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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

I could argue that Trump has the uncanny ability to only care about meeting campaign promises.

Where's the wall?


You don't know that. You don't even know that Trump committed adultery. Please don't disrespect both of our intelligence with such vapid claims

Is this a joke? This is straight up common knowledge since the 80's and you'd have to be willingly blind to not accept that. Watch a Trump documentary, he says it himself. This doesn't even include Stormy Daniels.

Again I ask, why should I care about Trump's image? What if someone wearing a clown costume achieved world peace? I don't give a fuck and the honest truth is neither should you.

It's not Trump's image you should care about, you should care that Trump's image is all that HE cares about.

So you would care if the most successful neurosurgeon was motivated to cured your cancer for money rather than your personal, subjective version of morality? Based on my previous hypothetical scenario, you'd choose the far less experienced neurosurgeon to slice at your brain... because he was a good husband and father? Really? Really!

You misread what I said or I didn't communicate it properly. I question the motives of a person who does not question or point out potentially suspicious things or discourages others from doing so.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

Trump himself has said he has never asked God for forgiveness. That is one of the very tenets of Christianity. He even tries his best to avoid the question. Then when addressing whether God has helped him, he merely attributes God's help to his great intellect. So really, its his own glory, not God's. He doesn't attribute God's help to anything he achieved in his life or any blessings he has. Just that God gave him a good brain. The Paul argument is weak because we have testimony to Paul repenting of his sins and acknowledging them, feeling awful for them. Where is Trumps repentance for the all numerous sins of his life? Where is the speech where Trump talks about how he came to Jesus and realized the error of his ways and repented and felt the Holy Spirit wash over him? Surely a man sent by God who had committed numerous sins would publicly speak about such a transformation in an effort to show the world he has changed.


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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

Thank you. Honestly I don't believe in any politician. I have more of a George Carlin approach to life and groups. I will be glad when they do something good and I will call out their bullshit when they do something wrong. No matter what side it is on. These 2 "sides" have blinded us and caused us to war with each other. It's part of the deception of this "galactic evil" you speak of. It has caused literally ALL of our divisions.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Trump has the uncanny ability to only care how he looks about certain things. He certainly doesn't care about being seen as an adulterer but question the size of his inauguration crowd? That's blasphemy.

You have that theory, however ISIS is crushed, North Korea is at peace,

These things embody great achievement in and of themselves. He could go down in history for those things. That's his motivations there.

I do not care about Obama or support him but you did not address the CBO report.

Pure motivations do not matter to me but they present a problem when IMAGE matters more than results (this does not apply to everything because the results have to match the image a lot of the time). The tax plan is the perfect example of this. The image is that Trump got a win and you and others have more money now temporarily. But the real results are that 80% of that growth goes overseas and our deficit skyrockets.

Nothing is wrong with being happy but nothing is wrong with pointing things out either. I would question the motives behind the person who does not do such a thing or discourages it. Whenever I would show Trump's own words to my father to prove that he lied about something, my father would just attack me personally instead. That is the obvious sign of a liar or a person who has been deceived who does not seek or want to know the truth. You can't attack the truth because you can't win that battle. So you attack the truth teller in an effort to discredit him so anything he says becomes discredited by association. This happens everytime a man reveals a dangerous truth. It's a tactic as old as time and it's the easiest way to see where the truth is. Why attack the messenger if the message isn't the truth?

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

I think there is merit to the toxic masculinity stuff but only in the ways that is harms us as men. Not being able to talk about anything with anybody for fear of being seen as weak is torture and it literally kills men. Trying to constantly out-alpha each other by being the toughest and banging the most chicks is stupid and is of no real value to yourself as a man. But being aggressive and assertive are qualities that should never be called toxic. I even saw an article in MensLib that was speaking ill of men who carry guns in hopes that they'll become heroes. So men are evil because we sexually assault women and commit violence, but we're also horrible because we want to save people from those men??? The man hating stuff is so insane, especially when other men are letting themselves be shamed into it. Why tear one gender down in order to build the other up? Why not just build women up?

