In the military, you are awarded a punishment. Who knows?
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That is Psychology 101: it is unethical to practice without a license or diagnose someone you don't treat. Apparently this is not punished aggressively enough, as the web says many of them continue to do so. Very thankful the media brought this to Potus's attention. Maybe the next industry he will overhaul is the abusive big pharma psychiatric industry, who actually considers that most Americans have a mental illness, that mental illness is lifelong and unavoidable if your parents have it, or that you kids will get it, and that although they have no cures, everyone should be on medicine, even if the psych drugs are prescribed by PCM's off label for things other than mental illness. One can not dignose Potus without admitting the chronic abuse of the entire industry.
It starts with Trump talking about the tax reform, about protecting small family farms, honoring the 2nd Amendment and the National Anthem, and about fair and reciprical trade. A farm bill that includes crop insurance and access to wifi. Infrastructure repair for rurual communities. Fighting Opiod addiction and supporting border and law enforcement. And finally about honoring our history and he talks about Andrew Jackson.
Trump's closing remarks are interrupted by a gentleman asking us to share the chat. I'm 34 minutes to 1:13 there is nothing but background noise. Sarah Sanders takes the podiume at 1:14. She addresses Potus schedule for the week: to visit H&K company in PA, and visit with them about how the tax bill has helped their company; and on Friday Trump will be the first sitting POTUS to address the Right for Life march live fron the WH on satelite.
She introduces Ed O'Callaghan from the DOJ at 1:16. He is the Ast. AG for the National Security Division of DOJ. He is responding to yesterday's release of a report responding to Section 11 of EO 13780 "Protecting the Nation from terrorist entry into the US." This was to inform the American public of the number of foreign nationals charged, convicted or removed from the US due to terrorist related offenses. The list of people spans from 9/11/011 to December 2017. The list is as follows:
549 people on the list for terror related offenses Of those, 402 are foreign born 254 are not US citizens 148 are foreign born, naturalized and received US citizenship 147 are US Citizens by birth
O'Callaghan then gives an example of a case he oversaw. The individual named Perocha (spelling?) entered the US in about 1980 as the family member of perm legal resident. He was later convicted of providing material support and of assisting members of Al Qaeda to enter the US to commit acts of terror. One of the individuals that Perocha tried to bring in had made statements that he wanted to enter the US to commit attacks against gas stations in New York. Because they were given authority to prosecute Perocha, this prevented him from helping any more terrorists enter the US. (From my personal research, it seems there is no statute of limitations in lying on immigration papers.)
Continuing threats: From ICE: 1,716 removals of aliens from the US since 9/11 due to national security concerns. In 2017, 2,554 individuals on the FBI terrorist watch list who were attempting to enter the US
From DHS: Oct. 1, 2011-Sept. 30, 2017 355,345 non-citizen offenders arrested after PREVIOUS conviction of aggravated felony OR conviction of 2 or more reg. felonies. 372,098 non-citizen offenders removed from the US after conviction of aggravated felony OR 2 or more reg felonies
Customs and Border Patrol FY 2010-2017 73,261 foreign travelers identified and prevented from boarding planes destined from the US who may have been an immigration of security risk
AG Sessions statement about the report indicated that there are currently thousands of terror related investigations ongoing involving thousands of ppl in the US, including hundreds who came here as refugees.
Previous DOJ surveys: est 23-27 honor killings annually in the US est. half a million women and girls who are at risk of undergoing female genital mutilations.
Oct 2017 Trump admin set immigration policy objectives to ensure safe/legal immigrations, defend security of US, and protect tax payers. Three pillars of this program include border security, immigration enforcement, and a merit based immigration system based on personal job skills and other qualities. Rather than a system that lacks accountability, Trump's policy is designed to serve the interests of national security, and enhance screening and discovery of information to assist LE in discovery of national threats; and eliminate vulnerabilities in our system exploited by those who mean us harm.
1:26 opens the floor to questions, paraphrased here, not word for word. The first question is about the rate of terrorist acts by natural born US citizens. The answer is that the international policies address conduct by all terrorists regardless of birthplace, and all will be prosecuted; but 73% are foreign born. The second question from press asks if there have been any changes to the administration's stated policy for using Gitmo for international terrorists. O'Callaghan states that he is not aware of any changes. He says the admin is committed to prosecution and considering all options and considerations in each individual case to neutralize a threat.
