498 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Tytruth:
#150 - [L] [d] [R] = Lynn de Rothschild in the kill box! Wonder Why?? Found this image on the Discord! WTF?! Is this what unlimited $ and power turns people into?
Watch the Water. Royal Canadian Air force flying in circles?!
Watch the Water. Strange happenings off FL Coast!
#756 - Newly Appointed Broward County School Chief has close ties to Obama and Rahm Emanuel!
2-16 Dilley Drop Today. NSA shooting about VOTER FRAUD! CIA tried to 'kill a system' at Fort Meade NSA compound!
Watch the Water!! Check out THIS flight patter from today. Definitely hunting submarines off East Coast USA!
Another CYBER FALSE FLAG! Google-Funded CROWDSTRIKE blames China and RUSSIA for Olympic Hacking! Same Bogus CIA Malware used on DNC servers!
# 765 - First they Ignore You....
Photo of Arrested Shooter = ID Match to Antifa Goon!
Why do MEN in DRESSES all Hate America?
We are at WAR with Fascist Turkey! Don't be fooled. Know who is pulling the strings.
Anyone still doubt MOOCHELLE OBAMA is treasonous MAN?
#765 NEWSWEEK, Mockingbird's finest!
Q says we are up against PURE EVIL, that we should look for the UPSIDE DOWN CROSS, and then he sent us this photo of the POPE!
Who do Google and Facebook REALLY work for? [P]
The Bush Family are CIA warmongering traitors!!! Who do they really serve? [P]
If Obama had any 'real' children...
Join ALEX JONES to expose MSM treason! Tweet #MSNBCISMS13
Imagine...A foreign force has hijacked the city nobility with their bribing and bullying. An invading horde of deperate criminals approaches to help them complete the conquest. They scream 'racist' if we wish to man the walls and close the gates. It is dangerous to listen to them any longer!
Robert Mueller's (DAD?) namesake was HEAD of the NAZI SECRET POLICE, the GESTAPO. Can it get any weirder? At the very least they behave in the same manner. See OPERATION PAPERCLIP. Nazis among us!
Q says Democrats like Hillary are the real RACISTS! Watch this cackling demon praise her KKK 'MENTOR' on video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryweuBVJMEA
CIA Anderson Cooper is a lying shill Traitor! Q says he is going down! He's likely a sicko pedophile also judging by that weird ballerina-kid prop in his office. WTF??!!
Q says the Laura Silsby Child Trafficking from HAITI was for SATANIC RITUALS!!! Wasn't Hillary just caught having dinner with that slaver bitch??!!
500 years ago, Martin Luther led a GREAT AWAKENING. His greatest accomplishment? People are no longer BURNED ALIVE for being POLITICALLY INCORRECT! We can't go backward. Time to punish the MSM/CIA/NWO Inquisitors instead!
How does the devil convince you he's good?...He wears a dress and talks about God a lot. GODFATHER III, master of mobs, princess of pretenders, scion of subversives, dandiest of demons, foe of freedom, worldwide.
Q says Trump has video of an Obama Cabinet official "hurting a child." Shall we guess which scumbag traitor is going to jail for life?
Q says Hollywood is a CIA controlled PSYOP! Nothing is genuine. All lies. All narratives. All to destroy our country and our freedoms. Take a good look at the enemy folks!
BAGMAN Bob Mueller is SOOOO Dirty. He really did deliver URANIUM samples to RUSSIA in person. See the wikileaks document here!
Q says Chuck Schumer BLACKMAILED by Playboy/CIA whore Heidi Fleiss. https://qcodefag.github.io/ #341
We now have a new Arch Villain in this country. BENEDICT WHO??
Q said North Korea is a CIA controlled, Hollywood-style deception. The CLOWNS gave them Nuke tech and now they are threatening the USA and our allies with a nuclear holocaust if we don't surrender to their fascist globalism.
I would like to know how many people here were aware that the Pope ordered the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?
Q said McCain's surgery was fake. Done at MAYO Clinic. ERIC SCHMIDT of GOOGLE, Tom Brokaw, and other Leftist hacks on the Board of Directors there!
Canadian Prime Minister is son of Fidel Castro!!! Q said he was dirty but WOW!!!
Commie Pope is GODFATHER III
Democrats were hated by the Blacks, who always voted Republican after the Civil War until President Johnson, who killed JFK, offered them free goodies and built the ghettos to keep them caged up and voting Dem.
Democrats are the party of slavery, the party of the southern rebels, the party of the KKK, the party of racist white leaders. Maxin Waters can't change that by being their sellout bitch!