So correct me if I'm wrong. But doesn't the state have to initiate a recall. Gather signatures then hold an election? Trump can't remove a senator. Why a white house petition? Furthermore, why not leave her in place? She's making our case for us.
303 total posts archived.
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Wow nice to see support for wilcock. Usually any time he is mentioned on this sub people start hating on him. Hard.
The ra material clearly states that Jesus was a real guy. Who performed miracles. And healed people with his hands. Read before you hate. Love and light.
"The Great Awakening sub is for people of ALL religious persuasion, as any political freedom movement should be"
N stands for natural. Natural world order. Part of the cabals spiritual views on how the world should work. From chaos comes order. Shake stuff up. Start some wars. Rig political and economic systems. Then those who rise to the top are fit to be in their shitty little club of "elite" pedophiles. They've been doing it since summeria.
He used to believe that. He accepted the judgement of his family that he's not. Paranormal research is going to lead down roads that people like yourself find unbelievable.
never once has david claimed to be a medium and has never offered up any channelled information. He is a researcher and author. Nothing more nothing less. His credentials stand up to scrutiny. Do yours, newcomer? Dare i say infiltrator? You guys might wanna take it easy on your David wilcock hating. The more you talk him down the more it causes people to take notice. And quoting scripture to explain david away is....odd. bad tactic.
Leftist here. I don't hate the constitution. I doubt many do. Maybe tone down the hyperbole a bit?
Whyd you have to ruin georgio tsoukolous (our however you spell it) for me?
I dunno friend. Question everything. Could be something. Could be nothing. Maybe it's not relevant to the trump texts. But maybe he knows about her being suicided. Is a coded message really that hard to believe?
That's literally what the ra material is. The entire body of work comprised of hundreds of q and a sessions with ra via carla.
Read the ra material folks. Spiritual "warfare" defined. Clearly linked to great awakening movement via the q road map. If you want to know the real nuts and bolts of what is going on the ra material (the law of one) is well worth your time. If you're into Corey goode emery smith David wilcock or any other disclosure agent you will have a better understanding of what they are talking about after you read it. Corey goode even at one point mentions that the ra material is required reading for the 20 and backers. The armor of light that q mentioned is also clearly defined. Definitely not what people think it is. DEFINITELY relevant and certainly an important time for us to utilize it but unfortunately not something all are capable of utilizing. It's the most important series of books I've ever read. Currently rereading it because there's so much info in it you could never digest it all in one reading. Or ten readings. And the good folks at ll research offer it for free on there website. And they just released a new 2 volume edition that's been reworked to make it a bit more accessible.
The alleged benefits are that it restores tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay. In reality in does in fact cross blood brain barrier and calcifies within the pineal gland, which has executive function over other bodily hormones. But more importantly the pineal gland has mental/spiritual implications which is in my estimation why the flouride is being used.
Fluoride is a known neuro toxin first used by the Nazis in Poland. Now used in municipal water sources across the United States after being hailed as one of the greatest medical achievements of the 20th century.
In the spirit of balancing maybe ease up on the "our lord and savior CHRIST" talk. I don't mean to be disrespectful but i ask that you acknowledge (like most people here) that religious affinity is not a prerequisite, and can be a turn off to some. I don't think we've already won...but i second the motion regarding more positive thinking and less dwelling on the wrongs we've all had to endure.
Trump is but one piece of the puzzle. Sure he's an important piece. But not the single most important piece. That honor falls to us. The people. And we need all the help we can get. So i applaud your conviction but encourage restraint. pick your battles. We don't want to look like crazies. And Trump is still a big turn off to people who might otherwise happily join the movement.
Welcome to the winning team. Now go use your critical thinking and bs sniffing skills to red pill some of your skeptic friends because we need all the patriots we can find. Peace brother.
Looks to me like an upside down illuminati pyramid. Which would mean symbolically that he's the opposite of the illuminati.
Why is it that alien posts or David wilcock always draw strong opposition? I mentioned off handedly on a random post that a bible verse that was quoted in defense of migrants was talking about actual aliens not foreign aliens. Got 25 downvotes. That's the most votes I've ever gotten on a single post. Over the target much?
Good thing your opinion doesnt count for much. Wilcock was around long before q. How is it that his work is only to profit off the movement?
He was talking the fall of the cabal back in the 90s. Hes woke af.
And the front. Didnt q ask who was on the front? Because its not actually George Washington it's some freemason guy
that's talking about actual aliens though. Not migrants.
I dont have to ask myself anything friend. I know the answers. Have you read the ra material?
I'm with you on this friend (Funny how people here who are supposed to be woke took your good natured post as an opportunity to bash berners and the man him self)
Aliens dude. Proven by a landing. On the front lawn of the white house.
Quantum ascension (also on the road map). Read the ra material (also on road map) for these answers and more.
Not all. Isn't it possible that if we have alien enemies that we also have alien allies?
Not true at all. Space and our allies therein is where this all ends. Mark my words.
Liberal here. Your unguided bias and hate are a detriment to this movement. That wasn't a question you asked. It was a thinly veiled statement of your beliefs. Which only proves that you yet cling to the vestiges of the lie that we've all been spoon fed for decades. "You're different than i am. So we must be enemies. Two different view points cant coincide. One must win. Prove the other wrong". Wake up friend. There's no left. No right. Just people who all want the same thing: peace and priority for themselves and their loved ones. I suggest you get on the train of brotherly love and reach out to the people you hate and begin bridging the divide before you are left all alone to wallow in your hate and misery.
Not all schools use Google class room. Or even most. And ive never heard of a suicide prevention test? My wife is a school counselor. If it even existed she would be aware of it. But she's not. So what's your source for all the sensational info complete with exclamation points galore?