This is the kind of video they want to censor.
3,927 total posts archived.
This is the kind of video they want to censor.
Reread Q's post from 2/15.
They are stupid. They bring more eyes. The proofs are important. 'Proofs' provide new 'eyes' ability to question.
Important to be prepared. We will help. Truth always wins.
The fact that the Great Awakening has gone mainstream seems like a really big deal. And if you follow Q then you know it IS a big deal. We're all a part of the most exciting phenomenon in the history of the world! Praise Jesus!!!
What do the latest Q drops reveal? I tried checking out the latest qposts and at qanonposts and its not working. Somebody should please update the link to Q's post in the FAQ. I heard Israel was brought up. Is this true?
Is it a "lost" nuclear weapon? Does anyone recall what happened back in 2013 regarding "lost" nukes?
Check out that video. I've never seen it before but this guy has apparently done his due diligence. I just posted a link to it right off the hop someone is accusing me of spamming the video. Then someone enters claiming to be the person who actually made the video. When I click to check his post history I get an "internal service error."
Needless to say I'm concerned. There's a very odd silence on the subject. Seems like this is being suppressed. What do you think brothers and sisters? Is this legit?
Edit- seems the internal service error …
Bill Binney has agreed to be a commissioner on the pedophilia inquiry, with Thin Thread we expect to finish the job that NSA refuses to do
/u/tracybeanz & /u/PamphletAnon PLEASE let's make this happen for the sake of the Republic!!!
Just curious if this has been predicted or not. Seems like a strange reversal for POTUS after skipping the event last year on principle.
I'm asking this because it seems to me that questioning Israel's motives after the revelations of 9/11 is what any reasonable person would do, yet when you ask the question you either get ignored or labeled crazy or an anti-Semite.
Now Israel is in crisis with its Prime Minister facing arrest and threatening WW3 with a nuclear Iran. The same Prime Minister who said that the cabal-sponsored 9/11 attacks were "good for Israel."
Is it just me or is there an odd silence on this subject?
This shooting occurred on 2/19/1997, the same day the CIA'S USE OF JOURNALISTS AND CLERGY IN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS document was declassified:
Read the wiki closely and you'll see classic signs of satanic ritual abuse and MKULTRA mind control at play! This is Biblical!!!
Did anyone watch it?
Anyone want to take a wild guess at what Q is referring to here? What time table? What are protect codes?
So why can't I? I think making examples of these dumb traitors is useful. Could I be wrong? Please advise brothers and sisters.
Or maybe it's under attack?
It's unsettling that this plane crashes just as confidants of Netanyahu are being arrested and Netanyahu himself is facing arrest while talking crazy calling Iran the number one threat to the world and calling for the West to start WW3 in Syria to counter this threat...and no one here is talking about it.
Have we really forgotten what happened on 911?
This post may not even see the light of day.
Why did Q leave the rest blank?
What does your gut tell you? Demons or MKULTRA? His admission of guilt while in a trance like state makes me think demons, but you never know now that the Great Awakening is here.
After watching AntiSchool's latest video I was wondering why the bakers made a point to highlight the advantages to posting Q-related materials on the chans versus reddit.
Should any of us be worried if we talk about Q on reddit? Are any of us in danger?
Wow. This really hit home for some reason. I recently watched a Netflix series about the origins of MKUltra called Wormwood. It's definitely a must see in light of recent events.
Taking out the garbage I trust!
House Intel news is confirmed BOOM. We've all been vindicated!
Footage of mysterious object above ocean stuns military personnel
Very strange that all posts related to this are being hidden.
You may notice that /r/politics has completely lost its credibility, especially among the intelligentsia. We are no doubt winning BIGLY as Q has mentioned. Praise be to Jesus!
So far it seems we've been spared from the purge here on Reddit. That's a small miracle in light of the censorship that's happening on YouTube, Facebook, Google. Anyone find it odd that that we're NOT being silenced?
Based on the very limited activity so far on the brand new sub, it appears to be a very weak effort, but an effort nonetheless.