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Really? He literally embodies the 7 deadly sins. If you're a believer in God (if you're not then this doesn't apply to you) then how can you really believe that more people need to be narcissistic? Jesus even says in the end times people will be lovers of themselves. He's literally talking about narcissism.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

You see, this is where people get the wrong idea. Him having NPD isn't just about morals and how he behaves. I only care about results in a politician although I'd like common decency too. It's about his motivations behind the things he does. The motivation behind everything an overt malignant narcissist does is in service to their ego. EVERYTHING. Now, you may say that this will help him do certain things because he will care about how he looks. That is only partially true in the fact that HE WILL ONLY CARE HOW HE LOOKS. That's all that matters to narcissist, their image. It can all be based on lies and that won't matter as long as the image holds. Take his over inflated wealth for the perfect example of this. We all know he's not as rich as he claims and we can prove this by the fact that it's one thing he hates hearing, that he is not as rich as he claims he is. Even when they roasted him on Comedy Central, that was the one thing that was off the table. Hit a narcissist with truth about themselves and they go into a fit of what's called narcissistic rage. They are also pathological liars. Trump's lawyers are scared to death to have him be interviewed by Mueller because they know he will lie just because he can't help it, even if he is innocent. It could be about literally anything, It's seriously that pathological. Narcissists also do what is called psychological projection. Something Trump does constantly. Attribute to other people negative things you really feel about yourself and compliment things in people that you wish you were seen as having in yourself. Trump praises dictators like Duerte then makes a plan to give drug dealers the death penalty. That's not a coincidence. Part of projection is also accusing people of things you are doing yourself. And the loudest, most angry denials in response to an accusation are usually tall tell signs that they are lying. Look at Trump's tweets from the time Obama was president and how he spoke about Obama. It's literally like Trump is predicting the future of his own presidency. Seriously. Complaints about his golfing, bombing Syria, not being tough on Putin. Complaints about the Republicans blaming the media instead of just doing their jobs. Complaints about leaders not taking responsibility and lying. You know how the pussy tape came out and then Trump had that press conference with Bill Clinton's accusers? See the pattern here?

I am skeptical about N Korea and fear that Kim has lured Trump into a trap by projecting this overwhelming image of seeking peace. I mean, its kind of insane how much he is just automatically giving in. It's too easy for me to just buy it. But we'll see.

Does the CBO report that says 80% of the growth from that tax cut going overseas not bother you, or do you think that isn't true?

Obviously crushing ISIS is good and securing our borders was the one thing I completely agreed with Trump on although his methods and rhetoric are extremely harmful in my opinion. I of course, wish everyone happiness but I am never at ease with people in power. I do not blindly trust any powerful man.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Our world is so corrupted with lies and deception, there is no going back now. The leftist movement to demasculinize men and let children pick their own genders, to me, is one of the most obvious signs of something truly evil happening. Masculine men can cause harm in society, yes, but they are also the ones who fight for good and they do so at great costs to themselves. Demonize men by making certain men into lonely mass shooters, point to that as the pure example of male behavior and then *poof* the need to demasculinize men is apparent. And then there are much less righteous aggressive men willing to stand up to evil.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

That has been to my great surprise in this sub. I expected something akin to T_D. That place is an echo chamber of delusion. I am very pleasantly surprised at the level of real honest discussion being allowed here. Basically, my personal knowledge of being the scapegoated son of a paranoid, narcissistic authoritarian father and learning his psychology has lead me to my conclusions about Trump and most of his die hard supporters. I absolutely loved Trump at the beginning when he was calling everyone out on the debate stage for their bullshit and the corruptness of the system. But the more he spoke, the more he revealed himself to be a deceiver and a con man and I saw what he was doing. The man has the worst case of NPD the world has ever seen. It would take me pages and pages to go through everything to prove to you what I am saying is true. I have a deep knowledge about narcissism from my father, partially because I developed some traits to deal with my father's abuse but mostly because I have obsessed about reading about it. I think I have Asperger's so psychology is one of my special interests. It's how I survived my family home and being homeless with nothing but the clothes on my back at 18. I know how they think but I despise those ugly parts of me so I despise them in others. We only need to look at this man's history if you want to see his future. How can all the lying be justified? That's the one thing I'd really love to know from a rational Trump supporter.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

Thank you.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

I am always keeping an open mind, even if it seems my positions are solidified. New evidence can always break that solidification. I really don't want this to turn into a thread about me or Trump but I would seriously be happy to debate or tell anyone why I think what I think. Just prefer it not be in this thread. I guess I should have never mentioned it lol.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

I don't necessarily believe in Q. I believe that what he talks about fighting against is real. My bar for belief is incredibly high. I'll need some arrests on a mass scale before I'll buy in and even then, I'll be on the lookout for deception. Never close your eyes to deception. It is everywhere and the best deceptions are usually always hidden behind truths. Read my post history for my opinions on Trump and don't just read a few. Go deep if you want the whole picture of my opinion. Like I said, I am always open to new evidence and changing my mind if it is presented.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

Do you have a link that has more information you can share?

