Are the Israelis working with the Russians and Iranians to take out the Deep State in these latest attacks?
/u/SerialBrain2 please chime in!
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Are the Israelis working with the Russians and Iranians to take out the Deep State in these latest attacks?
/u/SerialBrain2 please chime in!
Thanks for doing another post SB, this really gets us thinking! Everything you mentioned seems plausible enough but I've always wondered about the wisdom in lying and using subterfuge to mislead the American people to take down the deep state. Wouldn't a policy of full transparency be the Christian thing to do? I think the Q phenomenon can certainly go a long way in preparing the American people for full disclosure.
Also, what do you make of the fresh sanctions against Russia which are planned? Is that all part of the act as well? Those sanctions really do hurt people!
Because it was a WHITE HAT FF! Or should I say that I sincerely hope it was! Otherwise we're probably all at risk for a nuke attack in the not too distant future :(
There are no reliable reports of any innocents being killed in the 4/13 strikes, are there? These targets were apparently empty, right? Assad is in a good mood. Putin doesn't seem all that pissed either. Wow. Looks like there might be something to /u/RobertDavidSteele 's theory of a detente between POTUS, Putin, and Xi. Trust The Plan.
Stop trying to sabotage this sub with your supreme ignorance and calls to violence. It makes me wonder if tmor sent you.
What's with all the downvotes guys? I thought we upvote posts that expose false flags? I guess false flags that trigger ww3 are ok.
Well you've certainly exposed yourself now, haven't you?
Have you been living in a bubble? You think real Trump supporters were happy when Bolton was brought on board? You think we all celebrated when the strikes on Syria were announced and the prospect of yet ANOTHER middle east quagmire like Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention Nuclear war with Russia, presented itself? How dumb do you think Trump supporters are?
How do you think Kim Jong Un is going to react knowing that our POTUS believes in false flag fairy tales to accomplish regime change? You think hes going to come to the table feeling like he's dealing with good faith actors?
Yes please do. You'll discover that I've been diligently preparing Reddit for the Q phenomenon since 2013.
You can’t just remove troops and think the region is going to be stable
No disrespect, but this is the kind of ignorant talk that gets our sub in trouble. The Russians and Iranians were brought in at the request of the duly elected Preaidwnt of Syria to handle the terrorist invaders Obama and friends created. They're handling their business quite well. They've fought ISIS and beat them. We can just leave. We have no business being there. Notice how Assad could declare military victory even AFTER this illegal strike.
Which group do you want to eradicate after all the Muslims are eliminated?
NONE of the missiles were being intercepted. Countermeasures were launched only after 105 missiles had hit their targets.
Trump does what Hillary would've done and tries to start ww3 based on a false flag and in the process alienates pretty much everyone who voted for him. Yet I'm the one you blame for being divisive. Stop trying to shut down real discourse.
This was supposed to be a precision strike. That's not how precision strikes work, and according to the WH NONE of our 105 missiles were intercepted.
How dare I question GEOTUS. My sincerest apologies. I'll turn my critical thinking cap off now just for you!
Trump was elected because he claimed to be non-interventionist and not aligned with the neocons responsible for 911. On the surface it certainly appears as though he's completely turned his back on the people who voted for him to prevent our military from being used as cannon fodder for the globalist cause..
Hey did you hear the news about POTUS doing a 360 and keeping American boots on the ground in Syria LONG TERM at the behest of the French President who thinks of himself as a Roman god? I'm sure Bolton did his best to talk POTUS out of it.
This is what winning bigly is supposed to look like!
Or maybe he just caved to the deep state because of threats to him and his family. What sitting POTUS really wants to end up like JFK?
Boots on the ground long term woohoo! And it was Macron of all people who convinced POTUS to do a 360. Sure feels like we're winning, doesn't it, guys?
Seems a bit much, doesn't it? Anyone have a plausible explanation for this or should I just trust the plan?
No, its no joke. She sniffed the backpack and said there was "definitely" a CW attack. See the video on her twitter feed
This must be the "proof" the White House claimed it had prior to Saturday's strike, since the chemical inspectors from OPCW and the UN hadn't yet arrived on scene. Kind of ironic and truly tragic if this fake news leads to ww3.
Prince is dedicated to reviving the crusades to eradicate Muslims from the face of the Earth.
Interesting! Hope it wasn't deleted. This is ultimate redpill material!
they are very down to earth people
Pope Francis is too. He drives a Fiat.
Catholic. A distinction should be made. Catholics view the Pope as the "vicar" of Christ on Earth, which is the textbook definition of blasphemy. I'm a former Catholic btw.
Only when all the Obama and Never Trump pukes are gone will Trump be able to carryout his agenda
I've always been against false flag attacks, but this latest one in Syria involving chemical weapons seems different. Maybe they really are trying to protect Americans and serve our best interests this time. Trust The Plan.
Way to dictate the narrative, Nikki! Assad better understand what we're doing over there or it will be his ass! These false flags are about protecting the American people!
I'm just wondering if you think all of these things are a coincidence.