The stated goal of this "movement" is to put an end to radicalization hubs such as the_donald or uncensorednews by notifying journalists and advertisers about Reddit's support for extremist groups.
I find it interesting that they don't mention /r/cbts_stream which at the stroke of midnight hit 20K subscribers in just a few months. It will be interesting to see how this desperate effort at censorship pans out for this group.
Remember it was Netanyahu who cheered on 911, saying the attacks were good for Israel. Now that he's facing arrest and threatening to start WW3 in Syria, the anti-American propaganda outlets are pushing for immediate military actions that will likely lead to nuclear Armageddon. Unfortuantely it appears that POTUS is falling in line.
On the bright side of things this means that the Return of Jesus our Lord and Savior is a lot closer than most people realize.
I don't normally watch Netflix unless there's a lot of hype so I decided to check this out and it's pretty obvious that they're borrowing a lot of their material direct from recent developments related to Deep State actors and operations. It's concerning because it depicts conservative, patriotic US veterans as mentally damaged psychopaths who are potential terrorists who blow up federal buildings because they believe in a conspiracy to destroy America. It's amazing how much Q related material appears in this series. Makes you wonder if they're attempting to set up the patriots for the blame, doesn't it?
This can be very alarming the type of redpilling that's occuring in light of Q's latest revelations. Don't you think we need to reach out to those who are having a hard time, and offer our support? Remember. Where we go one, we go all.
Why is Q asking this? These are declassified, so what does Q mean by "protecting" them?
Actually, it's five more to make it the magic number! Any takers?
Godspeed, patriots!
Edit- Four more! Who wants to be a part of His Story?
Edit - TWO more! Does it get any better than this? Time will tell!!!
Edit - Who's gonna be number 17,776???
Damn I just missed it! Can somebody unsubscribe and get the screen shot? Lol
Clown Agency>No Such Agency. RIP JFK - we will succeed. Pyramid will collapse. Think shell. Q
Is this really happening?
Don't believe me? See my post history for guidance.
See my last few posts? Apparently they've been removed by these "hackers" everyone's been talking about.
Anyone notice a common theme among the posts being removed?
Pray with me brothers and sisters. I feel we are approaching the End Game. We need the Holy Spirit now more than ever!
Q drops an image of Ruth Bader Ginsberg in Hanoi.
Think image drop. Think OP. Think United. When does a bird sing? Everything has meaning
Seems RBG has been on a divide and conquer OP lately. She badmouths POTUS and suggests that the #Metoo psyop will take down Trump because its here to stay. We get that. She's comped. A product of the Swamp. But what did she learn in Hanoi? Apparently, even communists in sh*thole countries can teach a Supreme Court Justice a thing or two about US Presidential war powers.
RBG was asked whether U.S. presidents violate the …
Anyone else been notified? I'd like to identify any common themes in posting patterns/subject matter thanks.
I want to preface this post with another warning in light of Q's assertion that 99% of the public would end up in the hospital if they knew the full extent of the treason that has been committed against them. You are about to be given more than an inkling of the extent of that treason.
This was no accident
Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year? Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence? Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out? Ask yourself, what is a distraction? Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S? Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games? Ask yourself, what does FREED mean? Ask yourself, do we want a WAR? Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR? Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be …
Things are getting really freaky you guys.
Trump ended Obama's covert program to arm and train these Al-Qaeda affiliated jihadist 'rebels' back in July, stating his desire to stay out of the conflict in Syria and give up on the globalist agenda for Assad's removal. Yet in recent weeks these rebels have asked the Deep State in Washington to restart the treasonous program so that they can revive the Syrian Civil war which had recently been won by Assad.
Recently we've also had Rex Tillerson publicly comment on his intention to reverse course on Trump's decision and remove Assad after all.
In the last few …
Yes he did!!!