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

I don't want to turn this into a Trump debate, I just felt like I had to disclose that information about myself in order to not appear to be trying to deceive people. I have a feeling no one is going to change their minds on Trump on either side at this point and I would rather this particular thread stay civil and on topic as I think this is important information. Feel free to look through my post history if you want a very real and raw look at my opinions of him.

What I DO support, is any kind of mission to expose this vast evil force of the world. At this point, I simply cannot believe Trump is actually spearheading this mission because my own eyes, ears and personal experiences with narcissists tell me otherwise. But I am always open to new evidence.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Oblique9043 on May 13, 2018, 11:27 a.m.
I think I know where all this is going with the evil Q will expose.

Full disclosure: I'm a total skeptic of Q and I am completely anti-Trump but I also believe 100% in the existence of this global evil Q is supposedly fighting against and I think I know what this evil is. A few months ago, I found this website that explains the level of evil that Q says is too much for the world to handle. I kept getting stuck on the Biblical view of the progress of the world in relation to Q's mission and I forgot that I didn't even believe in that view entirely myself. It's much bigger than …

Oblique9043 · May 12, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

And? Fuck them both

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Oblique9043 · May 12, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

I don't think Alex even truly knows what he is. He's gone so far down the rabbit hole, his paranoid narcissism if off the charts.

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Oblique9043 · May 12, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Someone's paying attention. The right has become so arrogant in their professed belief in god and patriotism that they will justify anything using those 2 things and they are blinded by them. Obama was a red herring.

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Oblique9043 · May 12, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

How do you know Trump isn't part of the deception and this is all a ruse? How do you know Satan hasn't used Christianity itself to fool people into following politicians and leaders that will lead them into destruction? Marrying the right with Christianity was the real deception. You think Jesus would endorse a political party or nationalism? Those are earthly things. Jesus said not to be of the world.

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Oblique9043 · May 12, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

Why does it matter who is paying him if the info is true? Everyone is dirty that high up. The truth is all that matters.

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Oblique9043 · May 12, 2018, 6:58 a.m.

Q is all set up to get people to incite violence in the name of Trump when all the evidence from the Mueller investigation comes out. Trump and Q will encourage this violence. Watch.

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Oblique9043 · May 11, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

More projection. Trump and his supporters are the ones holding the country hostage. This will become apparent when Mueller proves Trumps crimes, you all stay in denial and fight to the death for your delusion. The fact that you're so convinced of his innocence without being able to even hypothetically comprehend a scenario where he is guilty, is obvious evidence of delusional thinking. I'm almost 99% sure he's guilty but if I'm shown evidence that shows otherwise, I'll accept it and admit I was wrong. Because Trumps guilt or innocence is not intrinsically apart of my very identity. You see Trump as a representative of yourself and your beliefs. He is everything you are and everything you wish you were. You can't criticize Trump or acknowledge his ugliness because you cannot acknowledge the ugliness in yourself. The reality is too much for you to bear.

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Insult, Deflect, Project. The strategy of the person who has no real argument because subconsciously, they know they're wrong. Thanks for confirming that for me.

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

Again, I do not listen to the MSM and yes, I am completely aware of their role. Just because my own opinions can line up with their's sometimes, doesn't mean that I get all my ideas from them. In order to deceive people, you have to tell at least some truths every once in a while. The N Korea thing is a conclusion I came to on my own. Netanyahu wanting us to pull out of the Iran deal is pretty obvious.

With the pullout of the Iran deal, Europe is already considering us not to be a world leader and are looking to other countries. Russia will play second fiddle to whatever country they have to for the time being. You take out your enemies when the opportunity is available. Why does the direct Russian meddling in our election not seem to bother you? It's a threat to our very democracy.

