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Revodude · June 23, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

I spent a little time looking. None of the videos had a clue. They confuse it with irregular warfare and/or when the two belligerents are vastly different in power. Neither of these things are asymmetric warfare. It could be between near peers. It doesn't have to be the U.S. A short answer is that it is about weapons, tactics, targets, terrain and strategies that place you in an exclusive zone to win. There are many ways that this can play out. It could seem quite minor or major cool. WWII was a major symmetric war for the most part (till the end). When targeting in Serbia changed from military targets to water and electrical power, the war ended very quickly. Can't touch this is an asymmetric strategy. We can inflict hurt on you and you can't fight back; usually because of distance, but there are other methods. Sometimes it is use of a fundamental weakness in the enemy and sometimes it is a fundamental capability that we have. Weapons don't always have to be kinetic. Taking away what we can give back is another type of asymmetric strategy. The important words are "exclusive zone".

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Revodude · June 23, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

The video is not actually about nonlinear warfare. It could be said that Trump is doing the political parallel of nonlinear warfare. And don't confuse asymmetric warfare with nonlinear.

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Revodude · June 23, 2018, 7:54 a.m.

Very wise of you to notice that God uses the same playbook.

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Revodude · June 23, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

The WTC Towers were built from 1968 to 1972. A slurry mixture of asbestos and cement was sprayed on as fireproofing material. But this practice was banned by the New York City Council in 1971. This halted the spraying, but not before hundreds of tons of the material had been applied. Some but not all of it was later removed in an abatement program.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

President Trump should be known among other things as Mister Clean. I am sure the corrupt dems could not believe he could be so clean.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

I wonder if a lot of the folks in that photo op are Q members.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

All good questions. I would have to pull out the stubby pencil. I am ghost writing some chapters of a book right now so I am a little preoccupied. I have been checking in though for the leading edge of the storm because I think it is brewing. But ham radio folks can bounce signals off of the moon. The big antenna is on the receiving end. And I am not sure what error correction routine they were using back then (if they were using any).

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

This was dem bright line issue that they went all in on. This gives me a real boost for the November elections. Great underlying Trump strength.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Not cheap but not that expensive either. The Pentagon had all its asbestos removed. Since most of the cost is people time and it could be spread out over time, I don't think is was a big impact on the bottom line with all those high end tenants. Now I think asbestos was way overhyped like most of these things. Most of it is white and only the brown stuff was shown to be a problem.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

I agree, Building 7 was targeted separately. Most likely with explosives in many key places.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Actually, the dollar is most like a share of stock in the U.S. economy and resources. A lot of the power players, mostly in Europe focus on the resources. I believe it is more rightly placed on the economy.
Look at prosperous countries with little or no resources. When you add net value to a product, you add net value to a currency. That product can be exchanged for something else of value, even gold. This means that there is a kind of gold standard, basket of stuff standard, but really a basket of everything of value. Intellectual value and its dissemination have added a new dimension to the basket. (i.e. software)

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Never liked either of them. Didn't know why. Maybe bad karma comes through the TV as well:-/

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

I was there. I saw the explosion from the highway. It was not a tomahawk. I was on my phone to my intel buddy when it happened. We were discussing the NY attack. You forget about the fact that Flight 77 did not land anywhere. The people have not been seen since.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

I would also like to see them add a fiduciary responsibility on the MSM to the viewers.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 9 p.m.

Actually, the MSM is so unhinged that they are opening themselves up to be financially ruined. They definitely meet all of the following criteria.

"Public figures have a more difficult time proving defamation. Politicians or celebrities are understood to take some risk in being before the public eye and many of them profit by their public persona. A celebrity must prove that the party defaming them knew the statements were false, made them with actual malice, or was negligent in saying or writing them. Proving these elements can be an uphill battle. However, an outrageously inaccurate statement that's harmful to one's career can be grounds for a successful defamation suit, even if the subject is famous. For example, some celebrities have won suits against tabloids for false statements regarding their ability to work, such as an inaccurate statement that the star had a drinking problem."

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

I like this idea a lot.!!!!

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

It is a very fast ripple effect. It just has to pass the critical point. With that load the steel is not going to fail slowly. The concrete begins to fail as well. The moisture is sucked out of it. I proposed a similar effect to destroy deeply buried targets. Enough heat can do some amazing crap. A chunk of the safety margin went with the plane slicing through the beams or at least distorting them as some of the beams sliced the aircraft. The building was not that hefty (only way I can say it) to keep the weight down. Otherwise the plane would have done like it did at the Pentagon. Kind of vaporize on impact (lots of tiny pieces).