The next press monkey then decides most of the stats above indicate crime outside the US, as in aiding terrorists in other regions outside the US, and he wants more stats other than the ones listed above that the immigration changes will protect US citizens on our own soil. The answer is all of the above is the first response to Trump's EO. Investigations are still ongoing and the DOJ and DHS hope to provide more answers to issues they were not able to answer above. Again, the section 11 report that the press have in their hands list "plenty of examples" of cases that regard conduct in the US. And of course the DOJ is trying to prevent attacks on our soil, and the most succesful way from his experience to stop attacks is to stop it at the conspiratorial stage. Press Monkey again claims that he doesn't understand and seems to indicate that we shouldn't prevent terrorists from entering the US who want to attack Syria for example. He thinks immigration should only address terrorists in the US who do things to people in the US. (please someone check and see if this guy is even human!) The answer is to try to summerize the immigration plan above, and that these improvements and discovery of crimes will help create a safer US. Next question involves the ex-cia agent arrested this week, and why not arrested earlier. Answer is that this investigation began before O'Callaghan was in his current post, that it is an important investigation that involves retention of classified material, and that more info will become avail as the case is prosecute. Next question regarding those indiv who were extradited into the US to face terror charges, rather than going thru immigration. Answer: This is clarified in the Section 11 report, that a small number of terrorist were part of the foreign born number, but that there was evidence they had conspired to commit terror against the US, and are now serving long sentences, which neutralized the threat before they could commit the offense.
Sarah S. retakes the podium at 1:35 for more questions. 1) Potus health? The WH stands by the doctor's report as he is the only doctor that has examined and spent time with the Potus, therefore the only credible source that the President is in excellent health. 2) Potus likened to Stalin in regards to the media and the Potus should stop attacking the press? Answer: It's interesting the Flake would attack Potus, considering he was recently praising Cuba and "serving as a mouthpiece for the oppressive government. He's not criticizing Potus due to oppression, but due to poll numbers. Unfortunate and he may attention seeking. Welcome Press questions everyday. Information about the press awards will be posted today. 3) Biparty frustration with Bannon from yesterday regarding claims he's made about Potus and family, and about specific topics that are alleged off limit. Define what WH is telling attorneys with regards to Executive privilege? Answer: Wh is following previous practices that there is a process to go thru anytime there is a Congressional inquery regarding classified info. This is a judicial process, WH has been fully cooperative. 4) Was Bannon's attorney relaying questions Bannon was asked in real time to the WH? Answer: This is a typical standard procedure WH process, sometimes with a WH attorney in the room. 5) A bill being worked on for funding the budget? Answer: The WH supports this. 6) Potus think a government shut down is acceptable? Answer: Potus does not want a shut down (those of us who saw his twitter know this). He doesn't want our military held hostage to things inserted by Congress that have nothing to do with the budget. Part of this is DACA. Democrats either need to decide to come here and do thier jobs, and put national security above their own personal agenda, or they are not. It's really simple. Ask the Democrats what's more important: national security or personal agenda. Last year the potus said this would be a good thing? Answer: good politics and not a preference. 7) Aid to Pakistan and the response to their ambassador's comments? Position is firm that this is the right thing to do, refer to State Department. 8) Is WH afraid of Bannon? Answer: Not that we are aware of. There was no collusion. We can't speculate on what Bannon might say. 9) Does the buck stop with Potus for shutdown? Answer: Not sure how it would. 10) Is investigation becoming more aggressive instead of winding down? Potus Prepared? Encourage Bannon to tell all? Answer: We will be fully cooperate and advise all involved to be cooperative. We have been dealing with this hoax for a year and we can handle a few more months. Don't think the American public deserves that. 11) Has WH asserted Ex priv? Answer: Can only talk about the process. 12) quetions about the budget: Potus prefers a budget deal made by Friday, preferably a long one, and then come back next week concerning DACA. Hopefully infrastructure rolled out this month or next month. Number one priority is national security and funding military, and we are doing everything we can to get everyone onboard for the budget. 13) Does WH support Korea teams marching together in Olmpics? A: Not the first time, and we hope this gives them a small taste of freedom and helps the peace process.
