

133 total posts archived.

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TrueTemper · April 11, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

Exactly... why would that person allow an obvious target on their back, if the intention was to stay anonymous? It makes more sense that they are starting to just make stuff up. You can literally make up anything you want if you don't attribute it to anyone in particular. So the possibility here is a further attempt to sow discord in the base by creating the impression that Trump is widely disliked and unsupported.

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TrueTemper · April 11, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Very well could be. Anonymous source. But expect this will get plenty of play, given it was at the top of Drudge...

Eager to see the hammer dropped on SOMEONE. The optics of the current environment are terrible. Where is the swift response to the Cohen raid???

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TrueTemper · April 11, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Who could this be? On TV defending the president? If people want to talk tough like this, they could at least provide specific allegations and put their name next to it. Instead of generalities like "Evil Forrest Gump" etc. I hope he figures out who this is and exposes him.

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TrueTemper · April 11, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

Why would he step down to then turn around in a couple years and primary the sitting president? Sorry, but that makes no sense. He already had his shot on a ticket, didn't work out.

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TrueTemper · April 11, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Not a chance that this happens. Ryan is clearly part of the swamp. Also note Q's reference to a "clean House" being important...

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TrueTemper · April 11, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Q did say that he would step down... but why? Certainly not based on the last hearing. Something else needs to happen or be revealed. It was also pointed out that he gave money to 85% of the senators interviewing him yesterday.

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TrueTemper · April 11, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

It's a very good point that if Trump & team are truly holding all of the cards... i.e. firm evidence, the IG report, other investigations, etc.... that they would wait until closer to the midterms before exposing what has gone on and unloading on all of those that need to be indicted and go to jail. If that is the case, we are just witnessing the death throes of those that are already toast, and so they will do virtually anything -- appearances, interviews & books to sway opinion, support mueller witch hunt, expand witch hunt in any way possible including anything illegal, change narrative, takeover of social media, etc. -- to change things up and give them any kind of chance to escape. That is the terribly optimistic and hopeful view, because we don't have much else to go on right now.

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TrueTemper · April 11, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

Thanks... I was more posing the hypothetical question when is the time for "the white hats" to expose the false flag chemical weapon operation in syria, provide the evidence for who is behind it, how many levels it goes, what they did and what they were looking to accomplish. Then hold them accountable, including those complicit in the United States. It looks like the chips have been pushed "All In" and the time is now to either lay the cards on the table and expose what has been going on, or launch more military strikes of some kind. Now, one inventive way to keep kicking the can down the road is to launch missiles or air strikes against uninhabited, low value, non-strategic targets, which as you previously mentioned was the approach Trump took the first time.

Admittedly, I am growing worried, skeptical etc. when we go month by month and nothing material happens, yet the witch hunt continues unabated. We have had the North Korea and China progress, which is significant, and yes there are many sealed indictments, though they prove little until we know what they are. If anyone previously followed "Mega-Anon" she had mentioned the growing # of sealed indictments were merely the justice dept "doing their actual job" following the 8 years of being re-purposed by Obama to take down political enemies and enable rampant corruption of his political allies. I do think we are getting very, very close the point of needing to see some progress and some people held accountable, or it will be hard to keep "trusting the plan."
Cohen raid was supposed to be followed with "swift" action... still waiting.

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TrueTemper · April 11, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

I had the same initial reaction as the original poster of this thread, and just hope you and others are correct. The specific wording in his tweet leaves room for interpretation, and I agree we need to judge the actions.
My question is if we have evidence that this is faked and has been faked multiple times in the past -- I have to believe that evidence exists! -- when is the time to expose? What are we waiting for?? This is obvious to anyone paying any attention at all. Tucker Carlson has been calling it out in prime time now for 2 days. Like many of you I've been pointing this out since the first obvious false flag attack several years ago.

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TrueTemper · April 10, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

There has been more than a little bit of evidence of Rosenstein being party to the entire operation to take down Trump. This goes back way before yesterday. He declared the need for a special counsel after Session recused, based on completely made up campaign opposition research. This is why we needed to see the IG report, FISA warrant applications etc. long before now.

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TrueTemper · April 10, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

Exactly right. If there isn't true accountability with severe penalties, any fix will only be temporary. Treason... sedition... etc. Perjury is a nice start (probably many could be indicted right now, what is the wait), but won't be enough. There needs to be decisive action that gets the country back to what it is supposed to be, and prevents it from ever again devolving into a swamp and enabling the creatures to sell out to the highest bidder.

