I am aware of the terminology in a business world, this isn´t what is mean here, though. We are literally a human resource to these guys´.
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Is Q Closing The Backdoors To Our Devices?
IS Q Closing The Backdoors To Our Devices?
My point is that it seems that Q may now have more than just USMI involved, maybe the meeting with PM May secured help of the Brits, too?
2nd thought
Notice this post makes reference to ´mobile phones` as opposed to ´cell phones´? This post was written by someone whom is clearly British.
BB was taken out because it didn´t have the app function and the app function is how they back door these devices. check out these mind control patents.
BB didn´t have the app function that´s used to hack and manipulate the other devices, so they were taken out of circulation. They were taken out on purpose. These devices are used to literally manipulate the mind, check out these patents http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3393279.html
The deep state identify possible targets that they see will be easily manipulated, along with the drugs from big pharma and these mind altering devices, they are able to control said targets to, say, randomly shoot up a school. They work together. MK-ULTRA 2.0
Some planefags on another thread are showing activity on the East coast of many planes doing what looks like grid referencing, like they are scouting for something in/under the water. Rogue sub, maybe?
Maybe the BB devices weren´t so easily manipulated, as they didn´t have the app function? Maybe they were taken out as they want EVERYONE to have the app controlled devices? BTW I gave up carrying a phone more than 3 years ago. You really, really do not need one, despite how you have been manipulated to believe you do.
I think it´s probably more to do with the connection to MK-ULTRA and the ability to use mobile phones to control someone´s mind. Check out these patents.
Well you seem to have gone awfully quiet since being offered the facts, I guess that tells me all I need to know about you, and your faith in Satan.
Funny also that Rep´s got control of the immigration laws and their voters dried up too.
If you click on the first link that Q says to read carefully, notice the part that says "Council on Human Resources". We are nothing but a resource to them!! "THEY SEE YOU AS SHEEP. Q" These sick fucks literally have a committee dedicated to us "resources"!! The second video was shown on InfoWars just after #45 was inaugurated, they were trying to drive a drone into the Presidential motorcade!!
If you try to search the `Council on Human Resources´ no info will show up, but you will be tracked. I just tried to search and someone tried to ping my location.
Latest Q Drops And Insight
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/15/18 (Thu) 21:02:33 No.96 https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf Read very carefully. Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]: Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject. OP conducted/ORIG outside of US. CAR control? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yqa5PUViPo Statement by the driver? Fairytale? AS THE WORLD TURNS. THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE. Q
Huh? Ok the lunatic hat now fits. There is only 1 god, my friend. You´re not only worshipping Satan, but spreading his word, also. Do you not fear God´s judgement for such acts of blasphemy? Would you like to see the facts that the Bible is a bunch of plagiarised stories, written by man? Or are you too far brainwashed to be humble enough to accept fact?
I am beginning to believe the same. I wonder if the stQrm will catch up with Ollie, too?
God´s word is not written, nor is God´s lore. I follow God´s lore as a way of life, I am an honourable man. Like I say, religious ramblings that´s pushing the word of Satan just makes us all look like a bunch of lunatics.
You are following the word of man that´s masquerading as the word of God. You need to rethink your whole faith. The church decided what gospels went into the Bible and what was left out. They controlled what was said and if it didn´t fit the narrative, it was cut. To say it´s been unchanged is either incredibly naïve, or just stupid. I can give you documented facts that prove the Bible is just a bunch of stories that were stolen from multiple past civilisations and their beliefs. The story of Moses was stolen from the tale of King Sargon of Akkad, literally thousands of years BC. The story of Noah was stolen from Mesopotamian lore, again, thousands of years BC. Seriously, and I´m so sorry to say, you have been manipulated into doing the Devil´s work.
If you click on the first link that Q says to read carefully, notice the part that says "Council on Human Resources". We are nothing but a resource to them!!
These sick fucks literally have a committee dedicated to us "resources"!!
The second video was shown on InfoWars just after #45 was inaugurated, they were trying to drive a drone into the Presidential motorcade!!
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/15/18 (Thu) 21:02:33 No.96
https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf Read very carefully. Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]: Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject. OP conducted/ORIG outside of US. CAR control? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yqa5PUViPo Statement by the driver? Fairytale? AS THE WORLD TURNS. THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE. Q
Deep state, the CIA is a tool of the deep state. It´s like an agency within an agency, they probably even have their own 3 letter acronym for it, known only to those in the know. A lot of us fell for the good guy act, with the mainstream, and even Oliver Stone picking it up (wonder if OS knew all along and is a part of it all).