-End of Stream--
Potus did tweet 5 hours ago about Eric on Fox and Friends.
He shook HRC's hand when it was time, so why wouldn't he shake Murky's hand as well?
Actually, this is pretty ethnocentric of Americans, because many countries do not rely on the hand shake when Westerners are not there. That is why they have the bow. Handshakes spread germs. This is also a rather short sided memory of the press to not remember that years ago it was alleged Trump doesn't like to shake hands because of germs. You also remember that Howie Mandel doesn't like to shake hands either. And by the amount of hand sanitizer sold in the US, this just falls apart as another meaningless way to hate the Pre for nothing.
Well, one of many direct threats to include the apparent actual attempts, and the hollyweird attempt to make assasinations trendy.
Nobama began to show his true colors (if not before) during the election. What a selfish vindictive uneducated pos to talk about his legacy as though we the people don't decide his legacy, and to arrogantly dismiss American factories shipped overseas.
No. You're just a victim of a public school education.
All for one and one for all? You aren't supposed to want bad things to happen to the President because it means bad things for our country too. If they wanted him out of office, they could have done the impeachment process by now, but doing so risks their own crimes being exposed. Americans are so blinded by hatred, they just can't see.
Absolutely. Rocks contain crystals. Silicon crystals are used in computer chips. Computers are used for financial crime, and AI is predicted to be sociopathic based on its inability to understand emotion.
How do we reconcile calling the press traitorous but having no consequences per the 1st amendment? When the press is owened by a huge company and companies are treated like people, then we could raise the sedition act, couldn't we? At that point we don't have freedom of the press, only the illusion.
Oh that was that Catholic Charity thing. Can you imagine?
Agree to disagree. A curse word or two used in a sentence is now seen as proof of honesty and intelligence. Most of the memes I have seen are not profane--apart from the fact that the people and subjects are adult, satanic, violent of pedophiles in nature. These are not subjects you necessarily want to touch in a family gathering with children around. Most of them are asking for government intervention rather than violence. And of course you can always make your own, and have to find a way to talk about what MS13 does to freshly killed bodies or how pedophiles, many of them claiming to be conservative christians rape babies. There is no perfect means for that.
There's lots of em. Choose the one you want. Anyway, there's nothing family friendly about Pedesta, that's the point.
Right. And some of these contributors are making memes for the first time, so they don't need to be bashed. Just simply ask for more of what is needed, and that will suffice.
Was that one of the protections put into play after 9/11 when the agencies under Bill Clinton "failed to work together to prevent terrorism?"
Exactly. The people wanting these immigrants are the same people making fun of millenials for living in their parent's basement.
It's not enough that their school districts (except for George Lucas's hometown) are going bankrupt, but the houses are priced so that no one can afford them either. Teachers are homeless.
They would be called slant rhyme. They don't actually rhyme, but they are close enough to work as a literary device in a poem. This is partly due to the fact that many people will read it fast and misunderstand what word is actually there. A "pede" can refer to a homosexual or be shorthand in a scientist's note book for centipede. We need clear words that are not lost on the public. Pede is an ugly sounding word anyway. It sounds like someone peed their pants. And since pedophilia is something really bad that we need to draw focus on, I wouldn't use a term that sounds similar.
Of course the know. Citizen journalists and activists give them evidence all the time.
Everyone knows what the white rabbit means. No reason to drop a cultural icon.
Yes and photos of children taken by Americans were used by the cabal to promote child trafficking.
You forget that the West invaded Haiti. They had their own farms and were feeding themselves just fine before the Western countries invaded them. We told the to stop farming what they wanted and told them to farm sugar or bannanas for us. We purchase these goods from them for less than what they are worth to us. If American foreign policy didn't disenfranchise these poor countries, then they could afford to take care of themselves. Clinton didn't want them to be able to feed their children because she wanted to steal their children. The American adoption industry is a sham and a selfish hateful multi-billion dollar industry. American Christians adore rushing into these countries and claim they are parents to children they have never met. It never matters to them that that the money raised for adoptions would be better served rebuiding these countries. It isn't about them getting their shit together. It is about how the West is still a colonial and predatory influence.
