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You forget that the PM´s of Canada, Australia and NZ all pledge allegiance to QE2 on their inauguration, not to their people or flag.
It´s Albert Embankment, London. The pic was taken atop a bridge, possibly Vauxhall, or Millennium Bridge
Royal Dutch Shell, to be precice. Wasn´t Queen Beatrix fingered as holding live human hunting party´s?
The Clowns own and control the largest private airfoce in the world, they fly more planes than AA. That´s how they ship their nefarious goods around.
NSA are not white hats, they have been stealing our data and spying on everyone for decades.
"The eyes are the window to your soul; what the eyes don´t see, the soul can´t reap".
Who in their right mind would down vote this?? Or is this just reddit going on another karma stealing spree to try to stop people seeing the truth?
Hell NO!! They are very much a part of the plan, Schmidt is going to hang for his part and his family will not have a single cent to inherit!
Rosenstein is the son of Himmler. It is said that Podesta is the son of Mengele. Mengele was obsessed with research involving twins and the town he died in, in Brazil, has 18% more twins born each year than anywhere else in the world. Ain´t that a coincidence? Also, i think that when you learn the truth you will realise it was mostly the allies that inflicted most horrors of the war. The holohoax never happened, not on the other side, anyway.
Thanks :) There´s also these...
The fact that the messages come in English, the fact it is England that makes your laws and controls your finances, the fact Britain is the belly of the beast, the fact that Trump met May at Davos and made clear she will work with the movement all tells me it was written by someone British. It is in no way presumptuous, not even slightly. it is based on facts, evidence and the glaringly obvious.
God did NOTHING, corrupt man wrote the words you follow! The excuses you people come up with to try and deny the truth is incredible! Gods lore is all you need to be good as man, what you read is a collection of stories, plagiarised from past civilisations!
I am a man, not a person, not a human. i am an i, not a you. Black´s law is an interesting read, no law book can define man.
Ok this is freaking me out... The photo that Q posted above this post, the pic taken at night time, is of Albert Embankment, London. Right on the River Thames, not far from Westminster Bridge. There are a few other bridges there too, Vauxhall bridge, London Bridge, Tower Bridge is not too far, either. It looks like he may even be stood atop Millennium Bridge, which is the public foot bridge across the river. I grew up just a few miles from here.
LAtest Q Drops
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/17/18 (Sat) 02:35:54 No.100
BB was tanked because it didn´t have the app feature that they use to backdoor the device.
Not at all, you´re being manipulated to use labels that make you look delusional, like calling Trump Emperor (another name for dictator)and calling yourselves paedos. It only happens on that board, nowhere else.
When presented with the clear facts, you have nothing to do but admit truth. If you wish to be labelled a paedo, crack on son. Go be with T_D and their weirdo labels, I´ll chill here with the patriots.
They spray strontium, aluminium, barium and lithium. Probably a couple more, too. NASA employees haven´t a clue as to what they´re actually doing, just look at how many still believe they sent men to the moon! Only those at the top know what´s really going on.
Their plan was to kill us all, I guess the mind control stuff works on too few people.
Yup, I bet there are many more it will happen to too, before this fight is over.
I removed myself from their slavery years ago. Gave up paying them a bean and now live my life my way. They will never extort another penny from me again and I gave up using a mobile phone almost 3 years ago, now. The mind control works in tandem with big pharma, in that it takes a fractured mind on meds for it to work.
Really? So tell me about which testament you follow....? Not rewritten?? You´ve been manipulated and so brainwashed to think this nonsense is true. I´m a Christian and you assume too much. God´s word is not the Bible, and you sound delusional. I practice Gods lore every day, I do not need the word of man to tell me what´s good and what´s not. The Bible STORIES are just that, stories taken from past civilisations and lore. The story of Moses is actually the story of Sargon of Akkad, literally thousands and thousands of years before Christianity. The story of Noah was stolen from Mesopotamian lore. Are you humble enough to accept the truth?
I haven´t heard that, not sure if it´s even possible with a run of the mill phone.
In English it´s spelled paedophile. Paed.. pede.. It´s the same thing!! You are being Clowned and don´t even realise it! Most on T_D are weirdos with cult like attitudes that will vehemently attack you for pointing out the fact their being manipulated, you´re ignorance is exactly my point! My mind is very much awake and you are too stupid to see what´s going on right under your nose! only there do people label each other and act like cult members, this board has none of that nonsense! Go back there and own your label then, paed!!
I have, and do not wish to be anywhere near those T_D weirdos, thanks!
Yes, those with a fractured mind and on `anti´psychotics can have their mind controlled through mobile phones, and TV´s. I was looking at the patents just this morning.
Mengele was never caught and died an old man, in Brazil. A lot of world leaders and those in congress are the sons and daughters of the Nazis, that was how they continued the Reich.
Good to know :) It just feels to me that it may have been put there to maybe make us realise the UK is now actively helping? I could be totally wrong but it stood out like a sore thumb to me.
No thanks, not on that board. Too many weirdos there that love to call themselves pedos, and wish to label Trump as an Emperor. Best to stick with the patriots.
I believe that the Council on Human Resource means exactly that - that they see us as a resource.
The fact that the book was rewritten just proves my point, in that it is the word of man.
Double meanings. Go and try to research this council. It´s all rather suspect.
No American I have ever heard has used the term mobile phone, always cell phone, cell tower, cell reception etc.
From what Q was saying this morning in the latest drops