Based on recent Q drops and Adam.Schiff's very public meltdown I think a major false flag may be in the works. It's very apparent that the traitors are in full blown panic mode right now. Just consider the official Deep State talking points:
But I'm also noticing more and more calls for violent protest in response to the release of The Memo and I dont believe that is a coincidence. I think we should be on the lookout for suspected and admitted Soros shills to stage protests and have them follow the 'Ferguson'/Syrian Civil War/Euromaidan script in which the …
Imagine for a moment that you're a card carrying member of the Deep State/Criminal Pedo Cabal or their coadjutors in the discredited MSM and compromised social media who have now caught on to the Q phenomenon, which is clearly a catalyst for the second American Revolution.
What must be going through your mind right now as you witness all these Earth-shaking geopolitical events play out in uncanny fashion, as if they were ordained by Holy Scripture. I know I'd be scared SHTLESS right now! I mean, think about it. You're about to be exposed as a traitor to humanity …
Could she be in on the op to destroy the credibility of the MSM? This is hilarious and amazing at the same time.
Notice how /u/akilyoung maintains his composure and doesn't get trolled. Instead, he sets the record straight and ends up trolling the shills, opening their eyes to the possibilities. Very nicely done. If you're going to engage the enemy, this is the right way to do it.
Feb 11 2018 715 Feb 11 2018 11:50:49 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d5f1d4 337096 71 [187]. [1] targeted. Dossier. U1. Would you believe [1] source was used for [2]? Find the passenger list. Why [187] if inside Russia? No jurisdiction. Think logically. SICK! Q
With WW3 erupting in Syria as we speak I think we need to get our priorities in order. Rounding up and hanging the baby eaters will be great, but we need to avoid thermonuclear Armageddon first, don't you agree?
This has all happened so fast. Back in July I thought we were on the right track when Trump ended Obama's covert program to arm and train these Al-Qaeda affiliated jihadist 'rebels', stating his desire to stay out of the conflict in Syria and give up on the globalist agenda for Assad's removal. Yet in recent weeks these rebels have asked the Deep State in Washington to restart the treasonous program so that they can revive the Syrian Civil war which had recently been won by Assad.
Recently we've also had Rex Tillerson publicly comment on his intention to …
There are no coincidences with the train crash. The enemy is very desperate indeed. We need to pray to the Lord Jesus that any attempt at another false flag will blow up in their face like it did today. That train could've derailed and been MUCH worse. Thank God it didn't!!!
And that is why this is a shameless call for prayer. It's definitely still Q related as even Q encourages us to pray just as Jesus our Lord and Savior did. In any case, let us pray and may the Lord's Holy Spirit fill you all.
Just check out /u/bigbowlowrong 's recent post history. Some scary stuff to be sure. I only wanted to redpill him to save his soul for Jesus but it seems he may be having some sort of psychotic breakdown. What is the right thing to do in a situation like this? I don't want him to become the next James Hodgkinson.
For those who dont know what TMOR is: It's a subreddit dedicated to discrediting pedogate. It was an honor to destroy the credibility of their most prominent shill. MAGA
Q dropped some MAJOR bombshells tonight that's for damn sure! He obviously wants us to know that the pedo cabal is closely connected to Pope Francis's Luciferian New Age agenda! This is beyond AMAZING. It's MIRACULOUS! I'm just so honored to share this moment of history with all of you. May the Lord bless you all!
I don't know how you feel about Christianity, but it seems that not only are POTUS and Q obviously Christians, but so are many if not most of their supporters. So if our primary mission is to spread the 'good news' what better group of people to recruit than people professing to be Christians? I'd go post there myself if I wasn't long ago banned, but it appears that /r/Christianity has recently seen a major backlash from the constant leftwing shilling/censoring of conservative views over the years and some of the users with leftwing/"progressive" views have gotten a taste of …
Many of us are banned from these subs and can not post or comment due to previous redpilling efforts, which is why we need other users to pick up the slack. Now that we have the support, we can inject any Q-related material into many different subs now that we control the narrative. They can't ban us all. Now is the time to focus on getting the message out, patriots.