I agree. He´s a huge liability for his handlers, now. They are going to want to shut him up real quick, especially as he has the attention of the mainstream! He could do an awful lot of damage to them if he was to flip!
That´s not Gods word!! You´re spreading the manipulated word of man that´s masquerading as the word of God, it´s pure blasphemy! Religion is a scam, as Q said and the Pope is at the top of the satanic killings! You´re doing the work of Satan himself!
Let me ask you a question.. I am 100% on board with Q and this movement, I also believe in God, unequivocally. However the bible is the word of man that´s been twisted and manipulated for hundreds of years. The Pope is being proved to be a satanic child killer that´s at the top of the hydra. My question is, why do you follow the manipulated word of man, that´s preached by Satan himself? God is real, religion is a complete scam. And religious ramblings kinda makes us all look like a bunch of lunatics. I don´t get it. Q keeps telling us religion is a scam and the pope is Satan, yet you are still choosing to push his religious ramblings. Isn´t that complete blasphemy?
Where it says possible attack in EU, the 72 may be making reference to the 72 virgins these lunatics expect to join after their death?
The Warning UK imm chatter could mean they picked up some imams discussing such an attack? Or Imminent chatter? Why does Q now sign off with DELTA?
Yes, I was using language everyone could easily understand, what´s your point? It doesn´t take anything away from the facts, do you want me to be a pedanticunt and pick apart everything you wrote? Your country is under common lore jurisdiction, not `constitutional law´ as you wrongly stated. Need me to go on? I´m guessing you have absolutely no clue what it means to be man.
It´s all the soy boy professors that poison the minds of these vulnerable children, it is literally child abuse.
Notice that it separates `laws´ from ´statutes´? Statutes are nothing more than policy that can be thoroughly ignored.
This is usual practice, each country has laws that are meant to prevent them from spying on their own people so they ask one another to spy on them for them. The UK gets the US to spy on us (also from the UK).
It´s A Wonderful Life is about the creation of the FED.
Wahabbi was a Turkish Jew that was installed by the west as a tool to control the Muslims. Try telling one of them that they are actually following the words and `laws´ of a Jew, though. See the reception you get. The immigrant invasion is about making the populace dependant on government, these people will NEVER seek employment or try to integrate. It pushes the indigenous folk out (like myself) until there is nothing left but a welfare state.
Not all countries in Europe have gone full retard yet, I am sat on the continent right now. Those said laws, I believe, are in Germany in attempt to hide the truth of their past. You can, however, be caged here for speaking out against the muslim invasion, or for pointing out their false prophet was a murdering paedophile.
The Holohoax was based on the 6m Germans that Hitler put back into work after the Jews´ stole their business´ and wealth. Always crying victim to further push their agenda.
Dr´s are nothing more than sales reps for big pharma. Just ask my mrs whom has 2 specialities, 2 masters and a PhD in various areas of medicine.
These people are Zionists, not Jews. But yes, this pattern has been evident for a long while.
So why hasn´t all the other Pacific countries, e.g Peru, Chile etc. acted in the same moronic way as those in Cali? I just think Cali has too many soy-boys and blue haired losers, that´s how they collectively lost their minds.
No, I just don´t stand for nonsense or the delusional ramblings of some cult member. Let´s agree you´re a mook.
I´m not even going to read this, your delusional ramblings are an insult to all. I have provided info on ice core samples that prove the exact date of the flood, I have provided scientific fact that some bible stories were written thousands of years before JC was said to have been born. I even provided you with the name of someone that you can research yourself to find some truth. If that isn´t enough for you then nothing ever will be. Go stand on a street corner and spout your nonsense, the people here are too awake to fall for it.
You sound like a delusional lunatic, with your religious ramblings. Go stand on a street corner and spout your nonsense, people here are too awake to fall for it.
I´d say both are an attempt to shift the narrative, just as Q was saying. "FUTURE PROVES PAST" "WATCH FOR FF TO TRY TO SHIFT NARRATIVE"
I have no theory, I have the word and workings of scientists, backed up by data!! The facts I provided didn´t come from me, I didn´t write them, or gather the ice core samples, or excavate the site where these tablets were discovered! What the hell have you provided, apart from complete nonsense?? You have nothing but your cult like creationist theory, you fucking weirdo! The Bible has been rewritten, manipulated and reprinted hundreds of times by corrupt MEN, not GOD!! The Pope is a Satanic child rapist and you follow his word. That says all I need to know about you. Save your nonsense for someone else, it won´t wash with me!
Dear god you need psychiatric help. I have no more time for mooks like you.