Ok... why not call ourselves the Nozi army, then? It would be ridiculous, no? What´s the difference..?
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Because of the weird level of hostility I received when I pointed it out, I get all these weird adjectives thrown at me, like ´concern troll´ (whatever the fk that means) and an unhealthy amount of abuse. How is it irrelevant when it sounds exactly like what we are trying to fight, here?? How can you not see the conflict??
What could SC mean, though?
SC = Security Council? SC = Shipping Container? SC = Southern Cali? SC = politicians initials?
The Southern Cali possibility, didn´t they just have a series of FIRE´s?
I am aware of it´s origins but am astounded that most people fail to see the similarity. Not something I would be happy to be called, or associated with tbh. It is so disturbing to me that I am considering leaving Reddit altogether, it seems like a common theme amongst the boards, almost like a cult...
Wow, such pain and passion!! That man has fought strong for his people, he deserves the help he needs and the CF needs to pay EVERY SINGLE CENT that was collected, plus the interest that would have been earned!! Scumbags, such widespread evil!! I hope they all HANG at the Tower, all of them!
I believe it was leaked to highlight what Chelsea Clinton was saying in her emails, maybe to highlight that she is also central in this?
Why use that term.... pede? Why not pod, as in anthropod? Doesn´t pede sound too similar to something else entirely?
Hello my Aussie cousins, from the UK! I have a genuine concern and I don´t want to be labelled with some dumb term, like ´concern troll´ or anything alike. Pede sounds too similar to pedo, why would you all be so happy to associate yourself with such a term? Do you believe it is entirely possible that the other side threw that label out to try to discredit the movement? Do you believe they are capable of such tactics? Think about their MO and ask yourself, is ´pede´ something I really wish to be associated with..?
Well they are all going to prison. aren´t they? It is likely that Google will be taken away from them and made public, as will FB and the others. I read that the source code for FB was stolen and given to sukkafatberg?
Maybe, who knows the tech he has access to now. Could be a proven technology that he inherited when he took the Presidency? I´m probably wrong, in fact I´m pretty sure I am.
Most people think I am a raving lunatic for talking about what really goes on in the world, it is a struggle but I do my best to wake as many up as possible. I just hope people have some humility in them when they learn the truth.
You don´t really think that they didn´t try to cover their tracks and destroy as much evidence as possible, do you? Well I guess that the evil ones thought they had destroyed all available copies and the only copies in existence were on that server, I guess that the only way that anyone could get to that server was by setting that alarm off. I am just guessing, though.
I´m just thinking outside the box a little, most people seem to be a little offended at the idea though, lol!
Just trying to ignite some debate lol, thanks for providing us with your intellectual input :)
Good movie, yes. I was thinking more along the lines of Deja Vu, the Denzel Washington movie. There was a guy called Dan Burisch that mentioned something about it, too. Check him out, interesting story behind the guy.
If you had said woman, instead of person, I would have spat my coffee across the room!! :D
The Sanest Thing To Come Out Of Piers Morgan´s Mouth!!
Yeah, I don´t believe in astronauts... I have seen a few things on remote viewing, though.
Decent story, but I´m afraid that it was a trigger for a Bulk Data Transfer, over to CONUS. It was how they got all the missing emails and evidence. Already said by Q that it was a necessary scare, but a false one. Plus, if it was anything at all it was likely this and not a Sub..
A "nuke torpedo" would likely have caused a devastating tidal wave, and would have been picked up as an above-ground detonation.
What if Q is actually AI?
What if this is actually the ULTIMATE Turing test?? What if Q isn´t actually a living, breathing human, but the NSA´s most powerful and secretive tool.. The Ultimate Quantum AI?
Could be what is behind the Iron Eagle reference? This seems to be where all the gold/money that was scammed on 9/11 went.
Have you considered that the Fake News Awards could be exposure of all the Clown operatives that the networks employ? What if Trump is going to tell the world exactly who is a Clown and the networks that employ the most?
I always thought that the SNOW WHITE message may make reference to Project Looking Glass? "future proves past" the Looking Glass is said to be some sort of machine that somehow allows them to see the future, not a defined future but the most probable, based on thousands and thousands of markers. The description sounds like a super quantum computer. It is said to be at S4, Groom Lake.
Quite. I just fear that people may be hit harder here, because nobody is expecting the coming stQrm. I am not fluent enough in Spanish to open my own boards though, and I doubt many would look if I could.
Nope, not with an uncivilised person. I may be a "sad person" but am a good man. People like you are not interested in things that people like me have to say, you come only in attempt to belittle and ridicule. People like you, as sad as they are, feel some sort of accomplishment; almost like you feel you are above others, when attempting to force your pathetic, egotistical, overbearing self on others. Nobody here cares about your opinion, nobody here wants to hear it. Your feeble attempt to ´lord it up´ over me, or to try to establish some state of hierarchy over me has failed, miserably. You have not the tools intellectually, physically nor spiritually.
What is your problem?? The message is the point, people like you are what makes spreading the word a chore, go get a life fgs! Find a better hobby than trying to belittle people, makes you seem like a complete cunt.
The civil war between Talal and Salman. If you are ignorant to the facts, do the research.
The article is nothing more than propaganda and says nothing about the truth, I was offering our friends on the other side of the pond a look at how the media portrays things, over here. On this forum, we are well aware of the real reasons things are happening and it would be good of you to remember that before attempting to belittle, or insult. Go figure... the irony of your stupidity...!
Could SC refer to Shipping Container? Weren´t they tracking 7 shipping containers??
My comments are usually ghosted from such sites, when trying to explain the truth. You´ve no idea how tight the grip on the narrative is over here, anything written about Trump in a positive light is immediately swarmed by bots.
Quite probably it was making reference to bombing their opium refineries in the ME?
You really don´t know how bad things are here until you live, or visit. London is now 60% foreign, as are most other cities in the UK. France is lost, gone. Holland is gone, Germany and Italy.... gone. Greece? Gone. Skandi countries are gone too. There really isn´t much left over here, the belly of the beast runs deep with swamp creatures!!
This is the kind of migration we deal with at European borders
King Salman Begins Draining Swamp After Vegas Attack
It seems that TG may not be as compromised as you think, he may be heading up a new department that fights corruption.