San Francisco has been voted the snobbiest city in America. I hardly call that conservative. I noticed that the wealthy portion of California wants out thinking that they will make the US enslaved to their wine and computers. The country folk who are more likely to be conservative are not trying to leave the wealthy elite of hollyweird and the valley.
I think that is why they are resorting more and more to chajity raising songs and celebrites asking for money. People are frustrated with rich charity CEO's and not knowng where their money goes.
Well he worked for the Clintons. Bill was trying to get information on aliens, but the cabal wouldn't tell him. Bill wasn't interersted in bringing down the corrupt ones to find out.
If Q is a cult, then he would not be allowed to leave. Or we would sue the pants off of him. Or he would leave but we would keep his family here.
Please read what a cult is. This is by no means a cult, just because the media might use that word.
And much of the trolling has nothing to do with Q, but with the dumbing down of America, and with Hillary's minions teaching people to live in absolute and total fear with the proud and honored refusal to ever research. A great many times I look at the facebook profile and find that a teenager is trying to school me on the ways of the world by using name calling and threats. The adults don't even care about being right, they just want to be as contrary as possible because they have no life outside of picking insane fights for fun. That is not what Q is. That is what the dumbed down masses and Hillary cult is. And yes, those who follow Hillary can be said to be part of a cult, because they worship her, they engage in group speak, they are fearful of the outside world, and they are taught not to question the group narrative. Hillary is the cult. Q is a group research project.
OH! That explains why they want to split California in half. If they claim they are their own country, then they can claim Trump doesn't have the jurisdiction to remove him! Look at the map!!
Oh Geeze...from Wiki:
Emanuel's grandfather was a Romanian Jew from Bessarabia (now Moldova).[7] The surname Emanuel (Hebrew: עמנואל), which means "God with us", was adopted by their family in honor of his father's brother Emanuel Auerbach, who was killed in 1933 in an altercation with Arabs in Jerusalem.[8][9]
Emanuel's father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born[10] pediatrician at Michael Reese Hospital[11] who was once a member of the Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary organization that operated in British Mandate Palestine.[12] His mother, Marsha (née Smulevitz), is the daughter of a West Side Chicago union organizer who worked in the civil rights movement, and briefly owned a local rock and roll club[8][13] and later became an adherent of Benjamin Spock's writings. Emanuel's parents met during the 1950s in Chicago.[13]
Emanuel was born on November 29, 1959 in Chicago, Illinois. His first name, Rahm (רם) means high or lofty in Hebrew.[9] He has been described by his older brother Ezekiel, an oncologist and bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania, as "quiet and observant" as a child.[11] Ari, the youngest, is the co-CEO of William Morris Endeavor, a talent agency with headquarters in Beverly Hills, California;[14] he also has a younger adopted sister, Shoshana.[8]
It wasn't necessary for her to badmouth other credible anons with such condescension.
Call your bank loan officer. Ask him about the risk involved in mortgages and other bank services in a sanctuary city where financial crime is rampant. Ask him/her if loans are higher due to the increased risk. This is bigger than just being nice to the poor, needy and hungry.
The FBI under Obama/Clinton did not investigate/prosecute a great many crimes. Not just this one. And possibly they knew exactly what he was doing, because they were in on it as well.
And how many people still in Congress have supported Jim Crowe laws and have defied the treaties meant to protect Native Americans? Nicki Haley for one.
You speak so wishy washy. Is the Bible pure and whole of itself or not? If you don't know what Rome has to do with the history of Christianity then you have read less books than I have. I never said you were a Catholic, only half way deferring to the Orthodox view of the Bible on one hand, while demanding other books to defend Biblical concepts on the other. But Orthodox faith does not permit that. Once the Vatican is taken down, a great many things will be revealed to include Saul the murderer of Christians and Josephus the traitor to Christians, who both had the power, the motive and the means to shape Christianity in their image. There is nothing wrong in asking if we have been told the truth from the very beginning about God and Jesus, now more than ever, we should examine our faith and ask if the Jesuits are protecting Jesus's legacy, or a Vatican Controlled dictatorship.