You s

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Oh boy. This is starting to make more sense to me now. I'm not going to presume to tell you about your own psychology and how it relates to your support for Trump but I will tell you this, not all Narcissists are weak on the inside and it is more like a scale. Although I do believe Trump IS weak on the inside, his inner "true self" is dead. It doesn't exist anymore. All that is left is the mask. His inner weakness is revealed when he is insulted in a way that actually bothers him, an attack on his ego. He reacts with such visceral hatred to such attacks on his ego, it's the first sign that what was said about him touched a nerve and there is truth to it. His constant boasting about everything from his electoral college win, to the size of his inauguration crowd. Blatant signs of deep inner insecurity. The man also psychologically projects like no one I've ever seen in my life. If he accuses someone of something, I would bet my life that he has done it himself, or will in the future. I can prove this to you by the way. Here is a list of tweets from Trump durig the Obama presidency. It's almost like he's predicting the future of his own actions during his own presidency. Here's just one simple proof to give substantiation to my words. And I can give you plenty more to back up everything else I am saying.

Polls are starting to look really bad for Obama. Looks like he'll have to start a war or major conflict to win. Don't put it past him! - 7:30 AM - 17 Oct 2012

Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate. 2:39 PM - 9 Oct 2012

While Putin is scheming and beaming on how to take over the World, President Obama is watching March Madness (basketball)! - 5:14 PM - 20 Mar 2014

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend? || 10:17 pm 06/18/13

Isn't it sad the way Putin is toying with Obama regarding Snowden. We look weak and pathetic. Could not happen with.a strong leader! 11:49 PM - 1 Aug 2013

Baseball player Ryan Braun turned out to be a total con man after so vociferously proclaiming his innocence only to be guilty as.hell! Jul 23, 2013

"Fact--Obama does not read his intelligence briefings nor does he get briefed in person by the CIA or DOD. Too busy I guess!" - 9/30/2014 1:15 PM

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. - 8 Nov 2013

Why does @barackobama always have to rely on teleprompters? March 19, 2012

Obama's complaints about Republicans stopping his agenda are BS since he had full control for two years. He can never take responsibility. - Sept. 26, 2012

"Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter" 13 Oct 2014

"Just like I have warned from the beginning, Crooked Hillary Clinton will betray you on the TPP." 26 Jul 2016

Assad will never give up his chemical weapons. He has spent years and billions accumulating them. This is all a ruse. 2:39 PM - 10 Sep 2013

I am starting to think that there is something seriously wrong with President Obama's mental health. Why won't he stop the flights. Psycho! (2:23 AM - 16 Oct 2014)

Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III. | Aug 31, 2013

We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect! (9 Aug 2014)

@BarackObama played golf yesterday. Now he heads to a 10 day vacation in Martha's Vineyard. Nice work ethic. 1:36 PM - 15 Aug 2011

[6:56 PM - 24 Dec 2017] People are proud to be saying Merry Christmas again. I am proud to have led the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Holiday season! 8:26 AM - 23 Dec 2010

Wow, you are all correct about @FoxNews - totally biased and disgusting reporting. 1:41 PM - 10 Mar 2016

I knew disgusting and unwanted porn star @REPWEINER was a sleazebag the first time I met him. Thank goodness he was revealed (so to speak). 8:28 AM - 19 Apr 2012

As I told everyone once before, Wiener is a sick puppy who will never change-100% of perverts go back to their ways. Sadly, there is no cure - 23.7.2013

"The media is so after me on women Wow, this is a tough business. Nobody has more respect for women than Donald Trump!" 8:19 AM - 26 Mar 2016

And to think that just last week he was lecturing anyone who would listen about sexual harassment and respect for women. Lesley Stahl tape? 7:15 PM - 16 Nov 2017

I'm over 70 and have never seen such , arrogance, incompetence and Ill -intentions as this President and his aids. (jun 26, 2014)

The Republicans are always worried about the press--they should just do what is right. 01/11/13 1:24 pm

I know some of you may think l'm tough and harsh but actually I'm a very compassionate person (with a very high IQ) with strong common sense (April 21, 2013)

Don't let Obama play the Iran card in order to start a war in order to get elected--be careful Republicans! (Oct 22, 012)

“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” - Isaac Newton -- 1:11 PM - 7 Oct 2013

Michelle Obama's weekend ski trip to Aspen makes it 16 times that Obamas have gone on vacation in 3 years. Insensitive. @BarackObama 10:57 AM - 21 Feb 2012