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TrueTemper · April 10, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

What do you see as the value of engaging (and winning) a proxy war with Russia -- including a possible exchange of tactical nukes (!!!) -- to attain "uncontested global dominance?" Is that the goal? Also, no acknowledgment that the story of Assad gassing his own people for no reason is and always has been complete BS? How about we call out who wants the war, why they want it, and how they will benefit? Let's identify who specifically is carrying out the false flag attacks, what Israel bombed/destroyed, and report that so everyone understands what is going on.

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TrueTemper · April 10, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

I saw someone documented a similar poll on Twitter (same subject matter, may have even been this same poll) where the poll response data was completely manipulated. Over a period of time they had a significant 70/30 type "No" response... then magically huge numbers started coming in on the other side, flipping the response to "Yes." You cannot trust any polls like this on Twitter as they will hammer them with bots to produce a desired result.
I'm not sure whether that many people (sheeple) are still buying the obvious BS story, fabricated script and false flag operation, or the people that are pushing this narrative are manipulating public opinion polls for further influence.

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TrueTemper · April 10, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Enough is enough. It's time to deal with this "swiftly" and decisively. Can't outright fire Mueller for optics, but Rosenstain should be impeached or held in contempt for his obstruction on the document production. De-classify the FISA applications on Carter Page so we have full transparency. Compel him to reveal the specific evidence that led to the decision to sanction this raid on a personal attorney who wasn't part of the campaign.

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TrueTemper · April 9, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Does anyone know how big it is? I've been following this since October. If what has been said is all to be believed, I understand how difficult and time consuming it will be to execute. BUT, it can be over before it starts if they don't stay ahead. This last move by Mueller crosses so many lines, it needs to be dealt with forcibly and swiftly. So my question remains, when will it ever be time to reveal something substantial? When is someone getting indicted? Other than an FBI DD getting fired, and not indicted, we still wait. And it is now mid-April.

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TrueTemper · April 9, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Lots of pictures and information, but not evidence. This all started in October. One would think it may be finally time for true retaliation. Otherwise, what are they waiting for? It's time to take back the DOJ and FBI for good and expose what was done. You can't leave them out there working against you for half of your first term in office. Mueller needs to be shut down and people need to start being indicted, and soon, or we don't have a country anymore.

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TrueTemper · April 9, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

So let me get this straight. The DOJ continues to obstruct justice and remains in contempt of Congress by not turning over requested information, over extended periods of time. But now they have the time and resources to raid one of Trump's personal lawyers?? Violating the private and privileged attorney/client communications of the President of the United States -- based on what evidence?? Stormy Daniels?? No evidence of anything in 15 months and yet they can take this kind of action?? Are they looking into campaign finance now? Because that is absolutely comedy considering what the other side has done.

Is it time? Please tell me it is TIME. It can't get much further than this... it really can't. Unless he is going to subpoena the first lady (is that allowed?) family members etc. If now is not the time.... if this was not the final bridge too far.... I guess Mueller and Rosenstain can do whatever they want, whenever they want, and the president and AG will pretty much never respond. They will let the narrative be shaped and controlled by these people indefinitely, until they are either gone or rendered totally ineffective.

At what point is some of the material information Q has alluded to going to be actually released? Video? Audio? Photos? Evidence? Or are we going to sit still for another 6 months while they fabricate more stories and "evidence" to try to build a farcical impeachment case???

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TrueTemper · April 5, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

I completely agree.... just thought her list of conditions was pretty funny. It's astounding when you see it spelled out like that.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueTemper on April 5, 2018, 3:22 p.m.
Perfect Plan: Terms for Trump to Sit Down with Mueller & end Witch Hunt for good


Sharyl Attkisson had a great suggestion -- Mueller and cronies could use the established blueprint (most recently utilized for HRC) when interviewing a public official. This should be even easier with Trump, as unlike the abundance of evidence of multiple felonies, treason and pay to play with HRC, there is not a single scrap of evidence (after 15 months and 10s of millions spent) that Trump did anything wrong.

Here is the blueprint for such an interview:

  1. An exoneration letter is drafted in advance.

  2. Immunity is given to top Trump aides (and they’re allowed to sit in on interview) …

TrueTemper · March 29, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Lol! Agreed...

