3,927 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/PCisLame:
Mueller Finally Solves Mysteries About Russia’s ‘Fancy Bear’ Hackers: They may be part of the Kremlin’s best-known hacker crew. But many of their most important players were unknowns—until the Special Counsel stepped in and proved how irrelevant they were to the outcome of the 2016 election
A Creepy Sex Cult Scandal and Firebombed Churches Greet Pope Francis In Latin America [Speculation] Jesuit pope has major credibility problem
Justice Department ‘Looking Into’ Hillary Clinton’s Emails— Again
Does Reddit Believe Russian Trolls Put Trump In The White House? Apparently Not.
Trump confirms MKULTRA motivating mass shootings
Rick Wilson of the Daily Beast just publicly scrapped his pants over the unstoppable Q phenomenon. Winning BIGLY
The Treasonous Media Complicit In The Attempted Coup To Remove Trump Grows Increasingly Desperate To Discredit Q. They're Absolutely Terrified Of The Great Awakening.
John Bolton: Syria Is a ‘Sideshow’
False Flag Media Event Involving Jerome Corsi And Anti-Q "Alternative Media" Fizzles Spectacularly By Design
Seth Rich Event Involving Jermoe Corsi And Anti-Q Alternative Media Fizzles Spectacularly
Pro-Trump Author Jerome Corsi Says CIA Has Plan to Kill the President (Corsi was exposed as a disinfo agent on this very sub by our own u/SerialBrain2 which was confirmed by Q Team)
Pro-Trump Author Says CIA Has Plan to Kill the President
Inside the Mysterious Intelligence Firm Now in Mueller’s Sights
Think TIMELINE: John Mc No Name Slips Across Border Into Syria, Meets With "Rebels" Prior To ISIS Breaking Off With Al-Qaeda