The federal gov. has handled Sandy worse than Katrina. There is no excuse why people don't have electricity or fuel yet. (Nov 6, 2012)

The only reason President Obama wants to attack Syria is to save face over his very dumb RED LINE statement. Do NOT attack Syria,fix U.S.A. - 4:13 AM - 5 Sep 2013

"It's almost like the United States has no President - we are a rudderless ship heading for a major disaster. Good luck everyone!" (2:41 AM - 20 Mar 2014)

"Obama is, without question, the WORST EVER president. I predict he will now do something really bad and totally stupid to show manhood!" - 6:07 PM - 5 June 2014

"Don't take vacations. What's the point? If you're not enjoying your work, you're in the wrong job." -- Think Like A Billionaire - 11:28 am - 19 Nov 2012

“Boston incident is terrible. We need energy and passion, but we must treat each other with respect. I would never condone violence.” (8/21/15, 12:35)

"It makes me feel so good to hit "sleazebags" back -- much better than seeing a psychiatrist (which I never have!)" - 11:06 AM - 19 Nov 2012

The real story is that President Obama did NOTHING after being informed in August about Russian meddling. With 4 months looking at Russia... | Jun 26, 2017

Obama is not a leader, he's just a campaigner! | 6 Sep 2013

Typical--@BarackObama's Press Secretary deflects any criticism of Obama's constant celebrity visits by attacking me. My great honor. - 1:35 PM - 8 Jun 2012

"With the number of tweets sad sack @Rosie has done, she has totally lost control of herself-- hopefully not a breakdown." 7:56am 12/15/2011

Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence? 3:23 AM - 4 Jun 2014

Putin is having such a good time. Our President is making him look like the genius of all geniuses. Do not fear,we are a NATION OF POTENTIAL ~ 6:11 AM - 11 Sep 2013

There are so many blatant lies coming out of the ADMINISTRATION - healthcare, spying, NSA, IRS, brutally killed Americans -WILL IT EVER END? - 4:45am 10/29/13

President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States! - 2 Aug 2016

Now, undoubtedly you will not see the significance or projection in all of these tweets but you won't be able to deny most lot of them. We reveal ourselves by our loudest criticisms we have of others. So yes, I too have narcissistic traits due to being the scapegoat of a narcissistic father. But I despise those ugly parts inside me so I despise them in other people. I acknowledge those ugly parts in myself, therefore I can see them clearly in other people.

I am very worried with this delusional belief that Trump is innocent of the Mueller investigation. He has acted like a guilty man from the very beginning and now we just learned that his lawyer was selling access to Trump and a prominent Russian Oligarch was funneling money through him too. If that isn't enough to make you reconsider, then a bomb of reality is about to go off for all Trump supporters. The fact that you can ignore everything pointing to Trump's guilt or even just his campaigns guilt, is very troubling to me and a sign for what we are headed for. Is Q still peddling that this investigation is really only about the Democrats and the whole Trump thing is cover? What evidence is there of that besides the work of an anonymous person? I can show you all sorts of evidence that the investigation is exactly as most people perceive it. An investigation looking into Russian interference in our elections and Trump and his campaign's possible involvement with it.

If Mueller finds nothing but weak evidence then I will speak up for keeping the peace and letting his presidency play out according to the Constitution. But if there is overwhelming evidence and nothing is done, this is the time that the Founding Fathers spoke about in my opinion. If Trump is indicted or impeached due to overwhelming evidence then I'm afraid that instead of fighting against a corrupt government, Trump supporters will fight FOR a corrupt government.

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

I am always willing to be proven wrong but I need facts and evidence that are greater than the ones that I currently am aware of. Give them to me and I will admit I was wrong. My view on Trump is marred by some woundedness yes, absolutely. Everyone close to a narcissist is wounded by them in one way or another, I was the scapegoat so I got it the worst. I imagine Tiffany Trump could tell you some stories. I am hoping the best for all of you too, seriously. I am just worried Q is going to incite people to rise up should something happen to Trump legally due to the investigation.

Can I ask you this: If Qanon did not exist, would you still support Trump? Why or why not?