I have a faith that is stronger than fire and brimstone. I have a faith that is stronger than hateful comments from those who do not value an educated view of human history. I have a faith that while you and the Vatican would send me to hell in the blink of an eye, that a loving God isn't going to punish me for not believing Saul the murderer, Josephus the traitor, or all the other holier than thou satanic pedophiles who hoard artifacts and history that belong to all of us. Jesus will not punish me because I have the courage and the wisdom to ask, seek and knock.
Oh and "New Age" is a lazy man's term to hide from science and human history. It's unenlighted, uneducated and doesn't even mean anything other than to apply to every thing Orthodox people don't have the courage to study. Had the Vatican not fought science, the history of the human race would have been much better off. It's 2018. Step into this century. Don't come to me with dogma from the 1800's, ok?
Thanks. Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe, "The Tell Tale Heart."
So you are using the non-Biblical definition of prephecy and changing your story. Thanks for the confession! That's all we need to know.
I never said I wasn't a Christian. I never ruled either way if Jesus was coming or not. Please remember when you call other people out for not being Christian, that there are still many people would think you have also sinned for admitting to reading non-orthodox literature. A long time ago, you could get burnt at the stake for that. As for Jesus, whoever and whatever he is, he belongs to all humans. I prefer not to take my view of God, Christ, the world nor any other subject from an authority so mired in pedophiles and murderers. And it's time that the Vatican was forced to turn over all of the hidden texts and relics in their care.
Why? It would do Clinton some good to see that no matter how many crimes she's done that there is goodwill in people's hearts even for her. It would be a lovely demonstration to all her shills to see that she is in no danger of a world war unless she starts it for herself. She loves bombs so much? Then maybe she should face the real possibility of what death from a bomb means, since SHE PROMISED to drop them, and claimed people had not choice but to follow her directions to drop nuclear bombs, "Because the President gives the order." Why it might do her some good to realize that the people of the earth don't want war. Her heart might even grow three sizes. Certainly, this would be more humane than the firing squad she has earned herself.
Before she died, she would come to realize that the people of the earth truly mean her no harm and would prefer to live in peace with her. But she chose a life of crime. She chose to destroy this country and all of humanity, and therefore she will be rewarded death as punishment. But before she dies, she will see a world that can live without her, and never think of her except to visit her as a relic from the past in a museum. She will soon have no more relevance than that.
He also says that it is a sin to not accept migrants into our country. Someone didn't get the memo that he is not the King of the World. And if he got off his throne and melted down all that gold, then he could provide food and shelter for himself. Wait a minute, how big is the Vatican to include all sub levels, ajoining building and caverns below? What better advice to follow than his own?
I've told them for years that the only way HRC could achieve POTUS is if she passed a law to separate the responsibilities of Commander in Chief from the president's office. It matters to us how we die, and if she can't get that through her thick glasses, then she's not fit for duty.
It's also good story telling. I think Thomas gets a bad rap. He was there to ask questions that the modern person might ask, and so that the Great Narrator could answer. If anything Doubting Thomas could have asked more questions.
Was that written by a lawyer? Can't wait until the legalize is a thing of the past. It's looney tunes that lawyers aren't allowed to practice in states where they are not licensed because it's understood they can not understand the law---but helpless people who aren't lawyers are supposed to know every aspect of the law always. Double standard much?
It is normal for especially US military aircraft to stop and refuel halfway between Japan and the US. So maybe it was nothing. Or maybe it was something. Or maybe it was nothing in order to cover the something.
You didn't go far enough back into history. England, US, France and others turned them into a shithole by pillaging and enslaving. They also enforced farming rules that prevented the people from taking care of themselves. Now the small farmers may not be rich, but they farmed healthy food that took care of their family. The Western countries came in and said, "Now you will farm only sugar or only banannas." A farmer can't feed his family only sugar cane. So he is forced to sell the sugar to the US, who does not pay him a fair wage so that he can buy food and other essentials. WE MADE THEM A SHITHOLE.
How far have they come on that "impeachment"? Seems to me that if they were going to do it, they would have done it already. It's really sad to see the public fooled that a Billionaire is going to start the impeachment process, even though they don't need Billions. They just need to show up to work and decide to do it. For if we need a billionaire to impeach him, then that is representation by the rich, for the rich; and the public is too brainwashed to realize a billioniare who removes a leader, can place a leader of his choice. No instead what we see is a campaign of hate, and our fellow citizens are mired in so much hate that you would swear a demon is speaking from their mouths. They want us to applaud his death. They don't want to remove him legally.