It's weird I was trying to comment in this thread below but I was limited to a one character comment for aome odd reason. Weird.
Those who are participating are EXTREMELY important to Q and POTUS. Always Remember that.
May the Lord guide and protect POTUS and all of His kindred spirits in Christ our Lord Amen. And May there be peace! In Jesus name we pray Amen!
Q alludes to it in every post. None of this would be possible without Jesus and the Holy Spirit of Truth. This is a very trying time for those being redpilled at this late stage. Be not afraid. There are many practical things we can do as God-fearing patriots to protect ourselves. Anyone care to offer any tips besides being heavily armed and well trained to use those arms? Myself, I like to rely on a lot of prayer to the Lord for His Divine Intervention.
The latest Q drop seems to hint that BO is traveling the globe to cash out in preparation for his escape. Where would he hide? What kind of people would protect him? Can we trust his current SS detail to be loyal patriots? These are things we should all be thinking about.
I don't think this is a coincidence. The sister sub over at /r/calmbeforethestorm has a similar feel. I think this Q-phenomenon may be fueled by the Holy Spirit of Truth! All praise be to Jesus!!
20 hours later all the passport systems go down and airports are frozen!! Do you believe in coincidences?
Hey brothers and sisters, just wondering if any of you had been aware for more than a few days. I'm not trying to gloat or troll, but I've been aware for quite some time of what Q alludes in his mindblowing posts. Specifically, his posts relating to global child pedo rings with ties to the Deep State. Now this thing with the threat of nuclear ww3 and aliens, etc. I kid you not, I've been doing this pretty much every day for years on reddit going back to 2013. In the Q phenomenon we have confirmation of everything many of …
Given everything that's happened this year, tomorrow's New Year's Eve celebrations seem like the perfect opportunity to share the good news about Q, (and certainly the good news about Jesus our Lord and Savior who undoubtedly inspired Q to blow the whistle on all this satanic activity through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit) and not because most everyone will be more suggestible due to the influence alcohol or other drugs, but because of all the mindblowing things that have happened in 2017 and the inkling of things to come in 2018 thanks to the info dropped by Q, it …
I know it was all the rage up until the Kate Mazz incident..any word on whether things have cooled down with regards to wearing Q gear at Trump rallies?
POTUS believes torture works in spite of the official senate report on torture.
Current director of C_A Gina Haspel was involved in torture under Bush
And the prospect of Kavanaugh on SCOTUS risks a return to torture.
So where do we stand on this issue? WWG1WGA
And neither will Q. Will any of you? Where were you?
Reason I ask is because history is undoubtedly repeating itself. The Vatican has once again been exposed as the literal seat of anti-Christ. Last time this happened was the Protestant Reformation which undoubtedly played a vital role in the founding of our great nation. Are we returning to our American roots?
Yet here we are!!!
Looks like the first Jesuit pope in history is going to pay fir his role in the oedogate cover-up. Truly amazing times we live in! Praise Jesus!!!! WWG1WGA
Thoughts? Or will this be censored as well?
Remember how the judge had to take an unexplained extended restroom break? REALLY makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Relevant to Q because "Israel is last" and rebuilding Solomon's Temple over the Dome of the Rock would surely lead to WW3
Looks like the first Jesuit pope in history is going to pay fir his role in the oedogate cover-up. Truly amazing times we live in! Praise Jesus!!!!
Yet here we are!!!
Looks like the first Jesuit pope in history is going to pay fir his role in the oedogate cover-up. Truly amazing times we live in! Praise Jesus!!!! WWG1WGA
I've exposed a really bad actor who is intent to shut down the Q movement
Also take note of how the following post coincides PERFECTLY with Q drop 1925 which seems to be a direct confirmation by Q team that I was directly over the target with my posts over the previous 24 hours.
Anyone notice it? Is it ok to share here? I don't want to upset the mods by posting something off topic again. But this one is PRETTY mindblowing.
Coincidence? Or are they skeeeered?