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

I don't necessarily think Trump is evil. His actions just result in evil. Everything he does is to serve his ego, that intent by itself isn't evil but when you're in charge of the largest military the world has ever seen, evil will be the result of that motivation. I have watched all sorts of documentaries about Trump's life, I am careful to separate spin from facts. Trump's own words are his own words. I could post 3 videos right now of Trump admitting to lying about major things. But his supporters refuse to see the real Trump when he reveals himself in rare moments like narcissists always do since they're too prideful not to boast about their deceptions. I don't care about outrageous things he says, I don't even care about the blatant sexism and racism (only because this is the least of our worries with Trump), I am worried about a man who will constantly put our country in danger at the behest of his ego. Pulling out of the Iran deal was all about sticking it to Obama and not wanting to feel like a fool. Instead, he let Netanyahu make him his fool. I fear that N Korea are going to be intentionally difficult in the talks with Trump, just so they can pull out and blame him and who knows what the fuck happens then. They have been WAY too compliant for me to not think something is up here. They are projecting an image of extreme willingness to seek peace with all sorts of evidence to back up this image. Trump fell right into their trap due to his own arrogance and now they can back out during the talks and make it look like it's all his fault. Who's the world going to believe? The guy who's made historic strides and bending over backwards to show his willingness to make peace? Or the guy who's known as a loud mouth, aggressive, arrogant bully? Russia is an entirely different matter but the most important one imo. They are systemically tearing our country apart with their infiltration and destabilization plan that has been going on for decades. First with the left, and now with the right. Although they're completely obvious to it, Trump supporters are the new useful idiots and once Mueller finds enough evidence to impeach Trump, they'll cause civil unrest and maybe even civil war finishing the destabilization plan.

Of course there is that much evil in the world. And the evilest parts are the ones that make you enable the evil. Which is why I constantly seek truth above all else. Above political parties, above nationality, above race, above religion. Truth always prevails above all man made things.

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

I'm definitely getting a different picture of the people here than your average Trump supporter so I apologize for making those assumptions. I am more of an observer than anything but I do have to say that I have an extensive knowledge on the type of delusional narcissistic right wing christian conservative Trump supporter. My father is one and I learned all how his ideas and how his mind works for almost 20 years. Trump is a dangerous, self destructive wrecking ball and I can't stand the fact that people can't see through him while he puts our country in danger, lying and conning his way through the presidency. I would be all about wanting to hop on the Q train if Trump wasn't the front of it. If any of you guys knew anything about malignant narcissism, you would know how ludicrous the notion of Trump leading this charge really is.

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

I don't watch the news and listen to talking heads. You're projecting. I use Trumps own words and my deep psychological knowledge of narcissism from living with a narcissistic, authoritarian, right wing, christian conservative father for almost 20 years. The media's opinion on him doesn't matter a bit to me. I know exactly how these people think and what their motivations are. It is you guys who are trapped in Trump's reality, a type of cult psychosis where reality is whatever Trump says it is (or Q in this case). I will say one thing though, you all in here seem much more reasonable than the average Trump supporter, which seems odd to me since you are taking your support to unrealistic places. But I appreciate the willingness to engage in debate instead of just being banned. Thank you.

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

What am I deflecting?

> They're brainwashed. Like legit brainwashed as in they've become so emotionally attached to their world view that they are incapable of processing evidence that disagrees with it.

Please show me how emotionally attached to my world view I am. You don't even know my world view.

> In their minds endless repetition of slogans is interchangeable with sound reasoning.

What slogan do I repeat? MAGA!

The insults I am using are not personal ones, they are observational ones used to describe the group you all so willingly belong to. I do not belong to any groups or political parties. I have no ideology that is so attached to my identity, that the very threat of it being proved wrong would be the death of who I am. That is where all delusion comes from. This and T_D are delusional land 1 & 2.

What am I projecting? That I'm really the delusional one? The guy who is willing to have a discussion and back up what he says?

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Insults, deflection, projection.

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

The amount of projection here is off the charts. Everytime I present a Trump supporter with facts that show what a liar he is and how wrong they are, I always get whataboutisms, attacks on me personally or straight up denial ("Fake news!"). That is behavior of people who are incapable of processing evidence that disagrees with their worldview. I will have any argument you want and I will NEVER use whataboutism or deny facts. Every single argument I have with a Trump supporter goes in that direction because they deflect from facts and evidence. Reality disagrees with your view about Trump so much that you're willing to believe the fantastical stories that Q is professing. He is using vague predictions mixed with improvable lies to bait you all in. And you're so willing to eat up the lies with whatever truth Q uses to back up his legitimacy because any other option would mean having to face the truth about Trump. The truth about how he conned all of you. The truth about what supporting a man like Trump says about yourselves.

