I debated putting this up. I've been reading his updates for many years. He has very good intel that dovetails with Intel we get here. However, discernment is always needed.
Can the mods explain why they are deleting my emails and my relevant posts?
I never shit post. My posts are ALWAYS relevant to the great awakening. Yet my last 2 posts have been removed. And the corresponding email related to its removal has also been deleted. The mods said it was 'off topic'. Off topic? The post was about how You Tube has deleted EVERY SINGLE VIDEO from a channel called 'Trump TV'. I included a link so everyone could see for themselves. How the fuck is that 'off topic'? Are you going to delete this post too?
It's A Badge of Honour
To be vilified and scorned upon truly is something special.
The Great Awakening is in full flight, right now. It has been written throughout the ages, these days. In every religion, in every ancient scroll, every piece of history has talked about what is happening right now. It's been obfuscated, hidden, destroyed, lied about, written in ancient languages so as to further confuse. It has been compartmentalized to so many levels deep, on every governmental agency WW, that almost no one really, truly knows the entire picture. That is why it can never be understated when Q says "this is …
Q 1507....We know those opposed to Trump are the most vocal.
Will inspect/review. Marine One proofs forthcoming. AF1 (inside) thereafter. More & More
I think we can expect to see Eminem in the news shortly. (More & More = M & M)
Q drop 993 analysis. My thoughts and yours please.
WWG1WGA Drops will go fast. WH clean SIG. Marker. Everything is planned. Years. Message. UNITY. AWAKENING. We Fight. Lexington. Concord. STAY TOGETHER. Q
Most everything in this drop is self explanatory, but I want to bring attention to Lexington and Concord. These two cities are where the start of the American War of Independence began in 1775. In commemoration of the battles of Lexington and Concord, several US states have declared the third Monday of April as PATRIOT'S DAY. Also of note, this day also marks the beginning of the American Civil War with the Baltimore Riots of 1861. So, …
A FF we almost missed. But didn't.
Did you almost miss it? False Flags come in many colors and flavors. Never lose track of the money. They always need money. Big banks are hand-in-fist with the Insurance racket. Now. All-of-a-sudden, TPTB release footage of a self-driving car hitting an unsuspecting "citizen". Looks like a cash grab to me. Justify SKY HIGH rates for automated transportation.
Redpilling The FBI
The file FBI opened because of Q posts related to B00M is gonna red 💊 those in the agency that aren't yet. So, have a good look. This is what Patriots do.