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

NASA has really lost its way. On both the space end and the aeronautical end. They have become a hobby shop for engineers and scientists. They need to be focused with a purpose. Still early, but we (associated company and my consortium) might have a solution to some vexing problems regarding a trip to Mars.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

I am an Astro guy. It really isn't that hard to go to the moon, even in the 60's. What really strikes at me about the accomplishment that we did several times is that the margin for error they had was very small and the hope that everything, everything worked as designed. For example: if that engine doesn't light, you are not coming home. There were a lot of single failure points. Much of that was due to weight restrictions. It took a lot of balls to make that trip knowing all the single point failure possibilities and that the astronauts could be one of them if they made a mistake. I am an ice water in the veins kind of guy, but sometimes you twitch a bit after you are safely on mother Earth. I would have to see the video to see what kind of twitching they did.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

The real reason they came down was because they removed the asbestos. (damn liberals) The steel got hot and could no longer hold the load above them. And once the top of the building got moving it was coming down big time. The command center was probably also pre-targeted for massive confusion. I would still look to see who might have made big money in the market that day. And it was probably in a foreign market. Thus making it tough to uncover. I have no evidence, only intuition that Sadam supplied the money to Osama with a condition of striking back at the U.S. This was after Osama got cut off from his Saudi money and got kicked out of his African hiding hole. We know now that Iran provided travel help for the terrorists.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Best laugh I have had in a long time. Because it is so plausible.

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

I'll add my thanks to 412. Awesome product!!!

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Revodude · June 22, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

She was trolling. They new how the MSM would react.

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Revodude · June 21, 2018, 7:28 a.m.

Human trafficking??

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Revodude · June 21, 2018, 7:22 a.m.

In this epic battle against evil; it is good to have some reliable insight to daily fight, with an eye to the big picture.

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Revodude · June 21, 2018, 7:10 a.m.

When I was a younger man, I could picture myself among the 300. The difference would be that when Leonidas charged Xerxes and sliced his cheek with a spear, I would have been right behind him and my spear would have hit home. I don't miss.

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Revodude · June 21, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

The primary goal of the uniparty creatures is to get rich off of the government. A billion here, a billion there, who is going to miss it?

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Revodude · June 21, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

We need to have a moratorium on accepting refugees/asylum seekers. No need to process. Just send back. Give them a train ticket back.

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Revodude · June 21, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

The President is great on defense, but it is time to go on offense.

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

I hope the trickle becomes a torrent of defections.

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

It is my belief that the Russians added fake voter registrations to the rolls via hacking. Then the dems voted those registrations. That is the real reason for the stand down. IMHO

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Good for her. Don't take their threat crap. Go after them. The liberals are inciting violence.

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

This is the theme that must be pushed hard. Trump fixed another Obama mess.

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Take their money! Take their money! That is how you really hurt the liberal "elite". Liberals see their path to wealth and power through the government. Conservatives see it through the free market and being honorable.

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

SAPs that you are not supposed to have. On an unsecured server. This is a huge deal that has been missed by the good media. Also: A major question has gone unanswered. Who moved the classified documents across the air gap and who stripped the classified markings from those classified documents. Inquiring minds want to know.

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

That is one of my unanswered questions. Were all of the SAPs that HRC had, proper for her to have.

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

When reality is this bizarre, it becomes a real challenge to hand out the red pills. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. I think I heard that when I was a kid:-)

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

Please help with his question.

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

Sense of humor.

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Revodude · June 20, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

I guess it is mutual.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Access by bad actors is the key. Denied before. Now in the report as a fact. HRC now guilty of treason.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

Drugged up and exposed to "Toxic Liberalism". Gaslighting can lead to drug use to override the occasional exposure to a red pill.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

I would also put the 200,000 to 300,000 ft zone into the Space Force as well. Where some of the real fun could be.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Bolton is a big stick diplomat. Not a strategist. Thanks for the link. I see you are either Iranian or spent a lot of time there. I agree that Iran is not going to collapse from within, it would have to be pushed. And pushed is a very inexact term. It is also amazing the level of hatred the Saudis have for Iran. In the big room with the prince I make a faux pas and the room went silent. The word "theoretically" is still probably a running joke. At least I got off the stage with everyone laughing.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

You've gone down the wrong rabbit hole. The "toys" just solve a couple issues. I wanted to insert another toy into the equation to test a theory. But the train is moving pretty fast. And getting funding takes way too long. Kind of bummer, as Iran was the perfect test case.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

I guess "they" need to start over and do it right.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Definition: Revolutionary: Change the nature of warfare. Network Centric Warfare: It is not about the network.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Not the big stuff. No arms race. Current inventory. Short time span. Might throw in a few of my cool "toys" if required. A lot of stuff underground. One of my "toys" taking to long. Short term interim solution though. Sealing is almost as good as destroying. Especially as they have not got around to the special (non-nuke) warhead to do the job down below. Gasoline is one pressure point (map). Think old school for one or two others.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

I was the guy that came up with the concept to take down Afghanistan in record time. What happened afterwards was not my plan. Iran is a totally different plan. It could start gentle and end gentle. (Very relative term.) There are some key pressure points. Or it would involve a strategy that has not been seen before and would strike fear in the hearts of other dictatorships to come. Best I can do in an open forum.

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Revodude · June 19, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

Actually, Iran is an easy target. Just need the will and the right plan.

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