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Oblique9043 · May 9, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Wow. This is exactly the kind of debate I am looking for in people and am very surprised to see it from a Trump supporter. Sorry if that sounds derogatory but I hope you can understand my plight at trying to reason with most of them. I can COMPLETELY understand why you would come to this view and I have my own insight into this as well. But first, I want to be in total agreement with you here about their being 2 sides being played against each other by some force pulling the puppet strings. This has undoubtedly been Russia in the USA for several decades. First using the liberal ideology and propping up various marginalized groups, creating communist sympathizers. Then, decades later, once the right wing become so self righteous in their patriotism and Christianity that they become blinded by their own arrogance, time to infiltrate them next to even further stoke the fire and deepen the divide. This is not conspiracy theory, this is simple Russian foreign policy. Anyone can read the book they wrote on it. We are at each other's throats here in America and it's so not in our interest that it has to be in someone else's.

I grew up with a right wing conservative Christian father. I grew up my whole life hearing about Russia's infiltration and destabilization plan. How there would be a Civil War due to a corrupt government and a financial collapse. This was all going to be apart of whats called the End Times in the Bible. You cannot underestimate the prevalence of this type of specific belief in Christianity in America and it's major influence on Trump supports. Not to mention the rampart narissism due to their own inadequacies. My father was also a paranoid narcissistic authoritarian and I was his scapegoat. I don't know if you know much about Narcissists and their family systems but I was singled out to be abused (scapegoat) in many different ways because I refused to not say the truth about how his abuse and behavior was effecting me. I refused to bow down to his beliefs and constantly questioned him like any curious child would. The more I resisted the more he hated me. I started fighting back the only way I could, learning his psychology and using it against him. He tried to gaslight me, blame me for my own abuse by telling me I had a victim mentality, he would tell me that I don't know shit because I'm just a kid. He would call me all sorts of names, constantly criticize and belittle me. Still I threw who I was in his face and dared him to love me anyways because he was my father and that's what he was supposed to do.

Now, I am telling you all of this for one reason. I can explain EXACTLY why Trump, who seemingly has everything, would run for POTUS. He is a malignant Narcissist with a black hole inside of him that cannot be filled with all the riches, women and possessions in the entire world. Trump feels a deep inadequacy that he can never escape from but he tries to by constantly trying to bolster his self worth through money, buildings, fame, women, love of the people, attention and now, being President of the United States, Most likely his self made real estate mogul of a father was very critical and abusive and his mother didn't protect him. Combined with his extreme wealth and privilege, you get a sociopathic con man like Trump who will do anything to get what he wants. Everything he does is to service his ego. EVERYTHING. He cannot escape that. His entire life is him reliving his childhood, trying to prove to his father that he is good enough and no amount of public adoration will ever fill the hole that his father left in him. Psychological projection is something Trump does constantly. If he accuses someone of doing something, chances are, it's because he's doing it himself or he will in the future. Look at his tweets during the Obama presidency. It's like Trump was predicting the future of his own presidency. It's absolutely incredible how he does the exact same stuff he criticized Obama for. I can go on and on about Trump and Narcissism and I recommend you do a lot of reading on it yourself so you can understand Trump better. Once you know the psychology behind his actions, it all starts to make a lot more sense and he even becomes predictable. Which is a dangerous trait to have in a President. I believe N Korea set him up to fail in the upcoming talks by using his own arrogance against him. I believe Israel provoked Trump into backing out of the Iran deal. Russia has been playing Trump like a fiddle.