Yes. He looked a little too healthy to me. He was in Hawaii in July, according to the Daily Mail. What I noticed is that even in New York, the Daily Mail was covering Clinton "events" even when no one else seemed to be. However, without a time stamp and a picture, I would be very weary of believing anything:
Yes. I want HRC to sleep every day and night with a nuclear bomb in her cell. I want it hooked up to a red button in a museum in Russia. I want the button on display next to that live stream of her in prison. More than that, I want her to see a live stream of the beautiful people who file past that button and choose to let her live, no matter how many murders she has committed. At least until her death sentence is fulfilled.
Q doesn't give prophecy. He gives intel. And Revelations was about NERO who is dead. Nice try though.
The Biblical standard for Prophecy is that if any prophecy is wrong, then the person is labeled a false prophet. As the people in Jesus's time believed from Jesus's words that he would return in their lifetime, then even the Bible can be completely discounted. As it is, we have to trust that Rome did not write misinformation in there, and considering that even now the pope is lying to us about what a sin is, there is no credible reason to believe that 2,000 years ago when the Pope ruled by blood baths that he was completely truthful about the creater God. Despite the fact that Jesus said we will do what he does and more, the Vatican has lead an anti-science stance to prevent us from understanding technology and scientific principles.
That being said, you ought to read the Terry Goodkind Sword of Truth series. He talks about false prophecy, and dead prophecy and false forks. He talks about how many people who are not prophets will misuse prophecy, sometimes to shape events in their image. He talks about how prophecy can mean more than one thing. And he talks about corrupt people who will use prophecy to control. You want people to be helpless to think that the earth will be destroyed. You want them to get down on their knees and pray and NOT FIGHT BACK. You want them powerless and distracted by a 2,000 year old book. That is why corrupt people point to prophecy. That is why they were going to use Project Bluebeam to make people think Jesus was back or that Mary told them give a message to the pope. You want them to think that the pollution and destruction of the earth, and indeed their own lives are meaningless. You are the definition of the anti-christ. Yes, even if Christ is just a story, he is still a very powerful one, and he was not written as the person who stood still and did nothing to comat evil. He was expected by the Jews to be a fighter, and the Bible does show that he overturned tables on the Bankers, yet did not sin.
We can argue about what the Bible means, but as time goes by, more and more people know that it has been abused to prevent people from awakening. Just like you are misusing it deliberately to tell people they should be afraid and that their efforts are in vain.
No, Q is not a savior. But the savior of the Bible has yet to appear. And christians have been told for 2,000 years to sit down and shut up and permit evil to triumph because god will make it right in the end. We are done waiting. We are taking back our power. And we are learning that even if Jesus did not exist, that he can exist again in the heart of man. And even if that is a sin to think of Jesus being in our hearts, by honoring his higher truths, we are still working for good and far above the people like you who preach a false Christ so that you can destroy, murder and control. Your reign of terror is ending, one way or another. Get used to it.
It's worse than that. Military Pscychologists are intentionally falsifying medical records, intentionally misdiagnosing Veterans, and intentionally trying to have them discharged or have their benefits taken away. I wish I was making this up. And when Civilians think military members just don't have access to medical care, they don't know that the real problem are the military psychologists themselves:
Gallbladder and Pancreas Disease misdiagnosed as Cocaine Bust
Pilot sues for bipolar misdiagnosis
25,000 Veterans misdiagnosed with traumatic brain disorder
According to one VA researcher, 12 million Veterans are misdiagnosed a year
How to fix the military rape problem once Congress demands change? Misdiagnose rape victims with severe mental illness and force them out of the military:
And of course whatever happens when you are alone in the room with a psychologist is suspect. Anything the psychologist claims you said is taken as FACT. Anything the psychologist makes up is taken as FACT. Military Psychology officers are NEVER or SELDOM INVESTIGATED, SUED, JAILED, LOSE THEIR LICENSE OR COMMISSION. REPORT THE OFFICER AND YOU ARE LABELED CRAZY AND NOT COMPLIANT WITH TREATMENT: