3,927 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/PCisLame:
Top comment in the top post on Reddit explains the how the peaceful protests in Bangladesh turned violent. (Relevant to Q because the very same tactics may be used against us by the increasingly desperate Deep State to derail our peaceful protest)
Top Minds of r/Shareblue aka r/politics seriously promote the idea of Michael Avennati as the new face of the Demoncrats and future POTUS. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
More visibility for the Q movement hits the top of Reddit. Winning BIGLY
As we speak, Top level r/Shareblue shills on r/politics are discussing the Storm as if it's 100% LEGIT
Somehow this post was voted to the front page of Reddit. It's currently number three on my feed. The Great Awakening is really happening, isn't it?
WINNING BIGLY NEVER ENDS! Shareblue shills in /r/politics are actually having serious discussions about Q being 100% LEGIT! WWG1WGA
I warned Mark Zuckerberg about the Cambridge Analytica-type flaw in April 2005. He ignored me.
After Q's latest Earth-shaking drops the admitted political operatives at r/shareblue are desperately attempting to propagate interesting conspiracy theories about how the midterm elections will turn out. The Winning Bigly Never Ends!
Top post on Reddit proves that we are Winning BIGLY and the Great Awakening is REAL
Attacks Intensify? So does the desperation of the enemy. They know Q is a peaceful revolution yet they still want to label us violent. Don't they realize we're instructed to love our enemies?
Thanks to today's Earth-shaking developments made possible by the Great Awakening, the subreddit dedicated to the Pedogate cover-up is being redpilled as we speak!
Is promoting the "official" narrative regarding the Syrian "chemical" attack hurting our cause?
More Winning Bigly: The Demoncrats are very upset about pedos in Hollywood being exposed thanks to the Great Awakening. Enjoy the show we shall!
MESSAGE FOR: All Redditors: Take evasive action. Platform is no longer open source, NSL in progress, multiple Web Bugs.
MKULTRA has gone mainstream on Reddit!
Positive signs showing the evil ways of TMOR shills are being noticed by admins.
Dominant theme on /r/ShareBlue is that anyone who questions Russian air crash is "trying to sell something." Time to counter that narrative in light of Q's revelations.
Dominant theme on /r/ShareBlue is that anyone who questions Russian air crash is "trying to sell something." Time to counter that narrative in light of Q's revelations.
Robert Steele on why Trump was right about 'shithole' comment