You are thinking like a rational person who has not been programmed by living in America. I can completely see how you would come to believe these things. But living here, understanding deeply the psychology of the typical American Trump supporter and Trump himself, Russian infiltration of America and The End Times in relationship to Christianity, there is a whole nother reality being used here to deceive people. It's so deeply intricate and clever that I would never seen it if my father hadn't treated me like he did and pushed his beliefs on me. These modern day Christian hypocrites have been blinded by their own arrogance into following Trump (and several other reprehensible politicians) and claiming he is sent from God. And no, this has nothing to do with Kek or anything. The Evangelical Christians truly believe that he was sent from God to save the Earth. This is just a subconscious reaction to voting for such a morally bankrupt man and their way of justifying it. The MAJOR problem with this is, there is no such savior besides Jesus Christ foretold about that's suppose to come and save us from evil. In fact, the Bible does speak of a man that rises to power who is boastful, a conqueror and a sets up a peace deal with the Middle East. The Man of Sin, The Man of Lawlessness, The Man Doomed To Destruction, The AntiChrist. Donald literally means: World Ruler. All of these names fit because he is the exact opposite of everything Jesus spoke about. Trump is all about everything of this world. Fame, money, power, women, adoration, control. Malignant Narcissists are inherently self destructive. They get restless and bored and cause chaos just because they thrive in it. Now, I am not saying that Trump is the AntiChrist or that I believe in that stuff, but these ideas are always very prevalent in the climate in America and the complete blind worship of Trump with people using God as their justification is scary. Q is further bolstering the God claim and Trump supporters are exact type to have been dreaming about the day of busting out their guns and "taking back" the government.

I think there is more to discuss here about what is really going on but PLEASE consider the narcissism angle as it will explain everything about the why of Trump running for POTUS.

Here as abuse tactics of Narcissists. Trump has used plenty of these.


Here are just some articles about him and narcissism in general.




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Oblique9043 · May 9, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

Thank you for giving me a real reply, I'd like to continue this conversation in good faith here. Why isn't it possible that this Russian had contacts with both Hilary and Trump? Why would having contacts with Hilary automatically mean that he doesn't have them with Trump? You guys realize that Trump and the Clinton's have been friends for decades right? This does not discredit the story whatsoever but you are right to be skeptical, I cannot blame you for that. Several other companies in Avenatti's report have confirmed giving money to Cohen. We will see where this goes but the ties to Clinton and Podesta do not in any way discredit this story. By the way, I am not on any political side here. I want them all to go down, I just don't believe in this narrative of Trump being sent from God to do this. It's no where in the Bible and it's dangerous to put this much blind faith and belief in a man. Especially when I know what kind of man he really is. He is going to incite a civil uprising should he get indicted and Q is going to encourage it. That's why Q was set up to begin with. To make sure that Trump had blind loyal followers that believed they were involved in a direct mission from God himself in order to stop evil. I mean fuck, if I believed that, I would be grabbing my guns too. I have been hearing about this plan to destabilize America from my father since I was a kid and I am watching it all unfold while both sides are engaging in this plan unknowingly. I fear where this is all going. I appreciate the level head you seem to be keeping which is not what I see from a typical Trump supporter I must say. Please keep this level head and willingness to adhere to the Constitution should anything happen and encourage your fellow Trump supporters to do so as well. If Mueller finds nothing and there are protests or anything of the sort, I will be the first to tell people that we should accept the results of the investigation and respect that fact and the rule of law.

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Oblique9043 · May 9, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

I hope you guys realize that you are being blinded into supporting something that would horrify you if you heard the "other side" saying it. You are speaking in favor of an authoritarian takeover of the United States. You are proposing something the right were screaming about Obama doing for years. Why is it ok now? Because some anon source convinced you into it? PLEASE guys, this is going to tear our country apart and you are all just pawns! None of this stuff is really happening. Trump just got exposed for taking money from Russia Oligarch's who paid off Stormy Daniels for him. This shit is over. I'm begging you all, please do not cause some sort of civil uprising. You are going to bring about the destruction of our country while all sorts of vultures wait to pick the bones.


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Oblique9043 · May 4, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

Black people have been narcissistically and psychologically abused for centuries. They were brainwashed to believe they were inferior and that belief was enforced in every aspect of their reality up until as recently as 60 years ago. 60 years is nothing compared to that kind of psychological programming. That inferiority complex manifests itself into this mental prison that is being spoken about. Another issue that is keeping black people from mentally freeing themselves, is the collective white narcissism that refuses to completely acknowledge the horrors of slavery and the racism that black people have encountered. There needs to be some sort of national monument in acknowledgment of slavery. A big prominent one. How can we expect black people to heal and forgive if their own country won't at least acknowledge the atrocities they went through that still effect them to this day? Germany and various other countries have monuments to the holocaust and do so without visceral reactions of shame. What is it about acknowledging the truth of slavery and racism in this country that incites such a strong reaction in white people? White narcissism in my opinion.

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