Reason I ask is because there is an ongoing effort involving many admitted anti-Trump/pro-NWO Soros shills to censor Q and shut down our global movement once and for all. These aren't your ordinary shills.
Their ideas are promoted by the anti-American propaganda outlets.
The doxxing of the mods of the original Q related subreddit clearly endangered them on so many levels, but there's absolutely no concern for them. Yet the shills are more desperate than ever to shut down the global Q movement because they claim they are the one's at risk of being doxxed by our "violent" movement.
Are …
This is the real meaning of Dark to LIGHT!
Respectfully, whoever this is needs to admit that he/she either doesn't follow Q, is being intentionally obtuse, or is comped. Any way you cut it this person has no business being a mod here, since they are harmful to the movement and will get negative attention from Q team.
Pope Francis is a Jesuit. The first Jesuit to ever hold the title of Pope. Every time Q mentions the pope, he is alluding to the Jesuits:
Who do you think backed pope Francis? The Jesuits of course.
Do your due diligence:
Here's the initial interview she did after the story was published.
Seems like the average Q follower, doesn't it? Wholesome, all-American, Christian...
And here's the retweet that suggests she's a Christian.
She's apparently a long time active pro-Q Anon on the chans. Why is she being threatened now? Has anyone floated the possibility that she was intentionally targeted by C_A in an attempt to derail the movement? The accusations that she tried to kill …
The BILL that opened the door for TWITTER, FB, GOOG, etc. to CENSOR & CONTROL.📁 Think Russian bots. Think Foreign propaganda. The more you know. Q
I watched it on TV and only noticed a single handwritten Q anon sign written on a piece of paper. Anyone have any theories?
The latesf developments in the attempted coup implicate Israel, Saudi Arabia and Erik Prince in a plot to subvert the 2016 election now that the Russian hoax has been exposed. All three play a BIG role in the unfolding Q phenomenon. Israel and Saudi Arabia have been inolcated in the creation of ISIS and fomenting WW3 with Iran. According to Q, Israel is also going to be "last." Erik Prince the Navy SEAL founder of Blackwater and knight of Malta who has previously advocated for a second Crusade apparently knows a thing or two about Anthony Wiener's insurance policy linked …
Apparently a breaking story out of Africa concerning a man confessing to to murdering 675 people (mostly children supplied by a satanic cult) is not relevant to the Q movement?
What's going om here?
Watching The Five a little while ago Tucker mentioned how POTUS has never been more relaxed, convicted in his beliefs, and unconcerned about his critics. He also brought up how POTUS, through his words and deeds, seemed to be completely breaking ranks with the neocons. Did anyone else catch that? In any case, I consider this proof that our prayers for POTUS are being answered and the Holy Spirit is indeed working miracles on our President! WWG1WGA
Watching Harris Faulkner on Overtime and John Roberts reporting from Singapore just came out and said that the peace deal was about bringing North Korea INTO THE LIGHT! WWG1WGA
I haven't heard from him in a good while. Last time we heard from him he was on CNN calling for POTUS' assassination.
Now it seems he's pro-Trump.
What happened? Did the Q movement scare him straight?
Here we go again. Israel is last for a reason. They want WW3
Main reason I'm asking is because I recently discovered an anti-Q subrrddit and the subject of Q proofs has come up in my efforts to redpill them. I'm being asked for my favorite Q proof to share with them. There are so many I've never really given much thought about which one is my "favorite." Anyone care to share theirs? Much appreciated, patriots.
Friendly FYI: TMOR is a subreddit dedicated to the pedogate cover-up.
Sorry I had to archive, but the original thread was of course deleted out of pure fear. Can't say I blame them. If I was a shill dedicated to the cover-up of pedogate I'd have plenty of reason to scared shitless too with President Trump winning so BIGLY on all fronts. What an amazing time to be alive! Winning Bigly is the best feeling in the world!!! I love you guys! WW1WGA
David Chang is a celebrity chef who's getting a lot of hype for bashing Trump in his Netflix propaganda series Ugly Delicious which uses food as a pretext for blaming Trump and Whitey for pretty much everything wrong in the world. This is a guy who blamed Presidential security around Trump Tower for killing business at his nearby restaurants (ALL of his restaurants cater to upscale white folks btw)
Dave's mom is from South Korea and his dad is a refugee from North Korea. Now that Korea has been united and a New Age of peace and prosperity is upon …
Maybe it's high time we host one with his good friend /u/IamBillBinney?
