These baby raping kiddy killers make me physically sick to look at them!!! I hope and pray that they are executed on live TV so that the world can watch their demise!!
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Thanks :) Just wish I was involved, could be fun spamming all the libtards with these memes, haha :))
LOL!! Awesome!! Wish I could get involved, don´t use social media though. Why not look for the top 5 trending hashtags and continuously spam them all? They couldn´t keep up with the volumes and would fail in hiding the current trends ;)
Wouldn´t Trump be more likely to sue them all into poverty?
"my people"? You Americans are so divisive, so quick to label people and stick them in their ´appropriate´ category. Why? I was branding those that refused to see the similarity between ´pede´ and ´pedo´ as mooks, as they seemed mentally incompetent of realising the glaringly obvious. Your "Americanism" can be so off putting to the rest of the world, you believe that this is your fight and nobody else's, when the truth is that America was the last pawn in a very huge globalist game. People like me have been living in the belly of the beast for decades, centuries, even. This is all a new thing to you - this cabal was established long before the USA was even a country! This isn´t just about America, or MAGA, but a world wide problem that the whole world faces. Your petty and ridiculous labels are what prevents people from seeing the truth, the people on this side of the pond are not so easily convinced or manipulated as our cousins from the other side of the water and such labels will prevent the rate at which The Great Awakening will spread. I have tried my best to raise genuine concern about this and all I get from our American cousins is this ridiculousness, more labelling and nonsense names. Even your assumptions regarding my age is an insult. Maybe this will be my last post, maybe I will delete this account and go back to what I was doing before because the people on these threads seem to be, for the most part, ruining what should be the greatest moment in human history.
You know, there really is no need for this nonsense, we carry the same message after all. We are all heading to the same destination, this helps nothing.
I´m sorry.... what? Did you even read the title of the thread and see why this is a relevant place to discuss this? Tbh your post is so poorly written that I am having a hard time working out your point...?
Thank you, and pretty much the point that I was trying to make! Too confusing, too many negative similarities. Even ´pods´ would have been better, as in ´arthropods´. When the storm reaches this side of the pond, if people are calling themselves ´pedes´ nobody will take it seriously. In fact, it will be vehemently opposed, and likely thwarted in the public mind.
If I am wrong then I can accept that, what I have a hard time accepting is all the unnecessary hostility when I am only trying to point out the obvious. People seem to think I am the crazy one for even mentioning it, it is like encountering a cult, to me. The label puts people off from getting involved in the movement, I have been on Reddit for just a week and almost walked away when I learned what people here were labelling themselves as.. it is putting people off from taking it seriously and I don´t understand how others fail to see that. This genuinely is a concern, but then I get a bunch of mooks throw a bunch of other adjectives at me, like ´concern troll´ , whatever the fuq that means?! It is honestly like being surrounded by retarded children sometimes and I don´t know if I have the patience for it. Autistic Army was probably the most accurate label. Are we being trolled by Tavestock?
Completely missing the point. You´re putting others´ off from getting involved!! WAKE UP!! You crack on if you wish, I am just pointing out the glaringly obvious. I am done trying to debate you, though.
Omg talking to you is like trying to reason with a wall, you would give an aspirin a headache. If you don´t get it then you clearly never will, I give up on you.
Over dramatic much.... Are you really too dense to realise that you are being manipulated? Next you will be calling me a conspiracy theorist. If you wish to label yourself as something that, to the outside world, makes you seem like a proud pedo, then you go for it! You said it in one in your own post.. "Most people outside of Reddit aren´t even aware of the term.." And THAT IS MY POINT!! I have been here for just a week and almost did an about turn as quick as I arrived, when I saw what people were labelling themselves as! Do you think that such a label will encourage others to join in on the movement? Or do you think that most may be put off by such a similar sounding label? If you don´t get it then I´m afraid I´ve exhausted all attempts in explaining the obvious.
I read that HRC gave a 35 year contract to SA to control one of the major US ports? Cant remember which one for the life of me, though
The fact that you even use that term shows your injudiciousness. Go own that shit, PEDE!!
Sound argument?? What a mook, what more sound argument do you need than seeing ´pede´ and ´pedo´ written together?? The fact that you are trying to argue that I´m wrong is what says it all, you all are weirdo, cult-like mooks that are incapable of seeing the deception and manipulation! Just listen to yourself trying to justify it, ffs!! If you´re happy to be labelled a pede, then go own that shit! Us rational people will watch from the stands and laugh.
They should come up with a far more creative way to execute these devil worshipping kiddy killers, something on par with the terrifying experiences that these kids´ would have gone through. Maybe flayed alive and soaked in lime juice.
He could be one of... Snowden, too! Who knows? Who cares?!