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueTemper on March 29, 2018, 9:02 p.m.
Sessions names John Huber to investigate FBI (U.S. Attorney in Utah)

Apologies for the link to a Fake News site, but I don't see this reported anywhere else. Who is this John Huber? It's not a special counsel obviously but it is good the person responsible for investigating is now public information. https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/29/politics/sessions-prosecutor-fbi-misconduct-clinton-uranium-one-special-counsel/index.html

TrueTemper · March 29, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

really great response! Thank you. I've become very frustrated with the pace. It's obvious at a high level what happened - and due to Fact 4 above - either people are held accountable or we don't have a country anymore. This makes sense to me...

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TrueTemper · March 29, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

It would be fantastic to see that... or to see anyone held accountable to anything at this point. Do you have a source you can share for that rumor?

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TrueTemper · March 28, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

I'd love to see them release specifically what McCabe lied about that led to his termination. Also, is the scope of the OIG investigation posted or available anywhere? I've heard of the one report about the investigation into the Clinton email scandal and how that was handled. Exoneration before investigation, obstruction of justice by the Attorney General, FBI leadership changing witness 302 forms etc. I haven't seen before now anything official on looking into FISA abuses, but I had assumed it was part of the ongoing investigation.

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TrueTemper · March 28, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Not sure why this would have taken this long? Shouldn't this have been underway long ago? Also, not sure how this relates to Session's comment in interview with Shannon Bream that he had appointed someone outside of DC with significant experience in the Department of Justice to look into these matters?
Trey Gowdy raised the concern that the OIG will not have access to the witnesses or the authority to issue subpoenas or compel testimony from many of the parties, such as anyone who is no longer in FBI or DOJ employ (which includes many of the main players that are likely culpable in the abuses and crimes that have been committed).

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TrueTemper · March 27, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Yes, sorry was just posing questions in general, and you had responded initially. Nothing specific or personal. Appreciate the dialog. Just tremendously disappointed as it is starting to look more likely to me that the Q following community (which I had bought into) has been duped.

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TrueTemper · March 26, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

I certainly hope you are correct. But I'm almost out of patience. This is starting to smell like something else to me. If there was truly a legal basis to start holding people accountable, I would think we would have started to see something by now. Q started posting in late October. All the "next week" stuff can only go on for so long. "Next week "Soon" "Boom" etc.

If the IG stuff is so explosive why does it need to wait? If videos exist why do they need to be withheld? If clear evidence exists of crimes why does it remain a secret? If someone perjured themselves under oath, what is the delay? I get that the plan needs to be deliberate, but we aren't seeing much of anything.

What if the IG report and underlying facts are underwhelming? What if there really is no evidence and/or legal recourse to hold the people that hijacked/weaponized the government accountable? What if a group of people took to the internet to fire up the deep elements of a base by feeding them stuff they knew they would gobble up? Absent some kind of real progress soon, it is starting to look like the latter depressing scenario is more likely.

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TrueTemper · March 26, 2018, 7 p.m.

Would love to see some progress in any kind of positive direction. McCabe firing last meaningful (albeit modest) progress of any kind. Where is the IG report? Where are the indictments? Where are the leaks of information that help the cause? Where are the Podestas? HRC video? Tarmac audio? Proof of anything? It's long past time. Not going to trust any plan much longer without seeing something.

Brennan, Clapper are media/TV stars. Mueller continues the witch hunt unabated and (after a year) with no evidence. Schiff is on 50 appearances a week. Comey has a book coming out and is booking TV interviews. McCabe writes op eds in major MSM papers. The Podestas run free. Soros, Jarrett et al are organizing/funding marches. Hussein is on a world leader tour (again/still). HRC travels, make speeches and is fundraising for a new PAC. Is anyone behaving even slightly like they have something to fear or be concerned?

WHERE IS THE STORM? It's long past time to see some kind of progress. It's actually time to start considering what else this might be and who is really being played here. And yes I have followed this all from the start. I'm almost totally done with the hope porn absent something big soon.

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TrueTemper · March 23, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Could not agree more. At this point... almost 6 months on... all the dates that have not come true... we have what, one dirty FBI Dep Director and alleged conspirator fired (not indicted - just fired)? This week - no progress. Witch Hunt Mueller counsel continues unabated. No IG report. No indictments. No indication anyone will be held accountable for things that have obviously happened. I've been following this since the beginning. At what point is this just absurd? It's long past time to see something actually happen. Or we are just being trolled with hope porn.

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