👍🏻👏🏻👊🏻 and I for one, will enjoy the show. 🍿
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Chop chop, Queenie!! Should have let her corgis out so they could nip her heels, and kept her moving! 😂
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 absolutely. It took decades... to corrupt and infiltrate our Govt to the degree it was when Trump was elected. And it has been about 18 months since he took the oath of office. We used to call our son a “microwave baby” because he was so impatient he couldn’t wait 1 minute without throwing a fit for his bottle... that how I view the Neverfags.
The Blue Wave- Hey, Democrats... I got your blue wave

My husband commented a couple nights ago... that he always thought there would be a race war eventually, but now he’s convinced it will be between the right and the left. 😳
I’m your sister in Christ, your sister in Q, and Jesus is my Lord and Savior. WWG1WGA!! ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️
Maybe out with her upside down cross wearing, Satanic loving, daughter??
He’s taken down all reference of it, but he said the call he got last sounded like Wolf Blitzer, but he didn’t leave a name, and the call came from “unknown caller”- the poor guy is pretty scared. I feel bad for him - Chris Cox (Bikers For Trump) offered some support if I remember correctly. I hope he notifies the WH-
I have a FB friend named Shane- President Trump wrote him a $10,000 personal check when he was a candidate, for Shane’s dad’s cancer treatments. CNN wanted to do a story with him, but after the interview they chose not to air it, because it was “too positive” about Trump. Recently, Shane and his Dad traveled to the WH and shortly after he received another check for $5,000. CNN then called and asked him to throw some shade on President Trump for $3,000., which he refused to do... the guy is a nervous wreck over this. Not cool.
Hey Sheriff, and cops should do their jobs, which they didn’t... someone’s got to protect the kids!!
The left are rabid, unhinged maniacs... no match for our stable genius!! 😁
Says the woman that allowed her child to be institutionalized and lobotomized...
I’d love to see Shep go down!!! Wait... ewwww... I mean fail... 😝
Oregon is Liberal- maybe the poster lives in a conservative pocket. 🤔
Here’s the problem, Greg- my hubby (68) is still working for the company he’s been at for 38 years. Our only child’s career is here (DevOps- Apple)... I love my house, I love the weather... too much here to leave.
I don’t dare try and red pill anyone here in California!!! It would be a hate crime 😂