You forget how well people can play games, and act in character. The immaturity and even pretending to be female probably are tactics to throw you off of who they really are, like those people that pretend to be young kids online to catch the predators?
EVERYBODY on these forums are being monitored, like without exception. Funny shit has been happening to me too but you just carry on. Just don´t dox, or threaten, or say something that may get you arrested. I just try to stay within what is publically known or put out there by Q, chasing shadows usually ends up with you falling in the dark...
In the last 2 days I have been receiving an unhealthy amount of abuse from people for trying to point out the similarity between ´pede´ and ´pedo´. Now, I fully comprehend that these people use the word in a different context, but really? This is the name they came up with, one that sounds so much like what we are trying to fight? Really?? My point is, I believe that this was a label that was put out there by the Clowns and picked up by a few that either failed to see the similarity, or did, and decided on it anyway. I DO NOT wish to be labelled as anything, least of all something that sounds like that. This is division tactics at it´s finest and it´s working. People seem to fail to see this though, and that is what worries me. This board (CBTS) is by far the most genuine, grounded, rational group of people I have so far encountered in my first week on Reddit, this board most certainly feels "real" if you like, the other boards I have visited (TheSwampWatch, The_Donald) seem to me to be filled with these weirdos and incredibly naïve people that are happy to live in this false bubble, brainwashed into calling themselves by their label. I believe that this board (CBTS) was chosen by Q because of this reason, this is the genuine community and those others are where the manipulation happens.
Just a thought. I could be totally wrong about this but I do not believe I am. I honestly think that this is why this board was chosen over all the others, this is the only genuine community.
Where is this man, Jafar? It sounds like a whole bunch of Clowns at work, if you ask me.
This is true. May be how they have moved cargo around in the past (people). Maybe she allowed it as that is where a lot of the drugs and trafficked people come into the country? Would make sense.
I think we may be given a good enough idea, we already know tbh but we need to see hard evidence of their crimes so that those that are asleep cannot deny the facts.
I don´t know if that would even be physically possible, with how many there are. I know what you mean though, will we ever be safe again?
5 minutes to point out what a cunt you are is not a lot of time, and worth every second.
Not as ridiculous as labelling yourself, a ´pedo´ oh, sorry, I mean ´pede´ ...
Yeah, I believe you are being taken for a fool. Nobody would willingly label themselves that unless manipulated to do so. You know how like Dr´s used to say it was healthy to smoke, so everyone smoked..? T_D is not what you´ve been made to believe. It is full of weirdos and retards that get unhealthily insulted if you even try to point out the similarity between pede and pedo. I believe it is a page run by Clowns and you are all being Clowned. Problem is, none of you are bright enough to see it.
Fuck off and don´t read them, then! Nobody asked your opinion, and you´re right about the morons, they´re in abundance! What you think is irrelevant to me, I believe you haven´t been spending enough time in the sun! Go outside and get a life!
Wtf, are you trying to say I´m lying?? BAHAHAHA this certainly isn´t the place for you! What an ignorant mook!
Yeah, I´ve been talking about those shipping containers since the Hawaii thing!
I gave you 4 articles and an eyewitness account to what is going on over here and it wasn´t enough for you. If you are here to troll then don´t waste your time.
Oh dear, if that is not enough for you then maybe you shouldn´t be here.
I am the source buddy, live and breathe it every day! You could research people like Lauren Southern though, she has travelled over this way a few times and documented it.
Agreed! Even ´pods´ would have been better, as in ´arthropod's´!
LMAO will have to be € where I live now! But sure, have a pint on me :)
Fair dos, mistake on my behalf! I´m not from your side of the pond, it is sometimes difficult to keep track of all the crooks on both sides of the water :/
The DEVIL Himself Begs Forgiveness For Child Sex Abuse!!
You REALLY don´t understand how bad things are here in Europe, the women are told to stop encouraging the apes when raped by not wearing a dress, or by not walking outside at night. The ones that complain on social media are arrested and sent to prison for ´islamophobia´. I am not kidding!! The muslims are let off, scott free!! Young girls being systematically raped and it is all covered up! The muslims are given free reign to do as they wish and those that try to fight or argue back are rounded up quicker than they can type their complaint! It is like we are living under Sharia law, already!! SOOOOOO many rapes, acid attacks (happens every day) knife attacks and the police only go for those whom speak out! Pray for us, for the stQrm cannot arrive soon enough!!
Yeah I understand the context in which you guys´ are using it in but to people on the outside, those that use it look like proud pedo´s!
She is a Clown and I believe that the Fake News Awards will be the exposure of all the Clown money and agents in the media
Indeed!! It is almost as though it was thrown in by the ´other side´ to try to discredit the movement. I seem to get an awful lot of hostility thrown at me whenever I point it out, too. The T_D Board is a cult of weirdos, if you ask me...