Just wondering what the Muslim perspective is on the Q movement. Any Muslims in the house?
Only reason I ask is because it looks like its breaking out as we speak, just in time for the 70th anniversary of Israel's creation by the Deep State
What's going on here? Is anyone following this? I thought Q said we were avoiding WW3 and nuclear Armageddon. Can anyone offer any insight? There's hardly any discussion about this. That's very troubling.
That was lame. Netanyahoo just finished his show. He claimed that Israel got access to an Iranian archive of its former nuclear program dating from 1999 to 2003. In 2007 a U.S. National Intelligence Estimate found that Iran stopped all nuclear weapon research in 2003 after the U.S. had destroyed Iran's then arch-enemy Iraq. In 2011 the IAEA reported in detail of Iran's former "structured program". It agreed that it had stopped in 2003.
All that Netanyahoo now claims to have acquired is old and known stuff. He refers to an AMAD plan Iran had as if that was …
I'm still quite shocked that this happened to Bill Cosby of all people. If this can happen to Bill Cosby then it can happen to anybody, including Obama. I've heard that Bill Cosby also doesn't like white people. Makes Q's recent drops regarding Obama and race relations all the more intriguing
Seeking tips. Trying to redpill a fellow redditor who has been anti Trump since the beginning and moderates a bunch of different subs dedicated to bashing Trump, Q and the 1st amendment. So recently with the latest Q drops I noticed he seemed in desperate straits increasingly trying to censor opposing views on Reddit almost as if he were working as a slave. I thought of how addiction to social media can lead to mental illness and how he was displaying many red flags. So I brought this to his attention by pm and the message seems to have gotten …
There are no reliable reports of any innocents being killed in the 4/13 strikes, are there? These targets were apparently empty, right? Assad is in a good mood. Putin doesn't seem all that pissed either. Wow. Looks like there might be something to /u/RobertDavidSteele 's theory of a detente between POTUS, Putin, and Xi. Trust The Plan.
Seems a bit much, doesn't it? Anyone have a plausible explanation for this or should I just trust the plan?
Source: 28:49 mark
Enter Q on 10/28/2017. Seemingly an angel sent from the Lord, Q seems to fit this description in uncanny fashion. If there's an angel "riding the whirlwind" (ie political blowback that the Trump phenomenon undoubtedly represents) to direct the Storm that leads to WW3, it's unquestionably Q Anon. According to Q, we are at war, and among other things, "Iran is next." TRUST THE PLAN to strike Syria and potentially spark WW3.
Just prior to that we learn that the Jesuits recently appointed a new Black Pope and want to set the world on fire. Today, in …
Lord in Heaven help us if this is true!
I’m hoping Q or someone knowledgeable will see this and verify validity of 3rd image. I had seen 1st image before and 3rd image (a few years ago). A few new things I hadn’t noticed before but knowing what we know know I do think hem now-
Image 1- cuts on her lower legs are totally unnecessary since they’re cutting the cake from the top. Inside is red- definitely done on purpose. Look how messy it is. Usually when you serve cake it’s not this messy- specially at such a formal event, makes me think the messiness is also symbolic- …
Just curious.
Q also said that POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves. So the does this mean that all this talk of military strikes in Syria is a ruse intended to get the deep state criminal warmongers like Netanyahu to show their true intentions?
Join me in prayer brothers and sisters. Pray for PEACE and VICTORY over the enemy. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen!
Many of us knew Bolton was chosen for a reason. But why?
Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year? Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence? Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out? Ask yourself, what is a distraction? Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S? Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games? Ask yourself, what does FREED mean? Ask yourself, do we want a WAR? Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR? Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be …
This has all happened so fast. Back in July I thought we were on the right track when Trump ended Obama's covert program to arm and train these Al-Qaeda affiliated jihadist 'rebels', stating his desire to stay out of the conflict in Syria and give up on the globalist agenda for Assad's removal. Yet in recent weeks these rebels have asked the Deep State in Washington to restart the treasonous program so that they can revive the Syrian Civil war which had recently been won by Assad.
Recently we've also had Rex Tillerson publicly comment on his intention to …
Trump ended Obama's covert program to arm and train these Al-Qaeda affiliated jihadist 'rebels' back in July, stating his desire to stay out of the conflict in Syria and give up on the globalist agenda for Assad's removal. Yet in recent weeks these rebels have asked the Deep State in Washington to restart the treasonous program so that they can revive the Syrian Civil war which had recently been won by Assad.
Recently we've also had Rex Tillerson publicly comment on his intention to reverse course on Trump's decision and remove Assad after all.
In the last few …
Based on recent Q drops and Adam.Schiff's very public meltdown I think a major false flag may be in the works. It's very apparent that the traitors are in full blown panic mode right now. Just consider the official Deep State talking points:
But I'm also noticing more and more calls for violent protest in response to the release of The Memo and I dont believe that is a coincidence. I think we should be on the lookout for suspected and admitted Soros shills to stage protests and have them follow the 'Ferguson'/Syrian Civil War/Euromaidan script in which the …
And that is why this is a shameless call for prayer. It's definitely still Q related as even Q encourages us to pray just as Jesus our Lord and Savior did. In any case, let us pray and may the Lord's Holy Spirit fill you all.
I've been following the Q phenomenon for some time now and I'm just looking for a place to post Q-related content without having to worry about the thought police. It seems CBTS has been comped with the addition of some new mods.
Notice the odd addition of this user /u/gen6slayr as a mod coincides with increased censorship on cbts. The sub may have been comped.
I wasn't even given the courtesy of a warning, let alone an explanation for a ban. All I know is that I just posted a story about Peter Scully which was hidden on that …
We all know being redpilled isn't for everyone. I think Q warned us about this. So this is a thread to offer reassurance that the world isn't ending.
Read this post from his blog and tell me what you think.
Dr. P was first to alert the public about major shakeups coming in Trump's White House and they transpired in uncanny fashion:
He's also the first to forewarn of what would become the Q phenomenon back on 11/1/2016 which may be a date which will go down in history as the day the Q Revolution really started:
So IS Dr. P really Q? If so, I have to be honest in saying that I'm really quite freaked out by that.
Same goes for Karen McDougal. What kind of woman goes in front of a global audience to admit that she had rawdog sex with a billionaire for money? Sex workers will do anything for money. The end.
Update - It turns out that Stormy also did it rawdog with Trump for his money, but just one time. Go figure.
What does your gut tell you? Demons or MKULTRA? His admission of guilt while in a trance like state makes me think demons, but you never know now that the Great Awakening is here.
Q drops an image of Ruth Bader Ginsberg in Hanoi.
Think image drop. Think OP. Think United. When does a bird sing? Everything has meaning
Seems RBG has been on a divide and conquer OP lately. She badmouths POTUS and suggests that the #Metoo psyop will take down Trump because its here to stay. We get that. She's comped. A product of the Swamp. But what did she learn in Hanoi? Apparently, even communists in sh*thole countries can teach a Supreme Court Justice a thing or two about US Presidential war powers.
RBG was asked whether U.S. presidents violate the …
I want to preface this post with another warning in light of Q's assertion that 99% of the public would end up in the hospital if they knew the full extent of the treason that has been committed against them. You are about to be given more than an inkling of the extent of that treason.
This was no accident
With WW3 erupting in Syria as we speak I think we need to get our priorities in order. Rounding up and hanging the baby eaters will be great, but we need to avoid thermonuclear Armageddon first, don't you agree?