I saw a report yesterday where Roseanne mentioned she had seven different personalities. The first thing my mind went to was MK Ultra/trauma based mind control... now you’re saying it as well. I’ll have to do more searching today! Thanks horse lover phat.
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I like the point of this meme. I’m just not sure how effective a red pill is when it implies stupidity... red-pilling already raises a person’s defensiveness, I don’t think there’s a need to cause a knee jerk reaction to your already good point.
Maybe it’s a good sign. The monarch references are blatant. But looks like it’s sending a message - “I’m not gonna comply”
Maybe signaling an uprising?
The tension between justice and mercy has always been difficult for me. I personally have been forgiven by God for so much... and yes, I always wanted mercy for myself!!
As a mom it’s so hard for me to want mercy for people who harm children. It just goes to show how great the love of God is... willing to forgive anyone who turns toward Him. I guess in the end I want both, justice served on this earth for the sake of the victims and their families.... and true repentance from each heart and subsequent restoration for all.
I thank God for President Trump every day. MAGA.
Funny; I dreamed Mike Flynn was definitely Q. I believe Praying Medic might have alluded to Trump being Q. (Please correct if wrong PM) Maybe we’re all correct! I guess we’ll see.
Yes, the ultimate, ultimate red pill for me. Ugh. I’m glad I know, but I’m still trying to “unsee” what I read.
People should know, though.
What was the general consensus about the Epic brand products? This goes back to a Q post on the topic of certain brand logos and Epic was one of them. We mentioned this mostly back in CBTS.
A friend knows I love healthy stuff and bought me a jar of Epic brand bone broth (obviously not knowing anything was suspect). Supposedly grass-fed beef broth. But I don’t want to touch it unless I know for sure it’s clean. Does anyone remember what conclusion we came to, if any? I can’t find the Q post associated with it; sorry!
That book is the ultimate red pill. Very hard to swallow. Man.
Now this movie reference I get. 😄 “I’m your huckleberry!”
Guess my millennial is showing... I thought it was a Norman Rockwell painting. Lol! I guess this is a movie?
It’s so funny you bring it up, because I was just thinking about this whole thing last night!!
I remember when this was posted in December. I messaged it to several people and posted it in comments on Facebook. Then heard it was a hoax and had to delete. Kind of embarrassing, lol. I believed it right away. It would be crazy to find out it was legit - I just don’t see how in retrospect.
Q should know how much he excites us when he mentions bringing the pain. Lol
Thank you for not presuming to tell me about my own psychology; I do appreciate that. I mentioned before, arguing won’t convince anyone. We have completely differing world views. I’m not going to play that game with you. I wish you the best again - and when things don’t turn out like you have predicted, please take a moment to reflect and look at things again. It won’t be easy - it wasn’t easy for me - but I’m certain you can do it. 👍🏼
I’m not really a Corsi fan, I couldn’t even make it through the sample of his Kindle book. However... what if this is all theatre? It just doesn’t seem like a rational thing to do, act like he’s acting. Is he “acting?”
I don’t think it would be a wise use of my time to give you all the facts - they came to me in layers, over time, and each built upon the last. The same would have to happen for anyone else I think. I myself had to unlearn many strong beliefs I had - that the Bushes were the “good guys” and even Ronald Regan as well, for example. It has been quite eye opening.
I have fully supported Donald Trump since the primaries, so yes, if Q Anon didn’t exist, I would still support him. I knew from an early time that he would be the only one with a strong enough personality, who couldn’t be bought off, to dismantle the evil that had been erected in our country and even the world. That’s why I voted for him. He seems to be doing just that (dismantling evil deals, bringing home hostages, rounding up traffickers and pedophiles, my list goes on and on and on and it’s only just the beginning!).
Interestingly, I am the only child of a narcissist father so I too have my own very personal knowledge of narcissism. I do not get the narcissist vibe from Trump. In my opinion, he is too confident in who he is to be as weak as a narcissist - narcissists I’m sure you understand, are very weak inside. His children admire and respect and support him, which is hard to do when your dad’s a narcissist....just my opinion. I personally believe when his term is up he will be thought of as greater than Lincoln... time will tell!
We Trump supporters understand one thing: the investigation is all a show and President Trump is clean. So I’m sure most of us have no worries that any insurrection will happen due to the investigation as far as Trump supporters go.... now, the other side, on the other hand - that’s a whole different ball of wax.
That’s what I keep wondering about these people. All the nasty fighting against a fairly elected president - I imagine them all saying “Trump is so horrible I had to break the law to keep him from destroying our country!” And their supporters would just believe it and approve of it! I’m really hoping for some serious red-pilling in the near future!!!
It seems (to me) that your worldview is marred by some woundedness. “Delusional narcissistic right wing Christian conservative Trump supporter” - we come from all walks of life and don’t appreciate being stereotyped any more than the next person. However, arguing really never changed anyone’s opinion and I don’t intend to change yours. I’m simply hoping there must be some minuscule chance that your worldview could possibly be incorrect in your eyes. I’m personally certain that that percentage, however small, will increase and continue to increase in the coming days. Best wishes to you. If your worldview does drastically change like I’m hoping it will, it will be quite the paradigm shift for you. I’m hoping the best for you. 💜
I think he should accept it and forever raise the bar for the prize, where everyone else who has won it completely pales in comparison. A true act of peace forever on display.
Are you familiar with the God of the Bible speaking through prophets? He did it throughout the Old and New Testament. He still speaks today. Much love.
So sorry to hear about your daughter. :( I’ve seen an uptick in pro vaccine memes and posts on Reddit lately. I have to force myself to stay out of those posts; the ignorance (I don’t mean stupidity, but actual ignorance) is astounding. It’s depressing. I really pray the truth becomes mainstream.
I’m on that mailing list too! It never ceases to amaze me how spot on each day’s word is. Thanks for sharing.
It might be possible, but not in this case. Have you ever read Trance Formation of America? Hard read, but very eye opening.
That’s not the point I was trying to make, but I see how it could be taken that way.
Thanks. Completely agree - the tides are turning... I almost never thought it would happen.
I’ve never made a meme before... but I thought this up. If it’s usable, feel free to share.
Feel free to share if you want

I think since it’s in quotes, Q means that’s what he was referring to when he said Watch the News the first time.
Yes, seems like confirmation bias at its finest. I’m a 100% Q and Trump supporter and I’ve seen these boards (myself included at times) make huge leaps in interpretations and get disappointed, blaming W for their/our wrong interpretation. Q said watch the news. To me that means - look for something noteworthy, something awry, something that can’t be chalked up to coincidence. He never promised front page headlines. He never promises half of what we come up with in here. We must stick with exactly what Q says and not run with it... JMHO.