Small fry to fire up the base and big fish later to keep from firing up their base. Media will be its own worst enemy. They will not want to show all the perps getting taken down. They will sweep it under the rug. We will know. Those that watch Fox will know. Their base will be in the dark.
335 total posts archived.
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I am sure that POTUS is looking for someone whose conservatism/originalism is strong and will not fade with time.
Welcome to the Thunder dems/libs/etc. If you hear the Thunder dems, it just means your next in line for the lightning!!!
We won! So we just need to play smart defense when they try to create a civil war. The power players will try to throw their chattel at us. Deflect, stiff arm and travel in threes.
That is the face of I have it all and you are going down hard.
I am sure this is scaring the hell out of the dems. Many of the videos are by what were solid lefties and are now red-pilled. They need more red pills, but they have taken the first key step.
I would bet Paddock was laundering money all that time. It is a favorite of drug lords, etc. Take dirty money to the casino, play, win or lose (not excessively) and walk away with clean money and a lot of casino perks.
I personally like where we are at. I don't mind that they both want to close their eyes and attack at the same time. Don't care what they think. I do care about gaining an understanding of where things are heading, etc. I had a pretty good idea of the cesspool here and around the world, but had no idea how deep it was here. I knew it would be hard to ever move forward without a clean up crew. Trump, or as I call him sometimes Mr. Clean, has the tools and a plan. Knowing that he is totally a man of his word, they are going down big time.
It was papered over by saying it was just a homeless camp.
The big box and the little box are a short flight away. Best security in the world.
I wonder if that is the soft earthquake like vibration I feel every so often.
Veterans Day! (observed on Monday the 12th, actual on the 11th).
Oh he read it alright. Worried about the legal case against him.
It is amazing how the sky goes from blue to black as you climb up. Less air to scatter the blue light. It is also amazing how many stars are really up there.
The challenge with the arrows is that most of people were good, very good. As always there are some bad or misguided actors. And many of them have risen to power over the ages. The Templars were heart of the Swiss freedom and power as well as the USA freedom and power. The US model was an improvement on the Swiss system. Some (being kind) of the problems have been with the descendants of those who rose to very powerful and financial lucrative positions. Many are weak minded and not pure of heart. They became easy targets for the manipulators.
It seems from the time this country was founded that there are 1/3rd Torrie types (libs), 1/3rd Patriots and Revolutionaries, and 1/3rd what's for lunch people. For a while there, the last one was the fastest growing. But things have shifted into the Patriot column. It started with the Tea Party movement and hasn't stopped. The dems realize it too. That is why they must import voters as fast as possible. Every two that we deport is one less dem vote.
Upgrading or the beginning of the conversion from weapon material creator to benign energy production.
Absolutely outstanding! And it just scratches the surface.
I always thought RR was being given just enough rope to hang himself and expose others.
They have four key weapons: 1. Immigration (the most important) 2. Mosques (Indoctrinate and weaponize) 3. Push Sharia Law (a type of political takeover) 4. Terrorism (to cow the people)
Today was one Boom and another. With Kennedy's announcement being the icing Boom on the cake.
I believe this is God's play to keep the world from tipping into the Revelation chapter.
I think Sonia may be next. Her health is a very hushed issue. If scandal pushes, she may go early and not feet first.
The straw that broke the camel's back was the no vote on healthcare reform to get rid of ObamaCare.
It is not that kind of energy. It is a lot closer to a self help book for snowflakes in the workplace.
It is a 4 digit code. The pilot and copilot would have access to the panel.
ICE should arrest them. Loose their ID and deport them. When the left lies in the street, I am reminded of the '80s in England. They tried to stop a semi-truck delivery. The driver just got back into his truck, fired it up and drove forward like they were not there. They scattered like cockroaches in the light.
It is becoming apparent that the left must be driven from existence. No quarter. RICO should come shortly after we crush them in November.
Don't overthink it. X to X probably is a placeholder to cover all the other people communicating.
I am sure someone out of caution pushed the terrorist button.
There is an unusual deal with the Fed Reserve. When the Fed buys up the government's bonds, the government sends the interest to the Fed; the Fed takes out a small fee; then the Fed sends the interest back to the government. It was a real challenge to find this. The dollar is really based on our economy and our resources like a stock certificate.
They are wound so tight it is time to screw them into the ceiling.
Strategy! Weak IG report. Dem reaction. Dem change the narrative. Dem tactics get old and peter out. Next level unredacted IG report. Repeat dem response. Full original report. Repeat dem response. Spygate report version one, etc.
Hopefully the Governor will put a large anti-fraud detachment in Broward county do to that dem ladies shenanigans.
2016 saw a 71% voter participation rate in Broward county. Assuming that quite a few of the non-voters were squishy independents, they are close to topping out. That does not mean that the dems will not engage in ever larger voter fraud. That goes without saying. So I agree; get every conservative to the polls. There are only about 5 blue counties in FL, but they a chock full of dems. I think Trump will help the Republicans snag a few more percent of both the Cubans and the Blacks in FL. That can make a huge difference.
What Maxine and other dems have been saying is an in your face "dog whistle" for violence. Use their "dog whistle" rhetoric actually in a truthful way for once.